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are dandelions good for compost

by Flavie Bogisich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Leave the roots in the ground. As a perennial plant they will often regrow, or eventually decay and enrich the soil food web. Dandelions also make great compost heap additions, but they can go to seed even after they're picked.

Can you put dandelion seeds in compost?

If those dandelions you pull no longer have yellow heads, but fluffy white ones, it may be best to throw them in the trash and keep those seeds out of your compost. Even “good” plants like flowers and vegetables may have seeds that will survive and grow in your compost.

Do dandelions need sunlight to grow?

The dandelions can not continue growing and produce seed without sunlight. More good news is that dandelions are about as high in nitratgen as weeds and grass come. You should continue mowing and catching the young plants for compost as long as you have room and a need for compost.

How do you get rid of dandelions?

I try to bury them with other plant material to keep the seed confined to the compost pile. They may not continue growing but you can pull dandelion flowers and toss them in a pile, and in a day or two they will have seed puffs on them.

Are dandelions good fertilizer?

Dandelions are rich in potassium, a must have for many plants. The extremely long tap root uptakes valuable minerals and other nutrients from the soil. If you just toss them away, you are wasting an inexpensive, highly nutrient rich fertilizer. Read on to learn more. Dandelions are actually incredibly useful.


Can you put dandelion into compost?

Yes, you can compost dandelions – but a bit of care is needed. Dandelions with their roots attached should be avoided as they have a tendency to regrow.

Are dandelions good for the soil?

Dandelions are good for your lawn. Their wide-spreading roots loosen hard-packed soil, aerate the earth and help reduce erosion. The deep taproot pulls nutrients such as calcium from deep in the soil and makes them available to other plants.

Why should you not put weeds in compost?

The problem of having weeds in the compost bin is the possibility of getting weeds in your garden. Seeds and roots that survive composting can crop up in your beds.

What flowers should not be composted?

Secondly, do not add thorny rose stems, bulbs, any flowers that have been treated with toxic herbicides and certain poisonous plants to your compost. The overall reason is that they can slow down the decomposition process, with the thorny stems as well as bulbs, corms and tubers taking up to two years to rot.

What are the disadvantages of dandelions?

Dandelion might cause allergic reactions, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or heartburn in some people.

Should I remove dandelions from my lawn?

Dig 'em Out Please don't bother with the time and expanse of using an herbicide on your entire lawn. Removing the dandelion's entire tap root is essential! If you remove just the dandelion flower and plant from the surface of the soil a new plant will grow.

What are 3 things you shouldn't compost?

What NOT to CompostMeat and Fish Scraps.Dairy, Fats, and Oils.Plants or Wood Treated with Pesticides or Preservatives.Black Walnut Tree Debris.Diseased or Insect-Infested Plants.Weeds that Have Gone to Seed.Charcoal Ash.Dog or Cat Waste.

What is a natural compost accelerator?

What is a Compost Accelerator? Compost accelerators (which can also be called compost activators or compost starters) are concentrated fungi and bacteria packages. When applied, they can jumpstart or bootstrap the decomposition process. They “accelerate” decomposition!

What weeds Cannot be composted?

The latter being the most problematic from dandelion, buttercup, nettles, docks and thistles to invasive types such as couch grass, bindweed/convolvulus, horsetail and ground elder.

Can you put eggshells in compost?

Let's just start out by saying: putting egg shells in your compost is okay; they are a rich source of calcium and other essential nutrients that plants need.

Are dead flowers good for compost?

Can You Compost Dead Flowers? In general, yes, you can compost dead flowers. If they're totally withered and dried, that's a brown waste. If they are part dead and part alive, you've got a combination of green/brown waste.

Can you put onions in compost?

Can you compost onions? The answer is a resounding, “yes.” Composted onion waste is just as valuable an organic ingredient as most any with a few caveats.

What are the benefits of dandelions?

13 Emerging Health Benefits of DandelionHighly nutritious. ... Contains potent antioxidants. ... May help fight inflammation. ... May aid in blood sugar management. ... May reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. ... May lower blood pressure. ... May promote liver health. ... May aid weight loss.More items...

Are dandelions good for anything?

Dandelions pack a whole lot of vitamins and minerals into a small plant. “They're probably the most nutritionally dense green you can eat — outstripping even kale or spinach,” Geib says. Dandelion greens, in particular, are a great source of vitamins and minerals such as: Vitamins A, C and K.

What do dandelions tell you about your soil?

Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) generally indicate poor soil that is low in calcium, as well as compacted. The dandelions' taproots, however, are doing the job of breaking up the soil! Look into aerating your soil so it's not compacted.

Do dandelions fix nitrogen?

Dandelions can capture the nitrogen thank to symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and microorganisms living in their roots; the nitrogen fixation process reduces the need to apply mineral fertilizers- chemicals harmful to the soil's micro-fauna and difficult to dose properly.

dandelions in the compost?

I have a massive crop of dandelions in the lawn. I had dug up a large pail of them and threw them into the compost without thinking. They were all in flower, but not gone to seed yet.

Comments (12)

I'm nervous about putting weeds and weed roots in my compost as well...

How to make dandelion tea?

For the first method, obtain a large bucket with a lid. Place the weeds in the bucket, roots and all. Add water, about 8 cups (2 L.) per pound (0.5 kg.) of weeds. Cover the bucket with the lid and leave it for 2-4 weeks.

Can you use dandelion weed for tea?

Not only can you eat the tender young greens in the early spring, but later in the season, you can dry the larger leaves and use them for tea. The tight green buds can be eaten and the mature, fully opened blossoms can be used for jelly and tea.

Can you recycle fertilizer made from weeds?

Using fertilizer made from weeds is recycling at its best. Fertilizer made from weeds requires very little except a little elbow grease from you and a little time. You can use other weeds to make into fertilizer as well such as:

Can you weed out dandelions?

Even the milky sap extruded from the plant has been used topically to remove warts. If you aren’t into the edibility of dandelions and consider them noxious, you probably weed them out or dare I say it, poison them. Don’t do it! Make the effort to weed them and then turn them into dandelion fertilizer tea.

How long does it take for a plant to dry before throwing it in the compost pile?

Before throwing them on the compost pile, leave them to dry in the sun for 1-2 days, that usually kills them. Avoid composting the seeds unless you're absolutely sure your compost gets hot enough to kill them though.

How old do you have to be to post on compost?

For all your composting needs. Post requirements: Accounts need to be at least 30 days old and have a combined 100 karma. Just trying to set reasonable minimums to maintain the spam.

Why did NYC stop collecting organics in 2020?

14 days ago. NYC stopped collecting organics in May 2020 because of Covid. My yard is paved, so I got a Joraform. Even though it's insulated, it didn't cook through the winter, even with hot water bottles, but it still yielded two 5gal buckets worth from May to December. Ready for the 2021 season!

What animals can be attracted to decomposition?

Many can slow the decomposition process down, while others attract rodents, raccoons and other unwanted pests.

Can meat be composted?

Along the same lines as fat, grease and oil, meats are a big no-no for composting.

Can you keep compost bins healthy?

But by simply avoiding placing some of these “trouble-causing” materials in your compost bins, you can keep your pile healthy and thriving.

Should you remove seed cores before placing in compost pile?

Seed cores should be removed before placing in the pile compost pile .

Can fertilizer be passed on to compost?

The chemicals and herbicides found in lawn fertilizers can easily be passed on throughout an entire compost pile.

Can compost kill pathogens?

Most backyard compost pile s never reach a high enough temperature to kill pathogens and spore s.

How to deter issues with compost?

The easiest way to deter issues is to not add weeds to compost that has gone to seed.

What to do if dandelions are yellow?

If those dandelions you pull no longer have yellow heads, but fluffy white ones, it may be best to throw them in the trash and keep those seeds out of your compost. Even “good” plants like flowers and vegetables may have seeds that will survive and grow in your compost.

What are the pros and cons of composting?

Pros: Reduces waste going to landfills, which is great for the environment. Adds “green” nitrogen ingredients to your compost to keep it working efficiently. Recycles the nutrients in weeds and brings them back to your garden soil. Cons: Weeds can regrow in your compost pile or later in your garden if you don’t “treat” the weeds to prevent it.

How to kill weeds in compost?

Dry weeds by spreading them out in the sun for a week, which won’t kill off the seeds, but will destroy the roots that could regrow in your compost. Put weeds into a black plastic garbage bag, tie it up, and let it bake in the sun for ten days, which should generate enough heat to kill seeds and roots.

How to get rid of weeds in a garden?

Ferment weeds in water by submerging them into a large bucket and letting them rot out for a couple of weeks. Dump water and weeds into the compost pile when done. Warning: this process can get stinky!

How hot should compost be?

Hot Composting. You need to keep hot compost at least 145-degrees Fahrenheit to kill any seeds and roots. Your compost temperature should stay consistent for several weeks, which you can help by turning the pile or bin when it drops below 145 degrees.

Why do people shy away from composting weeds?

This concern makes many people shy away from attempting to compost weeds because they are unsure of the right way to handle them.


1.dandelions in compost - Houzz


23 hours ago Dandelions actually fertilize the grass. One may also ask, can you put weeds in compost? And yes, even weeds are compostable if you take a few precautions. If you do wish to compost …

2.dandelions in the compost? - Houzz


3 hours ago Once the dandelion flower is pollinated the seeds, viable sees, will continue to develop. You can compost them if you put them deep into the middle of your compost pile where the bacteria are …

3.Fertilizer Made From Weeds - How To Make Dandelion …


26 hours ago The dandelions can not continue growing and produce seed without sunlight. More good news is that dandelions are about as high in nitratgen as weeds and grass come. You should continue …

4.Can I compost Dandelions that I pulled from the root? Or …


5 hours ago Are dandelions good for compost? Decomposing dandelions provide mineral-rich composted matter and nitrogen to the soil . It is true that if you add fresh dandelions to the top of your …

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25 hours ago  · Dandelions are rich in potassium, a must-have for many plants. The extremely long taproot uptakes valuable minerals and other nutrients from the soil. If you just toss them away, …

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1 hours ago Dandelions nutrient and mineral-rich shoots and roots are a boost to any compost pile. However, if you use your compost like me but you want to prevent the spread of dandelions all around …

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