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can a algae eater live in a pond

by Coralie Wilkinson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Chinese algae eater does well in a community of fish, both in ponds and aquariums. They are herbivores by nature and live along with both koi and goldfish in ponds. The Chinese algae eater is not a territorial fish. They only care to munch on some of the tasty algae you have in your pond.

Full Answer

How to choose the best algae eater for your pond?

When choosing an algae eater, you’ll also need to be mindful of the fish already present in your pond – batfish and otocinclus catfish are friendly with other fish, but Siamese algae eaters may be too energetic and stress out any calmer fish present, while koi may eat smaller fish.

Do catfish eat algae in a pond?

Catfish will also snack heavily on different algae, but could also eat your expensive koi food and bully out your koi. If you are looking for a fish that tends to be a bit more social, while also eating algae, our next fish may be for you! A pond with at least 1,000 gallons is recommended.

Can algae eaters live in cold water?

However, they’re one of the few algae eaters that can not only live in, but prefer, cooler water, which makes them a great choice for pond owners with cooler weather throughout the entire year. If you have really cold winters, it’s still best to bring them indoors where possible or install a pond heater to keep them comfortable.

How do I get rid of algae in my pond?

Avoid stocking your pond with the wrong type of algae eating fish or you will end up with a pond full of algae and starving algae eaters! Take your time and plan out your future fish. Adding more will increase the fish load and potentially decrease the dissolved oxygen available, leading to more algae.


Will algae eaters survive in a pond in winter?

Algae eaters for ponds like koi can survive over the winter even if the pond freezes over because sunlight will still reach into the pond. But, snow will block the sun, so clear snow off the ice to the extent it's possible.

Can algae eaters survive in cold water?

3:545:58Best Algae Eating Fish and Cleaners for Cold Water ... - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHowever they are non aggressive. And can have quite a few of them in even small tanks because theirMoreHowever they are non aggressive. And can have quite a few of them in even small tanks because their bio load is quite low amana's shrimps will spend all day going through every part of your aquarium.

Are there pond fish that eat algae?

Fish that clean ponds by eating algae and other debris include the common pleco, the mosquitofish, the Siamese algae eater and the grass carp. Be careful with carp, koi and other bottom feeders. While they eat algae, they can also make your pond look dirty.

Can an algae eater live in a lake?

Red Algae. Siamese algae eaters are voracious when it comes to devouring red algae, also known as brush algae. Their peaceful temperament and appetite for red, brown and beard algae make them a good option to populate a lake or pond, though some have been known to become hostile towards their own kind as they mature.

Can an algae eater live with goldfish?

Answer: Algae eaters should NOT be in the same tank as a goldfish for many reasons. Goldfish have a tasty slime coat that plecos and algae eater like to snack on; leaving your goldfish susceptible to disease. Algae is also in your goldfish's diet. It acts as a laxative and combats constipation.

Can plecos live in ponds in winter?

They do just fine in temperature regions as well provided they are not left outside over the winter. Most plecos are tolerant of waters ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-30°C), though they prefer temperatures between about 75 and 82°F (24-28°C).

Can a pleco live in a pond?

Plecos are usually found in aquariums and are tropical fish, but they can be beneficial in Koi ponds. It is highly recommended that if you decide to add plecos to your pond that you add them during the summer. In the winter, they need to be housed in a aquarium.

Should you remove algae from pond?

Whilst unattractive and potentially harmful, algae are very important members of a healthy, well-balanced pond ecosystem, providing food for species at the lower end of the food-chain. To deal with algae effectively is not to eradicate it, but to prevent, or control, its excessive growth.

Can koi live on algae?

Feeding Koi and Fish. Fish are a popular addition to the pond, they help ad life, color and personality to your water feature. Not only are they beautiful but can help balance your ecosystem as well. Fish, such as Koi will eat certain algae and help keep it under control.

Can you put sucker fish in outdoor pond?

A few varieties of sucker fish can survive mild winter weather changes, but none will withstand below-freezing temperatures. This means that typical sucker fish are ideal for outdoor ponds only during warm months.

Can I put an algae eater in my koi pond?

The Chinese algae eater does well in a community of fish, both in ponds and aquariums. They are herbivores by nature and live along with both koi and goldfish in ponds.

Do algae eaters need a heater?

Heat & light Check the temperature your algae eaters require before you put them in your aquarium. Choose an aquarium heater with 5 watts of power for each gallon of water in the aquarium. A large aquarium may require a heater at either end. Wait 15 minutes after filling the tank before turning on the heater.

What is the best cold water algae eater?

10 Best Algae Eaters for Freshwater AquariumsReticulated Hillstream Loach. This oddball fish is one of the coolest-looking algae eaters you will ever see. ... Amano Shrimp. ... Nerite Snails. ... Cherry Shrimp. ... Otocinclus Catfish. ... Siamese Algae Eater. ... Florida Flagfish. ... Bristlenose Plecostomus.More items...

Do Siamese algae eaters need heater?

Siamese algae eaters are active and quick which makes it easier for them to jump from the water. Keeping a lid on the tank makes sure that you don't come home to a fatal escape attempt. You'll need a heater to keep the water within a range of 75-79°F.

What cold water fish clean tanks?

What Are The Best Algae-Eating Fish?Bristlenose Plecostomus (Bristlenose plecos) Bristlenose plecos are a great addition to most aquariums. ... Siamese Algae Eater. ... Chinese Algae Eater. ... Otocinclus Catfish. ... Twig Catfish. ... Nerite Snail. ... Cherry Shrimp. ... Amano Shrimp.

How to control algae naturally in a koi pond

Algae present in koi ponds have a detrimental effect on dissolved oxygen levels—this reduced oxygen results in additional stress placed on fish and often leads to premature deaths.

Are Koi Fish Aggressive To Other Pond Fish?

Koi are considered non-aggressive fish and should not attack tank/pond mates. They may, however, harass slower species when kept together. Large koi will eat fry and smaller fish when the opportunity arises, so the stocking must be adequate and informed.

What Algae Eaters Should I Put In My Koi Pond?

Most algae eaters are warmer temperature fish. This temperature preference means that these fish may die in winter if additional heat is not supplied.

Hill Stream Loach ( Beaufortia kweichowensis)

These small fish (they grow up to 3 inches maximum) are great for algae and tiny organisms living in the algae. They are also adapted to colder water temperatures (68-75°F) and require a high degree of dissolved oxygen.

Pros And Cons Of Keeping Algae Eaters In A Koi Pond

There are benefits and drawbacks to keeping algae eaters in your pond, as with most things.


Although not without its risks and downsides, keeping algae eaters in your koi pond is an excellent way to reduce the amount of algae buildup. Many species of cleaner fish are non-aggressive and should not fight with koi. However, many of these cleaner fish are not adapted to cold water and die in winter.

What is the best algae eater for a pond?

Many fish keepers and small-scale pond owners consider this little catfish to be one of the best algae-eaters out there! Although they are very small in statue, at only 1 to 2 inches long, they are ravenous when it comes to algae, and will happily eat the slimy brown algae and any newly growing algae as soon as it appears. Because of their small size and calm nature, they do well in groups with most other fish species and will not damage other fish as they feed (as mentioned above, this can be a problem with larger suckering algae eaters). They’re also gentle feeders, meaning that they can get to algae in hard to reach places without harming the plants in your pond, which may be useful if your pond has plenty of nooks and crannies.

What fish eats algae?

A shark that eats algae? What? Actually, this fish (also known as the freshwater batfish) is more closely related to the suckering algae eaters talked about in this article than it is to actual sharks. As a bottom feeder, algae makes up the most significant portion of their diet. Batfish have a prominent, high dorsal fin that inspired its name, and bold, banded coloring that makes it quite eye-catching. Despite their ability to grow up to 4 feet long (don’t worry, they’re slow growers), they’re a peaceful species that easily lives in harmony with koi, goldfish, guppies, and many other fish species, and prefer to live in small schools of 3 or more of their own kind.

What do plecos eat?

As a pond owner, a pleco can quickly become your best friend, particularly if you live in a temperate region where algae is more likely to thrive. As mentioned in a previous article about mosquito control, a single adult plecostomus can eat a huge amount of string algae per 1,000 gallons of water, though this does depend on the species of pleco and how much other other food they’re being given. The common pleco (pictured) is one of the largest species at 1-2 feet long, and so logically will eat more algae than the 4 inch bristlenose pleco, which is another popular pond choice. Plecos are easygoing and peaceful, getting along well with most other fish species, though they do best in environments where they’re the only of their kind. Try to only have one pleco per 1,000 gallons of water, particularly if you have one of the larger varieties of the fish. They’re a tropical fish hailing from South America, and so they will have to be brought in for the winter if your pond’s temperature falls below 50°F.

What are some good algae eaters?

Guppies, including endlers, as well as mollies can make good algae eaters in small ponds.

What fish are cold tolerant?

If your region experiences temperature fluctuations, semi-cold-tolerant fish species include batfish, the pond loach, guppies, koi, and some goldfish species. When choosing an algae eater, you’ll also need to be mindful of the fish already present in your pond – batfish and otocinclus catfish are friendly with other fish, ...

What do Siamese fish eat?

The Siamese algae eater belongs to the freshwater carp family and, as its name implies, is one of the most popular and adept algae consumers for freshwater environments. They’re not picky eaters, and will happily eat all types of algae, from string algae and algae clumps to red algae that many other fish species shy away from.

What fish can I put in a pond?

If your region experiences temperature fluctuations, semi-cold-tolerant fish species include batfish, the pond loach, guppies, koi, ...

What animal eats algae in ponds?

Another animal that can be used to eat the algae from your pond is a mosquitofish. The mosquitofish has a scientific name of Gambusia affinis which is a common freshwater fish, and it is usually quite small.

What animal can you put in a pond to remove algae?

A further animal that you can put in your pond to remove the algae is a Siamese algae eater. This animal has the scientific name of Gyrinocheilus Aymonieri. You can usually find this fish in Asian areas. This animal belongs to the freshwater carp family.

What do mosquitofish eat?

The main source of food for a mosquitofish is eating mosquito larvae, however many of these fish like to also eat algae. So, having some of these fish in your pond can help you to keep your pond algae to a minimum.

What do grass carp eat?

Grass carp can eat a range of different algae and plant matter that is unwanted in your pond. They are not fussy on the type of algae they eat. From string algae to filamentous algae.

How cold do Siamese algae eaters need to be?

Siamese algae eaters have specific conditions in which they thrive. They are required to be kept in freshwater that ranges from 70-79 degrees Fahrenheit. So, they will need to be moved indoors during the winter months to ensure they survive.

What is the name of the fish that eats algae?

The scientific name for the common pleco is Hypostomus Plecostomus but can also be known as the suckermouth catfish . These can live in your pond.

How to survive with mosquitofish?

In order for mosquitofish to be able to survive living with larger fish, ensure you provide them with plenty of hiding places. This can come from rocks or other vegetation you may have in your pond.

What is the purpose of string algae in ponds?

These provide a source of food, energy, and oxygen. An excessive amount of either type, however, can result in critically low levels ...

How long does a pond loach live?

This fish grows to a maximum length of 12 inches (30.5 cm) and has a lifespan of seven to 10 years.

What do koi eat?

These popular pond inhabitants will eat both algae and insects.

Why is it important to choose the right fish for a pond?

Closing Thoughts. Choosing the right fish for your pond is important and selecting a species to help control algae growth just makes sense. Consider the size of your pond, temperature tolerance of the fish, and their compatibility with other species when making your selection.

How big do pond fish grow?

With proper care, they can grow anywhere from three to four feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters) in length . This growth occurs slowly relative to other pond fish. Still, this fish is best for large ponds. This easy-going algae eater will school, does well in small groups of three or more, and will not bother other species.

What do eel feeders eat?

Long and eel-like in shape, these enthusiastic feeders scavenge the bottom of the pond, eating algae and organic material both day and night.

Where do Siamese algae eaters come from?

The Siamese algae eater ( Crossocheilus oblongus) comes from the warm waters of Southeast Asia. These fish are long and slender, with a shiny grey or gold color and a thick, black stripe running horizontally from head to tail. It is a smaller pond fish, growing to a maximum of six inches (15 cm) in length.

Best Pond Algae Eaters

Common pleco is one of the most known algae eaters for ponds. That is not without reason. These are hardy fish that can survive in both cool and warm waters.

Should I remove algae from my pond?

If your pond has fewer algae, you should let it grow and don’t worry about it. These plants are beneficial for ponds with fish and also cause no harm or damage.

Can algae eaters live in outside ponds?

Some algae eaters like Koi and Goldfish can live in outside ponds all year long, even in the winter.


Algae eaters are an excellent addition to any pond, but it is always best to plan ahead.

How to pick the right algae eater for a pond?

Take an inventory of these factors in your pond to select the right algae eater from our list: Water temperature: Start by thinking about your average year-round temperature. You’ll find some fish are better suited for a warmer climate and will not survive, while others will need extra care to survive a cold winter.

What to do with algae in pond?

What algae is in your pond: Consider what type of algae you are experiencing, how much there is to remove, and where that algae is most present, to help inform the best type of fish that will feast on algae in your pond.

What types of algae will fish eat?

In general, algae eating fish will feed on any green algae, including carpet algae and filamentous / hair / string algae, but will not feed on the planktonic algae that causes green water in new ponds OR the more toxic Cyanobacteria, more commonly referred to as blue-green algae.

How long do Japanese trapdoor snails live?

Avg. Life Expectancy. 1 to 5 years. Probably one of the most docile algae eaters on our list, is the Japanese Trapdoor Snail / Chinese Mystery Snail! Trapdoor snails can pick up loose food, as well as eat soft algae, for those times where we may have overfed our fish and have some leftovers on the pond floor.

What fish should I put in my pond?

Generally the most popular fish to add to your pond, Koi come in over 100 different varieties, that can be breathtaking to look watch. A koi fish’s ability to help eat algae often is overlooked as a benefit.

What do diatoms do in a pond?

The diatoms photosynthesize and increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in your pond’s water column before being consumed by zooplankton, which are then consumed by fish in a happy little food chain!

What to feed a fish on a bottom feeder?

Peaceful/Docile. Offer krill, earthworms, and prepared fish foods like koi pellets to keep the bottom feeder coming to the top for meal time.


1.14 Best Algae Eaters for Outdoor Ponds - It's A Fish Thing


2 hours ago As fellow members of the carp family, these fish are not primarily algae eaters. They will, however, contribute to the overall grazing of plants and algae in and around the pond. These fish can grow up to 3.9/4 feet, so the pond needs to be spacious enough. They can, however, tolerate a range of temperatures from close to freezing to almost 98.6°F.

2.Can I Put An Algae Eater In My Koi Pond? - Pond Heaven


25 hours ago Common pleco is the first animal that we recommend for you to keep in your pond to eat away at the algae. The scientific name for the common pleco is Hypostomus Plecostomus but can also be known as the suckermouth catfish. These can live in your pond. The common pleco is an omnivore that can feed on the algae and plant matter found in your pond. Although, it is …

3.List of Pond Fish That Eat Algae (Top Pond Algae Eaters)


24 hours ago  · This hardy algae eater is very active and fun to watch. Line your pond with a sandy substrate and include plenty of rocks or other hiding spaces. Because this fish is accustomed to warmer waters (70 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit or 21 to 26 degrees C), you will need to bring them indoors for the winter or if temperatures will be low for an extended period.

4.What Pond Fish Will Help Keep My Pond Clean? (List Of …


7 hours ago  · Some algae eaters like Koi and Goldfish can live in outside ponds all year long, even in the winter. But, some of the smaller algae eaters like plecos, snails, and shrimp need a heated pond to survive in the winter. If you have a pond outdoor, it …

5.14 Most Effective & Peaceful Algae Eating Fish for Your …


11 hours ago The Siamese algae eater is a great addition to your koi pond. They can live safely and peacefully with koi fish. Siamese algae eaters promote peace, not fighting. The best thing about these beautiful silverfish is that they are the best algae eaters because they can adapt to any sized aquarium. The Siamese algae eater grows up to six inches in length.

6.Algae Eating Fish For Ponds | 10 Algae Loving Fish For …


14 hours ago  · Yes, some algae eaters will nibble down plants. Finding a balance between algae eating fish and pond plants that remove excess nutrients will help your pond glisten in natural clear beauty! The Flying Fox appearance is quite nice, and actually somewhat similar to another great algae eater, the Pond Loach!

7.6 Best Algae Eating Fish for Ponds (with Videos!)


22 hours ago  · Chinese algae eater does well in a community of fish, both in ponds and aquariums. They live in the aquarium along with the other fish. Chinese algae eaters have been known to eat other algae as well, but this is the first time it has been reported that they have eaten fish. What fish will clean my pond? Fish that clean ponds by eating algae and other debris include the …

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