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at which position does the pendulum have the most kinetic energy

by Mr. Prince Feeney Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

lowest point

Full Answer

Which part of a pendulum has the maximum kinetic energy?

Thus, at the bottom, pendulum has the maximum kinetic energy. Advertisement Advertisement handgunmaine handgunmaine Answer: At the bottom. Explanation: A pendulum possess two types of energies i.e. kinetic energy and the potential energy. It vibrates about its mean position.

Which point on the pendulum has the greatest speed?

At the lowest point (Point D) the pendulum has its greatest speed. All of the energy in the pendulum is kinetic energy and there is no gravitational potential energy. However, the total energy is constant as a function of time.

How do you find the potential energy of a pendulum?

Potential Energy. The potential energy of the pendulum can be modeled off of the basic equation. PE = mgh. where g is the acceleration due to gravity and h is the height. We often use this equation to model objects in free fall.

Which object has the greatest kinetic energy at the bottom?

So, at the bottom a pendulum have the greatest Kinetic Energy. Therefore, the correct option is (c). Advertisement Advertisement New questions in Physics 15 Points | Which equation correctly defines Hooke's law? A. Fspring=mg B. Fspring=kΔt C. Fspring=kg D. Fspring=kΔx


What is the form of potential energy possessed by a pendulum bob?

The form of potential energy possessed by a pendulum bob is gravitational potential energy. The amount of gravitational potential energy is dependent upon the mass ( m) of the object and the height ( h) of the object. The equation for gravitational potential energy ( PE) is.

What are the two forces that act on a pendulum?

There are two dominant forces acting upon a pendulum bob at all times during the course of its motion. There is the force of gravity that acts downward upon the bob. It results from the Earth's mass attracting the mass of the bob. And there is a tension force acting upward and towards the pivot point of the pendulum.

What happens to the period of a pendulum when the string is lengthened?

As the string is lengthened, the period of the pendulum is increased. There is a direct relationship between the period and the length. Finally, the experimenters investigated the possible effect of the arc angle upon the period in trials 4 and 10-13.

What are the two types of potential energy?

Two types of potential energy are discussed in The Physics Classroom Tutorial - gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy. Elastic potential energy is only present when a spring (or other elastic medium) is compressed or stretched. A simple pendulum does not consist of a spring.

What is the tension force?

The tension force (Ftens) and the perpendicular component of gravity (Fgrav-perp) balance each other. At this instant in time, there is no net force directed along the axis that is perpendicular to the motion. Since the motion of the object is momentarily paused, there is no need for a centripetal force.

What is the net force directed along the other coordinate axes?

So there is a net force directed along the other coordinate axes. It is this tangential component of gravity which acts as the restoring force. As the pendulum bob moves to the right of the equilibrium position, this force component is directed opposite its motion back towards the equilibrium position.

What causes an object to slow down as it moves away from the equilibrium position?

Earlier in this lesson we learned that an object that is vibrating is acted upon by a restoring force . The restoring force causes the vibrating object to slow down as it moves away from the equilibrium position and to speed up as it approaches the equilibrium position.

What is the highest point of a pendulum?

At its highest point (Point A) the pendulum is momentarily motionless. All of the energy in the pendulum is gravitational potential energy and there is no kinetic energy. At the lowest point (Point D) the pendulum has its greatest speed.

What is the formula for potential energy?

At all points in-between the potential energy can be described using PE = mgL (1 – COS θ)

What is total mechanical energy?

Total mechanical energy is a combination of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy. As the pendulum swings back and forth, there is a constant exchange between kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.

Is total energy constant?

However, the total energy is constant as a function of time. You can observe this in the following BU Physlet on energy in a pendulum. If there is friction, we have a damped pendulum which exhibits damped harmonic motion. All of the mechanical energy eventually becomes other forms of energy such as heat or sound.

Is a pendulum in free fall?

However, the pendulum is constrained by the rod or string and is not in free fall. Thus we must express the height in terms of θ, the angle and L, the length of the pendulum. Thus h = L (1 – COS θ)

Does mass affect the period of a pendulum?

There is a direct relationship between the angle θ and the velocity. Because of this, the mass does not affect the behavior of the pendulum and does not alter the period of the pendulum.

Can the potential energy of a pendulum be modeled off of the basic equation?

The potential energy of the pendulum can be modeled off of the basic equation

How to find potential energy of a pendulum?

Beside above, how do you find the potential energy of a pendulum? Energy in a Pendulum GPE can be calculated by multiplying the mass, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height change. Once the mass is let go, it starts to swing. Kinetic energy (KE) is the energy of motion, and is the product of one-half the mass, and the square of the velocity (v) in m/s.

What is the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy?

At the highest point of its motion, kinetic energy is minimum (i.e. zero) and potential energy is maximum. The acceleration is a maximum at the end points of the swing, and a minimum (zero) in the middle, at the lowest point.

Where is the maximum potential energy?

The maximum potential energy is at the extreme positions and the maximum kinetic energy is at the mean position.

Pendulum Energy

A pendulum has a free-swinging mass on one end while the other end remains anchored (see Figure 1). Once set in motion, a pendulum will repeatedly swing through its equilibrium point, a rest position as close to the earth as possible.

Potential Energy of a Pendulum

Potential energy is so called because it is the energy associated with the possibility of movement. Since a pendulum wants to be at rest close to the earth, the potential for motion that a pendulum has comes from its height above its equilibrium position.

How to find the kinetic energy of a pendulum?

By the parallel axis theorem, a pendulum that rotates around a point P and a distance l from it's center, has kinetic energy E k i n = ω 2 2 ( 2 m R 2 5 + m l 2). Where R is the radius of the spherical pendulum bop (we assume the string or what not to be massless). Let's say, however, that in the middle of the pendulum's motion, the string is broken. Now the pendulum moves linearly with Kinetic energy E k i n = m v 2 2. My question is: why is this not equal to the rotational kinetic energy? Where does the small bit of energy 2 m R 2 5 (small if the bop is small) go? Something is not right here since energy should be conserved, but I'm not sure what.

What is the first term of kinetic energy?

The first term is the rotational kinetic energy of a bob which is rotating about its centre of mass with an angular speed ω, which in this case it is not.

How does the bob spin?

The point on the circumference closer to the point of suspension moves with velocity (L-R)w, while the diametrically opposite point moves with (L+R)w. Thus, the bob does spin about its centre of mass with angular velocity w. Since there is no external torque about the centre of mass when the string is cut, so this angular velocity remains unaffected. So energy remains conserved, as expected by the work energy theorem.

Which term refers to the rotation of the center of mass about a point?

The terms which are often used in this context are spin which relates to the rotation about the centre of mass and orbital which relates to the rotation of the centre of mass about a point.

Does the mass stop rotating when the string is cut?

The mass doesn't stop rotating when the string is cut. So it continues to have both translational and rotational energy.

Which pendulum has the greatest amount of kinetic energy?

Passing through the lowest point of swing ( the bottom of the pendulum’s arc ) the pendulum bob is travelling the most rapidly, so has the greatest amount of kinetic energy, and no gravitational potential energy ( it cannot go any lower, so this is the defined point of zero G.P.E. ) Once through this point, the pendulum bob climbs upward in a circ

What is the highest kinetic energy of a pendulum?

The kinetic energy of the pendulum is the highest when it passes through the mean position, and at the mean position the potential energy is zero. And if you are curious about the definition of the mean position, I will let you know in advance that it's the point on the trajectory of the pendulum where there's no restoring force.

What is the lowest point of a pendulum swing?

Passing through the lowest point of swing ( the bottom of the pendulum’s arc ) the pendulum bob is travelling the most rapidly, so has the greatest amount of kinetic energy, and no gravitational potential energy ( it cannot go any lower, so this is the defined point of zero G.P.E. ) Once through this point, the pendulum bob climbs upward in a circular arc, gaining G.P.E. but losing K.E. When it reaches the top of the arc, it instantaneously stops, before reversing it’s direction and proceeding back downwards. At the instantaneous stop point, because at that instant in time it is not moving, it has zero kinetic energy, and maximum G.P.E. ( it is at maximum height.)

What is the gravitational potential of a point P?

Gravitational potential V,at any point P due to gravitational field (produced by any mass) is defined as the external work done on a unit mass to move it from infinity to that point P slowly i.e. without changing its kinetic energy.

What is a pendulum oscillation?

A simple pendulum oscillates with a fixed period ( time of swing to pass through one position, and return through it, but travelling in the opposite direction. Usually, but not always. the chosen position is at one of the extremities of upward swing.)

What is KE in math?

KE=mgl (1-cosa) at any angle a. For a=0 PE= 0

Where is the greatest kinetic energy?

The greatest kinetic energy is at point of maximum velocity, this point has no potential energy , it is the lowest point in the path or the point in which the ball will come to rest at the end.




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31 hours ago  · As it travels downwards towards mean position, the potential energy converts to kinetic energy. At the mean position, the pendulum has minimum potential energy and maximum kinetic energy. Again it travels towards extreme position, kinetic energy converts to potential energy. Thus, at the bottom, pendulum has the maximum kinetic energy.

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27 hours ago The kinetic energy of the pendulum is the highest when it passes through the mean position, and at the mean position the potential energy is zero. And if you are curious about the definition of the mean position, I will let you know in advance that it's the point on the trajectory of the pendulum where there's no restoring force.

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28 hours ago

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9