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are red pears good for you

by Laurine Rice Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Pears — particularly red varieties — may help decrease diabetes risk. One large study in over 200,000 people found that eating 5 or more weekly servings of anthocyanin-rich fruits like red pears was associated with a 23% lower risk of type 2 diabetes ( 33 , 34 ).Jul 12, 2019

What are the health benefits of red Pears?

What to know about pears

  • Benefits. The fiber in pears may help improve gut health. ...
  • Nutrition. Pears, especially those with red skin, also contain carotenoids, flavonoids, and anthocyanins. ...
  • Types. There are over 3,000 types of pear around the world. ...
  • Diet tips. Pears do not ripen while on the tree. ...
  • Risks. Many fruits, including pears, contain a higher amount of fructose than glucose. ...

Are pears good for you and if so why?

Pears have been a part of Eastern medicine for centuries. They play a part in helping with everything from inflammation to constipation to hangovers. We also know that pears can help control blood sugar and lower your chances of type 2 diabetes and stroke. They can even help you digest food better.

What are good do pears do for your body?

Will Pears Help Lower Cholesterol?

  • Dangers of High Cholesterol. Your body needs cholesterol, but many people have much more floating around in their bloodstream than they actually need.
  • Fiber in Pears and Cholesterol. Pears are a good source of fiber, and eating more fiber is one way to help lower your cholesterol level.
  • Pears Might Also Help Because ... ...
  • Adding Pears to Your Diet. ...

When to pick the Perfect Pear?

Look for these signs to help you decide when your pears are ready to harvest:

  • Dark leaf-green skin color turns lighter green or yellowish-green
  • Small dots on the fruit change from white to brown
  • Skin takes on a waxy feel and the pebbly surface becomes smooth
  • Fruit stem separates easily from spur or twig with an upward twist of the pear
  • Seeds have turned brown
  • Pears that have fallen to the ground are ripening.

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Which type of pear is the healthiest?

The crispy Asian pear has an edge when it comes to fiber. See how the types compare in the table below. But these aren't the only nutrients found in pears. The biggest benefit of pears may be their phytonutrient content.

Are red pears better than green pears?

Culinary Uses. Because their red color is only skin deep, you'll notice no difference in cooking with Red Anjous than using Green Anjous if the recipe calls for peeling the pears. However, in a recipe calling for fresh pears (if leaving the skin on) the red color can add striking contrast and eye appeal.

Do red pears have a lot of sugar?

One medium pear weighing around 178 grams (g) contains: 101 calories. 0.285 g of fat. 26.9 g of carbohydrate, including 17.2 g of sugar and 5.52 g of fiber.

What is the nutritional value of a red pear?

For only 100 calories in a medium sized pear (about 166 grams), each pear packs in 21% daily value for fiber, 8% Vitamin C, 4% potassium, and a whole host of health benefits. Fiber Powerhouse! Pears rank higher than almost any fruit when it comes to dietary fiber, with 6 grams or 21% daily value in just one pear.

Which is better for you apple or pear?

Vitamins and Minerals In addition to copper, pears also contain more iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. But when it comes to the fruit with better vitamin content, apples have more vitamins A, E, and B1. Pears have more B3 and K, but both have the same levels of vitamins C and B2.

Are pears good for high blood pressure?

The researchers found that people who ate more whole fruits—especially apples, pears, grapes, and raisins—were less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who rarely ate those foods.

How many pears can I eat a day?

two pearsPears pack a nutritional punch! Each medium pear contains 6g of fiber, 21% of the recommended daily value, and they contain vitamin C. Eating two pears every day meets your fruit needs as outlined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Is it good to eat pear everyday?

A single pear contains about 6 grams of fiber, which is 22% of your daily fiber needs. So, by eating a pear a day, you can keep your digestive system on track. Moreover, soluble fibers are responsible for feeding the healthy gut bacteria. Healthy gut bacteria mean improved immunity and healthy aging.

Are pears good for your kidneys?

Low-sodium, kidney-friendly fruits and vegetables It's recommended to stick to whole fruits that are kidney-friendly, such as apples, berries, peaches and pears. Fresh or frozen vegetables without added salt are good choices for a kidney diet.

Are pears good for your liver?

Trace mineral salts make pear juice high in electrolytes, which stabilizes blood sugar. Plus, pears are a great weight-loss food and heaven-sent for the liver, helping to cleanse and purify the organ and stop cirrhosis.

What is the healthiest fruit?

Top 10 healthiest fruits1 Apple. A low-calorie snack, high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. ... 2 Avocado. The most nutritious fruit in the world. ... 3 Banana. ... 4 Citrus fruits. ... 5 Coconut. ... 6 Grapes. ... 7 Papaya. ... 8 Pineapple.More items...•

When should you eat pears?

Pears ripen from the inside out, so you can't judge their ripeness by looking at the skin. To test if a pear is ripe, apply gentle pressure near the stem end. If it gives slightly, it's most likely ready to be eaten.

Do red pears taste different?

In fact, Red d'Anjou pears were discovered in the early 1950s as a branch of red pears growing on a green D'Anjou pear tree in Medford, Oregon. These red pears are nearly identical in flavor, size, and texture to their green counterparts except for that color.

Why are some pears red?

The Yellow Bartlett's skin transforms from green to yellow as it ripens, and the Red Bartlett ripens from a dark red to a brilliant red as it becomes sweeter and juicier during the ripening process. Remember, all pears ripen at room temperature!

Which type of pear is the sweetest?

Comice Comice pearsComice. Comice pears were originally cultivated in France. They're known as the sweetest pear variety, and are often the variety shipped in gift boxes. Because of this, they're sometimes given the nickname “the Christmas pear.” Comice pears have light green skin with a blush of pinkish red.

Where do red pears come from?

Red d'Anjou pears are a natural sport of the green d'Anjou pear and discovered growing on a pear tree in Medford, Oregon in the 1950s. These natural mutations usually go unnoticed, but Red d'Anjou was an exception.

What are the benefits of eating pears?

Pears has many benefits because of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they contain. Pears are good for preventing heart disease, improving ki...

Is it good to eat pears every day?

It is good to eat pears every day; eating two pears daily is beneficial for your health.

What are the disadvantages of a pear?

There aren’t many disadvantages to eating pears unless you’re allergic. However, suppose you eat too many pears, more than 3 in a day. In that case...

Is pear good for skin?

Yes, pears are perfect for your skin because they contain Vitamin C and Vitamin A. These vitamins brighten your skin. They also help reverse skin d...

Can we eat pear on an empty stomach?

Eating pears on an empty stomach is not advisable. The reason is that the fibre in pears can damage your mucous membranes on an empty stomach.

When should you eat pears?

The best time to eat pears is in the morning, for breakfast or even lunch.

Can I eat pear at night?

While pears can be eaten at night, consuming low amounts like a slice is advisable. Even if pears are safe to eat at night, sleeping right after ea...

Are pears good for kidneys?

Pears are perfect for your kidneys. They prevent kidney diseases and help you during kidney dialysis because of the low amounts of sodium. In addit...

How many pears can I eat a day?

You can eat 2-3 pears a day, but any more than that can be harmful.

Is pear easy to digest?

Yes, pears are extremely easy to digest. Not only this, but they also slow down your digestion process to promote better digestion.


In addition to maintaining bowel health, fiber helps lower cholesterol, control blood sugar levels and protect against certain cancers. According to the Institute of Medicine, men age 50 and under should consume 38 grams of fiber daily. Women in the same age group should consume 25 grams.

Vitamin C

Like most fruits, pears are an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary to tissue growth, repair and healing 2. In addition, vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps neutralize the free radicals that may be responsible for cancer, heart disease, arthritis and aging 2.


Potassium is an essential dietary mineral that helps prevent stroke, osteoporosis and hypertension. Although not as nutrient-dense as a banana, one medium pear has 212 milligrams of potassium.


Copper, a mineral found throughout the body, is necessary to the production of hemoglobin, collagen and elastin. It also helps keep the nerves, bones and immune system healthy. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adults age 19 and over should consume 900 micrograms of copper daily.

Nutritional Properties of Pears

Over 100 variations of pears grow worldwide, but they all have one thing in common. All the varieties are incredibly nutritious and have more or less the same vitamins and minerals.

Proven Benefits of Pears

As stated above, pears have many benefits, and here are some of the most important ones.

Pears: The Best Way to Use

Pears are highly adaptive; not only can they be eaten in many ways, but they have different uses. Here are the three most beneficial ways in which you can use pears.

Pears: Healthy Recipes

Pears are wonderful fruits, and as sweet as they are, sometimes it gets monotonous to eat them on their own. So here are two recipes that give you the benefits of pears while being delicious and extremely simple.

Pears: Things to Remember

Pears are a superfood with beneficial nutrients that we all need. They are essential in every diet but, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Eating two pears a day is recommended for you, and you can even eat 3.


Pears are one of the only foods in the world that taste good while being packed with benefits. These green, sweet, juicy fruits contain fibre, water, Vitamin C, potassium, and copper.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A. Pears has many benefits because of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they contain. Pears are good for preventing heart disease, improving kidney health, and improving gut health. Pears can also prevent diabetes, maintain eyesight and help with weight loss.

Providing fiber

The Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have developed dietary guidelines that include recommendations for daily nutritional goals.

Treating diverticulosis

Diverticulitis occurs when bulging sacs in the lining of the large intestine, called diverticulosis, develop infection and inflammation.

Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

A 2019 study on pears suggested that people with metabolic syndrome who ate two pears per day for 12 weeks saw a modest decrease in systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure. High blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Encouraging detoxification

Regular, adequate bowel movements are crucial for the daily removal of toxins through bile and stools.

Fighting free radicals

Pears contain high levels of antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and copper. These chemicals counter the effects of free radicals, protecting cells from the damage they can cause.

Healthy recipes

Try some of these nutritious and delicious recipes that dietitians have developed:

Many types of pears are in season from August through October. Here are the fresh pears to look for at the farmers market or grocery store!

Many types of pears are in season from August through October. Here are the fresh pears to look for at the farmers market or grocery store!


Bartlett pears (also called Williams) have what most people would consider the true “pear flavor.” Both red and green Bartletts are bell-shaped. You can find them in stores from September through the early months of winter. Since pears are harvested unripe, allow them to ripen at room temperature.


This is one of the most-loved types of pears, thanks to the succulent texture and sweetness. Comice pears are sometimes called “Christmas pears” as they’re a staple of fruit gift baskets. The pears are short and round with bright green skin blushed with red, and need careful handling because of their fragile skin.


If you see pears at the store with mottled, brown skin and a tear-drop shape, you’ve found Bosc pears. To check pears for ripeness, especially firm varieties, remember to “check the neck.” Pears ripen from the inside out, and since the necks are the narrowest part of a pear, this is the most reliable place to determine ripeness.


Egg-shaped Anjou pears come in green and red varieties, and they’re especially attractive when both colors are arranged together in fruit bowls or sliced onto salads. Anjou pears have a sweet, slightly citrus flavor and are available nearly year-round.


Seckel pears are so tiny that they can be preserved whole! The skin of Seckel pears ranges from pale green to deep red, and they’re available in stores from September through February.

Asian Pear

Though the term is broadly applied to several varieties, Asian pears are typically round with green or brown skin and a russeted surface. They’re sweet and very crisp, and unlike most pears, are ripe when they are firm to the touch.

Identifying Red Anjou

With a silhouette identical to Green Anjous, Red Anjous (pronounced ON-ju) are just as easy to identify by their shape.


The popularity of Red Anjous has brought a great deal of attention for this variety. Planting of Red Anjou pear trees in the Pacific Northwest has been on the increase, and they can now be found in markets from late September or early October through the summer months.


Red Anjous show only slight change in color as they ripen, which is another characteristic shared with their Green Anjou counterparts. The best indication of ripeness for any pear is the thumb test: gentle thumb pressure near the stem will yield slightly when the pear is ripe. Red Anjous, like all pears, ripen when held at room temperature.

Beautiful Red Displays

Although they share most characteristics with Green Anjous, Red Anjous do possess one very distinctive appeal - their color. Displayed in a fruit bowl or basket on a counter or as a table centerpiece, their color sets a brilliant tone. Consider a full display of Red Anjous for Valentines Day.

Culinary Uses

Because their red color is only skin deep, you'll notice no difference in cooking with Red Anjous than using Green Anjous if the recipe calls for peeling the pears. However, in a recipe calling for fresh pears (if leaving the skin on) the red color can add striking contrast and eye appeal.

The History of Red Anjou

Red Anjous originated as naturally occurring bud sports found on Green Anjou trees. "Bud sports" are spontaneous, naturally occurring transformations that crop up on trees, and they are most often unnoticed. Red Anjous, however, are an exception.

How Pears Affect Blood Sugar

The glycemic index (GI) rates food and its effect on your blood sugar on a scale of 1 to 100. The higher the GI level, the faster it makes your blood sugar go up.

Other Health Benefits of Pears

In addition to being a good source of fiber, pears are also high in vitamins C and K, as well as potassium and antioxidants. They’re also especially good for gut health, and they may help keep you regular, too.

Things to Consider

When you have diabetes, it’s always important to think about carbohydrates. A small pear has about 22 grams of carbs, which is about 1.5 servings. You’ll want to factor that in when working pears into your diet.

Can you eat red cactus pear raw?

Cultivation and consumption in Mexico Prickly pears are usually eaten fresh, as shown in the video here with the skin removed and cut into chunks or slices just like any other fresh fruit. And red cactus fruit can also be made into a sweet compote.

Can you eat cactus pears?

Although the skin is edible, I always remove it to be safe, that is a sure way of not eating any spines. Cut the tops and bottom of the prickly pear off.

What is red cactus pear good for?

Prickly pear cactus — or also known as nopal, opuntia and other names — is promoted for treating diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and hangovers. It’s also touted for its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

What do red cactus pears taste like?

What Does A Cactus Pear Taste Like? The flavor of a cactus pear is sweet, but somewhat bland, similar in flavor to a melon. Despite the name, the fruit is not actually a member of the pear family. It was simply named that because the prickly fruit resembles a pear in size and shape.

How do you prepare a cactus pear?

Begin to peel back the thick fleshy skin that’s wrapped around the prickly pear. Discard the skin. You’ll be left with the prickly pear itself. The flesh is studded with tons of little edible seeds, if you like them, feel free to just chop the prickly pear up and eat, seeds and all.

Can humans eat prickly pear?

Prickly Pear (Opuntia) is a very flexible food source. Both the pads (nopales) and the fruit (tunas) are edible, but caution should be taken with both harvesting and preparation. Do not rinse the cactus pads or fruit under the sink until AFTER the thorns have been removed.

What part of a prickly pear is edible?

There are two edible parts of the prickly pear plant: the pad, or nopal, of the cactus which is often treated as a vegetable, and the pear, or fruit.


1.9 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Pears


12 hours ago  · Proven Benefits of Pears 1. Pears Improves Kidney Health. Eating pear fruits is extremely good for the health of your kidney. Pears are low in... 2. Pears May Improve Gut …

2.The Nutrients in Red Pears | Healthfully


31 hours ago These effects aren’t just theoretical. Research shows that eating fresh pears daily really can improve heart disease risk factors. Like most types of fruit, pears are also low in fat. This may …

3.9 Surprising Health Benefits of Pears - HealthifyMe


31 hours ago Bartlett. Bartlett pears (also called Williams) have what most people would consider the true “pear flavor.”. Both red and green Bartletts are bell-shaped. You can find them in stores from …

4.Pears: Types, calories, nutrition, benefits, and recipes


8 hours ago If fresh pears aren't a good option for you, canned ones can be a good alternative. But read the label carefully. You don't want ones packed in light or heavy syrup.

5.7 Types of Pears (and the Best Ways to Eat Them) - Taste …


10 hours ago  · What is red cactus pear good for? Prickly pear cactus — or also known as nopal, opuntia and other names — is promoted for treating diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity and …

6.Red Anjou Pear : Nutrition, Ripening, History & More | USA …


15 hours ago

7.Pears and Diabetes: Benefits, Risks, and Nutrition - WebMD


26 hours ago

8.FAQ: How To Eat Red Cactus Pear? - A Variety of Fruits


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