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can a binary heap have duplicates

by Triston Swaniawski Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

According to the definition of binary heaps in Wikipedia: All nodes are either [greater than or equal to] (max heaps) or [less than or equal to] (min heaps) each of its children, according to a comparison predicate defined for the heap. Answer #2 100 % Yes they can have duplicates. From wikipedia definition of Heap:

First, we can always have duplicate values in a heap — there's no restriction against that. Second, a heap doesn't follow the rules of a binary search tree; unlike binary search trees, the left node does not have to be smaller than the right node!Jul 3, 2017

Full Answer

Can We have duplicate values in a heap?

First, we can always have duplicate values in a heap — there’s no restriction against that. Second, a heap doesn’t follow the rules of a binary search tree; unlike binary search trees, the left node does not have to be smaller than the right node!

What is binary heap in C++?

Binary Heap. A Binary Heap is a Binary Tree with following properties. 1) It’s a complete tree (All levels are completely filled except possibly the last level and the last level has all keys as left as possible). This property of Binary Heap makes them suitable to be stored in an array. 2) A Binary Heap is either Min Heap or Max Heap.

What property of binary heaps makes them suitable to be stored?

This property of Binary Heap makes them suitable to be stored in an array. 2) A Binary Heap is either Min Heap or Max Heap. In a Min Binary Heap, the key at root must be minimum among all keys present in Binary Heap.

Where would the duplicates of the Max integer reside in the heap?

Build a Max Heap using this list. Where would the duplicates of the max integer reside in this Max Heap data structure? Where would the duplicates of other integers reside in the heap? My Answer: The duplicates can reside below (as children of) the value considering a heap (tree structure).


Can heap tree have duplicates?

Yes, they can.

Can binary search have duplicates?

Short answer: you don't, it is not its purpose. A binary search only gives you the position of the value you want, or the position of 1 of them if duplicated. To display all duplicates and indexes, you need to do a secondary search around the position returned by binary search routine.

Can BST have duplicate keys?

The most important property of a BST is: For a node, x, with key, k, every key in x's left subtree is less than or equal to k, and every key in x's right subtree is greater than or equal to k. Note that the definition permits duplicate keys. Some BSTs don't permit duplicate keys.

Can binary tree have same values?

If you mean a "binary search tree", my answer is "no", since a search tree does not have any advantage in allowing duplicates, since SEARCHING for ONE value in a BST can only result in ONE value, not in two or more.

How do you find duplicates in a binary search tree?

Show activity on this post.Find an element that matches your key using the usual binary tree search algorithm. If not found, stop.Examine the LH sub-branch. If its key matches, make that the current node and repeat this step.You are now at the first element in the tree with that key.

How do I remove duplicates in BST?

6 AnswersStart a tree walk (in/pre/post order)At each node, do a binary search on the subtree rooted at that node for the key value stored in the node. If the key value is found down the tree, call delete(key) and restart step 2 (Might have multiple duplicates). Repeat step 2 until key not found in sub tree.

Can Red Black tree have duplicates?

R-B trees aren't really designed for data structures which support duplicates, but rather sets. You can get better answers if you tell us what it is that you think it's missing. An example would work wonders.

Can AVL tree have duplicates?

Please refer below post before reading about AVL tree handling of duplicates. How to handle duplicates in Binary Search Tree? This is to augment AVL tree node to store count together with regular fields like key, left and right pointers.

What is the complexity of binary search?

The time complexity of the binary search algorithm is O(log n). The best-case time complexity would be O(1) when the central index would directly match the desired value.

Does binary search need to be sorted?

Answer. In Binary Search, the array is repeatedly divided into two halves and the element is searched in that half whose last element is greater than or equal to the element being searched. For this reason, Binary Search needs a sorted array to perform the search operation.

Can binary search be used for strings?

Example. Binary search is searching technique that works by finding the middle of the array for finding the element. For array of strings also the binary search algorithm will remain the same.

How does the binary search algorithm work?

Binary search is an efficient algorithm for finding an item from a sorted list of items. It works by repeatedly dividing in half the portion of the list that could contain the item, until you've narrowed down the possible locations to just one.

What is binary heap?

Binary heap. A binary heap is a heap data structure that takes the form of a binary tree. Binary heaps are a common way of implementing priority queues. The binary heap was introduced by J. W. J. Williams in 1964, as a data structure for heapsort. A binary heap is defined as a binary tree with two additional constraints:

How to build a heap from an array of input elements?

Building a heap from an array of n input elements can be done by starting with an empty heap, then successively inserting each element . This approach, called Williams’ method after the inventor of binary heaps, is easily seen to run in O(n log n) time: it performs n insertions at O(log n) cost each.

How are heaps implemented?

Heaps are commonly implemented with an array. Any binary tree can be stored in an array, but because a binary heap is always a complete binary tree, it can be stored compactly. No space is required for pointers; instead, the parent and children of each node can be found by arithmetic on array indices. These properties make this heap implementation a simple example of an implicit data structure or Ahnentafel list. Details depend on the root position, which in turn may depend on constraints of a programming language used for implementation, or programmer preference. Specifically, sometimes the root is placed at index 1, in order to simplify arithmetic.

What is the step 2 and 3 of heapify?

Steps 2 and 3, which restore the heap property by comparing and possibly swapping a node with one of its children, are called the down-heap (also known as bubble-down, percolate-down, sift-down, sink-down, trickle down, heapify-down, cascade-down, extract-min or extract-max, or simply heapify) operation.

What is the operation of up heap?

Steps 2 and 3, which restore the heap property by comparing and possibly swapping a node with its parent, are called the up-heap operation (also known as bubble-up, percolate-up, sift-up, trickle-up, swim-up, heapify-up, or cascade-up ).

What is the heap property?

Heap property: the key stored in each node is either greater than or equal to (≥) or less than or equal to (≤) the keys in the node's children, according to some total order.

What is the function for insertion then extraction called in Python?

Python provides such a function for insertion then extraction called "heappushpop", which is paraphrased below. The heap array is assumed to have its first element at index 1.

What is the order of a heap?

The basic rule for the order property of a heap is this: a parent nodes (including the root node) of a heap must either be greater than or equal to the value of its children nodes, or less than or equal to the value of its children nodes.

What is a min heap?

A min heap is a heap where every single parent node, including the root, is less than or equal to the value of its children nodes. In the example shown here, the pink heap is a min heap, since the parent nodes, 5 and 12, are less than or equal to the value of their children nodes.

What is the most important property of a min heap?

The most important property of a min heap is that the node with the smallest, or minimum value, will always be the root node . A max heap is effectively the converse of a min heap; in this format, every parent node, including the root, is greater than or equal to the value of its children nodes.

What are the rules of heaping?

The two rules of heaping: shape + order. Let’s talk about shape first. In order for a binary tree to qualify as a heap, it must be complete tree; in other words, every single level of the tree must be completely filled — with the last level being the only exception.

When growing a heap, can we only ever add a node to the left-most available spot in the?

When growing a heap, we can only ever add a node to the left-most available spot in the tree; that is to say, the left most available node, at the lowest possible level.

When were heaps invented?

Heaps were invented fairly recently in 1964 by John Williams, and when most people talk about heaps, they’re referring to binary heaps, which are shaped exactly like binary trees. Heaps are effectively binary trees with more specifications and properties.

Is a tree on the left a heap?

In the example shown here, the tree on the left has two children nodes at the root; however, the left child node has a grandchild, while the right child node doesn’t even have children! This makes the tree non-complete, which means that it cannot be considered to be a heap.



Heap implementation

Heaps are commonly implemented with an array. Any binary tree can be stored in an array, but because a binary heap is always a complete binary tree, it can be stored compactly. No space is required for pointers; instead, the parent and children of each node can be found by arithmetic on array indices. These properties make this heap implementation a simple example of an implicit dat…

Heap operations

Both the insert and remove operations modify the heap to conform to the shape property first, by adding or removing from the end of the heap. Then the heap property is restored by traversing up or down the heap. Both operations take O(log n) time.
To add an element to a heap, we can perform this algorithm:

Building a heap

Building a heap from an array of n input elements can be done by starting with an empty heap, then successively inserting each element. This approach, called Williams' method after the inventor of binary heaps, is easily seen to run in O(n log n) time: it performs n insertions at O(log n) cost each.
However, Williams' method is suboptimal. A faster method (due to Floyd ) starts by arbitrarily putt…

Derivation of index equations

In an array-based heap, the children and parent of a node can be located via simple arithmetic on the node's index. This section derives the relevant equations for heaps with their root at index 0, with additional notes on heaps with their root at index 1.
To avoid confusion, we'll define the level of a node as its distance from the root, such that the root itself occupies level 0.

Related structures

Since the ordering of siblings in a heap is not specified by the heap property, a single node's two children can be freely interchanged unless doing so violates the shape property (compare with treap). Note, however, that in the common array-based heap, simply swapping the children might also necessitate moving the children's sub-tree nodes to retain the heap property.
The binary heap is a special case of the d-ary heap in which d = 2.

See also

• Heap
• Heapsort

External links

• Open Data Structures - Section 10.1 - BinaryHeap: An Implicit Binary Tree, Pat Morin
• Implementation of binary max heap in C by Robin Thomas
• Implementation of binary min heap in C by Robin Thomas

1.Can max/min heap trees contain duplicate values?


34 hours ago  ·

2.Binary Heap - GeeksforGeeks


13 hours ago

3.Binary heap - Wikipedia


6 hours ago Yes they can have duplicates. From wikipedia definition of Heap: Either the keys of parent nodes are always greater than or equal to those of the children and the highest key is in the root node (this kind of heap is called max heap) or the keys of parent nodes are less than or equal to those of the children and the lowest key is in the root node (min heap)

4.Learning to Love Heaps - Medium


25 hours ago My Answer: The duplicates can reside below (as children of) the value considering a heap (tree structure). Or if we are using arrays to implement this Max Heap, then the duplicates would reside on the indices H [2i + 1] and H [2i + 2] where i is the index of the parent node. Or we can even make a pointer to a link list of duplicates from that node which has duplicates. structures - Where To Put Duplicates in Max Heap?


18 hours ago  · Insertion of keys 12, 10, 20, 9, 11, 10, 12, 12 in an empty Binary Search Tree would create following. 12 (3) / \ 10 (2) 20 (1) / \ 9 (1) 11 (1) Count of a key is shown in bracket. This approach has following advantages over above simple approach. Height of tree is small irrespective of number of duplicates.

6.How to handle duplicates in Binary Search Tree?


29 hours ago Yes, they can. You can read about this in 'Introduction to Algorithms' (by Charles E. Leiserson, Clifford Stein, Thomas H. Cormen, and Ronald Rivest). According to the definition of binary heaps in Wikipedia: All nodes are either [greater than or equal to] ( max heaps) or [less than or equal to] ( min heaps) each of its children, according to a comparison predicate defined for the heap.

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