Knowledge Builders

at what temperature will concrete freeze

by Rhoda Rath Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

25° F.

Full Answer

Can concrete freeze and what happens if it does?

Without any air entrainment, if the concrete freezes after being saturated with some form of water, it will lose strength. lead to some form of scaling or pitting on the surface. Whether your pouring concrete footings, floors, or slabs, the ground can't be frozen.

Can concrete cure below freezing?

Will concrete cure below freezing? The simple answer to that question is no. Yet there are workarounds. While construction companies would prefer to hold off on concrete until warmer temperatures, they have to meet demands. That being said, there are heaters that can be used to keep the concrete warmer as it cures.

Will concrete set in cold temps?

Concrete sets more slowly when it is cold—very slow below 50°F; below 40°F the hydration reaction basically stops and the concrete doesn't gain strength. But these are concrete temperatures not air temperatures. So when it's cold, we need to protect the concrete until it can handle the cold on its own. The general rule is that once the ...

When is it too cold to pour concrete?

When temperatures get too cold, there’s no way to pour concrete without precautions. If you’re not prepared, the concrete won’t cure properly and can actually turn to dust. When temperatures fall below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, hydration slows, and possibly stops, which ruins the concrete.


What temperature is too cold for concrete?

When temperatures dip below 40 °F, the chemical reactions that strengthen concrete slow down and can lead to weaker concrete. If concrete curing temperatures are below freezing, the water inside the concrete can freeze and expand, resulting in cracks.

How long does concrete need to set before freezing?

24 hoursIn no case should concrete be allowed to freeze during the first 24 hours after it has been placed. Since cement hydration is an exothermic reaction, the concrete mixture produces some heat on its own.

Do I need to cover concrete if it freezes?

The process of curing concrete becomes more challenging in cold weather since, to properly set and reach maximum strength, fresh concrete must be protected from freezing for at least the first 24 hours, or until it reaches a minimum strength of 500 pounds per square inch (psi).

Can you pour concrete if it freezes overnight?

If the ground is frozen or covered with ice or snow, you should not place your concrete. Frozen ground will settle as it thaws, which leaves your concrete susceptible to cracking. In addition, when wet concrete is placed on a cold surface, the concrete will set more slowly.

Should you cover concrete with plastic in cold weather?

Because temperature impacts the curing process too, use dark plastic if the temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit to absorb heat and keep the concrete warm while it cures; if temperatures are above 85 degrees Fahrenheit, use a white or metallic sheet that reflects light from the sun to keep the concrete cooler.

How can you tell if concrete is frozen?

Formed concrete surfaces sometimes show ice-crystal imprints, indicating that fresh concrete was frozen. The absence of ice-crystal imprints is one indication that concrete hasn't been damaged by freezing.

What do you put in concrete to keep it from freezing?

Hot water—Your ready mixed concrete producer will usually have, and use, hot water in the concrete when the weather turns cold.

How long does it take concrete to cure in cold weather?

If the concrete is kept at around 50°F, protection can typically be removed after two days. If the concrete remains at 50°F, depending on what kind of cement is used and how much accelerator, you should wait a couple of weeks-better to wait 4 weeks-before actually putting it into service.

What do you put in cement to stop it freezing?

To ensure proper cold weather concrete pour, add warm or hot water to the concrete mix to prevent it from freezing. You can also use an accelerator to allow the concrete to set when it is being mixed.

How long does 4 inches of concrete take to cure?

How long does four to six inches of concrete take to cure? As stated previously, concrete takes approximately 26-30 days to reach its full strength. If the concrete is professionally poured and floated, the curing process should be sound and ensure proper hardening of the concrete base.

Is it OK to pour concrete in winter?

For it to set correctly, you must protect fresh concrete from freezing during the first 24 hours. If it freezes, it will lose much of its strength. However, with proper safety measures and planning, you can pour concrete successfully even in cold weather conditions.

Will concrete freeze at 27 degrees?

At 25 to 27 degrees Fahrenheit, the freezing of pore water in curing concrete will halt hydration – and the curing process.

How long does it take for 4 inches of concrete to cure?

How long does four to six inches of concrete take to cure? As stated previously, concrete takes approximately 26-30 days to reach its full strength. If the concrete is professionally poured and floated, the curing process should be sound and ensure proper hardening of the concrete base.

How long does concrete take to cure in cold weather?

If the concrete is kept at around 50°F, protection can typically be removed after two days. If the concrete remains at 50°F, depending on what kind of cement is used and how much accelerator, you should wait a couple of weeks-better to wait 4 weeks-before actually putting it into service.

What Temperature is Too Cold to Pour Concrete?

Sometimes things on your to do list need to get done – even in the depths of winter. If you’re managing a concrete parking lot or structure that’s past due on repairs or replacement, it’s important to knock those issues out before they create hazards for your tenants or visitors – but what about when it’s cold out?

How long does concrete stay warm?

Concrete contractors can use large-scale industrial warming ‘blankets,’ that are placed on curing concrete during freezing temperatures. The blankets keep concrete at ideal temperature for approximately 24-48 hours until it’s set and ready for traffic.

Why is my concrete cracking?

Too hot and the moisture in the concrete will evaporate too quickly, causing weakness and crack-inducing shrinking. If it’s too hot when the concrete is poured it might have to be replaced. Repouring concrete will cost time and labor so never attempt to pour in temperature extremes.

How long does it take for concrete to cure?

At the correct temperatures most concrete is cured enough for foot and vehicle traffic within 2-3 days of installation though the actual curing process will go indefinitely.

Does cold weather affect concrete?

Though it cures as opposed to dries, temperature plays a large role in concrete installation and can greatly affect curing. Too cold and the curing will take too long. Slow curing means brittle concrete that’ll never set properly. Concrete that sets in below freezing temperatures without any insulation will need to be dug up and repoured.

When is concrete pouring season in Colorado?

Colorado Pavement Solutions has been helping Colorado customers pour concrete for years, including the colder months of December through February. We have the people, skills, and tools to plan a winter install and give you an excellent job every time. Give us a call today to get your concrete project started, even if it’s a little chilly out.

Can you thaw concrete before you install it?

Thawing the Ground Sometimes you can’t wait for perfect 40 to 60-degree temperatures for concrete installation but that’s okay if you thaw the ground prior to installation. You can thaw the ground with a combination of physical earth removal, heating systems, and insulating blankets. Concrete contractors that frequently install during the colder months will use these tools for the best pour possible.

Did you know this about cold weather concrete?

Fresh or Plastic concrete will freeze if the temperature falls below 25 degrees F (-4C).

Why is heat important for concrete?

Heat of hydration is very important when pouring concrete in the winter. Often the heat from hydration along with covering the concrete with curing or insulating blankets is enough to cure the concrete and keep it from freezing.

Why is air entraining important in concrete?

Why, because air entrainment provides concrete the capacity to absorb stresses due to ice formation within the mix.

How many psi does concrete need to be to be water tight?

Concrete that goes through just one freeze cycle before reaching 500 psi may be restored to nearly normal strength if proper insulating/curing is done. Fresh concrete that freezes will not be as weather resistant or water-tight as concrete that hasn't been frozen.

How to protect concrete after pouring?

Plan, well in advance, on how you're going to protect the concrete after the pour. Have everything you'll need, blankets, hay, tarps, heaters on site and ready as soon as you need to cover the concrete. The sooner you protect the concrete from freezing the more heat from hydration you'll save.

How many PSI does concrete have?

At normal temperatures (70 degrees F) concrete usually reaches 500 psi in the first 24 hours.

What do you cover a slab with?

We covered the slab below with insulating blankets, a layer of hay, and a tarp over everything after we were done troweling.

How to prevent concrete from drying out?

Concrete retained in forms or covered with insulation seldom loses enough moisture at 40 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit) to impair curing. However, drying from low wintertime humidities and heaters used in enclosures is a concern. It is good practice to leave forms in place as long as possible, because they help distribute heat more evenly and help prevent drying of the concrete. Live steam exhausted into an enclosure around the concrete is an excellent method of curing because it provides both heat and moisture. Liquid membrane-forming compounds can also be used within heated enclosures for early curing of concrete surfaces.

What type of heater is used in cold weather concrete?

Three types of heaters are used in cold-weather concrete construction: direct fired, indirect fired, and hydronic systems. To avoid carbonation of fresh concrete surfaces, indirect-fired heaters should be used. If the concrete is not exposed to the heater or exhaust directly, then a direct-fired heater is suitable.

What temperature should concrete be placed at?

Whenever air temperature at the time of concrete placement is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and freezing temperatures within the first 24 hours after placement are expected, the following general issues should be considered:

What is cold weather concrete?

The current American Concrete Institute (ACI) definition of cold-weather concreting, as stated in ACI 306 is, “a period when for more than three successive days the average daily air temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and stays below 50 degrees Fahrenheit for more than one-half of any 24 hour period.”.

How tall is a windbreak?

Typically, a height of six feet is sufficient. Windbreaks could be taller or shorter depending on anticipated wind velocities, ambient temperatures, relative humidity, and concrete placement temperatures. Heated enclosures are very effective for protecting concrete in cold weather, but are probably the most expensive option.

What is a heated concrete enclosure?

Heated enclosures are very effective for protecting concrete in cold weather, but are probably the most expensive option. Enclosures can be made of wood, canvas tarpaulins, or polyethylene. Prefabricated rigid-plastic enclosures are also available.

Why use liquid membrane forming compounds?

It is also important to prevent rapid cooling of the concrete upon termination of the heating period. Sudden cooling of the concrete surface while the interior is warm may cause thermal cracking.

Does Time of Day Matter?

The temperature is one of the most important factors for getting the right consistency and finish for your concrete, but the time of day and weather should also factor into your decision. Plan to pour concrete before 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m. in order to avoid the hottest part of the day. If you are concerned about the temperature while working on a summer project, consider pouring concrete at night to give the mixture the best chance to harden and cure before the sun comes up.

Why does concrete take so long to cure?

However, if the concrete mixture is poured when it's too cold outside, then the curing process can take much longer. While this doesn't seem like a big deal at first, the potential repercussions are hard to ignore. Slow curing concrete can shift over time, causing severe structural damage to any buildings or materials that are being supported. Freezing temperatures can also cause the water in the concrete to freeze and expand, breaking the concrete. These breaks may be immediately noticeable or they can form in the middle of the concrete, going unseen until a heavy structure is placed on top of the concrete and the weight causes it to crumble.

Why is concrete poured in hot weather?

Pouring concrete in hot weather can reduce the amount of water in the concrete mixture, due to the process of evaporation. This can create abnormalities in the shape, but it can also cause the final product to be weaker, putting the concrete at risk of flaking, chipping, and cracking under pressure.

What happens to concrete after pouring?

After pouring, the concrete mixture begins to chemically react with the water molecules in a process known as curing. This bonds the components together, creating an incredibly strong, cohesive substance. However, both low- and high-temperature extremes can affect the curing process, so it's important to keep the concrete at the right temperature while it cures.

What temperature should concrete be in the winter?

Ideally, the temperature should remain within 50 to 60°F for most of the day. Also, make sure that nighttime temperatures don't drop below 40°F, as this may cause the water in the concrete to freeze, putting it at risk of chipping and breaking.

What is concrete made of?

Concrete is an incredibly useful substance when it's poured and cured properly. It's typically made up of an aggregate and a paste. The aggregate is essentially a combination of sand and broken gravel, mixed together in precise amounts, while the paste is a mixture of water and cement. This mixture of aggregate and paste becomes a fluid concrete substance that can be poured and formed into different shapes or custom molds.

How long does it take for concrete to harden?

However, concrete doesn't immediately become hard and resistant to damage after pouring. It takes at least 4 to 8 hours before the concrete hardens, then a further 24 to 72 hours to cure, so it's important that the concrete be poured and cure at the ideal temperature.

Is it really wise to concrete when it is cold?

The quick answer to this is to check the weather forecast. If tomorrow’s temperature is going to hover around 32°F, maybe you should consider rescheduling your concrete pour for another day.

How to prevent subgrade from freezing?

Prevention includes covering the subgrade with insulating materials such as blankets or straw, in order to keep it free from ice and snow. If the subgrade freezes, it may be necessary to excavate to a level below the frost line and remove any frozen areas. After adequately thawing, the subgrade material should be reintroduced and compacted with frost-preventive measures in place.

What is cold weather for concrete?

What defines cold weather for concrete? The American Concrete Institute (ACI) – ACI 306R-10 has stated that “ cold weather exists when the air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall, below 40°F (5°C) during the protection period.

What type of cement produces more effective results, type I or type III?

What type of cement produces more effective results, Type I or Type III? Although “ Type I cement is proven to be successful in cold weather conditions, Type III can give extra control and protection from the aspect of higher internal temperatures resulting in accelerated strength gain. ” [10] “ Using Type III (high-early-strength) cement speeds concrete setting time and strength gain. Ground more finely than Type I or Type II cement, type III cement may also contain more tricalcium silicate. Both the fine grind and higher tricalcium silicate content increase the rate at which heat is generated by hydration. ” [11]

What is good planning for concrete?

Good planning includes a conversation with the ready-mix concrete company regarding ways to maintain temperature control while pouring concrete in cold weather.

What temperature does water contract at?

The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) states that “ when liquid water is cooled, it contracts like one would expect until a temperature of approximately 4 degrees Celsius is reached. After that, it expands slightly until it reaches the freezing point, and then when it freezes it expands by approximately 9% ”. [4] That is pretty dramatic evidence of the thermodynamic properties of water…and how it can affect subgrade compaction.

How does air entrain concrete work?

Air-entrained concrete is produced using air-entraining Portland Cement, or by the introduction of air-entraining agents, under careful engineering supervision, as the concrete is mixed on the job. The amount of entrained air is usually between four and seven percent of the volume of the concrete…but may be varied as required by special conditions. ” [13]

How much strength does concrete lose?

Concrete can lose around half of its strength if it suffers from freezing during the few hours after its placement or before concrete achieves a compressive strength of around 3.5 MPa.

What happens when you put ice in concrete?

As a result, the permeability of hardened concrete increases, and its strength declines.

What happens when concrete freezes?

When freshly poured concrete freezes, the volume of water increases nine times, increasing concrete porosity and reducing strength. The increase in water volume is the primary cause of the concrete damage.

How strong is concrete?

If freshly placed concrete gains a minimum strength of 24.5 to 27.5 MPa, it can withstand multiple freezing and thawing cycles.

What temperature is needed to cure concrete?

The minimum temperature needed for continuous curing of concrete is around 5 degrees celsius. However, this is influenced by section size and air temperature (see Table-1).

Can freezing concrete cause permanent damage?

Freezing can cause both immediate and permanent damage, and the subsequent curing may not help gain the desired concrete strength.

Can concrete freeze?

Possible freezing of freshly placed concrete in cold weather conditions is a primary concern for contractors and engineers. This is because freezing can cause immediate and permanent damage, and the subsequent curing may not help gain the desired concrete strength. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the detrimental effects of concrete freezing and how to avoid it.

How to cure concrete in cold weather?

Proper curing of concrete in cold weather can be enhanced through certain preparation practices: 1 During cold weather, preheating one or more of the constituent materials (the water and the aggregate) can ensure that the proper concrete temperature is present during the pour. Rather than heating the Portland cement, this is done by heating the water and/or sand and gravel before mixing. Ready-mix companies may have this capability; generally, the concrete leaves the plant in trucks at about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. 4 On-site mixing of small amounts of concrete may involve using hot water or keeping the aggregate stored in warm indoor locations before mixing. 2 The mixture components may need to be adjusted. Most commonly, this involves increasing the ratio of cement content in the concrete, or using an accelerating chemical admixture, such as calcium chloride in ratios as high as 2%. 5 3 Use Portland cement Type III, cement that helps in setting without reducing the concrete’s quality. This is important because high moisture content can induce corrosion problems in steel reinforcement. 4 Avoid using fly ash or slag cement in cold weather. These materials set up more slowly and generate less internal heat.

How long does concrete need to cure in cold weather?

The process of curing concrete becomes more challenging in cold weather since, to properly set and reach maximum strength, fresh concrete must be protected from freezing for at least the first 24 hours, or until it reaches a minimum strength of 500 pounds per square inch (psi). Concrete that freezes at an early age can lose much of its overall strength. But concrete can be successfully poured and placed in cold weather conditions if the right precautions are taken to eliminate the problems associated with low-temperatures. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) definition of cold-weather concreting is a period when for more than three successive days the average daily air temperature drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit and stays below 50 degrees Fahrenheit for more than one-half of any 24-hour period. Under these conditions, special techniques need to be applied.

What is concrete sealant?

Concrete sealants will extend concrete’s life and will reduce the chance of curing failure. In extremely cold regions, use only a breathable concrete sealant that allows the evaporation of moisture. Article Sources.

Why do concrete finishing crews need windbreaks?

Concrete exposed to cold temperatures will take more time to reach an initial set , which may mean that the finishing crew needs to be present for a longer period of time. Windbreaks can help protect the concrete (and workers) from winds that can cause quick temperature drops and evaporation that is too swift.

Why is my concrete cracking?

Removing the blankets suddenly in cold weather can cause a temperature differential to build up between the outside of the concrete and its middle, resulting in cracking. Make sure to cure the concrete for the time period recommended for the type of cement being used.

What type of cement should I use for concrete?

Use Portland cement Type III, cement that helps in setting without reducing the concrete’s quality. This is important because high moisture content can induce corrosion problems in steel reinforcement. Avoid using fly ash or slag cement in cold weather. These materials set up more slowly and generate less internal heat.

What temperature does concrete leave the plant?

Ready-mix companies may have this capability; generally, the concrete leaves the plant in trucks at about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. 4 On-site mixing of small amounts of concrete may involve using hot water or keeping the aggregate stored in warm indoor locations before mixing. The mixture components may need to be adjusted.


1.Can Concrete Freeze And What Happens If It Does?


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2.Cold Weather Concrete - Everything About Concrete


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3.Videos of At What Temperature Will Concrete Freeze


30 hours ago  · Temperatures below 50°F will begin to slow the curing process, and the water in the cement is at risk of freezing at temperatures below 40°F. If the temperature is higher …

4.Cold Weather Concreting - Cement


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5.The Best Temperature to Pour Concrete - The Spruce


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