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can bran flakes make you constipated

by Ms. Brooke Haag PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Finely ground wheat bran and solid/fermented wheat dextran have been shown to worsen constipation.Aug 10, 2021

Does Bran cause constipation in IBS?

But, when you have IBS, bran fiber can lead to stomach upset and constipation. What Is Bran? Bran is a form of fiber derived from the hard outer layer of cereal grains like barley, corn, oats, rice, and wheat.

Is wheat bran good for constipation?

Wheat bran is the "gold standard" because no … Bran is widely used to treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. With few exceptions, investigative work has focused on the effect of bran in normal subjects. Despite its widespread use, there have been no systematic studies of bran in constipation. Wheat bran is the "gold standard" because no …

How much fiber is in Raisin Bran for constipation relief?

To relieve constipation, choose a product that delivers at least 5 grams of fiber per serving. More than 80 percent of the fiber in raisin bran is insoluble, according to the Harvard University Health Services.

Do Bran Flakes make you gain weight?

Consumed with skimmed milk, a portion of bran flakes are unlikely to cause weight gain if eaten as part of a balanced and healthy breakfast. However, if you regularly eat big portions of bran flakes and the rest of your diet is not very healthy, then this type of cereal can easily contribute towards weight gain.

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Can bran Flakes cause constipation?

Bran fiber, especially, can lead to stomach upset and constipation and make IBS symptoms worse.

Is bran flakes good for constipation?

"Foods like All-Bran, which are high in wheat bran fibre, are particularly effective when it comes to relieving constipation and some of the associated symptoms which leave you feeling bloated and sluggish."

Does bran affect constipation?

Wheat bran helps constipation by increasing stool volume, the rate it moves through the bowels, and the bowel frequency.

Which cereal is good for constipation?

Common Breakfast Cereals Suggested for High Fiber ContentCerealTotal fiber per serving (g)Serving (volume)Bran Flakes, Post53/4 cupRaisin Bran, Kellogg's81 cupComplete Wheat Bran, Kellogg's53/4 cupShredded Wheat, Post52 biscuits4 more rows•Mar 15, 1999

Can you eat too much bran flakes?

One of the problems with eating too much bran is that it contains phytobezoars, large conglomerations of vegetable fibres which are probably very useful to some animals but indigestible in man where it can build up and cause obstructions in the bowel.

How can I soften my stool quickly?

Tips for immediate constipation reliefTake a fiber supplement. ... Eat foods for constipation relief. ... Drink a glass of water. ... Take a laxative stimulant. ... Take an osmotic laxative. ... Try a lubricant laxative. ... Use a stool softener. ... Try an enema.More items...

Why does fiber make me constipated?

This is because fermentable fiber is used as food by the bacteria in your gut, resulting in the production of gases in your large intestine. This could cause an increase in gas production in your gut, which might make your symptoms worse.

Can fiber make constipation worse?

Fiber is not always the answer For example, in “slow transit constipation,” a condition where the bowel does not move things quickly through, fiber sits in your gut and can make you feel worse. Long story short: If fiber makes you worse, don't just add more. See your doctor.

Can fiber make you constipated?

Too much fiber in the diet can cause bloating, gas, and constipation. A person can relieve this discomfort by increasing their fluid intake, exercising, and making dietary changes. These uncomfortable side effects of excessive fiber can occur when someone eats more than 70 grams (g) of fiber a day.

Are scrambled eggs good for constipation?

Eggs. Some people believe that eggs can cause constipation. However, there is not much scientific evidence that supports this. They are a low fiber food, though, so eating a lot of them may contribute to constipation.

How do you get Unconstipated?

Take these steps:Drink two to four extra glasses of water a day, unless your doctor told you to limit fluids for another reason.Try warm liquids, especially in the morning.Add fruits and vegetables to your diet.Eat prunes and bran cereal.Exercise most days of the week. ... Don't ignore the urge to poop.

What causes slow bowel movements?

Delayed or slower bowel movements can be caused by a lack of fiber in your diet. A diet that emphasizes natural, unprocessed fruit and vegetables can kick-start digestion and help make you more regular unless you have IBS, gastroparesis or other chronic gastrointestinal condition.

Are bran flakes healthy?

Bran flakes The wholegrains mean they are high in fibre and so have benefits for your digestion too as well as your heart health.

Is bran a laxative?

Both psyllium and coarse wheat bran increased stool water content, a stool-softening effect, but finely ground wheat bran decreased stool water content, a stool-hardening effect. Implications for practice: It is a misconception that dietary fiber and all isolated fibers provide a laxative effect in patients with CIC.

How much fiber is in a bowl of bran flakes?

A cup of bran flakes contains about 5.5 grams of fiber, while seedless raisins have a gram of fiber per ounce. A higher concentration of raisins gives you more fiber.

Does oatmeal help with constipation?

Oatmeal. “Oats are loaded with soluble fiber, which is a type of fiber that allows more water to remain in the stool,” says Smith. “This makes the stool softer and larger, and ultimately easier to pass.”

Fiber Content

As with any processed food, the amount of fiber you'll get from a serving of raisin bran cereal depends on how the product was made. Cereals made mostly with whole-grain wheat and wheat bran are usually higher in fiber than those that also include refined wheat flour or other types of whole grains.

Digestive Effects

More than 80 percent of the fiber in raisin bran is insoluble, according to the Harvard University Health Services. This is because wheat bran is one of the best sources of insoluble fiber available – of the 12 grams of fiber in a 1/2 cup of pure wheat bran, 11 grams come from insoluble fiber.


Eating raisin bran may be an effective, convenient way to get your bowels moving, but it's not necessarily your healthiest option. Cereals are a major source of sugar in the American diet, and it's not unusual to get somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 grams of sugar from a serving of raisin bran.

Bowel Regularity

Bowel regularity is mostly determined by your overall health, level of physical activity and diet. Getting enough fiber is a key recommendation for both the treatment and prevention of constipation.

What Is Bran?

Bran is a form of fiber that is extracted from the hard outer layer of cereal grains like barley, corn, oats, rice, and wheat.

IBS and Bran

There is no definite answer as to why bran can make symptoms worse for people with IBS. Researchers have some theories, however.

IBS-Friendly Fiber Alternatives

While insoluble fiber can make IBS worse, soluble fiber can be beneficial for people with IBS. In their recent guidelines, the American College of Gastroenterology concluded that soluble fiber may not only help reduce IBS symptoms but can also help lower cholesterol and blood sugar. 4


Fiber is an important part of your diet if you have IBS. However, wheat bran—extracted from the hard outer shell of the grain—is known to make IBS symptoms worse. It's not completely clear why this is, but one theory is that the hard shell irritates the intestines.

A Word From Verywell

If you're unsure of which sources of fiber are best for you, consider meeting with a dietitian experienced with IBS to work out a dietary plan. Often, finding the best fit takes trial and error.

What is the Best Bran Cereal for Constipation?

Foods for Constipation you MUST AVOID! The 3 Simple Steps to FIX Chronic Constipation

Which Breakfast Cereals Can Help You Poop?

If you’re big on breakfast you’ll want to make sure that you are nourishing your body with a meal that contains enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals to get you through the day. The problem with many kinds of cereal is that they are packed with sugar which can lead to weight gain and a variety of other problems.

How Much Bran is Safe To Eat Per Day?

According to MayoClinic, men should be eating between 30 and 38 grams of fiber per day, while women should aim for 21 to 25 grams. That said, it is important not to exceed this amount as too much fiber can cause a blockage in the bowels due to the vegetable fibers that humans battle to digest.

Can Raisin Bran Give You Diarrhea?

It is possible for raisin bran to cause stomach upset and this could be for a variety of reasons, namely the fiber in the bran, raisins, or other additives in the cereal. If you find that you frequently experience diarrhea after eating raisin bran, then it may be a good idea to try a process of elimination and monitor your symptoms.

Additional Tips for Clearing Your Bowels in the Morning

On top of eating enough fiber, there are other ways that you can clear your bowls in the morning that are easy to incorporate into your routine.

All fibre not the same

Not eating enough fibre often causes constipation and, not surprisingly, adding more of it to your diet can ease, and prevent, the condition. Not all fibre is created equal, though, when it comes to regularity.

How much fibre?

Women aged 19 to 50 are advised to consume 25 grams of fibre each day; men require 38 grams. As we get older and our calorie requirements decrease, so do our fibre needs. After 50, women need 21 grams daily and men, 30 grams.

Bran vs. fruits and vegetables

Many people are successful at treating constipation by adding a concentrated source of insoluble fibre, such as wheat bran, to their diet. Two tablespoons of raw wheat bran have 4.5 g of fibre, one cup of bran flakes contains about 5 g and one-half cup of 100 percent bran cereal delivers 12 grams.

8 foods that help keep you regular

While they can’t beat a bowl of 100% bran cereal for insoluble fibre content, the following foods are great sources of the stuff (plus, they’re loaded with other beneficial nutrients).


Wheat is a plant. The outer shell of the grain (the bran) is used to make medicine.

How does it work ?

Wheat bran helps constipation by increasing stool volume, the rate it moves through the bowels, and the bowel frequency.

What are the main ingredients of bran flakes?

While the ingredients vary slightly between different bran flake brands, the main ingredient in all of them is wholewheat.

The nutritional values of bran flakes

Depending on the brand of bran flakes you choose, the exact nutritional values vary. To give a fair comparison, we looked at the nutritional values per 100g of the branded variety as well as the supermarket’s own brand versions.

Are bran flakes high in sugar?

Comparing to other brands, Kellogg’s Bran Flakes have the highest sugar content, at 14g per 100g. Other brands that we researched for this article contain between 10.8g and 12g of sugar.

The benefits of bran flakes

High-fibre cereals such as bran flakes may help with weight loss if consumed in moderation and as part of a healthy, balanced diet.


Foods with a rating of over 70 on the glycaemic scale are considered high GI. Bran flakes have a GI of 74 so no, they are not low GI.




  • Bran is the hard shell that comprises the outside layer of cereal grains, including barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, and wheat. Bran provides a large dose of dietary fiber as well as being a good source of essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. A visible example of the difference between a grain with bran versus one in which the bran has been removed is rice. Bro…
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  • Although bran is a part of a variety of cereal grains, products such as bran cereal or muffins are typically prepared with wheat bran.
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  • White flour is considered to be refined in that the germ and bran are removed. This is done primarily to add to the shelf life of the product, as the bran and germ contain fats that can go rancid. The unfortunate result of this refinement is that by taking out the bran, the fiber content of the flour is reduced. Since whole wheat flour contains the bran portion of the grain, it retains the …
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  • There is no specific research or definitive answer as to why bran might be a problem for IBS patients. One theory is that the hard bran shell is somehow irritating to the nerves in the lining of the intestines. Another possibility may have to do with the fact that wheat contains fructans, one of the types of fermentable carbohydrates identified wit...
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  • Luckily, there are other fiber alternatives to bran. Fruits and vegetables are great sources of dietary fiber. There are many other non-wheat bran, whole grain options.
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  • In terms of fiber supplements, one of the most studied is psyllium, also known as an isphagula husk. Although studies vary in quality and in results, there is a trend toward IBS symptom improvement with the use of psyllium, as noted by the American College of Gastroenterology. Another option, particularly if your primary symptom is constipation, is ground flaxseed.
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  • Although a diet high in dietary fiber is optimal for digestive health, in terms of IBS symptoms, an increase in fiber is typically seen as more helpful for IBS-C than the other IBS sub-types. Regardless of predominant symptom, there is some evidence that soluble fiber is better tolerated than insoluble fiber. In order to avoid an exacerbation of symptoms, it is best to use a slow appr…
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1.The effect of bran on bowel function in constipation


29 hours ago Many people are successful at treating constipation by adding a concentrated source of insoluble fibre, such as wheat bran, to their diet. Two tablespoons of raw wheat bran has 4.5 g …

2.Raisin Bran for Constipation | livestrong


12 hours ago Abstract. Bran is widely used to treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. With few exceptions, investigative work has focused on the effect of bran in normal subjects. Despite its widespread …

3.Why You Shouldn't Eat Bran If You Have IBS - Verywell …


9 hours ago According to Livestrong, one cup of raisin bran contains 7 to 8 grams of insoluble fiber which helps to add bulk to stools and relieve constipation. That said, raisin bran is relatively high in …

4.Does Raisin Bran Make You Poop? SOLVED! – Health Briefly


21 hours ago  · Many people are successful at treating constipation by adding a concentrated source of insoluble fibre, such as wheat bran, to their diet. Two tablespoons of raw wheat bran …

5.8 foods (beyond bran) to combat constipation - Leslie Beck


26 hours ago Wheat bran helps constipation by increasing stool volume, the rate it moves through the bowels, and the bowel frequency. Uses & Effectiveness ? Possibly Effective for

6.WHEAT BRAN - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD


34 hours ago Deciding which breakfast cereal to use in the treatment of constipation can be difficult considering the names of cereals, such as 100% Bran, All-Bran and Complete Wheat Bran. The …

7.Are bran flakes healthy? - Be Healthy Now


35 hours ago  · ‘Bran in particular is a poorly tolerated source of fibre and can make pain and bloating worse in some constipated people.’

8.Use of Breakfast Cereals for Constipation in Elderly Persons


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9.When eating fibre can make you even MORE bunged up


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