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can a bad pillow cause lower back pain

by Dr. Richard Kohler I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Can bad pillow cause lower back pain? If you put too much pressure on the neck and shoulders, it can make your back pain worse. A pillow that is too firm can cause this, as it puts the head and neck in an uncomfortable position.

The wrong pillow can intensify headaches, neck and back pain, shoulder and arm numbness, discomfort, sneezing, and wheezing.

Full Answer

Can a pillow cause lower back pain?

An important, and often overlooked, part of mattress comfort is the pillow. A poor fit can strain your neck and throw off alignment, contributing to back pain. Regardless of sleep position, a good pillow will conform to different movements and support a neutral spine, as described in the sleep positions section above.

Why does my lower back hurt after sleeping?

Poor sleeping positions can put pressure on your spine, causing its natural curve to flatten. This can also cause back strain and uncomfortable pressure on your joints. If you frequently sleep on your stomach, you may experience back pain more regularly.

How should I sleep to relieve lower back pain?

The ideal sleep position: On your back The best position to avoid back pain is lying flat on your back. Even so, many people find it the hardest way to enjoy deep sleep. For optimal spine alignment, place one pillow underneath your head or neck and another underneath your knees.

How do I know if I have a bad pillow?

10 Signs That It's Time for a New PillowIt Smells Bad. ... Your Pillow Has Noticeable Lumps. ... You're Getting Acne (Or Your Acne Is Growing Worse) ... It's Flat Enough to Fold. ... You Frequently Wake Up Sneezing. ... You Have Neck and Shoulder Pain in the A.M. ... It's Seriously Stained. ... You Constantly Re-Fluff Your Pillow.More items...•

When should I be worried about lower back pain?

See a GP if: back pain does not improve after treating it at home for a few weeks. the pain is stopping you doing your day-to-day activities. the pain is severe or getting worse over time.

Why is back pain at night a red flag?

Deservingly or not, back pain at night has come to be regarded as an ominous symptom across back care, a potential signal of primary or metastatic cancer. The presence of night pain has crept into some guidelines, diagnostic algorithms, and scholarly reviews as a “red flag” for cancer.

What is the best sitting position for lower back pain?

Sit with a back support (such as a rolled-up towel) at the curve of your back. Keep your hips and knees at a right angle. (Use a foot rest or stool if necessary.) Your legs should not be crossed and your feet should be flat on the floor.

Is walking good for lower back pain?

The simple movement of walking is one of the best things we can do for chronic lower back pain. Ten to fifteen minutes of walking twice a day will help ease lower back pain. Substitute this activity for a more vigorous type of exercise if you prefer and/or are able.

How do I stretch out my lower back?

Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your right ankle at the base of your left thigh. Then, place your hands behind your left thigh and pull up toward your chest until you feel a stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

What happens if you sleep with a bad pillow?

May Cause Neck Pain Abandoning your pillow and aligned sleep posture can cause or worsen neck pain. Especially if you're a back or side sleeper, the lack of a pillow can cause your neck to overextend or crane. This can cause anything from aches to tension headaches.

What happens if you don't replace your pillows?

Replacing pillows frequently may seem like a hassle, but pillows that are past their prime can contribute to allergic reactions, skin breakouts, and sore muscles. An old pillow can accumulate allergens like dust mites, fungus, mold, and pet dander.

How often do pillows need to be replaced?

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) recommends that you replace your pillow every two years or sooner. This is because pillows can get pretty gross. Pillows can contain allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and even mold once they reach the end of their lifespan.

Why do I get lower back pain when I wake up in the morning?

Morning back pain is often attributed to the morning being the most vulnerable time for your spine. This vulnerability can be due to what you do before bed or how you sleep, but your back pain might also be a sign of an underlying issue with your nervous system.

How do I get rid of morning back pain?

Stretch When you Wake Up Morning back pain can often be relieved by stretching right before you get out of bed. While you're lying on your back, reach your arms over your head and reach your feet in the opposite direction. Hold this position for as long as you comfortably can, then bring your knees to your chest.

What happens if your pillow is bad?

From dust mites to dead skin, your pillows really take a beating. A bad pillow can cause serious neck pain and back pain, which can shrink your brain and reduce your brain power.

How to know if your pillow is too high?

Warning Sign: Pillow Too High/Low. When your pillow is too high, it causes the muscles in your neck to stretch and takes the spine out of alignment. In the image shown below, the woman’s spine is curved at the top. This will leave your neck feeling very stiff throughout the day, causing it to be uncomfortable while performing daily tasks.

Can a low pillow cause neck pain?

If your pillow is too low it will cause your neck muscles to sag into the pillow, leaving your spine curved. As said in the above paragraph, this will cause neck pain and stiffness. Advertising. One study found that latex pillows are best for sleeping, and feather pillows are more likely to cause neck pain.

What is the best pillow for back?

The most supportive lumbar back pillows are constructed of memory foam. Memory foam keeps you aligned perfectly in any sleep position through the night by creating an inviting cradle for your head and neck. You do not have to wake up and reposition the pillow in the middle of the night while turning since memory foam moves with you to maintain its shape.

Why do people use lumbar pillows?

A lumbar lower back pillow and cushions are a fantastic alternative to standing desks and ergonomic chairs for individuals who want to prevent back pain or are already suffering from lower back issues.

How to get rid of back pain?

Sit in a chair with a good lumbar back cushion at a proper height for the task. Switch sitting positions often and keep your shoulders back. Use an office chair pillow and gently stretch muscles to relieve tension. Also, get up often to walk around. A rolled-up towel or a pillow for back pain can provide some lumbar support. Elevate feet on a low stool during prolonged periods of sitting.

How common is lumbar strain?

According to several studies, lumbar strain is found to be most common in adults above the age of 40. However, it is important to note that this injury can occur at any age. It is unanimously claimed by experts that low back pain is experienced by more than 80% of adults at least once in their lifetime.

What are some ways to reduce back pain?

Standing desks and ergonomic kneeling chairs are two accepted solutions for preventing lower back pain, particularly for people who tend to work in a seated posture for prolonged periods.

What is the lumbar support on an office chair?

Lumbar support for office chairs naturally fit against the S-curve of your back to provide added support for the lower back when you sit for extended periods of time .

What is the condition that causes immobility of the spine?

Ankylosing spondylitis, a form of ar thritis involving fusion of the spinal joints, leads to some immobility of the spine. It is a genetic disease resulting in chronic back pain.

What happens if you sleep on your side with a pillow?

For example, if you sleep on your side with a soft pillow that doesn't provide enough support under your neck, your head has to extend sideways to meet the pillow. If you sleep on your stomach—a position that hyperextends the neck backward—then using a firm pillow pushes the head back even farther. "If you're on your stomach with your head to the side, you're sleeping in a full rotation position, and that can become painful," O'Rourke says.

What are the best pillows for dust mites?

Pillows made of down and feathers conform to your shape and repel dust mites, but they can be hot and expensive. Pillows made of cotton, wool, or synthetic cotton are less expensive, but they make a more attractive climate for dust mites. Keep firmness in mind. Side sleepers need a firm pillow for support.

What happens if you sleep on your stomach?

If you sleep on your stomach—a position that hyperextends the neck backward—then using a firm pillow pushes the head back even farther. "If you're on your stomach with your head to the side, you're sleeping in a full rotation position, and that can become painful," O'Rourke says.

Can a wedge pillow help with heartburn?

Special pillows can help stave off some problems, such as heartburn symptoms. "Among lifestyle changes, elevating the head to 30 degrees can be effective. I've had success with patients using a wedge pillow," says Dr. James Mojica, the sleep lab director at Harvard-affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital.

Do pillows hurt your health?

But the benefits of pillows don't go much further than comfort and positioning. Sometimes pillows even hurt your health.

Do you need a pillow for a good night's sleep?

You probably know someone who won't leave home without a special pillow, claiming that a particular bag of fluff or feathers is the key to a good night's sleep. And that person may be on to something. "Anything that will make you more comfortable will improve the likelihood of getting a good night's sleep," says Dr. Lawrence Epstein, a sleep expert at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Do memory foam pillows help with allergies?

You have plenty of options in today's high-tech era: materials that conform to your shape (memory foam), keep you cool, wick away moisture, or repel mold and dust mites (which may help allergy sufferers). Some pillows even track your sleep habits and wake you with music (these can be pricey, in the hundreds of dollars).

What is the Best Pillow Positioning for Back Pain?

Sleep posture can exacerbate or alleviate back pain. Sleeping on your back is often considered the best positioning for back pain. This position is most likely to encourage sleepers to maintain a neutral posture, which keeps the spine aligned and reduces pressure on the lumbar region. Sleepers can use pillows strategically to relieve back pain.

How does a pillow affect sleep?

The pillow you use affects how much support and pressure relief you experience throughout the night. Spinal alignment is important for every sleeper, as it can help prevent and alleviate back pain. The following factors determine how well a pillow supports the head, neck, and shoulders and should be carefully considered. These include the loft, firmness, and size of the pillow. Each shopper has unique needs, which should be accommodated by the right pillow.

How Common is Back Pain?

Back pain is quite common, as an estimated 80 percent of the population experiences symptoms at some point in their lives. Back pain can range in severity and frequency and it often affects the working population. Workers suffering from back pain may miss days of work, or have limited mobility when they are on the job.

What is a ventilated memory foam pillow?

This pillow is made from a moldable memory foam that closely conforms to your head and neck to provide support and relieve pressure points. The firm, contouring feel is well suited to a variety of sleeper types though the 8-inch loft may too high for some stomach sleepers.

What is a Kapok pillow?

This helps ease chronic back pain and ensures ample support for sleepers. The Kapok Pillow is soft enough to be used underneath or between the knees to reduce pressure on the lower back. The breathable cover of the Layla Kapok Pillow is woven with copper fibers, which help draw heat away from the body.

Why is it important to have a pillow and a mattress?

It is important to note that your pillow and mattress play a role in sleep quality and pain management. Both affect sleep posture, which can alleviate or exacerbate back pain symptoms. The best mattress and pillow to combination should promote a neutral posture that keeps the spine aligned.

Which is better for back pain: memory foam or latex?

There are benefits and drawbacks to each pillow type, but memory foam pillows are often considered to be the best for back pain. Back pain can manifest in different ways, and every shopper will have different needs and preferences. Some may find that down, poly fill, or latex pillows are more comfortable.

Does a syringe destroy your back?

Yes. It destroyed my back over the course of 6 months. I never had back pain before.

Can you put a wedge under a mattress?

I experienced this for a while at first but what I did was put the wedge underneath the mattress so the incline was not so intense. Although, sometimes it still feels not high enough for those heavy reflux days.


1.How Your Pillow Can Affect Back Pain - SleepMaker


23 hours ago  · Can bad pillow cause lower back pain? If you put too much pressure on the neck and shoulders, it can make your back pain worse. A pillow that is too firm can cause this, as it …

2.Videos of Can a Bad Pillow Cause Lower Back Pain


3 hours ago  · A pillow that is too firm can cause this, as it puts the head and If you put too much pressure on the neck and shoulders, it can make your back pain worse. Skip to content

3.Warning Signs Your Pillow Is Damaging Your Brain Power …


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9 hours ago From dust mites to dead skin, your pillows really take a beating. A bad pillow can cause serious neck pain and back pain, which can shrink your brain and reduce your brain power. A lot of …

5.Is your pillow hurting your health? - Harvard Health


23 hours ago It’s true! If you’re a back sleeper, you will want to choose a pillow that won’t cause your head to tilt up or back while lying flat. Your head and neck need to stay aligned with your spine and body, …

6.The Best Pillows for Back Pain of 2022 | Sleep Foundation


1 hours ago Lumbar strain arises in many cases due to a lack of an appropriate back support pillow. Lower back strain is characterized by discomfort in the lower back area and is classified as an acute …

7.Wedge pillow causing lower back pain : r/acidreflux - reddit


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