Knowledge Builders

can i cover asbestos siding

by Alejandrin Wilderman Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

About Asbestos Siding
Applying a layer of sheathing or sheets of foam insulation over the asbestos, then covering it with vinyl siding
vinyl siding
Vinyl siding is plastic exterior siding for houses and small apartment buildings, used for decoration and weatherproofing, imitating wood clapboard, [1]batten board and batten or shakes, and used instead of other materials such as aluminum or fiber cement siding. › wiki › Vinyl_siding
is a common practice
; but be sure to check your local building codes first to see if it is allowed in your area.

Can I safely remove asbestos siding myself?

You must never handle or try to remove asbestos yourself. Asbestos becomes harmful once it has been disturbed, as this causes the fibres to be released, which then may be inhaled. If you encounter what you suspect to be asbestos, you must not touch it.

How do I Clean my asbestos siding?

How do you clean asbestos siding? To clean asbestos siding, mix one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with water in a spray bottle, place all the products at the entry and exit places. Clean the wet rags with a water sprayer and place the asbestos waste disposable bags on the entry and exit places.

How to remove and dispose of asbestos siding and roofing?

  • Spread plastic sheeting on the ground around the house where the asbestos siding or roofing will be removed.
  • Wear protective clothing, gloves, goggles, shoe covers, and the proper respirator (N100 or HE) when working with asbestos.
  • Keep those not wearing proper safety equipment away from the area where the asbestos material is being removed.

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Is it safe to put vinyl siding over asbestos siding?

VINYL SIDING OVER ASBESTOS SIDING: PROTECT YOUR HOME BY EXERCISING CAUTION. Although you may be tempted to simply cover vinyl siding over asbestos siding, consider that in doing so you may create an exposure hazard where none had existed before. If you discover damaged asbestos siding, do not undertake repair or removal on your own.


Can I put new siding over old asbestos siding?

Some experts recommend screwing, rather than nailing, when new siding is installed over existing asbestos-cement siding. If the shingles are to be removed, they should be wetted during the process to prevent fibers from becoming airborne, and they must be properly disposed of at a landfill.

Can I put vinyl siding over asbestos?

Although you may be tempted to simply cover vinyl siding over asbestos siding, consider that in doing so you may create an exposure hazard where none had existed before.

Can you seal asbestos siding?

Again, you do not have to remove this material to have a safe living environment in your home. If you cover it with paint, tape or some other type of air-tight sealant, you will not be bothered by any asbestos fibers in your air.

Should you buy a house with asbestos siding?

As long as the siding is undamaged and undisturbed, the asbestos fibers won't cause you any harm. Understand that some insurance companies won't cover a home with asbestos siding; this means that finding insurance is going to be tough. For that reason, it's always a good idea to plan for replacing the siding.

Will a bank finance a house with asbestos siding?

A bank will usually finance a house with asbestos siding if the siding is in good condition. The use of asbestos in siding for houses was common until the 1980s when its dangers became more widely known. While the material is no longer used in new construction, many older homes still have it.

Does asbestos siding affect resale value?

Asbestos cement siding can also negatively impact the resale value of your home because of the way it looks. Unlike wood, which can be sanded down, repainted, and refinished, asbestos siding cannot.

Can you put wood siding over asbestos siding?

As long as the asbestos does not break apart and you are not breathing in the fibers, you should have no health or safety problems with your old siding.

How long do asbestos siding last?

How long does asbestos siding last? Due to its highly durable nature, asbestos siding can remain perfectly intact for 50 years or more. Encapsulating asbestos siding in fresh paint can make it last even longer.

Does paint cover asbestos?

So technically, you can “paint” over asbestos paint, textured ceiling, and siding, as long as you do it with a compound that satisfies legal encapsulation criteria. The other options are to build a structure that completely covers the dangerous asbestos or completely remove it from the structure or material.

Can you get a mortgage on a house with asbestos?

Asbestos and Mortgages Houses that contain asbestos are generally mortgageable as with any other house.

What is asbestos siding called?

asbestos cement sheathingAsbestos lumber — also called asbestos cement sheathing, it was used in siding materials such as false brick facing and shingles.

When was asbestos siding last used?

Homes built between 1920 and the 1960s are likely to contain asbestos in any cementitious siding tiles. Cement-asbestos siding tiles do not need to be removed simply because they contain asbestos.

What do you do if you have asbestos siding?

Do I need to remove asbestos roofing and siding? No. Just having asbestos siding and roofing on your home does not pose a hazard to your health. Asbestos-containing roofing and siding in good condition are best left alone.

Can you put wood siding over asbestos siding?

As long as the asbestos does not break apart and you are not breathing in the fibers, you should have no health or safety problems with your old siding.

How long does asbestos siding last?

How long does asbestos siding last? Due to its highly durable nature, asbestos siding can remain perfectly intact for 50 years or more. Encapsulating asbestos siding in fresh paint can make it last even longer.

Can asbestos siding be painted?

In fact, asbestos siding can be easier to apply paint to than some other surfaces, since paint adheres to it very well. And once you've done all the work, you'll have results that last for a long time — painted asbestos siding is quite durable and can last for decades without cracking or chipping.

What is asbestos siding?

Asbestos siding is composed of asbestos fibers mixed with Portland cement. It is very brittle and has a tendency to crack and break when nailed, which can release asbestos fibers into both the air and ground. Exposure to and breathing asbestos fibers can result in lung problems and cancer.

What to do with asbestos siding after it's removed?

Once the asbestos siding has been removed and disposed of, install insulation and breathable housewrap over the sheathing before applying new vinyl siding.

How to get rid of asbestos in house?

Place 6-mil plastic sheeting on the ground around the house to catch any debris. Wear a properly fitted respirator that’s approved for asbestos (HEPA filter, colored coded purple). Wear disposable coveralls with hood, rubber gloves, goggles, and rubber boots.

Where to dispose of asbestos?

Dispose of the asbestos properly at a landfill, or contact your local waste collection service to find out if they will pick up asbestos material. Dispose of all clothing and boots used during asbestos removal. Wash and clean all tools used during asbestos removal. Bathe thoroughly after working with asbestos.

Can you remove asbestos from vinyl siding?

Unless asbestos siding is disturbed, it doesn’t pose a significant health hazard and does not need to be removed. Both the EPA and the Vinyl Siding Institute recommend not disturbing asbestos if at all possible. Installing vinyl siding will require disturbing the asbestos by nailing into it.

Can you put foam insulation over asbestos?

Applying a layer of sheathing or sheets of foam insulation over the asbestos, then covering it with vinyl siding is a common practice; but be sure to check your local building codes first to see if it is allowed in your area.

Can you remove asbestos siding yourself?

I recommend having a certified asbestos removal contractor take the existing asbestos siding off, though in many areas homeowners are allowed remove asbestos siding themselves if they follow proper precau tions.

How to prevent asbestos from forming?

Step 1 - Paint. Asbestos siding, though hard, can flake over time which will lead to the possibility of you inhaling the asbestos. Painting the asbestos siding will help prevent this from happening. Choose a paint that is mold and mildew resistant as well as waterproof.

Is asbestos siding dangerous?

Asbestos siding is a product that was used many years ago before people realized it was dangerous. Most people know about asbestos being used as insulation and that inhaling the powdery substance can cause some forms of lung cancer. Asbestos siding is made of the same product but exists in a hardened state and does not pose the same type ...

Is asbestos a cancer?

Even though it’s mixed with concrete, it’s still asbestos. It still is a major cancer-causing material that can be lethal when inhaled. So, it really depends on what you’re looking for. If you notice a single chip or flake in your asbestos, it’s time to say sayonara to this material.

Does asbestos rot?

Honestly, the jury is still out about it. Asbestos does offer a high degree of insulation. It doesn’t rot and won’t mold up, no matter how much time has passed. People who are looking for long-term durability will want to keep it for a while. However, it’s still an incredibly dangerous material.

Is asbestos siding dangerous?

Asbestos siding is one of those things that is both extremely dangerous to have and extremely expensive to remove. It’s super stigmatized, which means that most buyers will not want a house with asbestos siding if they can avoid it. As a result of the stigma, most homes with asbestos siding will see a decrease in their home value compared to comparable houses in their area.

Can banks fund homes with asbestos siding?

Unlike other potentially hazardous situations, this depends. In some cases, banks will fund homes that have asbestos si dings. However, this requires that the home be inspected for asbestos damage. Many banks that have higher standards for homes sold will automatically bar the sale of homes that have asbestos siding.

Can you put siding over asbestos?

Stucco is a popular option in areas like California, and it can help decrease the risk of asbestos poisoning long-term. However, most people will use vinyl or aluminum siding as a potential install over asbestos.

Can asbestos be broken apart?

There are really only two things we can advise you to do here. First, do not break apart the asbestos. This lets loose fibers that could be inhaled. Second, if asbestos is exposed out in the open and damaged, wet it. Do not let it dry as this could lead fibers to end up in the air around your home.

Is Putting Siding Over Asbestos A Good Idea?

Honestly, the jury is still out about it. Asbestos does offer a high degree of insulation. It doesn’t rot and won’t mold up, no matter how much time has passed. People who are looking for long-term durability will want to keep it for a while. However, it’s still an incredibly dangerous material.

Why do you cover old siding?

If your building has old asbestos siding, cover it with stucco. It’ll give you a smooth finish. Its hazardous effects will be lessened as well. There can be two probable reasons for covering the siding. The first one is old sidings make your house look dull from the outside. The second one is just to hide the asbestos siding by a top coating ...

Can you bubble bag asbestos?

In certain towns, you need to bubble bag the asbestos wastage. And dump them into a hazardous waste dump. Maintain this with utmost care. As keeping them around your house won’t be a wise choice.

Can you cover asbestos siding?

In case you’re planning to cover the siding because they’re old. Then you can also remove the old asbestos siding and install new ones. Another thing that you can do is installing another siding on the existing asbestos siding. Then cover it with the stucco or you can install the stucco directly.

Is asbestos siding a tough material?

Asbestos siding is a complex thing to work with. Nailing this type of siding is also a tough process. So you need to take care of a few things before starting. Firstly, you need to make sure the siding is in good condition. So, you should search for any cracks or fissures in the siding.

Is asbestos siding dangerous?

Asbestos sidings are made of fine asbestos fibers which can be really harmful. So working with asbestos siding can be as dangerous as cutting them . Asbestos can cause pleurisy, pleural infections and plaques, and even COPD. So you need to wear proper respiratory protection.

Why do people side over asbestos?

The main reason why most individuals usually choose to side over asbestos is financial. Removing asbestos is often cost-prohibitive for most people. Alternatively, if you leave the asbestos on your home, you can safely seal the old siding underneath the new siding, and, because asbestos is an excellent insulator, ...

How to measure how much siding you need?

Multiply the length of the clapboard by the number of clapboards on the home and then divide that number by 100, and you will know roughly how much siding you need, measured in squares. So, for example, if one of the clapboards measures 10 inches and there are 20 of those clapboards going up the side of the home, 10 x 20 = 200.

How to keep mold from penetrating walls?

Install the vapor barrier. This is essentially a thin plastic sheet that helps to keep moisture from penetrating the walls of your home and causing mold and mildew. In this case, it will also help to contain the asbestos siding. Vapor barrier is typically nailed on, so you will have to be careful not to damage the existing siding that is on the home when putting your vapor barrier on.

Do you hammer the siding all the way into the house?

When you nail siding to the house, remember to nail the siding "loose.". Do not hammer the nail all the way into the home. The siding has elongated nail holes to allow the siding to expand and contract, and if you nail the siding tight to the house, your siding will buckle.

Can you breathe asbestos in siding?

Vacuum and cleaning supplies. Warning. Working with the kind of asbestos that was used in siding may cause lung cancer if you breathe in any of the fibers. You MUST use protective breathing equipment designed specially for working with asbestos. Depending on the area you live in, it may or may not be legal to side over asbestos.

Why Is Putting a New Siding Over Asbestos a Good Idea?

Now, asbestos siding has been used for a long time. However, asbestos siding is known to be pretty dangerous due to its dust.

How much does it cost to paint asbestos siding?

Answer: Well, firstly, the expenses for painting the asbestos siding will be around $700-$1000. Then vapor barrier or plastic sheeting will be almost $1000. Insulation or foam board will cost you $1,500-1,900. Lastly, the expenses for installing new siding will be $4,500-15,000.

Is it expensive to replace asbestos siding?

Now, replacing your asbestos siding can be quite costly. And this process needs a lot of work too.

Can asbestos cause lung disease?

When that happens, you can have breathing problems due to the dust that leaks. Plus, inhaling asbestos dust for a long time can lead to lung disease. That's why it's better to replace the siding or cover it with a new one. Now, replacing your asbestos siding can be quite costly.

Can you use foam board for siding?

A level surface is essential if you're installing new siding over another one. That's why we suggest using a foam board. Therefore, start measuring and cutting the foam board. Now, it's best if you use waterproof foam boards. Furthermore, the board should also be mold and mildew-resistant.

Can you paint asbestos siding?

As you know asbestos siding is pretty hard. But it can flake at some point. And this causes health hazards. However, painting can help you avoid asbestos dust. Because it keeps the siding from getting damaged. Plus it helps to contain the dust if the siding breaks. Now, you've to use paint that's waterproof.

Can you put new siding over asbestos?

They’ll safely put the new siding over your existing asbestos one in no time!

What happens when you go over vinyl siding?

consider this; Have heard from many siding contractors, that when you go over it, it cracks all to Heck, and after a little time falls off and blows out the bottom of the vinyl siding. The weight of it and force of of falling just blows the vinyl right off the blding

Can you use foam core to resheat a house?

If I was going to resheat the whole house, I would pull the old siding off and have a nice flat surface to work with. You can try the foam core like I did. But it really helps to have a roofing nailer to fasten the foam core with. It does a lot less damage compared to pounding each nail in.

Can you foam over asbestos?

We foam over asbestos all the time. Just make sure that if the asbestos is nailed on furring strips that you run wood strapping up the walls over wise the asbestos will crack in the hollow portions between the furring strips. The foam prevents the asbestos from moving when it cracks


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31 hours ago  · Most people know about asbestos being used as insulation and that inhaling the powdery substance can cause some forms of lung cancer. Asbestos siding is made of the …

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26 hours ago There are several types of siding that can go over asbestos. Stucco is a popular option in areas like California, and it can help decrease the risk of asbestos poisoning long-term. However, …

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