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can high potassium cause rapid heart rate

by Dr. Cory O'Keefe Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

When your potassium level is too high, it can lead to an irregular heartbeat. You might notice symptoms like: Fluttering sensation in your chest. Heart feels like it's "racing" or "pounding"Jan 27, 2022

How does an increase of potassium harm the heart?

What Does Too Much Potassium Do to the Heart?

  • Role of Potassium. Potassium is an electrolyte that serves many significant functions within the body, such as helping maintain a normal water balance between cells and body fluids.
  • Hyperkalemia and Its Causes. An excessive buildup of potassium in they body is referred to medically as hyperkalemia. ...
  • Effect on the Heart. ...
  • Treatment. ...

Can high potassium cause rapid heart rate?

High potassium levels in the blood can trigger an irregular heartbeat that is sometimes accompanied by a racing heart and chest discomfort. If left untreated severe hyperkalemia can lead to heart stoppage and death. Can drinking a lot of water help to lower potassium?

Does potassium slow your heart rate?

Excess potassium in your system can also lead to health complications. Called hyperkalemia, high potassium levels usually do not result in obvious symptoms, although, in some cases, you may experience nausea or a slowed, irregular pulse and heart rate. In extreme cases, your heart rate may slow down enough that it results in a sudden collapse.

What are the heart risks of having too much potassium?

You should seek immediate medical care if you experience:

  • chest pains
  • heart palpitations
  • a weakening pulse
  • shortness of breath
  • sudden collapse


Can high potassium cause heart palpitations?

If hyperkalemia comes on suddenly and you have very high levels of potassium, you may feel heart palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, or vomiting. Sudden or severe hyperkalemia is a life-threatening condition. It requires immediate medical care.

How do you feel when your potassium is too high?

If high potassium happens suddenly and you have very high levels, you may feel heart palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, or vomiting. This is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical care. If you have these symptoms, call 911 or go to the emergency room.

Does potassium slow or raise heart rate?

The meta-analysis showed no overall effect of increased potassium intake on HR (0.19 bpm, 95% CI: -0.44, 0.82). Stratified analyses yielded no significant effects of potassium intake on HR in subgroups, and there was no evidence for a dose-response relationship in meta-regression analyses.

Can too much potassium mess with your heart?

Potassium is an essential nutrient found in foods. This nutrient helps your nerves and muscles function. But too much potassium in your blood can damage your heart and cause a heart attack.

What is the quickest way to lower potassium levels?

Four emergency treatments to lower potassium quickly start working in minutes by shifting potassium out of the blood and into cells.Intravenous (IV) insulin and glucose.IV calcium.IV sodium bicarbonate.Inhaled albuterol.

How do you flush excess potassium?

Some medications lower potassium slowly, including: Water pills (diuretics), which rid the body of extra fluids and remove potassium through urine. Sodium bicarbonate, which temporarily shifts potassium into body cells. Albuterol, which raises blood insulin levels and shifts potassium into body cells.

Can high potassium cause anxiety?

An imbalance of potassium can cause many different side effects including anxiety and new research suggests a potential for sleep disturbances. If you have low levels of potassium, you may experience an increase in your anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is an abnormal feeling of worry, fear, apprehension or nervousness.

What problems does high potassium cause?

When your potassium level is too high, it can make your heart beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm. Heart attack. An irregular heartbeat, left untreated, can cause a heart attack. Muscle weakness or paralysis.

How can I test my potassium levels at home?

There are limited or no options for at-home kits to test potassium levels. If you are prescribed a 24-hour urine test, you will need to collect your urine wherever you are during the day, including at home.

Can drinking a lot of water lower potassium?

Excessive water consumption may lead to depletion of potassium, which is an essential nutrient. This may cause symptoms like leg pain, irritation, chest pain, et al.

What is the main cause of high potassium?

The most common cause of high potassium is kidney disease. Other causes of high potassium include: Dehydration. Some medicines.

Does high potassium make you tired?

You can develop muscle fatigue or muscle weakness due to high potassium levels. Simple activities like walking can make you feel weak. Your muscles may also lose their ability to function properly, resulting in exhaustion.

Can drinking a lot of water lower potassium?

Excessive water consumption may lead to depletion of potassium, which is an essential nutrient. This may cause symptoms like leg pain, irritation, chest pain, et al.

How can I test my potassium levels at home?

There are limited or no options for at-home kits to test potassium levels. If you are prescribed a 24-hour urine test, you will need to collect your urine wherever you are during the day, including at home.

What is the main cause of high potassium?

The most common cause of high potassium is kidney disease. Other causes of high potassium include: Dehydration. Some medicines.

Why is potassium a cause of hyperkalemia?

Healthy people should not worry about consuming too much potassium, because their kidneys can filter out the excess. Hyperkalemia occurs when the kidneys are not functioning properly and are unable to do so.

What is the role of potassium in the body?

Potassium is an electrolyte that serves many significant functions within the body, such as helping maintain a normal water balance between cells and body fluids. It also aids nerve conduction and muscle contraction, both of which playa a key role in keeping the heart beating at a normal rhythm.

Why is calcium given to hyperkalemia?

Calcium binds to potassium and helps flush it out of the body, so intravenous calcium is given to individuals who have extreme hyperkalemia in order to counterbalance the potassium' s effects. Also, glucose or insulin may be given to help lower potassium levels.

What causes hyperkalemia?

Hemolytic anemia, severe burns, tumors, and intestinal bleeding can also cause hyperkalemia. This is due to metabolic acidosis, where potassium is transported from the inside of cells to the fluid outside of cells.

Is potassium bad for your heart?

By Sam Vaid Updated December 14, 2018. Potassium plays a vital role in keeping the heart functioning properly, and in maintaining a normal blood pressure. For healthy individuals, consuming too much potassium will have no harmful effects on the heart. However, excess potassium consumption may lead to serious heart problems in people ...

Does potassium cause irregular heartbeats?

Effect on the Heart. Because potassium plays such an important role in maintaining a normal heart rhythm, hyperkalemia can cause dangerous, irregular heart rhythms. It may also result in bradycardia -- an abnormally slow heart rate -- ventricular tachycardia, or ventricular fibrillation.

What Is Potassium?

Potassium is an essential electrolyte that your body, specifically your heart, nerves, and muscles, needs to work properly.

Potassium and Heart Health

The rhythmic contractions of the heart are controlled by periodic changes of the membrane potential, called action potentials, within the cells of the heart muscle ( cardiac myocytes ). Potassium is both essential to generating a regular heartbeat and stabilizing the heart, helping to stave off potentially deadly cardiac arrhythmias . 2

Dietary Sources of Potassium

Potassium is an essential nutrient that is naturally present in many foods and is present in all body tissues. Potassium levels are tightly regulated because it is required for normal cell function. This mineral helps to maintain the balance between intracellular fluid volume and transmembrane electrochemical gradients.

Talk to Your Healthcare Provider

If you are at high risk for hyper- or hypo- kalemia or experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. Dietary changes can help prevent and treat high or low potassium levels.


Potassium is good in the heart and is found abundantly in the foods we eat and fluids we drink but too much can cause serious heart problems, especially in those with diabetes, hypertension, or kidney disease, who are at high risk of heart failure.

A Word From Verywell

The body does a great job of tightly regulating potassium levels, and most of the time you won’t feel symptoms if your levels are slightly high or low. Even more, most U.S.

What is it called when you have too much potassium in your blood?

Having too much potassium in your blood is known as hyperkalemia . This condition is more common in people with health conditions, including congestive heart failure. In fact, ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers used to treat cardiovascular disease can cause your kidneys to retain potassium and lead to hyperkalemia.

What is the potassium level in blood?

A healthy potassium blood level is between 3.5 and 5.0 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). Staying within this range supports electric signaling in the heart. It helps your muscles function properly, including those that control your heartbeat and breathing.

Why is potassium low?

Keeping your potassium blood levels in check is critical if you have cardiovascular disease. Keep in mind that a low blood potassium level can cause blood vessels in your heart to stiffen. Low levels have been linked to: stroke. high blood pressure. heart disease.

What is the role of potassium in the body?

Potassium is a vital nutrient that supports healthy nerve, cell, and muscle function.

How many people die from cardiovascular disease every 37 seconds?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one American dies from cardiovascular disease every 37 seconds. Trusted Source. . High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, physical inactivity, and obesity are among the most common factors that can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease.

What is cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease is a broad term used to describe a number of conditions, including: heart disease. heart attack. heart failure. stroke. heart valve problems. arrhythmia. It’s a leading cause of death in the United States.

Is high potassium a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?

In addition, high potassium blood levels have been linked to cardiovascular disease.

Why does potassium increase?

Your potassium level can also increase if you have a condition that affects kidney function, such as chronic kidney disease or diabetes. This can make it difficult for your kidneys to filter excess potassium from your blood.

What is the condition where you have too much potassium in your blood?

Signs and Symptoms of Hyperkalemia . Hyperkalemia is a condition that occurs when you have too much potassium in your blood. Potassium is a mineral that allows your nerves, cells, and muscles to function properly. Everyone needs potassium. Though the mineral is vital to overall health, too much potassium in your blood can be dangerous.

Why is hyperkalemia dangerous?

Hyperkalemia is dangerous because it can affect the muscles that control your heartbeat and breathing. This can cause complications such as trouble breathing, irregular heart rhythms, and paralysis. It’s important to recognize symptoms of high potassium as soon as possible. Some people don’t have symptoms at all.

What is hyperkalemia?

Treatment. Takeaway. Hyperkalemia is a condition that occurs when you have too much potassium in your blood. Potassium is a mineral that allows your nerves, cells, and muscles to function properly. Everyone needs potassium. Though the mineral is vital to overall health, too much potassium in your blood can be dangerous.

How to treat high potassium?

If you have symptoms of high potassium, contact your doctor immediately. A blood test can confirm a high potassium blood level, at which point your doctor will discuss your treatment options. For some people, reducing high potassium involves eating a low potassium diet and limiting or avoiding certain types of foods.

Why is potassium important for the brain?

Potassium helps your nerves fire signals to your brain. But this becomes difficult when there’s too much potassium in your blood.

What is the side effect of hyperkalemia?

Irregular heartbeat. A serious side effect of hyperkalemia is the risk of developing an irregular heartbeat. This happens when damage occurs to the muscles controlling your heart. An irregular heartbeat is when your heart beats either too fast or too slow.

Why is potassium high?

Excess potassium levels are usually caused by severe burns, substance abuse that results in damaged muscles, burst blood cells, tumors, as well as severe bleeding in your digestive system, states the University of Maryland Medical Center.

What happens if you have too much potassium?

In extreme cases, your heart rate may slow down enough that it results in a sudden collapse. Excess potassium levels are usually caused by severe burns, substance abuse that results in damaged muscles, burst blood cells, tumors, as well as severe bleeding in your digestive system, states the University of Maryland Medical Center.

What is it called when you have too little potassium?

Low Potassium Levels. Too little potassium in your system is called hypokalemia. Hypokalemia can be caused by insufficient nutrition, often because of an eating disorder such as bulimia and anorexia, according to MedlinePlus.

How much potassium should I take daily?

The recommended dietary intake of potassium for adults is 4.7 grams per day, according to MedlinePlus. For women who are breastfeeding, the RDI increases to 5.1 grams per day. Since many foods contain potassium, it is likely that you can consume enough potassium solely through your diet to meet your needs, unless you have a medical condition that affects your potassium levels. Red meats, poultry, salmon and cod are all good sources of potassium, as are soy products. Citrus fruits, bananas, kiwis and dried apricots also are rich in potassium. Broccoli, peas, lima beans, sweet potatoes and skin-on potatoes are good vegetable sources of the mineral.

Why is potassium important?

Potassium is vital for the proper functioning of all cells, tissues and organs in the body. As an electrolyte, potassium helps conduct electricity in your body. In particular, it helps with proper heart functioning, because poor potassium levels -- either too much or too little -- can dangerously affect your health, ...

What foods contain potassium?

Red meats, poultry, salmon and cod are all good sources of potassium, as are soy products. Citrus fruits, bananas, kiwis and dried apricots also are rich in potassium. Broccoli, peas, lima beans, sweet potatoes and skin-on potatoes are good vegetable sources of the mineral.

Can antibiotics cause potassium levels to dip?

As well, antibiotics and laxatives can also cause potassium levels to dip. While a mild potassium deficiency usually does not result in symptoms, some mild symptoms of hypokalemia include an irregular heart rate or skipped heart beats, tiredness, muscle fatigue and spasms, a tingling sensation in your extremities and constipation.

What happens if you have low potassium?

Very low levels of potassium in the body can lead to irregular heart rhythms, including sinus bradycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation.

Why does my urine have a lot of potassium?

The most common cause is excessive potassium loss in urine due to prescription medications that increase urination. Also known as water pills or diuretics, these types of medications are often prescribed for people who have high blood pressure or heart disease.". I put the emphasis on "hypokalemia has many causes.".

Can Lisinopril cut potassium?

In addition to water pills (diuretics), medications such as Lisinopril and others, can cut into the level of potassium in your blood stream. If it weren't for a special medication and some dietary changes, my potassium level would have been too low and hazardous for the last 10 years.

What to do if you have heart palpitations?

If you are experiencing heart palpitations regularly but are consuming a relatively healthy diet, you may want to consult your nutritionist or doctor. They can assess you for abnormally high or low levels of vitamins or minerals. Some people, such as those with gastrointestinal problems or other secondary health issues, may require more nutrients than average.

Does ginseng affect cardiovascular health?

An October 2014 study in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism reported that common energy drink ingredients, like ginseng and taurine, can affect your cardiovascular health. These aren't just energy drink ingredients,though; according to a March 2018 study in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, products like these are also taken as supplements to enhance cognitive function.

Can hypercalcemia cause heart palpitations?

While collagen heart palpitations are unlikely, hypercalcemia-related palpitations are not uncommon. According to the Mayo Clinic, excessive calcium can cause fainting, arrhythmias and other heart problems. Hypercalcemia also has the potential to produce kidney, gastrointestinal and cognitive side effects.

Can magnesium cause low blood pressure?

Like potassium, large amounts of magnesium can also produce cardiac side effects. Excessive magnesium in your body can result in gastrointestinal issues, low blood pressure, palpitations and even heart attacks.

Can hypercalcemia cause kidney problems?

Hypercalcemia also has the potential to produce kidney, gastrointestinal and cognitive side effects. If you are experiencing heart palpitations regularly but are consuming a relatively healthy diet, you may want to consult your nutritionist or doctor.

Can magnesium cause heart problems?

According to the National Institutes of Health, insufficient amounts of magnesium can result in cardiac problems like abnormal heart rhythms and coronary spasms. Magnesium deficiency also has the potential to cause hypokalemia or hypocalcemia (low levels of calcium).

Can vitamin deficiencies cause heart palpitations?

Vitamin Deficiency and Heart Palpitations. There are very few vitamin deficiencies that cause heart palpitations. However, according to the National Institutes of Health, insufficient folic acid (also referred to as folate) can result in anemia. Anemia, in turn, can cause heart palpitations, fatigue, shortness of breath and a variety ...

What causes a fast heart rate?

Tachycardia is caused by something that disrupts the normal electrical impulses that control the rate of your heart's pumping action. Many things can cause or contribute to a fast heart rate. These include:

Why does my heart beat so fast?

In tachycardia, an abnormal electrical impulse starting in the upper or lower chambers of the heart causes the heart to beat faster. Tachycardia is the medical term for a heart rate over 100 beats per minute. There are many heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias) that can cause tachycardia. Sometimes, it's normal for you to have a fast heartbeat.

What causes a flutter in the atria?

Atrial flutter is caused by irregular circuitry within the atria. Episodes of atrial flutter may go away themselves or may require treatment. People who have atrial flutter also often have atrial fibrillation at other times. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).

What happens if you leave tachycardia untreated?

But if left untreated, tachycardia can disrupt normal heart function and lead to serious complications, including: Heart failure. Stroke. Sudden cardiac arrest or death. Treatments, such as drugs, medical procedures or surgery, may help control a rapid heartbeat or manage other conditions contributing to tachycardia.

How to prevent tachycardia?

The most effective way to prevent tachycardia is to maintain a healthy heart and reduce your risk of developing heart disease. If you already have heart disease, monitor it and follow your treatment plan to help prevent tachycardia.

What is the cause of abnormally fast heartbeat?

There are many different types of tachycardia. They're grouped according to the part of the heart responsible for the fast heart rate and cause of the abnormally fast heartbeat. Common types of tachycardia include:

Why does my heart beat faster than normal?

But in tachycardia (tak-ih-KAHR-dee-uh), the heart beats faster than normal due to conditions unrelated to normal physiological stress. In some cases, tachycardia may cause no symptoms or complications.


1.Hyperkalemia (High Potassium) | American Heart …


22 hours ago  · High potassium levels in the blood can trigger an irregular heartbeat that is sometimes accompanied by a racing heart and chest discomfort. If left untreated severe hyperkalemia can lead to heart stoppage and death.

2.Potassium and Heart Failure: Regulating Potassium …


13 hours ago  · Called hyperkalemia, high potassium levels usually do not result in obvious symptoms, although, in some cases, you may experience nausea or a slowed, irregular pulse and heart rate. In extreme...

3.High Potassium and Cardiovascular Disease: What's the …


10 hours ago  · It does this by helping to control the electrical signals of the myocardium -- the middle layer of your heart muscle. When your potassium level is too high, it can lead to an irregular heartbeat.

4.Hyperkalemia (High Potassium) Symptoms: Signs and …


31 hours ago  · Very low levels of potassium in the body can lead to irregular heart rhythms, including sinus bradycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation. If a person does not receive treatment, these conditions can be life-threatening.

5.Does Potassium Slow Your Heart Rate? | Healthy Eating


22 hours ago

6.Complications of High Potassium Levels - WebMD


28 hours ago

7.Low potassium and fast heart rate: What's going on?


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8.7 Supplements That Can Cause Heart Palpitations


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9.Tachycardia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic


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