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are all begonias tuberous

by Giovanna Goodwin Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

  • There are over a thousand species of begonias, known to us, and not all of them are tuberous. ...
  • Begonia flowers range in size from half an inch to almost a foot across. ...
  • Cascading begonia types, such as illumination begonias, are perfect for planting in hanging baskets, since they'll grow over the edge and trail toward the ground. ...

Some begonias are semi-tuberous, with a swelling at the stem base instead of a true tuber. These begonias have tiny leaves with small flowers that are usually white but sometimes pink. Don't confuse shrub begonias with rhizomatous begonias.

Full Answer

What are the different types of tuberous begonias?

Types of tuberous begonias include upright or trailing varieties with single, double, or ruffled blooms in tropical shades of pink, yellow, orange, red, and white. The gold, purple, green, or burgundy leaves are nearly as attractive as the flowers. Tuberous begonias are frost-tender.

Can begonias be grown year-round?

If you live in USDA plant hardiness zone 10 and above, you can grow tuberous begonias outdoors year-round. Otherwise, you’ll need to dig the tubers and store them during the winter.

Are tuberous begonias Hardy in Minnesota?

Use tuberous begonias to brighten shady spots in your yard. Tuberous begonias are not hardy in Minnesota and can either be grown as annuals or their tubers can be overwintered indoors. An orange tuberous begonia.

What is the best book on tuberous begonias?

Tebbitt’s book Tuberous Begonias: A monograph of Begonia Section Australes, published by the American Begonia Society, is a documentary of this fascinating group of begonias as well as the first publication of many new species and natural hybrids.

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How do I know if I have tuberous begonias?

2:1413:45How to Identify a Begonia || What Begonia Do I Have? - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd the trailing ones have a tongue twister a name for their sub. Group. It's wait for it x tuberMoreAnd the trailing ones have a tongue twister a name for their sub. Group. It's wait for it x tuber hybrida.

Are there non tuberous begonias?

All non-tuberous begonias are frost-tender. For optimal growth, temperatures between 54°F (12°C) and 76°F (24°C) are required. Although they like good ventilation (which helps prevent mildew), they do not like cold winds.

Which begonias have tubers?

Non-stop begonias are a seeded double-flowered type of tuberous begonia (Begonia x tuberhybrida). This means that they are started from seed, grow and flower in just one season. They will develop a tuber that can be lifted in fall and overwintered indoors.

What is the difference between begonia and tuberous begonia?

Gently dig up your begonia and take a look at the roots. Fibrous-rooted begonias will look stringy; rhizomatous will have creeping surface stems and roots; and tuberous begonias have a round, flattened brown tuber that looks, well, a lot like a cow pie!

What is the difference between tuberous and non tuberous begonias?

► Here's the difference between Non-stop and the regular giant tuberous begonias! Non-stops have more but smaller flowers and leaves. They are more heat tolerant for inland growers and more sun tolerant along the coast.

Are begonias tubers or bulbs?

Tuberous begonias produce beautiful rose-like flowers in a variety of colors. They are started from tubers, which many refer to as bulbs, and should be planted in early spring. Gardeners love begonias because unlike most other flowering plants, they prefer shade over sun.

What does a tuberous begonia look like?

An orange tuberous begonia. Tuberous begonias are popular for their beautiful flowers that come in a variety of colors and forms. Red, orange, yellow, white, salmon and pink blooms may be single or double and may be plain, ruffled or toothed. Their petals may have margins, crests or blotches of contrasting color.

What are the different types of begonias?

Painted‑leaf begoniaWax begoniaTuberous begoniasPolka dot begoniaElatior BegoniaAngel wing begoniaBegonia/Lower classifications

How do you overwinter non tuberous begonias?

Keep wax begonias in a bright window and gradually reduce the amount of light to help them adjust to an indoor environment. Increase humidity levels but cut down on watering over winter. Once warm temperatures return, increase their watering and begin to move them back outdoors.

Are there two types of begonias?

They typically bloom during the summer. There are well over 1,000 different species of this plant that you can grow in your garden. Each variation of begonia is slightly unique, so you will need to care for each one differently. Let's take a look at some of the more common types that will look perfect in your garden.

How do you tell the difference between begonias and trailing upright?

Upright vs. You can buy tuberous begonias that primarily grow upright (i.e. the plants have shorter stems and stand up straight in their pots) or those that have more trailing habit (i.e. they have longer stems that will flop over the edge of their pot).

Do non stop begonias come back every year?

Begonia nonstop is often grown as an annual balcony plant and, like all other seasonal flowers, suffers from the arrival of autumn. However, this is a perennial plant, and it is possible to keep it over the winter to grow and bloom again next season.

Are non stop begonias tuberous?

Begonia 'Non Stop' is a vigorous tuberous begonia, bearing masses of pretty flowers in a range of colours including red and yellow, throughout summer and into autumn. It grows well in sun and shade and is perfect for growing in pots.

Are angel wing begonias tuberous?

Angel Wing Begonia is not a tuberous begonia. Angel Wing Begonia plants have fibrous root systems made up of a web of thin roots (not thick tuber roots). Angel Wing Begonias are a type of hybrid cane begonia, which all have fibrous root systems.

Are dragon wing begonias tuberous?

Dragon red wing begonia produces clusters of small tuberous (bell-like) scarlet-red flowers from late spring to fall (till the beginning of frost season), further enhancing the plant's attractiveness.

Are wax begonias tuberous?

These are not tuberous begonias, but are what is known as wax begonias.

What color are tuberous begonias?

Types of tuberous begonias include upright or trailing varieties with single, double, or ruffled blooms in tropical shades of pink, yellow, orange, red, and white. The gold, purple, green, or burgundy leaves are nearly as attractive as the flowers. Tuberous begonias are frost-tender.

How to store begonias?

Place each tuber in a small paper bag and store the bags in a cardboard box. Room temperatures for storage should be between 40 and 50 degrees F. (4-10 C.). Check the tubers occasionally and discard any that are soft or rotten. Replant the tuberous begonias in spring. Printer Friendly Version.

How long does it take for begonias to sprout?

Watch for the tubers to sprout in about a month. Plant each tuber into a pot when the shoots are about an inch (2.5 cm.) long, then move the pots to bright light. You may need supplemental light to prevent the plants from becoming spindly. Plant the begonias outdoors when you’re sure all danger of frost has passed.

Is tuberous begonia a plant?

However, tuberous begonia isn’t a plant-it-and-forget-it plant. Keeping the plant alive and healthy requires a bit of extra attention. Read on for some tuberous begonia growing tips.

Can you grow tuberous begonias in a corner?

Tuberous Begonia Care – How To Grow Tuberous Begonias. If you can’t decide what to plant in that protected, semi-shady corner, you can’t go wrong with tuberous begonia. However, tuberous begonia isn’t a plant-it-and-forget-it plant. Keeping the plant alive and healthy requires a bit of extra attention. Read on for some tuberous begonia growing tips.

Do tuberous begonias need sun?

Although tuberous begonias are shade-loving plants, they also require a bit of morning or late afternoon sunlight. A location in dappled or filtered light also works well, but the plants won’t survive midday sun or heat. Begonias need moist, well-drained soil and are likely to rot in soggy conditions.

What color are tuberous begonias?

Tuberous begonias are popular for their beautiful flowers that come in a variety of colors and forms. Red, orange, yellow, white, salmon and pink blooms may be single or double and may be plain, ruffled or toothed. Their petals may have margins, crests or blotches of contrasting color. Tuberous begonias bloom throughout the summer, ...

How to propagate tuberous begonias?

A common way to propagate tuberous begonias is to root cuttings. If you thin out the stems when they are about 3 inches tall, you can use those cuttings. Some gardeners cut a small piece of tuber with each shoot to increase the chances of the stem rooting, but the wound on the tuber may allow disease-causing organisms to attack the tuber.

How long does it take for a tuber begonia to grow?

Roots will develop from the bottom, sides and top of the tuber, and stems will sprout from the top. After about one month , the stems will be 1 inch tall.

How big should a small tuber be?

If you would like bigger flowers, thin the shoots when they're about 3 inches tall. Small tubers should have two or three stems, large tubers three to six stems, so pinch off any extras.

How to harden begonias?

To accustom the plants to outdoor conditions, begin hardening them off about two weeks before the last frost date. Move the plants outdoors on a warm day to a shaded, protected place. Bring them back in before temperatures cool off at night.

How to plant a tuber in a flat?

Plant the tubers in a flat of peat moss or vermiculite. If the stored tubers show no signs of disease, you can use the same medium in which they were stored. Otherwise, fill the flat with fresh peat moss or vermiculite. Find the upper surface of each tuber, the side with the depression or hollow.

Do begonias bloom in the summer?

Their petals may have margins, crests or blotches of contrasting color. Tuberous begonias bloom throughout the summer, thriving in shady spots where few other plants with long bloom periods and showy flowers can grow. They are often used as container plants on patios and porches, in hanging baskets, and as bedding plants.

How tall do begonias grow?

Begonia 'Lace Apricot'. Tuberous Begonias typically grow 12-18 in. tall (30-45 cm) and are divided into various groups depending on the shape of their flowers (camellia, carnation, rose), their petals (single, double, ruffled, banded) or habit (bushy, cascading).

What is the color of the begonia?

A favorite of many for its spectacular display, award-winning Begonia 'Encanto Orange' produces masses of vivid, reddish orange blossoms held on bright red stems amongst a delicately pink-edged, glossy green foliage. It is perfect for vertical gardens with its eye-catching and elegant cascades of fiery red, elongated flowers resembling fuchsias. Heat tolerant, introduce this trailing Begonia to your containers and hanging baskets and you will be rewarded with bright notes of color throughout summer and fall!

How big is a begonia apricot?

Begonia 'Picotee Lace Apricot' is an indefatigable bloomer producing myriads of magnificent and huge, semi-ruffled, double flowers, up to 6 in. across (15 cm), from midsummer to frost.

What is a begonia lace red?

Begonia 'Picotee Lace Red' is an indefatigable bloomer producing myriads of magnificent and huge, semi-ruffled, double flowers, up to 6 in. across (15 cm), from midsummer to frost. Delicately pleated, the warm red petals are adorned with white lace at their tips and stand out against the foliage of deep green leaves. Compact and heat tolerant, this Begonia deserves a spot in your beds, borders, window boxes, containers and hanging baskets, and will reward you with constant cheerful notes of summer color!

What is nonstop pink begonia?

Begonia 'Nonstop Pink' is an indefatigable bloomer continuously producing myriads of magnificent and huge, fully double flowers, up to 4 in. across (10 cm), from late spring to frost. Resembling roses with their packed rows of vibrant pink petals, its flowers are truly spectacular and do not require deadheading. Hot weather resistant, Begonia 'Nonstop Pink' is a member of the famous 'Nonstop Series', which is among the best-selling tuberous begonias in the world. A favorite among the shade loving plants, this Begonia deserves a spot in your beds, borders, window boxes, containers and hanging baskets and will reward you with constant cheerful notes of summer color!

How big are pink begonias?

Begonia 'Picotee Lace Pink' is an indefatigable bloomer producing myriads of magnificent and huge, semi-ruffled, double flowers, up to 6 in. across (15 cm), from midsummer to frost. Delicately pleated, the soft pink petals are adorned with white lace at their tips and stand out against the foliage of deep green leaves.

How big is a nonstop fire begonia?

Begonia 'Nonstop Fire'. Begonia 'Nonstop Fire' is an indefatigable bloomer continuously producing myriads of magnificent and huge, fully double flowers, up to 4 in. across (10 cm), from late spring to frost.

How much sunlight does a tuberous begonia need?

They grow best in the filtered light beneath high trees, or in an area that receives about 4 hours of morning or late afternoon sunlight.

When do tuberous begonias bloom?

In cooler climates (zones 3-7), tuberous begonias are usually grown as annuals for flowers from summer through fall. To check your growing zone, use the USDA Hardiness zone map here. WHEN TO PLANT: Tuberous begonias will not grow in cold soil.

What is a begonia grandis?

They grow from fleshy, creeping roots and are usually maintained as houseplants. Begonia grandis is a hardy perennial begonia (zones 6-9) that’s often grown with hostas and astilbes. The focus of this article is tuberous begonias. These frost-sensitive plants grow from a fleshy tuber.

How long does it take for begonias to sprout?

Sprouts should appear in 2-4 weeks. If you are planting begonias in pots or planters, make sure the containers have a drainage hole on the bottom. Fill them with moistened growing mix that contains about 20% compost. Plant the tuber and cover it with about an inch of soil.

How to plant begonias indoors?

If you are planting begonia tubers directly into the garden, loosen the soil and dig a shallow hole. Tubers will be positioned about 1” below the soil surface. If you are starting the tubers indoors, you can plant them in individual pots or in a tray filled with several inches of moist growing mix.

What zone do wax begonias grow in?

Both grow from a clump of roots and are winter hardy in growing zones 9-11. Rhizomatous and rex begonias are valued for their decorative foliage.

Can begonias survive freezing temperatures?

Tuberous begonias are sensitive to cold and will not survive freezing temperatures. In zones 3-7, they are usually treated as annuals. At the end of the growing season, simply put the entire plant in your compost pile. If you want to save the begonia tubers and replant them next spring, here’s how to do it:

What is the difference between tuberous begonia and non-stop begonia?

What is the difference between a tuberous begonia and Non-stop begonias? Can the non-stops also be saved over winter? Non-stop begonias are a seeded double-flowered type of tuberous begonia ( Begonia x tuberhybrida ). This means that they are started from seed, grow and flower in just one season.

Can begonias be overwinter?

They will develop a tuber that can be lifted in fall and overwintered indoors. Some gardeners prefer to overwinter these and other tuberous begonias as houseplants indoors. Just move the plants to a sunny window or under artificial lights in fall before the first frost.

How tall do tuberous begonias grow?

When the plants have several leaves and are 4 to 6 inches tall, they need to be shifted outdoors (weather permitting), but now the grower faces some difficult questions. Not all locations are suitable for tuberous begonias—some are too sunny, others not sunny enough.

Do begonias grow limp?

Tuberous-rooted begonias, for the average home gardener, can be a challenge to grow. If not watered suffi­ciently, they become limp and do not flower properly. In contrast, more liberal watering is likely to produce the dread stem rot.

What are the different types of begonias?

20 Types of Begonias: Flowers, Leaves (With Pictures and Care Guide) Flowers. Begonia plants are famous for their spectacular colorful leaves and clusters of showy pink, red, yellow, orange, or white flowers. Species of begonia are grown as tropical tender perennials, bedding annuals, or houseplants. Popular types of begonia, such as wax begonias, ...

How big do begonias get?

Cold-hardy begonias grow up to 24” (60 cm) tall and wide. Some varieties of cold-hardy begonias include Begonia grandis ‘Alba’ with delicate white flowers and Begonia grandis ‘Torsa’ with large, broad leaves and clusters of pink flowers. Begonia grandis ‘Alba’.

How big do angel wing begonias get?

Angel wing begonias grow between 12” to 20” (30 – 50 cm) tall and up to 24” (60 cm) wide. Many angel wing begonia cultivars have polka dot leaves with toothed edges. So, even if you can’t get a begonia to bloom indoors, there is still plenty of interest from the foliage.

How tall do Rex begonias grow?

Rex begonias have rhizomatous roots and are popular houseplants due to their pointed leaves with fascinating patterns. The bushy begonias usually grow between 12” and 18” (30 – 45 cm) tall and wide. Tuberous begonias grow from roots called corms or tubers, but often called begonia bulbs.

What color are begonia leaves?

A common characteristic of begonia leaves is that they may have red undersides. Leaves of rex begonia. Begonia flower colors tend to be various shades of pink and red. However, depending on the hybrid, you will find begonias flowers with yellow, orange, white, and peach colors.

How tall are cane begonias?

Many types of cane begonias are known for their wing-shaped leaves with polka dot pattern and wide array of colorful flowers. Angel wing begonias and dragon begonias are types of cane begonias. In pots indoors, they reach 12” tall, outdoors up to 5 ft. (1.5 m) tall. Angel wing begonia is a type of cane begonia.

What zone do begonias grow in?

Hardy begonia cultivars thrive in USDA zones 6 to 9. The hardy begonias are tuberous, shade-loving perennials that have large green wing-shaped leaves with red undersides. The plants also have delicate clusters of small pink flowers dangling on the end of pinkish-red stems.


1.Growing Tuberous Begonias | The American Begonia …


35 hours ago Water. Like all begonias, tuberous will not do well in overwatering conditions. Considerations are water retention in different growing mediums, the size of the plant and tuber, and the container type. A smaller plant should be in a smaller pot. A large tuber/plant can be in a larger pot.

2.What Is A Tuberous Begonia: Tuberous Begonia Growing …


4 hours ago  · What is a Tuberous Begonia? Types of tuberous begonias include upright or trailing varieties with single, double, or ruffled blooms in tropical shades of pink, yellow, orange, red, and white. The gold, purple, green, or burgundy leaves are nearly as attractive as the flowers. Tuberous begonias are frost-tender.

3.Videos of Are All Begonias Tuberous


34 hours ago An orange tuberous begonia. Tuberous begonias are popular for their beautiful flowers that come in a variety of colors and forms. Red, orange, yellow, white, salmon and pink blooms may be single or double and may be plain, ruffled or toothed. Their petals may have margins, crests or blotches of contrasting color.

4.Tuberous begonias | UMN Extension


19 hours ago Tuberous Tuberous Begonias. There are many different tuberous types of begonias. Most produce tubers as the growing season ends... The ×tuberhybrida types. This is the glorious flowering group of begonias, with the largest flowers, and the widest...

5.Tuberous | The American Begonia Society


23 hours ago Begonias tuberhybrida (Begonia) No wonder Tuberous Begonias are extremely popular summer-flowering bulbs. They have so many qualities! A rich color palette with their beautiful flowers (red, white, pink, orange, yellow, purple, apricot, bicolor) atop large, dark green leaves;

6.Tuberous Begonias - Gardenia


28 hours ago In cooler climates (zones 3-7), tuberous begonias are usually grown as annuals for flowers from summer through fall. To check your growing zone, use the USDA Hardiness zone map here. When to Plant: Tuberous begonias will not grow in cold soil. Plant them outdoors in late spring after the soil is warm and all danger of frost has passed.

7.All About Begonias - Longfield Gardens


35 hours ago Non-stop begonias are a seeded double-flowered type of tuberous begonia (Begonia x tuberhybrida). This means that they are started from seed, grow and flower in just one season. They will develop a tuber that can be lifted in fall and overwintered indoors. Some gardeners prefer to overwinter these and other tuberous begonias as houseplants indoors. Just move the …

8.Difference Between Non-Stop and Tuberous Begonias


12 hours ago  · Begonias with tuberous roots are a large group of complex hybrids involving many species and years of breeding and development. They can often be identified by their prominent flowers , which can be single, double, ruffled, scented or multicolored, and range in size from 1/2-inch diameter to the size of a dinner plate.

9.Tuberous Begonia Propagation Guide - Country Tide


4 hours ago A tuberous begonia is among the most stunning of all begonia plants. Tuber begonias are known for exquisite, up to eight-inch, flowers that bloom nine months out of the year when grown outdoors. Better yet, tuberous begonias indoors can flower 365 days of the year.

10.20 Types of Begonias: Flowers, Leaves (Pictures and …


36 hours ago  · The hardy begonias are tuberous, shade-loving perennials that have large green wing-shaped leaves with red undersides. The plants also have delicate clusters of small pink flowers dangling on the end of pinkish-red stems.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9