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can grapes kill guinea pigs

by Myah Douglas Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Generally, it is safe to feed your guinea pig 1-2 grapes per week. Grapes are okay as an occasional treat if your guinea pig loves them, but they should not be a regular part of your piggy's diet. Grapes are not safe to feed every day due to the extremely high sugar levels.

Full Answer

Can guinea pigs eat grapes?

There are certain foods that are toxic to guinea pigs, but grapes aren’t one of them. Guinea pigs can safely eat grapes – with your help, of course. There’s about 16.2 g of sugar in 100g of grapes. (I’ve done the math, and that’s A LOT of sugar).

What foods can kill a guinea pig?

Some food items, such as meat or junk food, can actually poison your guinea pigs, causing them to suffer from health problems like diarrhea or worse, death. Being herbivores, the best diet for your guinea pig is one that is rich in greens and fiber, so in this post, I will help you understand what foods can kill your guinea pig.

What happens if a guinea pig eats sugar?

A lot of sugar in a guinea pig’s system could affect their gut by over-producing too much of the bad gut bacteria. This could then lead to stomach pains and digestive upset with your guinea pig. The good bacteria is a guinea pig’s gut is essential for breaking down and digesting complex foods, such as Timothy Hay.

Can guinea pigs get poisoned from food?

Here are some of the most dangerous food items that can poison or kill your guinea pig: Do not feed your guinea pig any snack that was made for you. This includes cereals, chips, biscuits, and flavored items, among other things. Avoid giving your guinea pig chocolate, at all costs.


Are grapes toxic to guinea pigs?

Guinea Pigs Can Eat Grapes as an Occasional Treat Grapes are also rich in antioxidants, which balance free radicals, and resveratrol, a plant compound that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to a high level of fructose (sugar), grapes are also very sweet and a favorite treat for most guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs eat grapes everyday?

“Grapes are a great treat, but only in moderation,” Smothermon said. “They are high in vitamins but also high in sugar.” As long as they are not a part of your guinea pig's everyday diet, grapes can be offered occasionally.

What happens if guinea pigs have too much grapes?

Grapes are generally considered to be guinea pig-safe. They're a good treat for guinea pigs when given in small amounts (once or twice per week). Eating too many grapes can be bad for guinea pigs and they may develop diabetes or become obese.

Can grapes give guinea pigs diarrhea?

Despite all of their healthy perks, there are a few risks that may occur if your guinea pig consumes grapes. The main risk that involves guinea pigs and grapes comes from the fruit's high sugar containment. Sugar can cause your pig to have gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea.

What fruits can guinea pigs not eat?

Some seeds have a high-fat content, which isn't great, and others are loaded with poison. Cyanide is present in many fruit seeds and pips, such as apples and cherries. Even if the treat that you are considering isn't toxic for a guinea pig, you should think about whether it will be good for them in the long run.

Can guinea pigs eat grapes with skin?

The short and sweet answer is yes. Grapes contain vitamin C, which is vital for guinea pig health, and guinea pigs usually love this sweet, juicy treat. But, grapes are also high in sugar. You can safely feed guinea pigs grapes by only offering a sliver of grape as a very occasional treat.

What foods should guinea pigs avoid?

Make sure you do not feed your guinea pigs the following foods (this is not an exhaustive list): cereals; grains; nuts; seeds; dried beans, corn, and peas; buttercups; garden shrubs (such as hemlock or privet); lilies of any kind; sweet peas; nightshade; oak; avocado; onion grass; onions; potato tops; mushrooms; ...

What fruits can guinea pigs have daily?

The best fruits to feed your guinea pig include most berries, such as blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries. Berries taste delicious to your guinea pig, but they are relatively low in sugar and carbohydrates in comparison to other fruits.

Can guinea pigs eat banana?

Overall, bananas can be a great treat every once in a while for healthy guinea pigs. They are great health benefits like potassium and vitamin C, both are vital for your pig's health. Bananas can also be harmful to your guinea pig if they are not properly portioned due to their high levels of sugar and fiber.

How often should guinea pigs eat?

Other than the hay, it's a good idea to feed your cavy two times a day. Both in the morning and in the evening, to help prevent overeating and, consequently, obesity. Always remove any uneaten pellets about 1 hour after your cavy has eaten and any fruit or vegetables after 24 hours.

Can guinea pigs eat cucumber?

Cucumber: Guinea Pigs can eat both the flesh, seeds (not too much) and the skin. Green beans:These contain vitamin C, and can be fed in a raw state. However, be cautious as they also contain calcium and phosphorus.

Can guinea pigs swim?

Yes, guinea pigs can swim, but no, they don't enjoy it. If they have no other option in their natural habitat, swimming will allow them to escape predators. They may also decide to get their paws wet if there is a food source nearby. But their desire to go in the water stops there.

What foods can guinea pigs eat daily?

Guinea pig feedingCommercial food: Choose vitamin C-fortified pellets with no seeds or dried fruit added. ... Timothy hay: Provide an unlimited quantity of fresh timothy hay every day. ... Fruit and vegetables: Fresh vegetables can be offered once a day and should be equivalent to about one cup total per guinea pig per day.

What kind of grapes can guinea pigs have?

Guinea pigs can eat red grapes. Red grapes have less sugar than green grapes and have more antioxidant properties as well.

Can guinea pigs eat grapes and blueberries?

Blueberries contain antioxidants and vitamins, which makes them a great choice for guinea pigs. But at the same time, blueberries are acidic and contain a lot of sugar. Feed only small amounts occasionally.

Can guinea pigs have grape stalks?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grape Stems? Yes, you can leave the stem on the grape when you give it to your guinea pig. It won't do them any harm and adds a little extra roughage to their diet. Gnawing the stalks also helps to keep their teeth in good shape.

Are Grapes Safe for Guinea Pigs?

There is no need to worry at all because yes, a moderate amount of grapes for guinea pigs are completely safe.

How Many Grapes Should I Feed My Guinea Pig?

While grapes are nutritious for your little piglets to eat, too much of anything can be bad. Grapes are also sweet, and too much sugar isn’t good for your furry fellow.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes with Skin?

Guinea pigs eating grapes are faced with a very small choking hazard if you leave the skin attached , so peeling them is your best course of action. Thanks to their sharp little teeth, these risks are pretty uncommon.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat White Grapes?

There is less than a gram of sugar in each white grape. Ten white grapes are labeled as having 9.05 grams of carbohydrates.

What is cotton candy grape?

As some of us already had the pleasure of experiencing first hand, cotton candy grapes are a sweeter ‘designer’ grape made by hybridizing two other species of grapes. To us humans, few other things could surpass the already fantastic taste of normal grapes.

How much sugar is in a cup of grapes?

One cup of green grapes contains about 15 grams of sugar. You never want to give your piglet a full cup of grapes, or even more than one or at the most two at a time, but consider the comparisons.

How big are guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs are quite a bit smaller than us (1.5-2.5 lbs). That is about 1/100th of a normal human adult.

How many guinea pigs does Josh have?

Josh has been raising guinea pigs for over a decade. He's had two Americans, two Abyssinians, and one Silkie Guinea Pig. He spends hours on Instagram browsing guinea pigs, wombats, hedgehogs, and Dungeons & Dragons.

What is the best vitamin for guinea pigs?

A Boost of Energy For Guinea Pigs. The amount of Vitamin B6 in grapes can help your guinea pig be more active during the day. This water soluble vitamin is useful for regulating normal hormone function. With it, guinea pigs can have better balances of serotonin and melatonin, which can provide more energy during the day.

Why do guinea pigs urinate?

If guinea pigs intake too much Vitamin C, then they will just urinate it out because this vitamin is water soluble. Sure, grapes don’t contain as much Vitamin C as apples, but it’s just enough for a sizeable boost!

Why does my guinea pig have stomach pains?

A lot of sugar in a guinea pig’s system could affect their gut by over-producing too much of the bad gut bacteria. This could then lead to stomach pains and digestive upset with your guinea pig. The good bacteria is a guinea pig’s gut is essential for breaking down and digesting complex foods, such as Timothy Hay.

How much sugar is in grapes?

The first thing that sticks out to us when looking at the nutritional value of grapes is the high sugar content. That’s 15 whole grams per cup! Even for a human that is a not negligible amount of sugar.

Can guinea pigs have kidney failure?

Kidney Failure in Guinea Pigs. Although this is an extreme case, it could happen to your guinea pig. Some owners that excessively feed grapes to their cavy have experienced this. This is not a guinea pig exclusive thing, and it has been seen with all types of pets, including dogs.

Do guinea pigs have serotonin?

With it, guinea pigs can have better balances of serotonin and melatonin, which can provide more energy during the day. This is a good opportunity to get your guinea pigs some much needed exercise. Remember that guinea pigs that don’t receive a good enough workout may experience health problems.

Are Grapes Good For Guinea pigs?

Yes, Grapes are suitable for guinea pigs. But we must surely consider the quantity we are serving to our guinea pigs. Guinea pigs need a variety in the diet to live a long and healthy life.

How many grapes can guinea pigs eat?

We should not feed our Guinea pigs with more than 1-2 medium size grapes. Also, we should only feed it once a week.

Can guinea pigs eat grapes with seeds?

No, You cannot feed grapes with seeds in them to your Guinea pigs. Guinea pigs have very delicate digestive and body system.

How to prepare grapes for your guinea pig?

In order to get the best from the food, we must learn to serve them in the right manner. Let us today learn what are the right steps to prepare grapes for our guinea pigs.

What are the nutrients that guinea pigs need?

Grapes are a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and calcium for guinea pigs.

What should I feed my guinea pigs?

Finally, I would say to feed your guinea pigs with their staple diet in most parts i.e., HAY. The fruits like grapes should only be given as a treat to them to change the flavor of their food.

Why are guinea pigs so prone to diseases?

Guinea pigs are prone to various diseases due to high sugar content. So, I believe keeping them away from such treats would be a wise decision to make.

Can guinea pigs eat grapes and what happens when your piggie eats grapes?

Guinea pigs are very cute and funny of all small pets. So we are giving them all delicious foods that we are enjoying, like tasty and sweet grapes! I did some research to find can guinea pigs eat grapes? And what are the possible risks for our pet? Then I found wandering facts and I’ll cover everything you need to know. Before that, you need to know a simple answer about this topic.

Can young guinea pigs eat grapes?

Always serve new fruits slowly and monitor there are no distress or stomach upset to your little buddy. But I don’t recommend serving grapes to young guine a piggies. Because they only need their mother’s milk and water.

Can guinea pigs eat grapes unlimited?

You can serve a high amount of grapes to your buddy. Because grapes have a high amount of sugar and it can cause to overweight or more than that. You need to monitor your guinea pig closely and limit it to 1 – 2 grapes.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cotton Candy Grapes?

Cotten cand grapes contain an extra 12% of sugar which can cause overweight and other problems to your guinea pig. I do not recommend feeding them with cotton candy grapes.

Why is vitamin C important for guinea pigs?

Because it helps to increase the production of happiness hormone. Also, Vitamin C helps to improve the athletic performance of your guinea pigs and it improves buddy’s energy, lowering pig’s blood pressure. Vitamin C raising nitric oxide and testosterone. As an antioxidant, Vitamin C helps to prevent causing cell damage.

What causes guinea pigs to gain weight?

In grapes have sixteen percent of sugar and it can cause diabetes to stomach upset and much more dangerous. with too much sugar, your piggie can gain excess weight.

Is 150g of grapes good for guinea pigs?

150g is too much for your guinea pig and never give that amount of grapes. Everything above things is really beneficial for your guinea piggie in some ways.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Green Grapes?

What about different colors of grapes? Can Guinea Pigs eat green grapes? There are limited sources available on the internet on guinea pigs that make it difficult to find about guinea pigs’ healthy diet.

Can Grapes kill Guinea Pigs?

Grapes are a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and minerals for guinea pigs. They have a sweet taste that makes a great choice.

Can guinea pigs eat grapes?

Yes, Grapes are safe for your guinea pigs. But due to heavy sugar content, the grapes should be considered a rare treat for your pet.

What do guinea pigs eat?

One of the perfect things about having pets is feeding them with healthy foods. It is not only adorable but for guinea pigs, fruits and veggies are the main part of their diet. And like humans, guinea pigs usually love tasty fruits.

What is the best vitamin for guinea pigs?

There are lots of pellets formulated for guinea pigs that offer vitamin C. While grapes are also a good source, apples usually contain a larger amount of vitamin C.

How often should I feed my guinea pig grapes?

Guinea pigs can eat grapes in small amounts from time to time. You should make sure to never feed them grapes more than three times per week. Too many grapes lead to the severe side effects that I mentioned above.

What are the different types of grapes?

As you know, grapes in two common types: green and red. Regarding the health of your guinea pig, there is no difference between the varieties of grapes.

Can you feed cavies grapes?

You should feed your cavies healthy fruits and veggies on an occasional basis. So, if you want to give grapes to your guinea pigs, make it a rare treat.

Do guinea pigs need vitamin C?

Vitamin C is one of the essential nutrients for the health of your guinea pigs. An interesting fact about guinea pigs is that, like you and me, they can’t produce Vitamin C on their own. That means guinea pigs have to get their daily requirements from their diet.

How to clean grapes that are organic?

Rinse the grapes under fresh water. Even if you have bought organic, there can still be traces of dirt or other unwanted debris on the fruit’s skin.

What are the causes of kidney stones in guinea pigs?

Calcium and oxalates (oxalic acids) contribute to the formation of kidney stones, a prevalent problem seen in guinea pigs.

Why do guinea pigs chew stems?

Chewing the stems will also help to keep your guinea pig’s teeth healthy, clean, and worn down to the correct length.

How much vitamin C is in grapes?

There is 0.224mg of vitamin C in a single piece of fruit, so sure, grapes will give a slight boost to a cavy’s vitamin C intake, but they are no replacement for the staple sources in their diet.

How much sugar is in a grape?

One of the main nutrients limiting the serving size of most fruit is sugar. Our nutrition chart shows that in a 7 g grape, there is 1 g of sugar. That’s a lot for a guinea pig!

How to remove nasties from fruit?

Rinsing the fruit under fresh water will help remove any nasties while peeling them reduces the risk further.

Can guinea pigs eat grapes?

Yes, it’s safe to feed your guinea pig grapes. Red, green, or any color in between, they’re all fine as an occasional special treat for your cavy.

What Is the Ideal Diet for Your Guinea Pigs?

It is crucial to provide your guinea pig with a healthy and well-maintained diet so it can enjoy a hearty life. You must also pay close attention to your guinea pig if you change their diet even slightly because their sensitive tummies can cause serious reactions internally. Here are some items that should constitute a majority of your guinea pig’s diet:

Can You Overfeed a Guinea Pig?

Yes and no. It is possible to overfeed a guinea pig, which is never good for them , this why I use this automatic pet feeder food. It can cause your guinea pig to become bloated and result in obesity. Not only is that highly unhealthy for your guinea, but it can also lead to a series of health complications.

What do guinea pigs eat?

Excellent quality hay, that is clean and fresh, is the main item that your guinea’s diet should consist of. They need access to clean grass and hay for a healthier digestive system. Vegetables also constitute a majority of your guinea’s diet. Your guinea pig’s teeth are constantly growing, so they need leafy greens to chew and maintain ...

How to make sure guinea pigs are healthy?

Always make sure that everything your guinea pig is consuming is fresh and clean. In addition to making sure that you provide a diet that is rich in vitamin C and fiber, you should also monitor the amount of water that your guinea drinks and how much food it consumes .

How long do guinea pigs live?

So, avoid feeding your guinea pig popcorn or experimenting with any other snack. Guinea pigs generally have a lifespan of 4-8 years and can exceed this if you take proper care of your rodent.

Why do people keep guinea pigs as pets?

Most people prefer to keep guinea pigs as pets because they are energetic and fun to be around like puppies, and they purr and make adorable sounds like kittens too . However, your guinea pig requires just as much attention because they can end up hurting themselves if left unattended for too long.

What happens if you feed popcorn to a guinea pig?

After eating popcorn, your guinea pig might suffer from diarrhea or some other disease , I remember when a day I did the same mistake because I didn’t have any idea what can these kinds of food do if my pet eats them. Constantly feeding your pet the wrong item will cause it to fall ill and live a much shorter life.


1.Can Grapes Kill Your Guinea Pig? (What You Need To Know)


25 hours ago There are certain foods that are toxic to guinea pigs, but grapes aren’t one of them. Guinea pigs can safely eat grapes – with your help, of course. There’s about 16.2 g of sugar in 100g of …

2.Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes? - Guinea Pig Site


12 hours ago  · Grapes with seeds in them can kill guinea pigs. The little piglets can easily choke on the seeds themselves. The skin of a grape can kill guinea pigs, though the risk is very small. …

3.Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes? (Serving Size, Hazards


17 hours ago Grapes are a great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and minerals for guinea pigs. They have a sweet taste that makes a great choice. Grapes can’t kill guinea pigs. However, dried grapes …

4.Can guinea pigs eat grapes? | Disadvantages


5 hours ago  · Raisins, if fed can make them obese over time. No, grapes are good for guinea pigs, provided it is consumed in moderated quantities. Grapes are rich in sugar (sugar is 16% …

5.Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grapes? (Seeds, Stalks and More)


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