Knowledge Builders

are muscovy ducks good layers

by Beverly Bernhard Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

They are not good for egg production
Compared to other laying duck breeds, Muscovies lay so few eggs they're not even worth mentioning as a laying option. They lay a dismally low 100-180 eggs per year under ideal laying conditions (which includes proper lighting, facilities, routine, and happy ducks).

Full Answer

Are Muscovy ducks good house ducks?

The Muscovy duck is very different from other ducks. Although they are a waterfowl they prefer to spend their time roosting up in trees that are far away from predators. On a homestead the Muscovy has much to offer: eggs and great pest control. They are low maintenance, quiet and fit in very well with chickens and other fowl.

Are Muscovies good layers?

The only good thing about Muscovies as layers is that their eggs are larger than the average duck eggs—possibly because the Muscovy itself can be quite a bit larger than the size of the average laying duck. Regardless, when you take into consideration how much feed it takes to get each egg it is impossible to call these birds good layers.

Do Muscovy ducks lay eggs or give birth?

All About Muscovy Ducks. Muscovy will lay up to 180 eggs a year and hatch about four sets of ducklings if they get lots of high protein feed. Muscovy ducks are great mothers and do a good job raising their young. Muscovy take longer to hatch than other poultry... an egg takes 33 to 35 days to hatch.

Are Muscovy ducks illegal?

If you live in the US, you should be aware that these ducks are considered dangerous and illegal immigrants and have been declared illegal for many years. It all came about because some thoughtless people bought a cute little Muscovy duckling as a pet, found out that like any duck they can be messy, and then released them at their local pond.

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Will Muscovy ducks raise chickens?

Some females have been known to brood together or even with chickens as co-nesters. They seem to enjoy the company and are quite happy about the arrangement. It takes 30-35 days to incubate the eggs and Muscovy Ducks make great moms!

Do Muscovy ducks lay eggs all year?

0:305:48They're not gonna be fit parasites is another thing that can put Birds off the lathe. So if theyMoreThey're not gonna be fit parasites is another thing that can put Birds off the lathe. So if they have internal parasites or external parasites like ticks might slice or fleas.

At what age do you butcher Muscovy ducks?

around 3 to 4 monthsMuscovy ducks are ready for butchering at around 3 to 4 months and will dress at around 4 to 6 pounds. If you let them grow a little older the males might dress out ever heavier.

How many eggs can a Muscovy duck sit on?

Muscovy Duck Care Guide Cheat SheetDuck Breed BreakdownSpace per bird10-15 sq feetBeginner FriendlyYesEggs per year150-200 eggs per yearEgg SizeMedium to Large11 more rows•Sep 26, 2022

Do Muscovy ducks need a nesting box?

Muscovy Ducks build their nests in cavities and hollows of mature trees, 10-65 feet above the ground. They occasionally nest on the ground in dense vegetation near water. The female may be faithful to a single nest site over her lifetime. They also use large nest boxes.

What is the lifespan of a Muscovy duck?

Both sexes have a bare black-and-red or all-red face. The male also has pronounced caruncles at the base of the bill. The average lifespan of a Muscovy duck is up to 20 years, that number is less attainable in the wild due to predation and injury.

How long does it take for a Muscovy duck to be fully grown?

Muscovy ducks are considered a heavy weight duck. However, they size up slower than other heavy weights like the Pekins. It can take 4-6 months to get them to a useful harvest weight and more than 8 months to achieve mature size. Muscovy female ducks are also much smaller than the males.

Do Muscovy ducks need a pond?

The muscovy is a wood duck. They like to perch in trees and have sharp claws to assist with this. While they can be kept with minimal water and don't require a pond the way other ducks do, they really enjoy it when they're given the opportunity.

Which breed of duck is best for meat?

Pekin and Muscovy ducks are typically the breeds of choice for meat production. Some hatcheries sell a “jumbo” Pekin which has been selected for meat production and is not good for exhibition purposes. Muscovy ducks are referred to as ducks, but they are, in reality, a separate species.

What months do Muscovy ducks lay eggs?

Muscovies usually start laying when they're about six months, or 25 weeks of age – unless they reach this age during fall or winter. In the wild, ducks will start laying at the beginning of breeding season, at spring.

Will my Muscovy ducks fly away?

Muscovies can fly Most domestic ducks have been bred to be unable to sustain flight for any period of time, but many Muscovies still have the ability to do so. I have read stories of Muscovies flying off during migration season when they see other ducks flying away for the winter (I mean, who can blame them?).

Why do Muscovy ducks abandon their eggs?

A broody duck, like many wild birds, leaves the eggs in “waiting” until she starts incubation, ensuring that they'll all start developing at the same rate and will hatch on the same day.

What months do Muscovy ducks lay eggs?

Muscovies usually start laying when they're about six months, or 25 weeks of age – unless they reach this age during fall or winter. In the wild, ducks will start laying at the beginning of breeding season, at spring.

At what age do Muscovy ducks stop laying eggs?

Muscovies, which have long lifespans for a duck, also tend to lay for longer, possibly for up to twelve years. In my experience, my Muscovies seem to stop laying when they're seven or eight years old. I have a 7-year-old Muscovy who is probably laying less than 20 eggs a year, and a 9-year-old who is no longer laying.

Do ducks lay eggs throughout the year?

Also, ducks tend to be better year-round layers than chickens, continuing their egg production right through the winter without any added light. Several breeds of ducks, including Khaki Campbell, Welsh Harlequin, and Silver Appleyard, will often outlay all but the most prolific chickens breeds.

Do duck lay eggs year round?

Ducks lay eggs every day like chickens. They generally lay well through the winter too without any added light.

Do Muscovy Ducks Make Great Pets?

This breed of duck, with its red face and friendly personality, is a great addition to any flock. You’ll get white eggs and get to watch them hatch ducklings. You’ll also get to enjoy seeing them gobble goodies from water, and generally love life!

What duck breeds don't swim?

The Muscovy duck is the only type of domesticated duck that doesn’t descend from the mallard. Muscovies are the only duck breed that perches in trees and has sharp claws specifically for this purpose. They don’t swim as much as other ducks and aren’t as water resistant because they have underdeveloped oil glands.

What to feed muscovy ducks?

Feeding Muscovy Ducklings. When they’re tiny, Muscovy ducklings have different feed concerns. You’ll want to raise them on a 16% duckling starter – a feed that’s specifically formulated for baby ducks. Baby ducks need more niacin than chicks, so it’s critical to provide the right feed so your ducklings grow correctly.

Why do muscovies hiss?

Muscovies hiss because they don’t quack the hiss is their way of quacking. Muscovies aren’t descended from mallards, and so never developed the need to quack. Only the males hiss, however. You also might notice more hissing during mating season – this is the males defending their territory and their mates.

How many white eggs do muscovies lay?

Muscovies are fair egg layers, and you can expect about 120 white eggs per year. It’s important to remember that unlike chickens, ducks don’t lay in nesting boxes – so you’ll have to provide a nice environment that’ll prompt them to lay eggs.

How many eggs do muscovy ducks lay?

This breed lays about 120 eggs per year, and is said to have the highest meat yield of any duck.

How much space do ducks need?

You should provide 10 to 15 square feet of space per duck. Without it, your ducks might start to feel stress, stop laying eggs, and develop bad habits (like feather picking, bullying, or fighting). Having enough space also keeps their living area cleaner and easier to keep clean.

Why are muscovies so cute?

10 Reasons Muscovies Are Awesome Pets. Muscovies have cute babies and are easy to raise. Pet shops used to sell a lot of them for this very reason. Not many people can resist a cute little duckling. They are calm and collected, especially when they grow up around people. (Daffy definitely was not a Muscovy.)

What do ducks need?

If your pet ducks do not sleep in your house, they will need some kind of building outside to sleep peacefully at night.

Do muscovy ducks have babies?

They make fierce moms. Not everyone with a pet Muscovy wants to raise babies, but if you do, most predators will tend to avoid a mother because she will tear into his face instead of backing down. If your Muscovy decides to sit on her eggs and you are worried about your dog and cat worrying her, don’t be. Your duck will not be concerned.

Can geese be pets?

Liz, I have geese too, but certainly would not recommend them as pets for anyone that ever wants to have visitors. THey will chase away almost anything, unlike my Muscovies who just want to live in peace. Well, as long as no babies are involved.

Do muscovies need food?

All animals need food and water. Since Muscovies are omnivores, feeding is easy. You can provide some chicken feed, duck feed from a local feed store, vegetable scraps from your table, and of course, your ducks will want to go outside to check the yard for any delicious bugs.

Is it illegal to have a duck in the US?

If you live in the US, you should be aware that these ducks are considered dangerous and illegal immigrants and have been declared illegal for many years. It all came about because some thoughtless people bought a cute little Muscovy duckling as a pet, found out that like any duck they can be messy, and then released them at their local pond.

Can you keep a duckling as a pet?

The law does not apply to people who keep ducks as pets, but if you want to find a Muscovy duckling nowadays, you will need to get one from a local breeder. When you have your pet, be sure that it is on your property at all times.

Is the Muscovy Duck Suitable For You?

If you want a duck that lays lots of eggs, grows rapidly, and thrifty, the Muscovy is not for you. Instead, the Muscovy is a quiet duck that is friendly and personable.

What is the name of the duck that is red?

Posted on July 9, 2021. (July 9, 2021) by The Happy Chicken Coop. The Muscovy duck is an unmistakable sight with its bright red caruncles. This unusual-looking duck has been kept for hundreds of years and is a staple for many indigenous peoples of South America, adding eggs and meat to their diet. Although originally a tropical bird, it has adapted ...

What is the name of the wild muscovy duck?

When the Spanish discovered the duck, they named the wild Muscovy pato real and the domestic Muscovy pato criollo. The Muscovy duck was mentioned in Ulisse Aldrovandi but was not scientifically described and cataloged until 1758 by Carl Linnaeus. Although the Muscovy is called a duck, it isn’t really a duck.

How many eggs do muscovy ducks lay?

Muscovy Duck Eggs, Nests, and Mating. The Muscovy lays 60-120 large white eggs per year (a low number for ducks). Males reach sexual maturity in 29 weeks, and the female matures in 28 weeks. The mating season of the Muscovy can last from August to May.

How big is a muscovy duck?

The Muscovy is a large duck and can have a wingspan of up to 64 inches. It is also a heavy breed and can weigh up to 15lbs, although the girls are slightly lighter at 6-7lbs.

How long has a muscovy been raised?

The Muscovy has been raised for eggs and meat for a few hundred years now.

Where do muscovy ducks come from?

The wild Muscovy duck ( Cairina moschata sylvestris) is actually a native of Mexico, Central America, and Southern America. It is also called a Greater Wood Duck or Forest Duck. Before the arrival of Columbus, a domesticated variety of Muscovy was bred and farmed by the area’s indigenous people.

How long does it take for a muscovy hen to hatch?

Muscovy hens are exceptional mothers and a single hen can sometimes raise as many as four clutches of ducklings in a single year. While most duck eggs tend to hatch in 28 days, a Muscovy incubation period is 35 days.

How many eggs do ducks lay?

Many ducks can proudly boast yearly averages of 300 eggs per hen, but Muscovies fall short of this number by quite a bit. If you’re looking for a good egg producer, consider a duck-like the Khaki Campbell, because a single Muscovy hen usually won’t lay more than 130 duck eggs in a year.

How many ducklings can a single muscovy hen raise?

One huge benefit to Muscovy ducks is their excellent mothering capabilities. A single hen can hatch and raise two dozen ducklings with high success rates. Anyone who wants a good mother duck should certainly consider a Muscovy hen or two. 3.

Why is it important to feed muscovies?

It’s very important to always feed your Muscovies near their water because ducks need to eat and drink at the same time to prevent choking on their own food. 2. Housing and Fencing. When it comes to housing requirements, Muscovies naturally demand more than your average duck because of their size.

How big is a muscovy duck?

Muscovy hens naturally weigh a bit less, but they’re still not too small, weighing around 7 to 8-pounds.

Why are my ducks' faces red?

The red flesh is called caruncles, and it helps the duck to stay clean and bathe. Tiny oil glands exist on the caruncle and slowly deposit oil to help with preening when a Muscovy is in the water.

Where do muscovies roost?

Given the opportunity, a muscovy will roost high in a tree, the barn loft, or even on a roof. To satisfy their needs, make sure you provide plenty of roosting space for your Muscovies. 3. Health Issues and Care. Although Muscovies are generally a very hardy breed, they do have some susceptibilities that most ducks don’t.

What are the only ducks that are not derived from mallard stock?

Muscovy are the only domestic ducks that are not derived from Mallard stock. Originating from the Caribbean Mosquito Coast of Nicaragua and Honduras where the native culture values them for their meat, Muscovy aren't really ducks, but rather large perching waterfowl ( Cairina moschata ).#N#Muscovy ducks are great on the farm to control insects the natural way. They are particularly helpful controlling flies, grasshoppers, ticks and mosquitos. If you put them in a pen with cows or calves they will eat most of the flies. In one experiment where two year old Muscovy ducks were put in cow pens, the fly population was reduced by 80 to 90 percent.#N#The males are large, weighing up to fifteen pounds, with the smaller females reaching about nine. The Muscovy Duck can be crossed with mallards to create a hybrid known as Mulard, but to be honest, the Muscovy aren't very keen on breeding with Mallard-types. Additionally, the offspring is a mule duck because Muscovy are a different species of waterfowl. This outcross, Mulard, are mostly raised for their meat and they grow fast like mallard-type ducks but much larger like the Muscovy. Interestingly, Muscovy are cross-bred in Israel with Mallards to produce kosher ducks. The kashrut status of the Muscovy Duck has been a matter of rabbinic discussion for over 150 years.#N#Muscovy females are excellent flyers. As a matter of fact, given their preference, they like to roost in trees; their feet have strong sharp claws and are built to grasp, so that they can perch on branches. They do best in a chicken house as opposed to a ground nesting duck house. They like to nest high, like chickens and enjoy "perches" or "roosts," they will get on these at night. Some people consider them ugly because of the large red warty caruncles above the beak and around the eyes. However, they are very personable and interesting birds, and quite intelligent.

How big are muscovy ducks?

The males are large, weighing up to fifteen pounds, with the smaller females reaching about nine. The Muscovy Duck can be crossed with mallards to create a hybrid known as Mulard, but to be honest, ...

How many eggs do muscovy ducks lay?

Muscovy will lay up to 180 eggs a year and hatch about four sets of ducklings if they get lots of high protein feed. Muscovy ducks are great mothers and do a good job raising their young. Muscovy take longer to hatch than other poultry... an egg takes 33 to 35 days to hatch. A chicken, for example, hatches in 21 days.

What is muscovy meat used for?

Famous chefs know this and use Muscovy meat in a number of ways. They have become experienced at cutting and preparing the meat for various delicacies. It is even ground up and used as hamburger in a variety of dishes. Folks on a low-fat diet know that the meat is not only great tasting but very nutritious.

How much does a muscovy egg weigh?

Muscovy eggs are rich and delicious. They're a cream color with a harder shell then most duck eggs and weigh about 2.7 ounces, which would grade as "jumbo". Typically, these birds have a calm temperament and are often described as "friendly as a puppy.".

Why are roosters ugly?

Some people consider them ugly because of the large red warty caruncles above the beak and around the eyes. However, they are very personable and interesting birds, and quite intelligent.

How long does it take for a chicken to hatch?

A chicken, for example, hatches in 21 days. Muscovy meat is one of the healthiest meats on the market today, being 98% or greater fat free. Many people say that the breast meat of a Muscovy is hard to tell from a Sirloin steak. Famous chefs know this and use Muscovy meat in a number of ways.

How many eggs can a muscovy duck lay?

Muscovies are expert mothers. You can almost guarantee that the female you have will be broody when the right time comes. These ducks can clutch out upwards of 30 eggs at a time 2-3 times a year, with a high success rate.

How big can a muscovy get?

A full grown male Muscovy can weigh up to 15kg and with a large back claw (used for perching), which can be used as an effective eyeball clawer. This bird is a force to be reckoned with. A mother Muscovy might make some animals think twice about attacking, but a full grown angry male Muscovy coming in at twice the size is usually not worth the hassle when it comes to an easy meal for wildlife. Having at least one large male as a guard duck can help with flock safety.

What color are muscovy ducks?

They come in a number of different colours including solid white, black, chocolate, blue, and the pied variety, which means mixed with white. There’s lots to choose from and to play with.

Where do muscovies come from?

Muscovies are like the ironmen of domestic ducks. They are kept successfully from high up in Alaska to Central America, which is where they are native to. I will again contribute some of this to their larger size, but I also think their higher appetite contributes to being able to produce more heat when needed.

How hot can a hummingbird lay?

However, they may slow down their laying rate at temperatures below -7c. Being from a warmer tropical climates, these birds can handle upwards of high 30s for daytime temperatures as long as there is ample access to drinking water. This makes them extremely useful for cleaning up finished greenhouses and hoop gardens.

Can muscovies be crossed with ducks?

Can be crossed with domestic ducks to make sterile offspring. Muscovies can be crossed with most domestic ducks, which are usually mallard derived, to produce mostly sterile offspring. This is usually done to create meat birds with better growth rates and leaner meat than normal domesticated ducks.

Do muscovies scare off skunks?

These birds are also tougher than the average domesticated bird, which gives them confidence to guard such large clutches. Muscovies have been known to scare off larger mammals such as raccoons, skunks, and, in rare occasions, a coyote. Muscovies don’ t disappoint when it comes to motherhood.

Color Varieties

The wild variety of the Muscovy is a more solid glossy black with white wing patches.


The Muscovy Duck is an omnivore which means they eat plants and other animals.

Coop Setup and Roaming

Unlike other ducks, the Muscovy actually prefers to perch so you will need sturdy roosts in the coop!


1.5 Reasons Muscovy Ducks May Not be a Good Choice


6 hours ago  · Are Muscovy Ducks Good Egg Layers? Muscovies are fair egg layers, and you can expect about 120 white eggs per year. It’s important to remember that unlike chickens, ducks …

2.Do Muscovy Ducks Make Great Pets? - Pampered …


35 hours ago  · Female Muscovy ducks only produce 60 to 120 eggs per year. Unlike chickens, they lay one clutch of eggs at a time rather than laying eggs several times a week. Muscovy …

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25 hours ago  · The breast meat on these can be up to 99% lean meat. The skin also has half as much fat as other typical farmyard ducks. Check out here for more detailed information on …

4.Muscovy Duck: The Most Unique Ducks You Can Own


11 hours ago  · The Muscovy duck is very different from other ducks. Although they are a waterfowl they prefer to spend their time roosting up in trees that are far away from predators. …

5.Videos of are Muscovy Ducks Good Layers


35 hours ago  · These large birds are also the quietest among all domestic duck breeds making them a good choice for suburban backyards with close neighbors. Muscovy ducks have sweet …

6.About Muscovy Ducks - Moose Manor Farms


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