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can chickens have bread

by Cassidy Fahey Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Foods that are Safe to Feed Your Chickens
Bread – Bread, in moderation, can be fed to your chickens, but avoid moldy bread. Cooked meats – Meats should be cut into small pieces. Corn – Raw, cooked, or dried corn can be fed to your chickens.
May 25, 2015

Why are rotisserie chickens cheaper than raw chicken?

Dec 27, 2021 · Yes, bread is safe for chickens and they will happily consume all types of bread. They can eat either white bread or whole bread, or whatever type of bread you provide to your birds. Chickens can also eat stale bread, although it isn’t the safest food for chickens.

Is feeding chickens bread okay?

18 rows · Aug 22, 2021 · We have established that chickens can eat bread. Furthermore, we have discussed how to ...

Is bread bad for chickens?

Chickens can eat bread, the crusts, scraps, and all kinds of loaves and types of bread, yes. In fact, as I explain in this post about giving your chickens Valbazen as a dewormer, you can use bread to soak a little medicine in and they’ll gobble it right up. In my experience, just like ducks and other birds, chickens love bread.

What is bad for chickens to eat?

Long story short; chickens can absolutely have bread. Although, this is going to be dependent on the reason that you have the chicken. If you are expecting your child to grow nice and old rather gracefully, then you will probably want to keep their bread consumption to the absolute minimum.


Why can't chickens eat bread?

So, in short, no, ideally you would not feed chickens bread as it has very little nutritional value and in large quantities it can cause blockages or sour crop. Small volumes of stale bread can go to your chickens, but avoid giving them moldy bread as the mold spores can irritate their breathing passages.Sep 27, 2019

What happens when you feed chickens bread?

Just like other birds like ducks, chickens crave bread. And if you offer them brown or seeded bread, the more they'll love it. However, if you feed your poultry bread, you risk getting stuck in its throat and choking it.Mar 30, 2022

How much bread can I feed my chickens?

Bread is not toxic to chickens as long as it is fed in moderation. Feeding chickens too much bread can cause crop impaction, which can cause health problems. Feeding your chickens a slice of bread once a week should be fine.May 3, 2021

What should you not feed chickens?

Hens should never be fed food scraps that contain anything high in fat or salt, and do not feed them food that is rancid or spoiled. Specific types of food that hens should not be fed include raw potato, avocado, chocolate, onion, garlic, citrus fruits, uncooked rice or uncooked beans [2].Feb 27, 2020

Can Chickens Eat Bread?

Bread is not toxic for chickens if fed in moderation, and they will likely enjoy eating it. Chickens can eat stale, fresh, wheat, white, and homemade bread. That said, feeding chickens too much bread can cause crop impaction.

Can You Feed Baby Chicks Bread?

Baby chicks can eat bread the same way that the adults do. However, it’s essential to limit the quantity you feed them. Tear the bread in small pieces and scatter it around the coop. You can also consider soaking it in water before feeding them.

Are There Any Benefits of Feeding Chickens Bread?

Unfortunately, bread is high in carbs and does not contain many healthy nutrients essential for your flock. However, this doesn’t stop chicken keepers from feeding their chickens gingerbread, and other types of bread.

Nutritional Information of Wheat Bread

Below is a table of the nutritional information of one slice (25 grams) of wheat bread.

The Dangers of Feeding Chickens Bread

But it is a highly absorbent food. When your chicken eats bread and follows it up with water before the bread has moved into the proventriculus, it will absorb the water and expand inside the crop.

How Does Bread Cause Crop Impaction in Chicken?

Crop impaction occurs when your chickens eat something that they cannot easily pass through their digestive tract. When your chicken consumes food, the first stop it makes is into the crop, which temporarily stores food before moving into the chicken equivalent of a stomach, the proventriculus.

How Does an Impacted Crop Harm Chicken?

For one, your chicken won’t pass food into their stomach and properly digest the food.

Can Chickens Eat Bread?

Can chickens eat bread? Yes, they absolutely can. However, bread isn’t known for its nutritionally dense properties. It’s junk food. A filler.

Bread Is a Favorite Treat For Chickens

I don’t know about your chickens but mine love eating bread! Sometimes that’s a good thing. Because no one in my house really wants to eat the bread ends, except for the chickens of course!

What Kind Of Bread NOT To Feed To Chickens

Chickens can eat white, wheat, whole grain, and even bread that contains seeds and nuts. They can eat fresh bread or even stale even bread!

Issues With Eating Moldy Bread For Chickens

When you see mold on bread, the entire loaf should be thrown out! It’s not like cheese where you can cut an inch off and continue eating it.

Healthier Snack Ideas

There are tons of natural foods that you can give to your chickens that are much healthier than bread. I’m not saying don’t give them bread. It’s fun to give them something they love!

In Summary,

Chicken can eat bread, but in moderation of course! Giving chickens bread can be a fun snack but definitely not a meal! So give them a little bit of bread, but don’t spoil their dinner.

Is Bread Safe for Chickens to Eat?

Yes, bread is safe for chickens and they will happily consume all types of bread. They can eat either white bread or whole bread, or whatever type of bread you provide to your birds. Chickens can also eat stale bread, although it isn’t the safest food for chickens.

How Much Bread Can Chickens Eat?

While bread is safe for all chicken breeds, it isn’t the healthiest food for chickens. Bread is basically junk food for chickens rather than a nutritious treat. Your chickens should not rely entirely on bread, but a combination of healthy foods. While you can feed chickens with bread, you should moderately introduce bread to your birds.

What Happens if Chickens Eat Too Much Bread?

Your chickens won’t die after overeating bread. Given the poor nutritional value of bread, bread isn’t the best food option for chickens, especially chicks and other growing chickens. Besides, too much bread isn’t good for chickens. Here is what will most likely happen if your chickens overeat bread.

Can Chickens Eat Bread with Mold?

No, chickens shouldn’t consume any food with mold, including bread. Feeding your chickens with bread that has mold can make the birds sick. Moldy bread is stale bread, and stale bread can fill your chickens’ guts with harmful bacteria that expose them to digestive upsets.

Is Bread Safe for Baby Chickens?

No, bread isn’t safe for baby chicks. Bread can choke your baby chicks and fill up their crops, hindering them from effectively digesting the bread. Furthermore, bread lacks the proper nutrition baby chicks require for optimal development.

Is Dough Safe for Chickens?

Chickens may enjoy eating the dough. However, the dough isn’t safe for chickens since it contains too much yeast that can lead to fermentation in their crops, ultimately exposing the birds to digestive problems.


Although bread is safe for chickens if your birds eat bread occasionally and in moderation, bread shouldn’t be the first food choice for your birds. Replace bread with more nutritious chicken foods. The best chicken foods should be rich in calcium, vitamins, minerals, protein, and calories.

Can Chickens Eat Bread?

Let us look at the nutritional value of white bread. You will see that it has no ingredient that would be poisonous to chickens. On the flip side, you would also know that it does not really offer any nutrition for them either.

How to Make Bread Safe for Chickens?

If you were looking forward to throwing a few pieces of bread to your chooks, you do not have to worry. Not all is lost. There is a way to make bread safer for the little critters.

Things to Remember When Feeding Bread to Your Chicken?

As we have said earlier, feed your chickens bread in moderation. There is a way that you could make bread safer for consumption. However, remember that it still does not contain the nutrition that your chicken needs. It should not be part of their staple diet and should remain as a treat.

Can Chicks Eat Bread?

We have established that chickens can eat bread. Furthermore, we have discussed how to make it safe for consumption. So, what about the baby chicks?

High-Protein Treats

Here are some treats that could be an alternative to bread. On the other hand, you could just add these treats to their growing list of chicken treats.

Chickens and Protein

One of the main concerns about giving chickens bread is that this food barely contains any protein. You might be wondering how essential this nutrient is.

Can Chickens Eat Bread Scraps?

Chickens can eat bread, the crusts, scraps, and all kinds of loaves and types of bread, yes.

Chicken Digestive Anatomy

For those new to chicken anatomy and how they digest food; chicken’s have a crop at the base of their necks, which is where food is collected after they eat it.

What Can Chickens Not Eat – List

This list is not exhaustive by any means. To give you a better idea of some of the foods that you should never give your chickens, however, please read the following:

What Can Chickens Eat – List

The list of what chickens can eat is a lot longer than what they can’t! Here are some of the most common foods that owners give their flock that is safe – even beneficial – for them:

In Summary

There you have it, you don’t have to waste your bread scraps and crusts – you can feed it to your chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Bread?

Long story short; chickens can absolutely have bread. Although, this is going to be dependent on the reason that you have the chicken. If you are expecting your child to grow nice and old rather gracefully, then you will probably want to keep their bread consumption to the absolute minimum.

How to Serve the Bread to Your Chicken

As long as the bread isn’t moldy, then the chickens should be able to eat any bread that you throw in their direction. Even the hardest of bread. Although, they will probably have an easier time eating that bread if you have soaked it in the water a little bit beforehand.

Why Should You Feed Your Chickens Bread?

Whether white or brown bread, your chickens will eat it. They are usually not as picky as other domestic animals when it comes to eating bread. They will likely scramble for both fresh and stale bread without even realizing minor differences between the two.

Why Should You NOT FEED Your Chickens Bread?

As I had mentioned earlier, bread can quickly form balls inside your chicken’s crop. When this happens, your birds will experience catastrophic blockages that are detrimental to their well-being. To avoid such dangerous incidents, you must always provide water at strategic locations where your birds can access it easily.

Can You Feed Your Baby Chicks Bread?

Absolutely yes! Baby chicks can eat bread in the same way mature chickens do. On the contrary, you should limit the quantity of bread your chicks are eating. This should not come as a surprise to you if you genuinely know what your little birds need.

Why Should You Not Feed Your Chickens Moldy Bread?

Always remember that moldy bread is a no for your chickens. Sadly, most chicken owners feed their flock moldy or spoiled bread, claiming that there are no adverse effects. This is not worth it because they are exposing them to danger.

Related questions

How often can you feed your chickens’ bread? You can give your chickens bread occasionally as part of their treat. Bread does not have most of the essential nutrients that your chickens need. Therefore, it will be needless to use it as your chicken’s main diet.

Final Thought

Chickens love bread. It doesn’t matter if it’s stale or fresh. Just make sure it’s not moldy. Your chickens will enjoy eating this treat, although it does not have most of the essential nutrients. This means you should not use it as their main diet. Instead, your flock should have it in moderation.

Can Chickens Eat Bread?

Bread is a common food for well meaning people to feed to chickens and ducks. The problem with feeding chickens bread is that it can easily form a ball in the crop which can lead to catastrophic blockages. A chicken‘s gizzard is not designed for large amounts of this kind of food.

Here are 3 foods you should not be feeding your chickens

Some people with an orphan baby chick mistakenly think that because baby chickens are small animals, that they need to have milk, however this is not true. Chicks should start on a specially formulated chick starter feed.

Commonly asked questions from a chicken keeper about what you can feed chickens

Yes, chickens enjoy eating grapes and if you throw them to your flock you will find that they rush after them and argue over them. Grapes are very sweet and mostly contain water and sugar so they should be kept as a special treat for your flock rather than a basis of a nutritionally complete chicken feed.

The Best Treats For Chickens

One of my favorite treats for chickens is mealworms. Mealworms are high in protein, making them the perfect treat during molt.

Download The Ultimate List

Download a beautiful 15 page printable version of this Ultimate List and save it to your computer for future reference! You can also print the list and hang it on your fridge for quick, easy access.

What Can Chickens Eat

Are you wondering what foods your chickens can eat? Well, you are in luck!

What NOT To Feed Chickens

While chickens can eat a huge variety of kitchen scraps, there are a number of foods that are poisonous to chickens.

Commonly Asked Questions

No, apples seeds are not safe for chickens as they contain trace amounts of cyanide. If they happen to eat a few seeds, it should not be a cause of panic. However, chickens should not be allowed to eat a lot of apple seeds.


1.Can Chickens Eat Bread? What You Need to Know! | Pet …


31 hours ago Dec 27, 2021 · Yes, bread is safe for chickens and they will happily consume all types of bread. They can eat either white bread or whole bread, or whatever type of bread you provide to your birds. Chickens can also eat stale bread, although it isn’t the safest food for chickens.

2.Can Chicken Eat Bread? [Dangers, Types, & How to Feed …


22 hours ago 18 rows · Aug 22, 2021 · We have established that chickens can eat bread. Furthermore, we have discussed how to ...

3.Can Chickens Eat Bread? - Homestead Wishing


6 hours ago Chickens can eat bread, the crusts, scraps, and all kinds of loaves and types of bread, yes. In fact, as I explain in this post about giving your chickens Valbazen as a dewormer, you can use bread to soak a little medicine in and they’ll gobble it right up. In my experience, just like ducks and other birds, chickens love bread.

4.Can Chickens Eat Bread? - LearnPoultry


16 hours ago Long story short; chickens can absolutely have bread. Although, this is going to be dependent on the reason that you have the chicken. If you are expecting your child to grow nice and old rather gracefully, then you will probably want to keep their bread consumption to the absolute minimum.

5.Can Chickens Eat Bread? (Nutrition, Advantage & …


12 hours ago In general, bread is safe for your chickens to eat. Therefore, nothing should stop you from feeding them this tasty treat. Surprisingly, you can give them bread, whether it is fresh or stale. This sounds almost impossible, but you need to draw the line between stale bread and moldy bread.

6.Can Chickens Eat Bread? (Yes, With a Small 'But ...


5 hours ago Sep 27, 2019 · So, in short, no, ideally you would not feed chickens bread as it has very little nutritional value and in large quantities it can cause blockages or sour crop. Small volumes of stale bread can go to your chickens, but avoid giving them moldy bread as the mold spores can irritate their breathing passages.

7.Can Chickens Eat Bread? - Learn The Truth About …


28 hours ago Dec 13, 2020 · Yes, chickens can eat bread dough. However it should be fed in moderation as it contains nearly no nutritional value. Can Chickens Eat Bread Grain. Yes, chickens can eat bread grain. Can Chickens Eat Bread Rolls. Yes, chickens can eat bread rolls. However it should be fed in moderation as it contains nearly no nutritional value. Can Chickens Eat Bread With Butter

8.Can Chickens Eat Bread? - Backyard Chicken Chatter


31 hours ago

9.Can Chickens Eat Bread? 3 Things you Should NOT Feed …


17 hours ago

10.The ULTIMATE list of what chickens CAN and CANNOT …


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