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are chinese red dates good for you

by Frida Hickle V Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Jujube fruits, also known as red or Chinese dates, are low in calories and rich in fiber and other nutrients. Due to their antioxidant content, they may offer some health benefits, but more human research is needed. You should avoid the fruit if you take venlafaxine or certain anti-seizure medications.Aug 23, 2019

Are Chinese Red dates bad for You?

While Chinese red dates have many health benefits, they are regarded as very sweet and tonifying in Chinese medicine, so they may not be suitable to consume for some body types and during certain illnesses. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it may be best to avoid Chinese red dates, or to limit the amount you eat:

What are Chinese Red dates used for?

Chinese red dates are one of the most popular foods used for health in China. Chinese people treat dates as a food, a health tonic, and a traditional herb. Many traditional herbal formulas include dates as they are used for balancing the herbal formula, and the Qi and Blood for the body.

Are red dates good for You?

Red dates are one of the most popular health foods with the Chinese people. The health benefits of red dates are immense and these dates are often used as food, in making health tonic, to be added in traditional herbs, and even in desserts.

What are the benefits of Chinese dates?

An ancient traditional Chinese book called Ben Jin, along with other Chinese herbal text books all claim that Chinese dates can strengthen the Spleen and Stomach Qi (energy) which helps to digest food, tonify blood and calm the mind.


Is eating red dates good for health?

Dates are a very healthy fruit to include in your diet. They are high in several nutrients, fiber and antioxidants, all of which may provide health benefits ranging from improved digestion to a reduced risk of disease.

Is red dates high in sugar?

Dates have a low GI, which means they're less likely to spike your blood sugar levels, making them a safe choice for people with diabetes. Moreover, dates have a medium GL, which means that 1 or 2 fruits at a time are a good choice.

What are the healthiest types of dates?

Medjool dates are also an excellent source of phytonutrients, plant compounds that may have health benefits. Studies have shown they can stimulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, prevent DNA damage, and improve hormone regulation.

What is Chinese wolfberry good for?

Besides its uses in food and culinary, wolfberry has long played important roles in TCM where they are believed to enhance immune system function, improve eyesight, protect liver, boost sperm production and improve circulation, among other effects.

What are the benefits of red date?

RED DATES NUTRITION FACTS Dried red dates (jujube) is high in antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolics. They are also packed with vitamins, especially the B and C vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron.

Which brand dates is best?

Your Go-to List for the Best Quality Dates in India in 2022 :Check out Happilo Premium International Omani Dates. ... Look for Medjool Plus Premium Dates. ... Grab a pack of Markstor Ajwa Al-Saudi Dates. ... Nothing better than Dry Fruit Hub Soft Kimia Dates. ... Markstor Original Kimia Dates are the Finest.More items...•

How many dates should I eat a day?

It is ideal to have 100 g of dates or a handful of dates every day to get all the essential nutrients, alhough the quantity to be consumed may differ from person to person based on calorie needs and underlying health conditions.

Are dates anti inflammatory?

Dates are a dry fruit known to have antioxidant properties, but they are also powerful anti-inflammatories and can help reduce chronic inflammation. You can follow a list of anti-inflammatory foods, including vegetables and fruits like dates, to protect your body against chronic inflammation and other diseases.

1. Red date wine (maintains blood flow)

Chinese red dates soaked in red wine will help to maintain the strong flow of blood through your arteries. During the soaking process, the rich nutrients of the dates will easily dissolve into the wine.

2. Chinese red date soak (liver detoxification)

Dates soaked in water help to nourish the liver and detoxify the body. Drinking red date water every day can increase the body’s serum protein levels, which helps to protect the liver and detoxify the body.

3. Chinese red date porridge (soothes the nerves to help sleep)

Brewing equal amounts of freshly dried lily flowers, lotus seeds, and red dates in water to serve as a tea will help to alleviate stress. The same benefits can be found when dates are cooked with millet.

4. Jujube steamed fungus (eases sunspots or freckles)

Chinese red dates steamed with black fungus can help to maintain your youthfulness and muscle tone. They can even help to reduce facial freckles.

5. Chinese red date boiled soup (maintains youthfulness)

Red dates boiled with eggs can also help to maintain your youthfulness. Boil the red dates with longan fruit and brown sugar until the dates and longans are soft. Turn the heat down to a simmer and add one egg to the mixture until it is cooked.

6. Chinese red date ginger tea (soothes the stomach)

Red dates boiled with raw ginger can help to soothe the stomach. Combine licorice, cloves, and frankincense together and grind into a powder. Next, add red dates, raw ginger, and salt to taste, and bring the mixture to a boil in water to serve as tea.

7. Chinese red date black tea (protects the throat)

Red date tea can also help alleviate a dry throat. Stir fry some red dates until they are black in color, then boil the dates and serve as tea. Adding some longan fruit will also aid in the treatment of a dry throat.

there are different forms of this fruit

FRESH – it is somewhat less sweet, but not Sauer. It’s hard, like an apple, not very juicy.


Later, I learned that this fruit is considered a good source of blood and Qi in China. In Chinese Medicine, if you are “lucking blood or Qi”, eating this fruit (dry and red) will help you regain strength. For example, it is recommended for women during their period or after birth, also if the person has anemia, etc.

CHINESE RED DATES nutritional facts

Looking at the nutritional facts of Jujube, these berries are packed with an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Fresh jujube is an excellent source of vitamin C.

Other Info

If you want to buy whole dry fruits, choose one, which is dark red with a good consistency (pretty hard and filled in).

2. Help digestion

Red dates are rich in fiber. Three dates contain one-fifth of the adult daily fiber requirement. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition indicated that consuming the right amount of red dates daily can improve the peristalsis rate of the intestines, reducing chemical substances that may cause cancer.

3. Natural sweetness

Sun-dried red dates are so naturally sweet that people often think they have added sugar. This is not the case, as the fruit is so sweet it doesn’t require any added sugar. It has a high nutritional value whether it’s consumed as dried fruit, part of a dessert, or as a snack.

4. Skincare

Red dates contain Vitamin B, which promotes blood circulation. In addition, their high concentration of Vitamin C effectively reduces the production of melanin and spots, while also making the skin smooth and soft.

5. Prevent hair loss

The fruit supports both spleen and stomach functions. Good spleen function leads to firm skin and shiny, healthy hair, minimizing hair loss.

6. Strengthen the body and nourish the kidney

Red dates are rich in cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which has the effect of dilating blood vessels and improving blood supply to the kidneys. Traditional Chinese medicine holds that red dates are good for men’s health. They not only strengthen muscles and bone, but they also help treat sexual dysfunction.

Red date green tea

The most common red date tea is red dates with wolfberries or longans. You can buy the tea from Chinese pharmacies, traditional markets, and also supermarkets. Making your own red date tea is easy if you prefer homemade over store-bought. First, you need to wash the red dates and other ingredients.

Rich in antioxidants

Jujube fruits are rich in several antioxidant compounds, primarily flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids. They also contain high levels of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant as well ( 4 ).

May improve sleep and brain function

Jujubes are widely used in alternative medicine to improve sleep quality and brain function. Emerging research suggests their unique antioxidants may be responsible for these effects.

May improve digestion

Jujube’s high fiber content may help improve digestion. About 50% of the carbs in the fruit come from fiber, which is known for its beneficial digestive effects ( 1, 2, 24, 25 ).

What Are Red Dates?

Red dates, also called jujube, are brown-red stone oval fruits with thin shiny skin. They vary in sizes between 2.5 and 6 centimeters, and grow on trees. The red date tree, Ziziphus zizyphus, is also called jujube tree or Ziziphus jujube.

Nutritional Facts Of Red Dates

First, dates contain many vitamins. B vitamins are well represented in dates and this means that you get a lot of vitamin B if you regularly eat dates. In particular, vitamin B6, also called pyridoxin, is common in dates.

Health Benefits of Red Dates

In addition to vitamins and minerals, there are other healthy substances in dates.

How To Use Red Dates

Many traditional herbal remedies include dates as they are used to improve blood circulation. Red dates are very versatile and can be eaten in many ways. They are also easy to store and be used easily.

How To Make Red Dates Tea

Red dates are usually available in three forms: fresh, dried and sweet dates. Although the fresh fruit is good to eat and is full of vitamin C, dried red dates are often used to make tea or soup.

Recommended Intake of Red Date Tea

To prepare a red date tea is not really difficult. In fact it is quite easy to serve homemade red date tea. Try to look at below recipe in creating the tea:

Side Effects of Red Date Tea

The red date tea also have several side effects. Therefore, put on some cautions on below points when consuming the tea:

Glycemic index and glycemic load

The glycemic index (GI) is another factor to take into account when considering if dates are suitable for those with diabetes. A food’s GI reflects its effects on blood sugar levels.


Dietary fiber helps slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, thereby helping prevent blood sugar spikes.


Two pitted Medjool dates contain 26 milligrams (mg) of magnesium. This equates to 8% of an adult female’s recommended daily allowance (RDA) and 6% of a male’s, based on the RDAs from the Office of Dietary Supplements.


Each serving of two dates contains 334 mg of potassium. This equates to almost 10% of an adult male’s RDA and almost 13% of a female’s.


Dates contain potent antioxidants that may benefit those with diabetes. They are high in polyphenols, which can reduce inflammation in the body.


Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring substances that may have similar effects in the body to the hormone estrogen. Dried dates have the second-highest phytoestrogen content of any fruit.


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2.7 Health Benefits of Chinese Red Dates - Nspirement


32 hours ago  · Dates are definitely worth adding to your diet, as they are both nutritious and delicious. Is red dates good for cough? Good for digestion as well as sore throats, dried red dates are an easy cupboard staple. When you feel a scratchy cough coming on, rinse three or four dates, drop them into a mug, then pour about half a cup of boiling water over the dates and let them …

3.Chinese Red Dates Health Benefits And Nutritional Facts


13 hours ago  · Red dates are rich in cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which has the effect of dilating blood vessels and improving blood supply to the kidneys. Traditional Chinese medicine holds that red dates are good for men’s health. They not only strengthen muscles and bones, but they also help treat sexual dysfunction. Red date tea recommendation

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33 hours ago  · Jujube fruits, also known as red or Chinese dates, are low in calories and rich in fiber and other nutrients. Due to their antioxidant content, they may offer some health benefits, but more human ...

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29 hours ago In all ancient traditional Chinese herbal text books, red dates are always mentioned for strengthening the spleen and stomach Qi (energy) – which in turns helps to digest food, tonify blood and tranquilize the mind. Red dates are often eaten with dry longan and eggs.

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18 hours ago  · Traditionally, Chinese women eat red dates or boil red dates tea regularly to help replenish monthly lost blood. It is also said to be the elixir of life that gives youthful looking skin. Women who have newly given birth are given brewed red dates tea that is nourishing, improve blood circulation and revitalize overall body and health wellness.

7.10 Magnificent Health Benefits of Red Date Tea


31 hours ago This is the same health benefits of ragi powder that can reduce cholesterol level in the body. 10. To prevent cancer. The tea also benefit as an anti-cancer that can act to eliminate cancer cell. It breaks down the nutrient absorption of cancer cell and replace with a good cell in the body.

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20 hours ago  · Dates may be an enjoyable and safe treat for many people with diabetes and prediabetes. The fruit consists of a low GI, meaning it does not cause significant blood sugar spikes when people eat it ...

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