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can a begonia be an indoor plant

by Tia Braun Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Fibrous and rhizomatous Begonias are usually the easiest to grow indoors. They have showy leaves, but less significant flowers. Tuberous Begonias are the ones with the big showy blossoms that do best outside.

Can I Leave my Begonias in pots over winter?

Tuberous begonias should be dug up and stored indoors during winter until the return of warmer weather in spring. Begonias can be dug up in fall once foliage has faded or just after the first light frost. Pot-grown begonia plants can be stored in their containers as long as they remain dry.

Can you grow Begonia indoors?

While a lot of people may opt to grow begonia outdoors, you can plant them even indoors. There are endless varieties of this plant that can survive in an indoor environment. All that you need is to make sure that you plant them properly, execute proper care, and make sure that the appropriate growing conditions are met.

How to grow begonias indoors during the winter?

  • Some direct sun; at least a few hours per day
  • Water thoroughly as soon as the top of the soil is dry ...
  • Plants in a 4" diameter pot (10 cm) should use about 1/2 cup of water when ready. ...
  • Fertilize regularly for best growth and blooming.
  • A daily mist of water would be helpful.

Can begonias be grown indoors?

Wax begonia, is a type of shrub begonia that is widely grown. If you plant it in a warm place it will flower all year round. Cane (Angel Wing) and Rex or leafy begonias are also suitable for growing indoors. And cane begonias will go into a dormant period if the surrounding temperature is too cold.

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Can I keep a begonia indoors?

Begonias are some of the most beautiful, visually interesting plants you can grow indoors. However, they can be a bit picky about light and water, though not overly delicate, making them a great intermediate-level plant project.

How long will a begonia live indoors?

2 to 3 yearsMost only live for 2 to 3 years, even with good care. Cane begonias such as angel wings go dormant if the temperature gets too cool.

Is a begonia an indoor or outdoor plant?

Begonias are popular as annual bedding plants outdoors and as houseplants indoors. There are about 1500 different begonia species native to tropical regions worldwide, including Central and South America, Asia, and Africa.

Can I bring my begonia inside for the winter?

Some begonias can simply be brought indoors prior to the onset of cold weather for continual growth, such as with wax begonias. These begonias should be brought indoors for overwintering rather than digging them up.

Do begonias need sun?

Most begonias grow best in part shade (4 to 6 hours of direct morning sun a day), or filtered sun (as through trees). Most will tolerate full shade (no direct or filtered sun), but won't be as dense and usually have fewer flowers. A few grow in full sun. They prefer moist, but not soggy, soils.

Are begonias good for beginners?

Cane-stemmed begonias are among the easiest type to care for. They sport red, white or pink flowers, and sometimes feature leaves likened to the shape of an angel's wings. Non-pruned varieties can grow up to 10-foot tall.

How do I get my begonias to bloom indoors?

Begonias need some light during the day to flourish and bloom, but they burn in full sunlight. To encourage healthy blooming, plant your begonias in a place where they will get filtered sunlight in the morning and be in the shade for most of the afternoon.

How often should a begonia be watered?

every two to four daysA good rule of thumb is to water every two to four days. When it's hot and dry you'll need to water more often than when the air cools down and the soil holds more moisture. Begonia plants in full sun will also require more water than plants in shady locations.

Why is my indoor begonia drooping?

Overwatering and underwatering are the most common causes of a begonia wilting. Begonias wilt quickly once their soil dries out, but maintaining excessively wet soil can also result in dramatic wilting due to root rot. Temperature stress, transplant shock, pests, and disease can also cause drooping.

Do indoor begonias come back every year?

There are no perennial begonias. There are forms that make great houseplants and will grow year-round indoors, but outdoors the plants are all unable to tolerate frost.

How do you keep begonias blooming?

For maximum blooms, begonias should be lightly fertilized every 10 to 14 days when grown in pots and containers. For bedding plants, fertilizing every three to four weeks is enough to do the trick. What is this? But the real key is to use a light dose of nutrients in place of full strength applications.

How do I keep begonias for next year?

0:471:51Garden Tutorial: Storing Begonias In A Cardboard Box Through The WinterYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDon't use a plastic bag to store tender bulbs. You can go and store several different up of theMoreDon't use a plastic bag to store tender bulbs. You can go and store several different up of the begonias. In one box.

Are Begonias Considered Indoor Plants

Although popular as indoor plants, Begonias are actually considered outdoor plants. Most Begonias are grown in the garden or as bedding plants where they typically don’t survive the winter, but they also make great indoor plants that live for multiple years.

Brief Introduction To Begonias

Begonias are one of the most popular flowering plants in the world, and rightfully so. They are native to tropical or sub-tropical climates and span from South America to Africa.

Is Begonia A Good Indoor Plant?

Begonias generally make good houseplants, but they are considered intermediate in terms of maintenance requirements. They aren’t overly complicated but it can be challenging to strike a balance in their needs, especially around watering.

How Long Do Begonias Live Indoors?

Begonias typically live for 2 to 3 years indoors with some varieties surviving as much as 5 years with very good care. After 2 years, it’s generally recommended to propagate your Begonia, if you wish to keep growing it.

How Fast Do Begonias Grow Indoors?

Begonia growth depends on their variety, but they are generally considered very fast growers. The plant usually triples its size during the first year and then its growth will slow down.

How Big Do Indoor Begonias Get?

Begonias get 12 to 18 inches big, both in height and width with rich foliage and beautiful flowers. If fertilized and kept in ideal conditions, they will reach their full size faster, but they don’t typically get bigger than 18 inches no matter what you do.

Do Begonias Flower Indoors?

Begonias will happily flower indoors. With proper care, Begonias will bloom for 3-6 months indoors, from late spring to late fall. One important aspect to keep Begonias flowering is to remove flowers that are faded or dead, thus the plant will focus its energy on producing new flowers.

Types of Begonia

There are over 2,000 species of begonia, which are native to Africa, parts of Asia, and Central and South America.

Growing Begonias Indoors

With the right strategy, you can have great success growing begonias indoors. Here are some important things to consider:


If you are careful and intentional, begonias are the perfect container plants to grow indoors. Consider potted begonias as a great way to enjoy their beautiful leaves and bloom all year long.

How to grow tuberous begonias?

If you grow tuberous begonia, place them in the room once it has lightly snowed. Cut the leaves and let the pot dry. You can remove the tubers and store them in peat or in a pot. Store the plant in a dark, cool room with a higher temperature than a snowy location, which is protected from rodents.

How long does it take for begonias to grow?

Usually Begonia bulbs can grow in between 4 to 5 years if cared for properly. Tuberous begonias need to be stored during the winter, and are not suitable for planting during the winter. The Reiger, Elatior and Lorraine begonias also do not have a dormant period. Wax begonia, is a type of shrub begonia that is widely grown.

How to choose media for planting?

When choosing media planting in a pot, you have to use neutral or slightly acidic soil. Your pot should be able to give space to your plants, to consider root growth and don’t choose the size of pot so that is too big because large pot will make you use up too much soil. And if you use too much soil, the soil in the pot will absorb water easily that cause waterlog, which can rot the roots of the plants and kill your plants.

When to put begonias on windows?

But avoid placing begonias on southerly windows from February to September, as there will be too much sun at this time, unless you are using light curtains to reduce of light getting in. Be sure to filter out light coming from the east or west if the begonias are placed against a wall or water.

Do begonias have leaves?

Begonia is an ornamental plant that has beautiful brightly colored flowers and a variety of flowers with beautiful foliage, but not all begonias have flowers that grow with only their leaves and it could attract anyone’s eyes who sees them. Begonias are the right plants to add to the beauty of your garden or put indoors because they have beautiful ...

Can wax begonias grow indoors?

Wax begonia, is a type of shrub begonia that is widely grown. If you plant it in a warm place it will flower all year round. Cane (Angel Wing) and Rex or leafy begonias are also suitable for growing indoors. And cane begonias will go into a dormant period if the surrounding temperature is too cold.

Can begonias be planted in pots?

And if you use too much soil, the soil in the pot will absorb water easily that cause waterlog, which can rot the roots of the plants and kill your plants. There is any other tips that grow begonias using wet rock or small pebbles as the top layer of the media planting in pots. Just place the rhizome on the rocks.

What is a begonia?

Printer Friendly Version. Image by Farhad Ibrahimzade. Begonias are a popular houseplant. Some varieties of begonia houseplants are grown for their flowers while others are grown for their striking foliage.

Why do begonias die when they are grown indoors?

This will help prevent accidental overwatering, which is the main reason for begonias dying when grown indoors.

What are the different types of begonias?

Begonias belong to one of three types — tuberous, fibrous, and rhizomatous. Generally, fibrous and rhizomatous begonias make excellent houseplants while tuberous begonias can be grown as ...

Can begonias have pests?

It is extremely rare to have a begonia develop a pest problem. But, they are still susceptible to fungus issues, like powdery mildew, which is why it is best to keep the leaves dry. Growing begonias as houseplants can fill your home with lovely flowers and foliage.

Where are begonias native to?

Begonias are popular as annual bedding plants outdoors and as houseplants indoors. There are about 1500 different begonia species native to tropical regions worldwide, including Central and South America, Asia, and Africa. According to the American Begonia Society, there ...

How tall do begonias grow?

Shrub-type begonias ( Begonia grandis) grow from multiple stems, resemble cane-type begonias, but can exceed 6 feet tall in ideal locations. They are not typically grown in containers, as many will become too large over time. These types are more commonly grown as landscape plants in Florida or other warmer locations.

What begonias are good for hanging baskets?

Beefsteak has long been a popular cultivar of this type of begonia. While some will have showy flowers in spring, the flowers are often secondary. Trailing begonias ( Begonia boliviensis and hybrids) are ideal for hanging baskets as their stems and flowers spill over the basket’s edge.

What are the different types of begonias?

Types. Semperflorens or wax begonias ( Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum) are the popular annual begonias grown in the home landscape. Leaves are smaller than most other types of begonias, and they are usually green or bronze/burgundy. Flowers are usually white, pink, or red. Single and double flower forms are available.

What are the colors of Rex begonia?

Rex begonia cultivars are available in a dizzying array of leaf colors – including green, white, purple, silver, pink, maroon, lavender, black , and other combinations.

How should I care for begonias?

Most begonias have similar care requirements. They thrive in warm temperatures (ideally 60-80F indoors or outdoors) and with regular, consistent moisture. However, the roots will rot quickly when soils remain wet for long periods.

What is the name of the perennial indigo?

Baptisia – Genus for false indigo, a spring-blooming perennial native to many parts of the Midwest (including Iowa). Baptisias for the home landscape. Bark – the outermost layer of tree trunks, often distinctive to species. Beauty and Basics of Bark. Basil – popular annual herb; often included in pesto.

Can you use sheer curtains on Rex begonias?

You can easily use sheer curtains to diffuse direct sun, or set the plant a few feet back from a very sunny window. Too much direct sun can burn the foliage. Rex begonias prefer to grow in a fairly evenly moist soil. However, you must have a good balance because these plants can easily be prone to root rot.

Can you fertilize a Rex begonia?

Avoid fertilizing during the winter months when plant growth can come to a halt. Also, avoid allowing your rex begonia’s leaves to be wet for extended periods of time, especially at night, since this can encourage powdery mildew as well as bacteria leaf spot . As far as soil goes, rex begonias like a light and airy soil.

Do begonias have leaves?

Many people might be shocked to know that certain begonias are grown for their leaves rather than their flowers. The rex begonia plant is one of those! Although they do flower, the main attraction is the beautiful and ornate foliage that it produces.

Do Rex begonias like light?

Rex begonias are rhizomatous begonias. A rhizome is basically a thickened stem, and the leaves emerge from the rhizome. Generally, the rex begonia indoors prefers relatively cool temperatures, moist soil and humid conditions. Rex begonias do well in bright indirect light.


1.Growing Begonias Indoors | Home & Garden Information …


12 hours ago Begonias will happily flower indoors. With proper care, Begonias will bloom for 3-6 months indoors, from late spring to late fall. One important aspect to keep Begonias flowering is to remove flowers that are faded or dead, thus the plant …

2.Are Begonias Indoor Plants? (Explained For Beginners!)


36 hours ago Rhizomatous begonias can thrive as indoor potted plants. Tuberous Begonia. Tuberous begonias are known for the large, colorful blooms. They are called tuberous begonias because they grow from a tuber, rather than a bulb or rhizome. Tuberous begonias can be grown indoors, but they are more difficult than the rhizomatous or fibrous begonia, due to their high light and humidity needs.

3.Can I Grow Begonias Indoors? – Houseplant Heaven


14 hours ago  · Begonia is an ornamental plant that has beautiful brightly colored flowers and a variety of flowers with beautiful foliage, but not all begonias have flowers that grow with only their leaves and it could attract anyone’s eyes who sees them. Begonias are the right plants to add to the beauty of your garden or put indoors because they have beautiful flowers and leaves when …

4.How to Care Begonia Indoors Properly | Alvar Florist


2 hours ago Pot-grown begonia plants can be stored in containers if they remain dry. They should be relocated to a protected area that is cool, dark, and dry. Pots can be placed on a shelf or left in an upright position. If you’re growing begonias indoors, you’ll want to keep them away from direct sunlight, which can cause the leaves to wilt and turn brown. You’ll also need to be careful not to over …

5.Growing Begonia Houseplants: Information On Begonias …


1 hours ago If you have found that you live in an area where the frost is just enough to completely freeze most begonias, you might try the mulching. You wouldn’t have anything to lose. When you trim back the plants, the cuttings can be taken indoors for the winter. The roots can …

6.Growing Indoors | The American Begonia Society


26 hours ago  · Rex begonias (Begonia rex) are a type of rhizomatous begonia commonly grown as an indoor plant. They are noted for their showy leaves instead of flowers. Leaves are often curled or contorted – including leaves that curl into a tight circle.

7.Begonias for Indoors or Outdoors - Iowa State University


36 hours ago  · These Begonias are known for their show-stopping leaves. However, many of them can be a bit picky about light and water, that is why in this article you'll find the 12 best, and most beautiful leaf begonia plants that are not overly delicate, and will thrive indoors. Begonia Maculata, a.k.a. Polka Dot Begonia.

8.Indoor Rex Begonia Care – How To Grow Rex Begonia As …


14 hours ago

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