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are open mussels safe to eat

by Jaden Satterfield Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Are mussels that are open safe to eat? Even though some mussels might appear to be badly damaged, it's always worth cooking them as they could still open. If they do open, this means they're still safe to eat (and just as tasty) as their better looking chums!

Even though some mussels might appear to be badly damaged, it's always worth cooking them as they could still open. If they do open, this means they're still safe to eat (and just as tasty) as their better looking chums! However, if they do not open (this goes for all mussels), do not eat them.Feb 3, 2017

Full Answer

How can you tell if mussels are bad?

When should you not eat mussels in a nutshell:

  • You should avoid mussels during the summer months
  • Check the shell of the mussel. Only shells that are still sealed before being cooked should be eaten.
  • If the shell is cracked or damaged, it should not be eaten but discarded. An open or cracked shell indicates a dead mussel inside.

What happens if you eat a bad mussel?

Risks of Eating Dead Mussels

  • Water Contamination. Mussels that were harvested from contaminated water sources carry an increased risk of infection and chemical poisoning.
  • Heavy Metal Contamination. Consuming mussels contaminated with heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium or lead, can increase the risk of neurological damage and birth defects.
  • Adenovirus Infection. ...
  • Parasites. ...

How do you know if mussels are safe to eat?

How do you know if mussels are good to eat? TESTING THE MUSSELS: They should smell fresh and briny like the ocean and beach, but not have a strong fishy smell. Squeeze the open mussels with your fingers or tap the ones that are open against the counter. They should close by themselves, and although some might close slowly, they are still good ...

How to tell if mussels are bad?

  • Check your source – At the market or store, the mussels should be kept on ice and have healthy, wet shiny shells. ...
  • Broken or cracked shells – These mussels are usually dead. ...
  • Heavier than the rest – Another typical sign that things are not looking up, heavier mussels are usually a sign that water and sand have seeped in.

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Can you get sick from open mussels?

Mussels that do not open during cooking or that have chips or cracks on the shell may be dead. The meat of dead mussels deteriorates, increasing your risk of microorganism contamination, food poisoning, infectious disease and other health problems.

How can you tell if mussels are safe to eat?

Large and meaty, they have a flavor slightly milder than what you'll find in blue mussels. Buy mussels that look and smell fresh, with closed shells. Press together the shells of any that are open. If the shell doesn't close, the mussel is dead and should be discarded (also toss any with broken shells).

Do mussels need to be closed before cooking?

All mussels need to be gently pried open to eat, but if the shell is so tightly closed you need a crowbar, it means that one is no good.

Can you eat raw mussels that are open?

Unfortunately, you may find that some mussels aren't alive when you get home. Before you eat or store the mussels, go through the bag and find any that are cracked or open. Tap the side of the shell to see if it closes. If it does, the mussel is fine to eat.

How do you know if mussels have gone bad?

They should close by themselves, and although some might close slowly, they are still good and alive. If they do not close, throw them out. Discard all mussels that have broken shells or an unpleasant odor, as well as any that feel unusually heavy or light compared to the rest.

How long can mussels stay in the fridge?

2 - 5 daysCover the mussels with a clean damp cloth or paper towel, it's important not to store the shellfish in water. Place into the fridge and store for up to 2 - 5 days (I actually recommend to consume within 2 for best taste, however!) Check on the Mussels daily and drain any build up of water.

Are open mussels dead?

Myth: Mussels have gone bad if they are open before cooking. Fact: Mussels that are open before cooking are most likely still alive. Give them a tap either with your finger or on the side of a bowl and wait for the shell to close up. If the shell does not close after tapping, then discard.

Can you eat half open mussels?

The advice in the past has always been to throw away any mussels that haven't opened after cooking because they are bad. This isn't true and any mussel that can be easily opened is fine to eat.

Are mussels done when they open?

In about 5' they should be open and done. They are done when they open. Don't leave them cooking any longer than necessary as they'll toughen up.

How much should mussels open?

Check the mussels: After 5 minutes, remove the lid and check the mussels. Nearly all the mussels should be open by now. If not, cover and cook an additional 1 to 2 minutes. Discard any mussels that haven't opened after this time.

Can you eat frozen mussels that are open?

The shells should open; discard any that remain closed. NOTE: Frozen mussels may open in transit…they are perfectly safe to thaw, prepare, and eat.

Why can mussels be eaten raw?

Cook mussels until steaming hot. Don't eat shellfish raw or lightly cooked as this won't get rid of bacteria such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus. One good way to know mussels are fully cooked is that their shells pop open when boiled or steamed, and the mussel inside is firm to the touch.

When do you eat mussels?

The advice to eat mussels only in months with the letter 'R' applies only to the northern hemisphere, when the months of September through to April are when mussels are supposedly "in".

How many mussels opened early?

Nick Ruello found that 1.9 per cent of mussels opened early. These mussels opened before they had been cooked long enough to kill any potential pathogens in them.

What is the mussel myth?

Mussel myth an open and shut case. The habits of people choosing mealtime molluscs stick as tightly as a barnacle. Dr Karl applies some muscle power of his own to wrench open the facts. People love their seafood. We humans have been eating mussels for thousands of years.

How many halves does a mussel have?

Now the mussel has a shell with two halves. Thanks to some elastic ligaments, these two halves have a natural tendency to be open. To keep them closed, the mussel has muscles. It uses its specific adductor muscles.

Why do mussels smell bad?

Mussels have such a small mass that if they are invaded by a pathogen or germ, they will be overwhelmed almost immediately, and will smell bad.

What books made no mention of discarding unopened mussels?

The second myth is more complicated to correct. Look at the influential cookery books of the 1960s, such as Larousse Gastronomique in 1965 and Italian Food by Elizabeth David in 1966. These books made absolutely no mention of discarding unopened mussels.

Why did the advice keep spreading?

It was as though once the advice had been written down, it kept on spreading because other writers quoted it, without checking if it was correct or not.

How to tell if a mussel is bad?

Look at the opening of the shell. If it is fully open, then the mussel is bad. Check if the opening of the shell is partially open. This could be a sign that the mussel is bad. Tap the shell if it's partially open. If it closes completely, then the mussel is still alive and it is safe to eat.

Do mussels close when you tap them?

Discard any mussels that do not close completely upon tapping, whose shells do not close at all when you tap them, or whose shells are broken open or smashed in any places.

Can you get sick from eating mussels?

Mussels are delicious and high in vitamins like B12, but there are plenty of stories about people getting sick after eating shellfish. Shellfish, including mussels, must be impeccably fresh when you eat them, or you will risk getting ill. The primary rule is to eat only mussels that are closed tight when they're in the open air.

Can you eat mussels in the air?

The primary rule is to eat only mussels that are closed tight when they're in the open air. Check the shell for chips and breaks. If the shell is broken or smashed in any places, the mussel is dead and will not be safe to eat. Look at the opening of the shell. If it is fully open, then the mussel is bad.

What to do with mussels that don't close when tapped?

Throw away mussels with broken shells or those with shells agape that don't close when tapped. Photo: Shutterstock

Do mussels open when cooked?

Shells that are really heavy may be filled with sand, unlikely with modern farmed mussels, and should be opened separately before cooking. Mussels that do not open when cooked can be prised open with a knife. Carefully. Mussels with orange flesh are female.


1.Can I eat mussels if the shells are open before cooking?


27 hours ago Is it okay to eat mussels that are slightly open. There is a myth that mussels are off if they are open before cooking. This may be true, but chances are, the mussel may still be alive. An easy test is to tap on the shell or the bowl. Mussels that are still alive will close their shell. If the shell doesn’t close after you have tapped it or the bowl, it is best to discard it. Can you eat mussels …

2.Mussel myth an open and shut case › Dr Karl's Great …


1 hours ago Are mussels that are open safe to eat? Even though some mussels might appear to be badly damaged, it's always worth cooking them as they could still open. If they do open, this means they're still safe to eat (and just as tasty) as their better looking chums! However, if they do not open (this goes for all mussels), do not eat them.

3.How to Tell if Mussels Are Bad | LEAFtv


5 hours ago Shellfish such as clams, mussels, oysters and scallops also carry a risk of food poisoning.Algae that are consumed by shellfish produce many toxins, and these can build up in the flesh of shellfish, posing danger to humans when they consume the shellfish ( 17 ). Store-bought shellfish are usually safe to eat.

4.Busting the myth about unopened mussels - Good Food


34 hours ago  · So, according to Nick Ruello, even if the adductor muscles refuse to bow to the heat, the meat is still safe to eat. But on the occasions when he cooked them for a further 90 seconds, about one-seventh of them still remained shut. And in the mussels that finally did open, thanks to the overcooking, the meat was now shrunken and tough.

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