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are there moth balls that dont smell

by Alia Stehr Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Enoz Moth Ball Packets were specially developed to provide the unsurpassed protection of mothballs without the harsh smell and messy residue.

Full Answer

What causes someone to smell like mothballs?

What Causes a House to Smell Like Mothballs?

  • Mothballs. In many cases, if it smells like a mothball, it is a mothball. ...
  • Lingering Odors. Mothballs are made of naphthalene, a chemical that evaporates quickly and leaves a strong odor behind.
  • Other Sources of Napthalene. ...
  • Getting Rid of Odors. ...

Are moth balls and napthelene balls the same thing?

Your mothballs are made of either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. Both are aromatics (as insecticides tend to be), meaning that have a ring structure with atoms bonded in a way that allows electrons to shift between the bonds. Their particular chemistry means they have a non-trivial vapor pressure.

Are moth balls bad for You?

People exposed to mothballs for an extended time can suffer more serious liver and kidney damage. Mothballs are also dangerous because they can be mistaken for candy or food and eaten by children or pets. One mothball can cause serious harm if eaten by a child. Placing them in open containers, as many web sites recommend, is asking for trouble.

Why do some people like to smell moth ball?

The smell of mothballs is known to keep moths from invading homes and consuming stored items such as clothing and bedding. Mothballs have also been rumored to keep snakes, mice and other pests away. Mothballs are a form of chemical pesticide that leave behind a heavy and unmistakable smell, often long after the mothballs themselves are gone.


Do all moth balls smell?

The pyrethroid in modern mothballs is odourless. Traditional moth balls, the ones we know from our childhoods, contain one of two chemicals, napthalene or paradichlorobenzene. These are white opaque crystal-like balls and they have a tell-tale strong, unpleasant, acrid smell.

How do you use moth balls without them smelling?

Be sure to wash your hands after handling any mothballs. Soak the clothes: After you shake your garments out, you can move on to soaking them. This process is a pivotal step in removing the smell of mothballs. Use your washing machine for sturdy clothes, but place more delicate items in a bucket to soak.

Do moth balls still smell?

If you place the mothball underneath clothing or otherwise not in open air, it will take up to 12 months to completely dissipate. The mothball smell stays in your home for months or years after dissipating. Often, the smell of mothballs never truly ever go away.

Can you sleep in a room with mothballs?

' and the answer to this question is yes, potentially. According to the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC), the chemicals use in mothballs can be toxic to humans and pets and as people are exposed to these chemicals that are released as toxic fumes in the air space of the home.

How long does it take for mothballs to stop smelling?

about 3-6 monthsMothball odor is a terrible smell to have clinging to your clothing. And we have some shocking news for you: a single mothball takes about 3-6 months to dissipate completely. If you put the mothball under fabric or someplace where there is no air circulation, it takes about 12 months to dissipate!

What can I use instead of moth balls?

Here's how to get rid of moths naturally without using mothballs.Always Wash First. Image via Bigstock. ... Cedar Chips. Cedar chips are a natural moth deterrent and a useful alternative for protecting your closet's contents from insects. ... Lavender. ... Cloves. ... Airtight Containers. ... DIY Moth Repellant Spray. ... Clean Up After Pets.

How do you get rid of mothball smell in a room?

How to Get Rid of Mothball Smell from the HouseUse charcoal. ... Leave out bowls of vinegar or coffee grounds. ... Set out a box of baking soda. ... Get some ventilation in the room. ... Use cedar chips or cedar balls. ... Spread zeolite – or household cat litter – on wood and furniture. ... Mop the floors in the room. ... Use air fresheners.More items...•

Is it safe to put mothballs in attic?

Mothballs should not be used inside attics, crawl spaces, gardens, trash cans or vehicles. "Often, mothballs are used in these locations to control pests other than clothes moths," Stone said. They include squirrels, skunks, deer, mice, rats, dogs, cats, raccoons, moles, snakes, pigeons and a variety of other animals.

Will the mothball smell go away? How long does a mothball smell last?

It usually takes a couple of months for the physical mothball to completely dissipate when not exposed to air. The smell, however, may remain in yo...

Is the mothball smell bad for you?

Although mothballs have been determined as safe for general use, the fumes can cause health problems. Even handling mothballs can cause your hands...

How do you get the smell of mothballs out of furniture?

No one loves the smell of mothballs. To get rid of the smell, you should first get rid of the old mothballs. You can then use white vinegar and bak...

Are mothballs toxic to breathe?

Yes. Mothballs are manufactured from chemicals that are toxic to humans and animals. The moment you smell mothballs, you are being exposed to these...

Will dry cleaning remove the scent of mothballs?

The mothball smell tends to linger. If you worry that you won’t be able to successfully remove the mothball smell from clothing, then you can seek...

How to keep moths out of pullovers?

Try a natural remedy. To deter moths from taking up residence in your pullovers, mix up a powerful concoction of lavender oil, cinnamon oil, and clove oil— you can add a carrier oil like vegetable oil to stretch it.

How to get rid of moths in closet?

If you spot evidence of a moth infestation in your closet, wash and dry the clothes. It will eliminate the issue—but only for clothing that goes through a dryer cycle. (If it has to hang or lay flat to try, consider taking it to a dry cleaner.)

What to put on clothes to keep moths away?

You can also create sachets with lavender, cinnamon shavings, and cloves as a big “keep out” sign to moths, without the danger of getting the oil on your wardrobe. You could also try adding cedar (in blocks, shavings, or hangers), which repels moths.

Do moth balls repel moths?

Unfortunately, the classic remedy named for the problem—mothballs—have such a pungent odor that even if they work to repel moths, they end up repelling people too!

Can you mothproof a closet?

For starters, you can’t just moth-proof one closet in your home —you’ll have to do each one if you want to truly eradicate the problem. Here’s how to prevent and treat moth issues in your home without resorting to chemical-laden mothballs.

Do moths lay eggs?

Moths are not butterflies without the pretty patterns—they’re pests that can infest your home, laying eggs all over your beloved cardigans and turtlenecks and that Halston Heritage wrap dress that makes you look like Jessica Rabbit.

How to get mothball smell out of closet?

Getting the mothball smell out of a room or closet is a little more difficult than clothing, although the solutions themselves are simple. A bowl of vinegar or activated charcoal (available at most pet stores) will slowly absorb the odor safely. You might also choose to use odor-absorbing candles or even coffee grounds.

How to get rid of mothball smell on furniture?

From Your Furniture or Carpets. Depending on the material your furniture is made of, you may need to get an odor eliminator to safely get rid of the mothball smell . For most couches and other fabric-covered furnishings (including carpets), however, you can use a wet-vac in the same manner as the washer. See Also: How to Get Rid of Dust Mites ...

How to get rid of a stale smell in a vac?

First apply a layer of the 50/50 vinegar mix using the vac or a spray bottle, then go over the furniture as you normally would with the wet-vac. Not only does this method get rid of the odor, it will make the furnishings nice and clean; killing bed bugs, fleas, and other small pests.

What are mothballs made of?

Identifying Mothballs. Mothballs resemble candy or gumballs, and are made almost exclusively with one of two active ingredients: naphthalene or paradichlorobenzine. The balls dissolve over time into a gaseous form.

How long do mothballs last?

When exposed to the elements, a mothball will generally last for between four and six weeks. However, the fumes can last much longer, allowing mothballs to effectively last for several years if in a properly sealed container.

Can you wait to get rid of mothballs?

While it’s possible to wait out the mothball smell, this isn’t recommended, in no small part because the poisonous residue will remain after the smell dissipates. The good news is that getting rid of that stench is fairly simple and involves products you likely already have in your home.

Do mothballs smell?

The problem is that mothballs are themselves rather unpleasant smelling and tend to leave that odor behind long after the balls themselves dissolve. Getting rid of that mothball smell isn’t difficult, and there are some great tried-and-true remedies out there.

How to keep moths away from clothes?

It’s time to put the washing machine to work. Before you go putting your clothing into garment bags and storage bins , there is one crucial step to keeping moths away. You want to wash your clothing thoroughly and also ensure they are entirely dry before going into storage.

How to make moth spray?

For a basic recipe of homemade moth spray you'll need a 2-quart spray bottle. Pour in ¼ cup of neem oil. Fill the remaining space with water and add some liquid soap. You can also use white vinegar and water or a mixture of vinegar, neem oil, and vinegar to make a moth-killing spray.

What is the best wood to keep moths away from clothes?

This connection is probably reinforced by the fact that a search for mothballs will often yield “cedar balls” designed to ward off the household clothes moth. The oil in cedar wood is a powerful repellent that will keep moths away from your clothing.

How to get rid of flying moths?

Try and repel flying moths leaving them unharmed but away from your clothes storage. Catch and kill the clothes moths and take them out of the breeding cycle for good! Mothballs, at least the old fashioned naphthalene ones, were designed to deter and kill using their toxic fumes.

What is the best spray to kill moths?

Homemade Moth Repellent Spray. Alongside placing packets of lavender or rosemary all over the place, you can mix up a DIY spray. It’s easy to make and uses ingredients like neem oil, which is proven to repel and kill many species of moths, including clothes moths.

Do flying moths kill clothes?

Killing the flying clothes moths is the ideal outcome if you truly want to protect all of your clothing. After all, you don’t want to simply deter the moths from your clothes in seasonal storage only to find them at home in your day-to-day dress wear.

Do moths like wool?

Moths are attracted to more than just the wool fibers of your sweater. They also like certain scents, like soap, perfume, food, and sweat. Washing clothing can help remove any moth eggs on the clothing that haven’t hatched yet and the already active moth larvae.

Why do moth balls smell?

The smell is enough to drive moths and other insects, as well as small pests like mice and rats, away from the space. Mothballs can also be used to soak up moisture and prevent mould growth.

How to get rid of moths that don't stink?

Lavender, mint, and cloves all repel insects. You can add some essential oil diffusers or air fresheners to a room or spray some onto your clothing. Start watering your windowsill herb garden again.

How to get rid of mothball smell in clothes?

Here are some ways for removing mothball odour from clothes: Make a lemon juice and white vinegar solution. In a small bowl, mix together some vinegar and lemon juice. Grab a clean cloth to dab the solution onto the places on the clothing or shoes where the mothball smell is the strongest. Hang your clothing outside.

How long does it take for a mothball to dissipate?

Mothball odour is a terrible smell to have clinging to your clothing. And we have some shocking news for you: a single mothball takes about 3-6 months to dissipate completely. If you put the mothball under fabric or someplace where there is no air circulation, it takes about 12 months to dissipate!

What are mothballs made of?

Mothballs are commonly made from naphthalene, but due to naphthalene being a highly flammable substance, more companies are switching over to paradichlorobenzene. Both are potential carcinogens, poisonous and may cause nausea, dizziness, restlessness, lack of appetite, fatigue, headaches, and more.

How to get rid of mothballs in a room?

Open the windows and doors. Turn on ceiling fans. Let the air circulate around the room or house for a few hours. Wipe down surfaces. After you have removed the mothballs, spray the floor, counters, and other surfaces with a 50-50 mix of vinegar and water. You can use a rag or mop to wipe down the hard surfaces.

How to get rid of odors in a wet vacuum?

First apply a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar with a spray bottle. Then, go over the furniture as you normally would with the wet-vac. Not only do you get rid of any odours, but you can also remove dirt and pests, like fleas, bed bugs, and moths.

Why do mothballs smell?

Mothball breath can be triggered in the mouth by bacteria. On food particles and sloughed mouth cells, these sulfur-producing bacteria flourish. When these food products are digested, they create volatile sulfur compounds (vscs) that can smell like mothballs.

Why does my mouth smell like mothballs?

Though acid reflux (GERD) most often makes its presence felt in the mouth in the form of a sour or bitter taste (thanks to the incorrect positioning of stomach acids), there is some evidence that GERD may also be a causal factor in mothball breath.

What does keto breath smell like?

The body burns stored fat instead of burning carbohydrates for food and therefore releases chemicals called “ketones”.#N#Although ketones appear to smell very rich and fruity (similar to nail polish), some dieters have found that the smell of mothballs resembles their breath.

Why does my breath smell like mold?

Sometimes, sinus infections cause thick, yellowish, or green mucus to drip down the back of the throat from the nose. A surplus of bacteria, foreign particles, and metabolites build up as we breathe, resulting in a very unpleasant breathing smell.

Why does my breath smell like rotten eggs?

A breath that smells like rotten eggs often suggests a problem originating from the digestive tract. Since sulfur is broken down by the gut microbiota, an eggy-smelling gas is released. This may be caused by Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD. When the stomach acids crawl back up the esophagus, GERD occurs.

Why does urine smell fishy?

The kidneys extract contaminants from the blood that are toxic. The contaminants and waste begin to accumulate throughout the body when the kidneys become so weakened that they are no longer able to remove waste. This condition can result in a fishy-smelling breath.

Is bad breath the same as mothballs?

The poor breath may be an early sign of a more severe medical problem in some cases. It is true that not all bad breath has the same scent. This article will address various kinds of bad breath that may warrant the dentist a necessary ride.

What are some good scents to repel snakes?

You can take advantage of this trait by using scents they dislike, such as cinnamon, clove oil, and eugenol. These are the only scents recommended by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to repel snakes.

Does clove oil repel snakes?

There is no information prominent on how cinnamon and clove oil work to repel other species of snakes. If you plan to use cinnamon or clove oil to repel snakes, use it in an area that cannot be accessed by pets.


1.How to Get Rid of a Mothball Smell - Moth Prevention


25 hours ago Are there moth balls that don't smell? Cedar Chips. Use cedar chips as a useful alternative for protecting fabrics in your closet from moths. Hang cedar blocks... Airtight Containers or Garment Bags. Seal up clothes in containers as a preventive measure and to free up space in the...

2.How to Mothproof Your Closet Without Smelly Mothballs …


17 hours ago With mothballs in the appropriate location, you can keep spiders away for as long as six months. Enoz Moth Ball Packets were specially developed to provide the unsurpassed protection of mothballs without the harsh smell and messy residue. Enoz Moth Ball Packets combines one of the most effective mothproofing ingredients available with a fresh scent to create a hard …

3.How to Get Rid of Mothball Smell (Quick and Easy Methods)


19 hours ago You can also create sachets with lavender, cinnamon shavings, and cloves as a big “keep out” sign to moths, without the danger of getting the oil on …

4.Mothball Alternatives: Getting Rid of Moths Without …


6 hours ago  · The oil in cedar wood is a powerful repellent that will keep moths away from your clothing. The downside to cedar is that the oils and scent are short-lived. Any cedar blocks, hangers, balls, or chips that you purchase for your closet and wardrobe will have to be replaced every 2-3 months or so.

5.How to Get Rid of a Mothball Smell - MothPrevention


35 hours ago  · So you don’t want that smell hanging in the air like an ominous cloud. You need to get rid of it. Due to the harmful chemicals naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene found within these mothballs we DO NOT sell them and would advise against using them for your own safety.

6.Why Does My Breath Smells Like Mothballs? - Learn from …


10 hours ago  · You can greatly reduce the smell of mothballs in your home, and you can speed up the dissipation process. View it at Amazon – Holmes Dual Blade Twin Window Fan, White. Don’t Use Scented Odor-Removal Products. Whatever you do, don’t use one fragrance to cover up another! You will create a whole new (and equally disgusting) scent.

7.2 Smells That Snakes Hate (and How to Use Them) - Pest …


29 hours ago  · Although some of these may be oral in nature, the musty odor of mothballs on the breath may also result in a variety of various medical problems and dietary impacts. There appears to be no evidence, in contrast to common belief, that lactose intolerance can lead to breathe that smells like mothballs. Poor oral hygiene

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