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are romanian deadlifts good for hamstrings

by Aimee Gutkowski IV Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Romanian and stiff-legged deadlifts target your hamstrings more than the standard form, making them ideal for people wishing to strengthen this area. They also put less pressure on your low back and are ideal for people with back pain. Traditional deadlifts may strengthen your lower back more.

Does the Romanian deadlift work the same muscles as a deadlift?

So although the Romanian deadlift does, technically, work the same muscles as the conventional deadlift, it puts quite a bit more emphasis on the hips, glutes, and hamstrings than it does on the upper back. The Romanian deadlift starts in a standing position.

What muscles does the Smith machine Romanian deadlift work?

The hamstrings are the prime movers during the Smith machine Romanian deadlift. Because of the extremely high levels of muscle tension that results from the deep eccentric stretch, RDLs are just about the best mass-building hamstring exercise that you can do.

Should I deadlift stiff leg deadlifts If I have hamstrings?

That being said, those who have limited hamstring mobility may not be able to achieve a true stiff-legged deadlift without compromising the neutral spine position. If this is the case, then the stiff-leg deadlift should be avoided and the Romanian deadlift should be performed instead. Wondering whether hamstrings improve deadlifting performance?

Why should alpha males drill the Romanian deadlift?

That’s why every assertive alpha-male must drill the Romanian Deadlift for bigger hamstrings and glutes. One of the problems many men face is they’re stuck in front of the mirror. Once they start stacking muscle they’re mesmerized by their reflection.


Do Romanian deadlifts grow hamstrings?

Yes, the Romanian deadlift is an effective exercise for building muscle in your back and lower body. The primary muscles worked in the Romanian deadlift are your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. The secondary muscles worked in the Romanian deadlift are your adductors, trapezius, and grip.

Are RDLs good for hamstrings?

The RDL works your glutes and hamstrings more than a conventional Deadlift because the quads don't contribute as much. It improves dynamic flexibility, especially in your hamstrings and low back.

Are Romanian deadlifts good for tight hamstrings?

The romanian deadlift is a type of deadlift that primarily focuses on the hamstrings. If done correctly however, your lower and upper back will be under tension as well. Along with strengthening these areas, this is also a fantastic exercise to work on the flexibility of your hamstrings.

Are Romanian deadlifts for glutes or hamstrings?

Romanian deadlifts are better for engaging the glutes, while a stiff-leg will give you more hamstring and lower back targeting.

Why don't I feel RDLS in my hamstrings?

To feel the hamstrings while performing the Romanian deadlift we need to ensure that the knees are not traveling too far forward, and instead are maintaining a slight bend in the knee with the shins mostly vertical.

What type of deadlift is best for hamstrings?

The Romanian deadlift and the stiff-legged deadlift are two of the most popular hamstring exercises. They also work your glutes and your lower back effectively.

Is RDL better than hamstring curl?

Researchers found that the deadlift and leg curl worked the hamstrings at the same intensity, but the squat produced only about half as much hamstring activation. The study concluded that both the leg curl and deadlift exercises are excellent and should be included as part of a hamstring resistance-training program.

Are squats and RDLS enough for hamstrings?

Many of us feel that deadlifts and squats are enough to maximize hamstring development, but that isn't quite the case. If your hamstrings are weak, train them. Not as an afterthought, not at the end of a leg workout – put them first.

What's better RDL or deadlift?

For Muscle Growth If you're looking to grow your glutes and low back, the deadlift might be your best bet between these two lifts. But if your main concern is growing your hamstrings, opt for the RDL. That said, the RDL is generally a solid choice for muscle growth and development.

What exercise strengthens your hamstrings?

Even exercises that you'd traditionally consider quad-dominant moves, like squats or lunges, can also work your hamstrings too. That's because when you lunge or squat, your hamstring muscles have to turn on to keep your leg stable and to help you stand back up, he says.

How can I grow my hamstrings fast?

Exercises to Build Bigger HamstringsDeadlift.Leg Curls. A good way to isolate the hamstring muscle group is through leg curls. ... Glute Ham Raise. One of the more popular hamstring exercises is the glute-ham raise. ... Kettlebell Swing. The glutes and hamstrings are highly active during the kettlebell swings. ... Swiss Ball Curl.

Do deadlifts build big hamstrings?

Some benefits of performing deadlifts include strengthening and gaining more definition in your upper and lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

What muscles do RDL target?

The Romanian deadlift (RDL) is a traditional barbell lift used to develop the strength of the posterior chain muscles, including the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and adductors. When done correctly, the RDL is an effective exercise that helps strengthen both the core and the lower body with one move.

What exercise strengthens your hamstrings?

Even exercises that you'd traditionally consider quad-dominant moves, like squats or lunges, can also work your hamstrings too. That's because when you lunge or squat, your hamstring muscles have to turn on to keep your leg stable and to help you stand back up, he says.

Do deadlifts workout your hamstrings?

0:001:37How to Perform Romanian Deadlift - Hamstring Leg Exercise - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipRomanian dead lift romanian deadlifts or rdls a great exercise to isolate the hamstrings.MoreRomanian dead lift romanian deadlifts or rdls a great exercise to isolate the hamstrings.

Should you deadlift with tight hamstrings?

Tight hamstrings when doing deadlifts can lead to injuries in both the legs and the lower back. When you tighten the back of the legs, you cannot hold a proper squat form as your pelvis tilts forward causing you to hunch your back. This position causes stress on the discs, ligaments and tendons of the spine.

Do knees bend when deadlifting?

What most do wrong is as they go down, they start to bend the knees, taking away the stretch in the hamstrings. Just like a normal deadlift, everything needs to be tight, especially your lats.

Do you feel a stretch when doing a lift?

When the lift is done correctly, most people will feel a good stretch in the hamstrings. I’ve worked with some people that are very flexible and with perfect form, feel nothing in the hamstrings. This is totally fine as long as the technique is there.

Can you do Romanian deadlifts with dumbells?

These are perfect for starting someone on one leg, as you can use the Core Blaster for balance. I also love doing these with a bar, dumbbells, or even kettlebells, but the balance can be very difficult for someone at first. With this variation, you can use more weight and really focus on working one leg at a time.

Do you retract your shoulder blades on deadlifts?

Hey Rudy, do not retract your shoulder blades on these, or normal deadlifts. You want to have your arms as long as possible, and engage your lats hard.

Do you have to have your lats tight on a deadlift?

Your accessory work should complement your main lifts. Having your lats tight on Romanian Deadlifts will translate to have them tight on the deadlift. The bar should be brought down to mid-shin level. When the lift is done correctly, most people will feel a good stretch in the hamstrings.

Why do Romanian deadlifts use hamstrings?

The hamstrings are heavily involved in the Romanian deadlift (RDL), and for this reason, most lifters will choose to include it in their program to build strength and muscle mass in the hamstrings.

How to feel hamstrings in Romanian deadlift?

To feel the hamstrings while performing the Romanian deadlift we need to ensure that the knees are not traveling too far forward, and instead are maintaining a slight bend in the knee with the shins mostly vertical.

How to increase tension in hamstrings?

To increase the amount of tension we develop in the hamstrings we can slow down the lowering phase (eccentric) of the Romanian deadlift because they are heavily involved in this position of the lift by decelerating hip flexion and dynamic stability of the knees.

Why is the rear foot elevated in Romanian deadlift?

The Rear Foot Elevated Romanian Deadlift increases our ability to feel the hamstrings working because having the object behind us that is elevating our foot and the dumbbells in front of us that we want to travel vertically along our legs, cues us to send the hips further backwards and maintain a smaller bend in the front knee.

What is a rear foot deadlift?

The rear-foot elevated Romanian deadlift is a single leg variation that is typically performed with dumbbells, which involves elevating one foot to a bench (or a box) to emphasize one leg at a time and increase the level of tension on the hamstrings more than a traditional Romanian deadlift.

What is the role of hamstrings in deadlift?

The main role that the hamstrings will play in the Romanian deadlift is to assist the glutes in extending the hip from the bottom position to a standing position (on the way up). In the bottom position, the hips will be pushed backwards away from the bar and it is the hamstrings job to return the hips to the bar in order to return to a standing position.

How to keep tension on hamstrings during Romanian deadlift?

To keep tension on the hamstrings and reduce the risk of injury while performing the Romanian deadlift, we should keep the bar close to us by actively trying to keep the bar against the legs throughout the movement.

Why is Romanian deadlift so popular?

What makes the Romanian deadlift even more special is that it’s much easier to learn and much easier on the lower back than the conventional deadlift, making it amazing for beginners. It’s also a great lift for helping more advanced lifters emphasize hip and glute growth, making it popular with women. And because it causes less lower-back fatigue, it’s a good lift for people with cranky backs. In fact, even for serious bodybuilders and powerlifters, the Romanian deadlift makes a great assistance lift for the conventional deadlift, allowing them to gain more muscle size and strength while accruing less overall fatigue.

Which is better, Romanian or conventional deadlift?

This means that the conventional deadlift engages more overall muscle mass in the legs, but the Romanian deadlift is better for isolating the hamstrings.

What is the best deadlift for hips?

The Romanian Deadlift for Building Bigger Hips & Glutes. Of all the lifts out there, the Romanian deadlift is one of the very best for emphasizing growth in the hips and hamstrings. For powerlifters, that’s essential because it helps to improve strength on low-bar squat and deadlift.

What is deadlift movement?

The deadlift is a movement pattern called a “hip hinge,” where we bend at the hips while bracing our cores, keeping our spines locked in a neutral position. It’s a simple enough lift in theory, but when most beginners try it for the first time, it comes out looking something like this:

What muscles do Romanian deadlifts work?

At a glance, the Romanian deadlift works the same muscles as the conventional deadlift. The hips and hamstrings are the prime movers, but we also need to hold the barbell in our hands, stabilize it with our spinal erectors and traps, and pull it in close with our lats and rear delts.

What is a Romanian deadlift?

The Romanian deadlift is a hip hinge movement where we bend at the hips and then lift the weight back up using our hips and hamstrings, like so: The Romanian deadlift is like the conventional deadlift, except that instead of starting from the floor, you start from a standing position.

What is the best compound lift for growing the hips, glutes, and hamstrings?

The Romanian deadlift is perfect the best big compound lift for growing the hips, glutes, and hamstrings.

What is the key to effective Romanian deadlifts?

Instead, the key to effective Romanian deadlifts are stability and control.

What is the best exercise for hamstrings?

Leg curls certainly are an effective exercise for directly stimulating the hamstrings, but in this article I’m going to outline the proper form on what I consider to be the very best hamstring exercise for mass and strength development: The Romanian Deadlift.

What are some exercises that increase strength?

Increase your strength on other big compound lifts like squats and deadlifts…

Which muscle group do most gym lifters care the least about?

If there’s one muscle group on the body that most average lifters in the gym care the least about developing, it’s probably the hamstrings .

Do Romanian deadlifts build hamstrings?

The only challenge is that, while Romanian deadlifts are a fantastic way to build your hamstrings, they’re also a particularly tricky exercise to really nail down from a technical standpoint.

Can you use light weights to strengthen your hamstrings?

Even when using relatively light weights, this exercise will stimulate your hamstrings more effectively than any other exercise out there, and my recommendation is to use it as the primary compound hamstring exercise in your routine.

Can you use a barbell for a squat?

However, you can simply choose the one that you personally prefer.

What is a Romanian Deadlift?

You’re no newbie in the iron house. You’ve been ripping the sh*t out of barbells for years, and your registered zip code is the exact location of your favorite bench. But let’s be real bro, not everybody is familiar with the Romanian Deadlift (RDL).

How to lift a hip?

Breathe in as you break into a hip hinge. As the bar lowers, sit your hips back and let your top half fall towards the floor. Remember to keep a neutral spine here and try not to crane the neck. Tip: Imagine you’re tucking a tennis ball under your chin throughout the whole lift.

Why is RDL so good?

Now, that makes the RDL so great is how much it targets the hamstrings and glutes. Because of the shorter range of motion and increase hip hinging, extra emphasis is placed on these muscles. Lifters can actively feel this focused attack during the exercise.

Why is RDL good for hypertrophy?

This is because extra emphasis is placed on eccentric loading (lowering), which is said to be the most influential phase for kickstarting the remodeling of muscle tissue.

Can you drill Romanian deadlifts?

By drilling this deadlift variation regularly, you’ll reap rewards far past jean splitting glute growth and hench AF hams. Romanian deadlifts can also improve dynamic flexibility in these areas too, including the lower back. Essentially, you’ll be able to explode into sprints faster and hit harder football tackles.

Is it better to lift from the rack or from the floor?

Depending on how hard you’re hitting legs and back will influence your set up. Some bros believe lifting from the rack is better simply because you’re not wasting energy. However, many muscle dudes reckon ripping the bar from the floor is the foremost way to start every set. For us, we’re gonna say go from the floor for extra deadlift practice – aka don’t be a b*tch, bro.

Is the RDL a deadlift?

Whilst it might follow a similar movement pattern to the straight leg deadlift the RDL is in a league of its own. With a slight knee bend and a higher emphasis on hip hinging, it’s incredible for building bigger hams and glutes, as well as a mightier posterior chain.


The Role of The Hamstrings in Romanian Deadlifts

  • The hamstrings are composed of 3 muscles known as the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and the biceps femoris, which all work to flex the knee, and to extend the hip. The main role that the hamstrings will play in the Romanian deadlift is to assist the glutes in extending the hip from the bottom position to a standing position (on the way up). In t...
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Deadlift Alternatives to Target The Hamstrings More

  • So far we’ve discussed how we can increase hamstring activity in the Romanian deadlift by increasing the amount of time that they spend under tension by adding a tempo and/or a pause to the repetitions. In addition to this, there are also some other deadlift variations that we can include to help feel the hamstrings more in a hip hinge pattern similar to the Romanian deadlift. …
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Final Thoughts

  • To engage the hamstrings fully so that we can feel them when we deadlift we need to master the hinge movement pattern, use a full range of motion, and increase the amount of time under tension. However, it’s important to note that even though we may not feel our hamstrings working as much as we might expect – it doesn’t necessarily mean that they aren’t doing their job. What …
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About The Author

  • Amanda Parker has a passion for competing and coaching in both powerlifting and weightlifting. She uses her knowledge from her Kinesiology Degree, CSCS, and Precision Nutrition certification to coach athletes and lifestyle clients for performance in training and nutrition. Connect with her on Instagram.
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