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are nitrates harmful

by Gina Kshlerin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

No evidence suggests that naturally occurring nitrates are harmful. In fact, nitrates from fruits and vegetables may have many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure.Jan 28, 2022

Why are some nitrates healthy while others are harmful?

Zach Bush and demonstrated in the video above, will help:

  • Improve blood flow by relaxing and widening your arteries, thinning your blood and decreasing its viscosity. ...
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Boost your mitochondrial health
  • Slow down age-related muscle decline
  • Improve immune function

What are nitrates and why it is beneficial?

Nitrates is a netric salt that present naturally in many fruits, vegetables and grains, it is also used in cured meats like salami, bacon and hot dogs to preserve color and inhibit the growth of microorganisms, foods that are naturally rich in nitrates can provide valuable health benefits to the body,

What level of nitrates is dangerous?

Some laboratories test forages for nitrate ion (NO3) and report parts per million nitrate. In general the guidelines will suggest that forages that contain greater than 10,000 ppm will be potentially lethal. Forages that contain between 2,000 and 10,000 parts per 1 million may affect milk production and may cause abortion.

Why are foods with nitrites harmful?

“When you eat nitrates, they are converted to nitrites by bacteria in your mouth. Once the nitrites reach the stomach’s acid, they can turn into either nitric oxide [NO] or N-nitroso compounds. N-nitroso compounds like nitrosamines are carcinogenic.


Is nitrate harmful to humans?

You cannot taste, smell, or see nitrate in water. Consuming too much nitrate can be harmful—especially for babies. Consuming too much nitrate can affect how blood carries oxygen and can cause methemoglobinemia (also known as blue baby syndrome).

Why are nitrites unhealthy?

When the nitrites manufactured in our mouth are swallowed, one of the things that can happen is that they react in the strongly acidic environment of the stomach to form nitrosamines – some of which are carcinogenic and have been linked with bowel cancer.

Are nitrites harmful?

Nitrites (NO2) consist of one nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms. Nitrates are relatively inert, which means they're stable and unlikely to change and cause harm. However, bacteria in the mouth or enzymes in the body can convert them into nitrites, and these may be harmful.

Which is worse nitrates or nitrites?

Nitrate is less toxic than nitrite and is used as a food source by live plants. The process of converting ammonia to nitrate is diagramed in the nitrogen cycle.

Are nitrites carcinogenic?

Nitrates and nitrites are not themselves carcinogenic; nevertheless, they have the potential (during the endogenous pathway as well as processing of food) to react with other compounds to form carcinogens.

Are nitrites in bacon bad for you?

Nitrite-free bacon was tested as having nearly double the amount of nitrates, at up to 680 mcg per 100 g. Deli meat is another major source of harmful nitrates. Cured deli meats on average have up to 500 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of meat, while uncured deli meats have about 300 mcg in the same amount of meat.

What do nitrates do to your body?

Nitrate performs physiological functions in various systemic activities, including blood pressure reduction, platelet aggregation inhibition, and vessel protective effect - functions similar to those of NO [3, 37].

Why are nitrates added to food?

Nitrates (or nitrites) are natural chemicals that are found in the soil, air and water. Nitrates are also used as a food additive to stop the growth of bacteria and to enhance the flavour and colour of foods.

Is ham without nitrates good for you?

And though avoiding nitrates and nitrites is a good idea—they're probable carcinogens, according to the World Health Organization—choosing “no nitrite” (also labeled uncured) meats isn't better.

What foods are highest in nitrates?

The foods highest in nitrate include beet roots and leafy greens such kale, arugula, chard, and spinach. Others include parsley, Chinese cabbage, leeks, celery, radishes, and turnips.

Can you buy bacon without nitrates?

All bacon is nitrate free bacon. Due to USDA labeling requirements, nitrite free bacon has been labeled as “uncured bacon.” Much of the spike took place in October 2015 when the World Health Organization declared bacon (and other cured meats) a carcinogen because of the ingredient sodium nitrate.

Do nitrates cause inflammation?

Recent animal and human studies have shown that dietary nitrate and nitrite also modulate inflammatory processes and immune cell function and phenotypes. Chronic low-grade inflammation and immune dysfunction play a critical role in cardiovascular disease.

How to avoid carcinogenic nitrates?

If you want to eat the right kinds of nitrates and nitrites and avoid the potentially carcinogenic ones, then eat a widely varied diet with at least five servings a day of fruit and vegetables, and avoid nibbling on processed meats too often .

What happens when you swallow nitrites?

When the nitrites manufactured in our mouth are swallowed, one of the things that can happen is that they react in the strongly acidic environment of the stomach to form nitrosamines – some of which are carcinogenic and have been linked with bowel cancer.

What is the role of nitric oxide in the cardiovascular system?

We now know it dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and is part of the body’s armoury against infections .

What are the sources of nitrates?

Carrots are one rich source of nitrates, which they acquire from the soil they grow in (Credit: Getty) Leafy greens like spinach and rocket tend to be top of the crop for nitrate content, with other rich sources include celery and beetroot juices, and carrots.

How are nitrites converted?

Most of the nitrites we encounter aren’t consumed directly, but are converted from nitrates by the action of bacteria found in our mouth. Interestingly, research shows that use of an anti-bacterial mouth wash can massively cut down this oral manufacture of nitrites.

What are the two compounds that contain nitrogen and oxygen?

Nitrates and nitrites, such as potassium nitrate and sodium nitrite , are naturally occurring chemical compounds which contain nitrogen and oxygen. In nitrates the nitrogen is bonded with three oxygen atoms, while in nitri tes the nitrogen is bonded with two oxygen atoms. Both are legal preservatives which suppress harmful bacteria in bacon, ham, ...

Why are nitrates banned from bacon?

If you do think of nitrates in the context of food, it is probably a negative image that comes to mind – in particular, perhaps, the recent call for nitrate and nitrite preservatives to be banned from bacon and ham because of potential cancer-causing effects.

What is the most harmful nitrate?

Deli Meat. Deli meat is another major source of harmful nitrates. Cured deli meats on average have up to 500 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of meat, while uncured deli meats have about 300 mcg in the same amount of meat. Hot Dogs. Hot dogs are one of the most processed sources of meat on the market.

Why should you avoid nitrates?

Why You Should Avoid Nitrates. Nitrates on their own are not broken down by stomach acid. Instead, your gut biome can break down nitrate into nitrite, which can cause health complications such as an increased risk of cancer. Nitrate is an inorganic, water-soluble chemical.

What are nitrates in vegetables?

Nitrates are a set of compounds that involve nitrogen and oxygen molecules. While they are often associated with cured meats, green, leafy vegetables are actually much richer in nitrates. While the association of nitrate with cured meats causes some to worry about their cancer-causing effects, other studies show that the nitrates found in ...

How much nitrates are in a hot dog?

The average hot dog contains about 50 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of meat, which carries about 9 mg of nitrites. Nitrates can be converted into healthy nitric oxide, you don’t need to cut out nitrates entirely. Instead, eat natural sources of nitrates, where the compound is found with other antioxidants and vitamins.

How many nitrates are in a day?

On average a person living in the United states consumes 75 to 100 mg of nitrates a day. Health risks of consuming added nitrates, include: Methemoglobinemia in infants (blue baby syndrome) Increased risk of cancer. Complications during pregnancy.

Which ham has the highest nitrate content?

Ham is often the highest source of dietary nitrates. A single 100 g serving of cured ham has as much as 890 mcg of nitrates. This is the source of the iconic pink color of cured hams. Bacon has up to 380 mcg of nitrates per 100 g of weight. It’s also incredibly high in nitrites.

What foods contain nitrates?

These 4 foods are rich in natural nitrates: Spinach. Spinach is not just a great addition to salads, but also a great source of natural dietary nitrates. A 100 g serving of fresh spinach contains anywhere from 24 to 387 mg of nitrate. This amount varies wildly depending on growing conditions. Bok Choy.

What is the critical health effect from exposure to nitrates and nitrites?

Methemoglobinemia is the critical health effect from exposure to nitrates and nitrites. Depending on the percentage of total MetHb, the clinical presentation may be one of oxygen deprivation with cyanosis, cardiac dysrhythmias and circulatory failure, and progressive central nervous system (CNS) effects [Skold et al. 2011].

What is nitroglycerin metabolized to?

In the body, nitroglycerin (similar to other nitrites and organic nitrates) is metabolized to nitric oxide (NO) which stimulates a series of events that eventually results in release of calcium ions from smooth muscle cells leading to relaxation and vasodilation.

Is nitrate a toxic substance?

The known toxic effects from nitrate exposure result from the conversion of nitrate to nitrite. The effects of nitrite (NO 2 -) are the same whether nitrite containing compounds are ingested or inhaled, or nitrite is produced in vivo from nitrate.

Is nitrate metabolized in the gut?

Unless conditions exist for reducing nitrate to nitrite in the gut (i.e., high pH and proper intestinal microbial flora), ingested nitrate (NO 3 -) is metabolized and excreted without producing apparent adverse effects. Nitrate in the diet may even enhance host defenses against gastrointestinal pathogens by modulating platelet ...

Can nitrates cause cancer?

2005; Tricker and Preussmann 1991]. Nitrates can react with amino acids to form nitrosamines, which have been reported to cause cancer in animals [Bruning-Fann and Kaneene 1993]. Elevated risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma [Ward et al. 1996] and cancers of the esophagus, nasopharynx, bladder, colon, prostate and thyroid have been reported [Cantor 1997; Eichholzer and Gutzwiller 1998; Barrett et al. 1998; Ward et al. 2010].

Why should I avoid nitrates?

But there are a few reasons to keep an eye on this and avoid nitrates and nitrites in processed foods and meats. ( 5) 1. May Cause Pancreatic Cancer. I noted above that the nitrosamines are really the problem since when they form in the body, they can cause cancer.

What are the benefits of eating nitrates?

Those fruits, vegetables and grains that are naturally rich in nitrates can actually provide many health benefits, in particular the relaxation of blood vessels and improved blood flow. In fact, it’s important that our bodies actually produce nitrites.

Why are nitrates added to fertilizers?

Nitrates are added to fertilizers, which is one way that fruits and vegetables obtain nitrates. Obtaining nitrates from your vegetables should not be a problem due to the vitamin C that they contain because vitamin C prevents those nitrosamines from forming, but buying organic is the way to go.

How to prevent cancer from eating nitrates?

Eat Organic Vegetables. Have plenty of organic fruits and vegetables as well, which contain antioxidants and phytonutrients that can help prevent inflammation and reduce the risk of cancer. ( 13 ) The EWG website offers a free guide here to nitrate-free foods to better help you make choices.

Where does nitrate occur?

A nitrate naturally occurs in fruits, vegetables and grains , and this natural occurrence prevents the formation of nitrosamines, the harmful part of this equation. Nitrosamines are used during the manufacturing of cosmetics, pesticides, tobacco products and rubber products, such as balloons and condoms.

What is the chemical formula of nitrate?

Each consists of a single nitrogen atom that’s bonded to a number of oxygen atoms. It looks like this: Nitrate: 1 Nitrogen, 3 Oxygens – Chemical Formula: NO3- . Nitrite: 1 Nitrogen, 2 Oxygens – Chemical Formula: NO2-. But nitrates have three oxygen atoms, ...

Which vegetables contain nitrates?

Vegetables, such as celery, leafy greens, beets, parsley, leeks, endive, cabbage and fennel contain the most, but all plants contain some nitrates. ( 3) Though nitrates and nitrites can be very problematic, nitrates are often prescribed for some people that have a heart condition.

Nitrates and Nitrites: Friends or Foes?

Scientists began sounding the alarm in the 1960s when it was discovered that nitrates and nitrites, which were used to cure meats such as hot dogs, ham, and bacon, appeared to cause cancer in laboratory animals. (Our view on the use of animals in medical research is here.)

The Nitrogen Cycle

Let’s start with the basic science that you might have learned in high school biology. The most common thing in the air all around us is the chemical element nitrogen, abbreviated N in the periodic table. Nitrogen makes up 78% of our atmosphere, while oxygen comes in second at around 20%.

The Controversy Over Nitrates and Nitrites in Food

So, are nitrates and nitrates bad for you? To answer that, we have to consider what source they come from, as well as the effects of nitrates and nitrites on the human body.

Synthetic Nitrates & Nitrites

So what’s wrong with using nitrates and nitrites to preserve meat? There are a few key factors.

How are Nitrates and Nitrites in Vegetables Different?

Ok, so if nitrates and nitrites are so dangerous in processed meats, should we try to limit their consumption across the board? What about in plant foods?

Uncured Meats with Plant-Based Nitrates Are Still Harmful

Some processed meat brands claim not to include nitrates. The punchline is, they do. In an example of bureaucratic insanity, bacon that doesn’t contain synthetic nitrates or nitrites must contain the “ uncured ” label.

Do Nitrates Offer Any Health Benefits?

It’s not just that plant-based nitrates and nitrites aren’t bad for you; they’re actually full of important health benefits, thanks to the wonderful effects of nitric oxide (NO) on cardiovascular function.

What are the sources of nitrates?

Healthy Nitrate Sources — Fresh Veggies. Hopefully, you can now appreciate the difference between nitrates from plants versus those from processed meats. A nitrate-rich diet is indeed a boon to your health, but only when the nitrates come from the plant kingdom.

What is the difference between plant based and animal based nitrates?

When you eat nitrates, they are converted to nitrites by bacteria in your mouth.

Can you eat nitrates from processed meat?

Just remember that nitrates from processed meats will not have this effect.

Is it safe to eat nitrate free bacon?

Nitrate-Free Bacon Is a Safer Alternative. While the presence of saturated fat is not a valid reason to shun bacon, the presence of nitrates is of real concern. Still, bacon can be a healthy addition to your diet, in small amounts, provided you take certain precautions. First, make sure your bacon comes from organic pasture-raised pigs, ...

Is it safe to eat meat 2?

According to a review of more than 7,000 clinical studies, the World Cancer Research Fund concluded there’s no safe lower limit for processed meats 2 and that they should be avoided altogether to minimize your cancer risk.

Is processed meat dangerous?

(Keep in mind the IARC’s classifications of carcinogens are based on strength of evidence, not degree of risk, so this does not mean processed meats are as hazardous as smoking and asbestos exposure. It simply means the strength of the evidence is the same.)

Is nitric oxide a free radical?

The Benefits of Nitric Oxide. NO is a soluble gas, and while it’s a free radical, it’s also an important biological signaling molecule that supports normal endothelial function and protects your mitochondria — the little “power stations” in your cells that produce a majority of your body’s energy in the form of ATP.


1.Are Nitrates and Nitrites in Foods Harmful? - Healthline


23 hours ago  · Nitrates from plants and those added to meat behave very differently in the body. Increasing your consumption of nitrate-rich veggies may reduce blood pressure and improve athletic performance. But it's best to limit your intake of processed meats (even "natural" and "nitrate-free" products), which are associated with an increased risk of cancer.

2.The truth about the nitrates in your food - BBC Future


27 hours ago Are nitrates harmful to humans? Nitrate is in some lakes, rivers, and groundwater in Minnesota. You cannot taste, smell, or see nitrate in water. Consuming too much nitrate can be harmful—especially for babies. Consuming too much nitrate can affect how blood carries oxygen and can cause methemoglobinemia (also known as blue baby syndrome).

3.Videos of Are Nitrates Harmful


6 hours ago  · Gastric cancer: High or moderate nitrate intake of dietary nitrates is associated with a higher risk of gastric cancer (stomach cancer) Studies are ongoing to further understand the connection. Methemoglobinemia : Also known as blue baby syndrome, this condition occurs in babies under 6-months old due to the over-consumption and absorption of nitrates.

4.8 Foods High in Nitrates and Why You Should Avoid Them


6 hours ago Nitrates on their own are not broken down by stomach acid. Instead, your gut biome can break down nitrate into nitrite, which can cause health complications such as …

5.What Are the Health Effects from Exposure to Nitrates …


6 hours ago The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies nitrates and nitrites as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A) under certain conditions (i.e. ingested nitrate or nitrite under conditions that result in endogenous nitrosation) which could lead to the formation of known carcinogens such as N-nitroso compounds [IARC 2010].

6.What Are Nitrates? How to Avoid Foods that Contain …


8 hours ago  · Nitrite: 1 Nitrogen, 2 Oxygens – Chemical Formula: NO2-But nitrates have three oxygen atoms, while nitrites have two oxygen atoms. So what does that mean? Well, it seems that nitrates are harmless, but when they convert to nitrites, that’s when it gets tricky — sort of. When nitrates hit the tongue, the bacteria in the mouth or the enzymes in the body turn the nitrates …

7.The Truth About Nitrates and Nitrites in Your Food & Water


35 hours ago  · Bacteria in our saliva, along with the physical mastication of food, convert the nitrates into nitrites. We swallow that saliva, which exposes our gut to high levels of nitrites that then turn into nitric oxide. Nitrates from plant foods are not harmful, for a few reasons. 1.

8.Why Some Nitrates Are Healthy While Others Are Harmful


25 hours ago

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