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are refrigerator bulbs different from regular bulbs

by Meghan Bashirian Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Are refrigerator bulbs different from regular bulbs? appliance bulbs are designed to endure the extreme temperatures and conditions found in appliances, which is why they are different from regular bulbs. They are shatterproof and have a strongerfilament.

The main difference between an appliance bulb and a regular one is that an appliance bulb is a smaller-profile bulb specially made to withstand heat and cold.

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Can you use ordinary light bulbs in refrigerator?

You cannot use all types of light bulbs for your refrigerator. Some regular light bulbs can be used, however, you must ensure that they are able to resist the very low temperatures inside your fridge. The light bulbs made for refrigerators are manufactured to handle the cold and not shatter easily.

Do I need a special light bulb for my Refrigerator?

You can use a regular light bulb in the refrigerator if it fits, but it’s not a good idea to do so. There are lamps specially designed for refrigerators that can withstand low temperatures better than conventional lamps and are often unbreakable.

Will Any light bulb work in a refrigerator?

You can use a regular light bulb in a refrigerator if it fits, but it is not smart to do so. There are bulbs specially made for refrigerators and these appliance bulbs handle lower temperatures better than standard bulbs and, they are often shatterproof too. Is a refrigerator light bulb special?

What size lightbulb does a refrigerator take?

Refrigerator: Usually takes a 25- to 40-watt standard base appliance bulb, but some refrigerators use a T8 intermediate base bulb. Similarly one may ask, can I use a normal light bulb in my fridge? Most GE Appliances refrigerators (fresh food and freezer) use 40 watt appliance bulbs. Some models use a 60 watt bulb.


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