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at what point does andy realize he is dying

by Tabitha Williamson Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Does Andy realize he is dying in the rain?

At first Andy does not realize he is dying. He lies on the sidewalk in the rain feeling proud of himself for taking an attack from his rival. However, as he weakens, he realizes he is dying, but he does not have the strength to cry out.

How did Andy die in on the sidewalk bleeding?

Its protagonist, a sixteen-year-old boy named Andy, bleeds to death on the sidewalk after being stabbed below the ribs by a member of a rival gang….On the Sidewalk Bleeding. What happened to Andy in on the sidewalk bleeding? Andy, a member of the Royals, a notorious street gang, has been stabbed in an alley by a rival gang, the Guardians.

How does Andy feel when he is lying on the sidewalk?

He lies on the sidewalk in the rain feeling proud of himself for taking an attack from his rival. However, as he weakens, he realizes he is dying, but he does not have the strength to cry out. A drunk man comes down the alley where Andy is lying.

What happened to Andy in the Outsiders?

In the story, Andy, a member of the Royals gang, is stabbed by a rival gang, the Guardians and left on the sidewalk to die. The Guardian that stabbed him did not know anything about Andy, other than the fact that he was a Royal. Everybody sees Andy as a Royal and that is the reason that he was stabbed and wasn’t saved.


What does Andy do with the last of his strength Why is this significant?

(On the Sidewalk Bleeding) What does Andy do with the last of his strength and how is this important to the theme of this story? He takes off his jacket. Andy was killed because he was a Royal. People who passed by identified him by his jacket and chose not to help him.

Does Andy Die in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Its protagonist, a sixteen-year-old boy named Andy, bleeds to death on the sidewalk after being stabbed below the ribs by a member of a rival gang.

Who Finds Andy at the end of On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

A few people come and go, but no one helps him. He takes off his jacket because he realises it was the reason he was stabbed. In the end his girlfriend Laura comes to find him, but he is dead. The story ends with a policeman starting to take notes on the incident.

Why is Andy On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

''On the Sidewalk Bleeding'' focuses on Andy, as he lays on the sidewalk bleeding out after being stabbed by a rival gang member simply for wearing his Royal jacket, which symbolized his place in the Royal gang.

What is the moral of On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

In the story “On The Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter a young man named Andy regrets his choices as he's staring death in the eyes. The moral of this story is to make choices you will not regret in the future. Andy made choices in his life that he regrets in his last moments.

What does Andy's jacket symbolize?

Andy was stabbed because he was wearing a purple jacket with the word royals on the back. The royals are a gang, their rivals are called the guardians. The author showed a few symbols in the story, but the main one is Andy's jacket. The jacket is the main symbol because without it there would be no story.…

What does the knife symbolize in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

What does the knife symbolize in On the Sidewalk Bleeding? The knife symbolizes the indifference shown to Andy by society because it was not used to kill Andy the person, but Andy the gang member.

Why did no one help Andy in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Andy was stabbed for being apart of the gang the Royals and strangers were passing by him but not helping him. They were not helping him because they seen that he had a Royals jacket on so if they helped him he thought the other gang qthe Guardians would be after them.

Is there foreshadowing in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

Foreshadowing – When he begins to think of Laura and wonders if he will see her again, then she is the one who tries the most to help him. Personification – “tears jumped into his eyes” and we all know that tears can't jump.

Why did no one help Andy in on the sidewalk bleeding?

Andy was stabbed for being apart of the gang the Royals and strangers were passing by him but not helping him. They were not helping him because they seen that he had a Royals jacket on so if they helped him he thought the other gang qthe Guardians would be after them.

What effect does Andy's jacket have on the people who find him in the alley?

What effect does Andy's jacket have on the people who find him in the alley? The jacket causes people to think twice about helping him. His jacket labelled him as a Royal, therefore causing people to not want to get invovled. So against their better judgment they chose to leave Andy to die.

What type of character is Andy in on the sidewalk bleeding?

Naive. Andy was extremely naïve, because he knew that he was not going to die because of "this cut”. He was expecting to live a happy life with Laura. He was also proud of being a Royal even though that got him stabbed.

What is the main conflict in on the sidewalk bleeding?

Throughout this story, Andy had internal conflict with himself. When he was dying, there was a conflict over whether he should keep his gang identity with the Royals or whether he should be himself, Andy. He had to make a decision whether group identity was more important or an individual identity.

What happens to Andy in the Royals?

A drunk man comes down the alley where Andy is lying. The drunk assumes that Andy is also drunk and does nothing. A young boy and young girl come by, but they are afraid to do anything because he is a gang member. Andy decides the Royals jacket may cost him his life, so he fights it off. However, removing his jacket takes the last of his strength, and he dies. The story ends with Andy's girlfriend finding him. She runs to get a police officer who is dismissive of Andy's plight because of his gang member status.

Who stabs Andy in the belly?

A member of the Guardians, the rival gang, stabs him and rips the knife across his belly. At first Andy does not realize he is dying. He lies on the sidewalk in the rain feeling proud of himself for taking an attack from his rival.

How old is Andy from the Royals?

Andy is a 16-year-old boy who belongs to a gang called the Royals. He is stabbed under the ribs by a member of a rival gang. The story starts just after Andy is stabbed by a member of a rival gang. Andy is wearing a purple jacket that signifies he is a member of the Royals street gang.

What is the summary of "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Ed McBain?

What Is a Summary of "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Ed McBain? The short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Ed McBain tells the story of Andy, who bleeds to death after being stabbed. Andy is a 16-year-old boy who belongs to a gang called the Royals.

Who was Andy in on the sidewalk bleeding?

Andy, a 16 year old gang member in the short story ‘On the sidewalk bleeding’ by Evan Hunter, wanted to just be looked at as a regular 16 year old boy, but instead he gets stab by a guy from another gang.

What did Andy realize about why he was stabbed?

He leaves his girlfriend, Laura, at a dance to buy a pack of cigarettes and is stabbed by a member of a rival gang, The Guardians, in the process; he is slow to realize the severity of the wound due to ignorance and shock. Andy eventually realizes that he is slowly dying.

What happened to Andy in on the sidewalk bleeding?

Andy, a member of the Royals, a notorious street gang, has been stabbed in an alley by a rival gang, the Guardians. Despite this act in Evan Hunter’s “On the Sidewalk, Bleeding”, Andy proves he is not frightened at the thought of death.

What happened in the second incidence of Andy?

The second incidence shows a young couple arriving upon the scene of Andy dying and choosing not to help him for fear of the Guardians, a rival gang. This is the moment that Andy really starts to reflect upon being Andy and not defined by his jacket or his gang.

How old is Andy from the gang?

The story focuses on a 16-year-old young man named Andy and his last moments after being stabbed by a rival gang member in an alley.

What is the third incidence of Andy bleeding to death?

The third incidence is an old woman who appears to be homeless and dumpster diving, who simply does not see Andy bleeding to death on the sidewalk under the darkness and the rain.

What is the story of a young man bleeding out?

In our story, a young man is bleeding out and we see at least two clear incidents of possible saviors for him. One, the drunk, doesn't realize the truth of the situation, and so he's removed from the social responsibility in the reader's eyes. He is just an unfortunate tease for Andy.

What is the theme of the second episode of On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

The second main theme touched upon in ''On the Sidewalk Bleeding'' is that of identity, specifically of the self. Andy struggles with this idea as he also comes closer and closer to the realization that he truly will die. He realizes that he has given himself a label of Royal, which is now causing his demise.

What are the stages of coping with the realization that you are going to die?

According to one widely-accepted theory, originally conceived of by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in 1969, the five stages of coping with realizing you are going to die are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. 6.

Why is it important to keep the truth about dying?

Keeping the truth about dying from the one who is nearing death could rob them of the chance to reflect on their lives and fulfill their final wishes.

What does it mean to hope at the end of life?

Hope at the End of Life. It may seem like a dying person can't possibly feel hopeful, but dying people do retain an amazing capacity to hope. While they may have stopped hoping for a cure or for a long life, they may still hope to mend relationships with loved ones and to die peacefully.

What happens if you don't talk about your death?

Even if your loved one doesn't discuss their death, they most likely know it is coming. In some cases, the person comes from a culture or a family in which death is simply not discussed. Furthermore, your loved one may sense that others feel uncomfortable recognizing the dying process so they don't want to bring it up.

Why do we want to shield our loved ones?

It is natural to want to shield the ones we love from pain and sorrow. Trying to protect a loved one from the truth about their condition may initially seem like a good idea, but in fact withholding that information can lead to resentment and disappointment.

What happens when someone is close to death?

Someone who is very close to death will likely refuse food and water. Their breathing and heart rates will slow and/or be abnormal and their hands, arms, feet, or legs may be cool to the touch. They may also be agitated, anxious, and confused.

Can you tell someone you love is dying?

As uncomfortable as it can be to acknowledge openly that a person you love is dying, it's important to realize that the person is most likely aware that they are dying, so you don't have to struggle with "breaking the news." In fact, dying people often appreciate being able to use the time they have left to tell people they love them and mend certain relationships if necessary.

What is the theme of the story of Andy?

However, there is one main theme, which is the importance of self-identity . In the story, Andy, a member of the Royals gang, is stabbed by a rival gang, the Guardians and left on the sidewalk to die. The Guardian that stabbed him did not know anything about Andy, other than the fact that he was a Royal. Everybody sees Andy as a Royal and that is the reason that he was stabbed and wasn’t saved. If he wasn’t wearing the Royal’s jacket, he would have been a different person. From this, we learn that it is important to be ourselves and not have labels define you we are. It also teaches us that we have to be careful of labels and not to associate with bad influences such as gangs, because they are what people will see you as. Instead, we must avoid labels and develop our own character. There are several events in this story that demonstrate this theme. For example, Andy meets the couple, Freddie and Angela, who refused to help him because they saw he was a gang member. In the climax of the story, Andy wanted to take off his jacket because when he dies, he did not want anyone to see him as a Royal who was stabbed, but as Andy. At the end of the story, when the cop and Laura find Andy, the cop writes off Andy as a Royal, as if he thought the death was justified, because he was a Royal. In all these examples, Andy was instantly judged as a gang member, although they did not know anything about him. This is why the theme of identity is key in this story. Andy just wanted to be himself, but the label of being a Royal stopped others from knowing who he truly

How old is Andy in On the Sidewalk Bleeding?

On the Sidewalk Bleeding The story focuses on a 16-year-old young man named Andy and his last moments after being stabbed by a rival gang member in an alley. Andy does not yet know he is going to die tonight, but that he will. Andy slowly comes to the realization that he may die, and then that he certainly will die, in this dark alley.While he is lying there, unable to speak through the blood in his throat, Andy thinks about his girl Laura and what she must be thinking about him not returning to the dance, and about how much he loves her. He thinks about his identity as a Royals gang member and how wearing his Royals jacket has gotten him stabbed. Andy wonders whether he was stabbed as Andy, or ''had they simply known that he was Royal wearing

Why did Giles die in the play?

All of this happened because of the beliefs that society had on these people. While most of the people in the play were hanged, some of the people died in different ways. One these methods was by placing boulders on their chest until they could no longer breathe, which is what was used on Giles Corey. Although Giles wasn’t accused of witchcraft, he was killed because he refused to tell the court the name of the person he got information from. His death is explained when Elizabeth tells Proctor, “He would not answer ay or nay to his indictment; for if he denied the charge they’d hang him surely, and auction out his property.


1.What does Andy do with the last of his strength Why?


32 hours ago  · At what point in the story dues Andy realize he is dying? Wiki User. ∙ 2010-11-24 03:26:07. Add an answer. Want this question answered? Be notified when an answer is posted. 📣 …

2.What Is a Summary of "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" by Ed …


32 hours ago  · At first Andy does not realize he is dying. He lies on the sidewalk in the rain feeling proud of himself for taking an attack from his rival. However, as he weakens, he realizes he is …

3.Who was Andy in on the sidewalk bleeding? – Heimduo


23 hours ago  · What important realization does Andy make as he lay dying? The important realization that Andy makes as he lay dying was that he didn’t want to be part of The Royal’s …

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24 hours ago Andy's jacket makes people afraid of him. It is what gets him stabbed and what leaves him there to die. At what point does Andy realize he is dying? Andy realized that he was dying after the …

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15 hours ago  · Andy struggles with this idea as he also comes closer and closer to the realization that he truly will die. He realizes that he has given himself a label of Royal, which is now …

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21 hours ago The cop ’s reaction to Andy was like he did n’t care about him . While other cops would be shocked and call for an ambulance but the cop did n’t and said “ he 's dead ” to Laura when he looked at …

7.Andy On The Sidewalk Bleeding Analysis |


3 hours ago The cop ’s reaction to Andy was like he did n’t care about him . While other cops would be shocked and call for an ambulance but the cop did n’t and said “ he 's dead ” to Laura when he …

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