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are all calories the same for weight loss

by Kacie McCullough Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

And researchers now know that calories from different foods have different effects on fullness, insulin response, the process of turning carbs to body fat, and metabolic energy expenditure. Where your health is concerned, count more on the quality of the calories you consume than the calorie count.Dec 27, 2021

Full Answer

Does all calories matter for weight loss?

If you eat too much of anything, you'll get fat. Essentially, you CAN have too much of a good thing. This is why a calorie deficit is so important for weight loss. Consume fewer calories than you burn and you'll lose weight and fat.

Are all calories considered equal?

Yes, by definition, a calorie is the same no matter what you eat. As defined, a calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise 1 kilogram of water by 1℃, so technically, 100 calories of cake offers the same amount of energy as 100 calories of kale.

Does it matter where your calories come from?

Evidence from recent research suggests that it does matter where a calorie comes from because its source influences the intake of the next calorie. Changes in macronutrient intake (the ratio of carbohydrates, fat and protein in a diet) may significantly affect a person's total energy intake.

Does your body process all calories the same?

For many years, dieticians thought that it did not matter what sort of food a calorie came from. But it turns out that your body handles different sources of nutrition differently, and different bodies will metabolize foods in different ways.

How many calories should I eat to lose weight?

For example, to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week — a rate that experts consider safe — your food consumption should provide 500 to 1,000 calories less than your total weight-maintenance calories. If you need 2,325 calories a day to maintain your current weight, reduce your daily calories to between 1,325 and 1,825.

What foods put on the most weight?

11 Foods That May Contribute to Weight GainSoda. Soda is high in calories and added sugar, yet it lacks important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants ( 1 ). ... Sugar-sweetened coffee. ... Pizza. ... Cookies and doughnuts. ... French fries and potato chips. ... Sugary breakfast cereals. ... Chocolate. ... Fruit juice.More items...

Can I eat whatever I want as long as I count calories?

Eating whatever you want while staying within your recommended daily calories will keep you from gaining weight, but it won't necessarily provide you with sufficient amounts of the essential nutrients for good health. Both how much you eat and what you eat are important for staying healthy as you get older.

Do the kinds of calories you eat matter?

And researchers now know that calories from different foods have different effects on fullness, insulin response, the process of turning carbs to body fat, and metabolic energy expenditure. Where your health is concerned, count more on the quality of the calories you consume than the calorie count.

What unhealthy food has the most calories?

High-calorie foods (also known as calorie-dense or energy-dense foods) include things like:chocolate and food, like burgers, fried chicken or fries.pastries.

Do all calories get absorbed binge?

No matter how efficient your digestive tract is, you don't absorb every calorie from the food you eat and the amount you do absorb varies depending on the type of macronutrient. Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are the most completely absorbed and protein the least.

Does every calorie you eat get absorbed?

You don't absorb every calorie you eat. Some foods, particularly those high in fiber, make their way through the digestive system without being completely broken down. Others, some of the higher fiber foods (specifically those in the soluble variety), can prevent absorption of fat. Whole almonds are a good example.

How soon after eating are calories absorbed?

The absorption process begins around 3-6 hours after eating. "Nutrients get absorbed as the food is broken down, with the majority of nutrients being absorbed in the small intestine, where they're then transported into the blood stream," McLeod explained.

Are all calories the same calories?

And researchers now know that calories from different foods have different effects on fullness, insulin response, the process of turning carbs to body fat, and metabolic energy expenditure. Where your health is concerned, count more on the quality of the calories you consume than the calorie count.

Why are not all calories equal?

Different foods go through different biochemical pathways, some of which are inefficient and cause energy (calories) to be lost as heat ( 1 ). Even more important is the fact that different foods and macronutrients have a major effect on the hormones and brain centers that control hunger and eating behavior.

Are all calories converted to fat?

The more calories a food has, the more energy it can provide to your body. When you eat more calories than you need, your body stores the extra calories as body fat. Even a fat-free food can have a lot of calories. Excess calories in any form can be stored as body fat.

Does it matter what you eat as long as you stay within calories?

From a strictly biological perspective, the “calories in versus calories out” model matters for weight loss. You will only lose weight if you consume fewer calories than you burn, regardless of the types of food you eat.

What foods cause weight gain?

In another trial that estimated food intake, changes in lifestyle and weight fluctuations among more than 120,000 people over the course of 20 years, food patterns associated with weight gain emerged: People whose diets included more servings of potato chips, potatoes, sweetened drinks and red and processed meats gained the most weight — an average of about 17 pounds over the course of the study. In other words, these foods seem to drive weight gain. On the other hand, some foods (including fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, and yogurt) protected against weight gain.

Does diet affect disease?

Diet and disease risk. Over and over, research shows that certain foods lower the risk of disease, and repeatedly, the harms of refined grains, sugary drinks and overly processed foods are documented in studies.

Is it bad to label food as bad?

Determining what to eat can be confusing. There’s no shortage of advice coming from all directions —television hosts and doctors, food celebrities, Instagram influencers, your office cube mate, etc. And while it’s been said that labeling foods as “bad” can trigger guilt and shame upon eating them, suggesting that all calories (or foods) are created equal might not help the eight in 10 people who say they’ve seen conflicting information about what to eat and report feeling confused.

Why are calories not the same?

The major fact behind that ‘all the calories are not same’ is energy requirement to metabolize the calories from different source. Generally, more energy is required to process protein than carbohydrates and more energy is required to process carbohydrates than fat.

How do calories affect the body?

The main reason behind this is when you cut down the calories by skipping your meals . Your body considers this as unavailability of food and therefore goes in conservation mode. In this situation, your body starts conserving each calorie you eat and effectively increase the value of each calorie by slowing down your metabolism.

Why are calories important in food?

Calories of a food gives you an idea of energy being provided by that food and helps you in managing your health and weight but before considering all the foods of same calories to be same look for its overall nutritional quality.

Does protein reduce appetite?

Therefore, a person who increases his daily protein intake without decreasing the amount of carbohydrates, fat or any other nutrient likely to eat less due to reduced appetite. This also happens because protein provides you a feeling of being full for longer as compared to carbohydrate or fat.

Is fiber a calorie?

Its keeps you full for longer and therefore contribute to your satiety. Thus, a calorie inside a high-fiber food is not equal to a calorie inside a low-calorie food – yet another reason for ‘a calorie is not a calorie’.

Are All Calories the Same?

Anyone who has tried to lose weight knows the basic formula starts with slashing calories. For decades, the research has supported the concept of reducing calories by about 3500 to reduce a pound of weight. Achieving the 3500 calorie deficit can be done alone or preferably in combination with exercise.

Is Your Stomach Cramp Actually Diverticulitis?

We've all been there — we get a cramp in our stomach, maybe with some nausea or constipation. It's easy to think it may just be indigestion. But what if it's something more serious like diverticulitis? That's a condition of inflammation or infection in one or more small pouches that can form in your digestive tract.

Why isn't a calorie a calorie?

Here are 6 proven examples of why a calorie is not a calorie. 1. Fructose vs Glucose. The two main simple sugars in your diet are glucose and fructose. Gram for gram, the two provide the same number of calories. But the way they are metabolized in the body is completely different ( 2 ). ).

How many calories are in a 100 calorie diet?

If you go with a thermic effect of 25% for protein and 2% for fat, this would mean that 100 calories of protein would end up as 75 calories, while 100 calories of fat would end up as 98 calories. Studies show that high-protein diets boost metabolism by 80–100 calories per day, compared to lower-protein diets ( 8.

How many calories are in a gram of protein?

Protein contains 4 calories per gram, but a large part of these protein calories is lost as heat when it’s metabolized by the body. The thermic effect of food is a measure of how much different foods increase energy expenditure, due to the energy required to digest, absorb and metabolize the nutrients.

How many joules are in a calorie?

It’s true that all calories have the same amount of energy. One dietary calorie contains 4,184 Joules of energy. In that respect, a calorie is a calorie. But when it comes to your body, things are not that simple. The human body is a highly complex biochemical system with elaborate processes that regulate energy balance.

Which is more efficient, metabolic pathways or carbs?

The more efficient a metabolic pathway is, the more of the food’s energy is used for work and less is dissipated as heat. The metabolic pathways for protein are less efficient than the metabolic pathways for carbs and fat.

Is protein the same as carbs?

It’s very clear that when it comes to metabolism and appetite regulation, a protein calorie is not the same as a calorie from carbs or fat.

Is the calorie myth harmful?

Of all the nutrition myths, the calorie myth is one of the most pervasive and most damaging. It’s the idea that calories are the most important part of the diet — that the sources of these calories don’t matter. “A calorie is a calorie is a calorie,” they say — that it doesn’t matter whether you eat a 100 calories of candy or broccoli, ...

What is the difference between calories in and calories out?

The “calories in versus calories out” model is based on the idea that to maintain a stable weight, the number of calories you eat needs to match the number you expend. “Calories in” refers to the calories you get from the foods you eat, while “calories out” is the number of calories you burn. There are three main bodily processes that burn calories:

How much of the calories you eat is used for digestion?

Digestion. Around 10–15% of the calories you eat is used to power digestion. This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF) and varies based on the foods you eat ( 2, 3 ).

Why do we need a calorie deficit?

You need a calorie deficit to lose weight. Summary. Your body uses the calories you get from food to fuel your basal metabolic rate (BMR), digestion, and physical activity. When the number of calories you consume matches the number of calories you burn, your weight will remain stable.

What is the difference between nutrient dense and less nutrient dense foods?

Nutrient-dense foods provide higher amounts of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial compounds per gram compared with less nutrient-dense foods. For instance, fruits are much more nutrient-dense than donuts. Calorie for calorie, fruit will provide a much larger dose of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds.

When the number of calories you take in from food matches the number of calories you burn to sustain your metabolism, answer?

When the number of calories you take in from food matches the number of calories you burn to sustain your metabolism, digestion, and physical activity, your weight will remain stable . Thus, the “calories in versus calories out” model is strictly true. You need a calorie deficit to lose weight.

Does weight loss always result from a calorie deficit?

This is true regardless of whether your calories come from carbs, fat, or protein ( 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ).

Do calories in and calories out help you lose weight?

To lose weight, your “calories in” need to remain fewer than your “calories out.” Some factors can make calories seem irrelevant for weight loss, but research controlling for these factors shows that weight loss always requires a calorie deficit.


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What A Nutritionist Wants You to Know

1.Are all calories the same? – Diet Doctor


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2.Ask a dietitian: Are all calories created equal? - NBC News


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3.Are All Calories the Same? - The Dr. Oz Show


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6.Videos of Are All Calories the same for Weight Loss


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