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can i eat apples from my tree

by Eino Lindgren Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Can I eat apples straight from the tree? Only full-sized fruit is worth eating and it needs using quickly, as bruising means it will soon go rotten. A lot of windfalls have maggots inside so are usually used for cooking.

The short answer is yes, they should be safe to eat. I've been using wild apples as a food source since I was a kid and can share some helpful tips for foraging for and using these fruits.

Full Answer

Are apple trees from a nursery good to eat?

Any apple tree purchased from a nursery is a clone of a tree that produces desirable fruit. Wild apple trees might produce fruit that is delicious for fresh eating, good for pies, or barely edible at all.

Do wild apple trees produce edible fruit?

Wild apple trees might produce fruit that is delicious for fresh eating, good for pies, or barely edible at all. There is so much variation in apple trees grown from seed that most people plant cloned trees.

Is it OK to eat a mature apple?

A “mature” apple is not necessarily “ripe” yet. Apples for storage should be harvested once they are “mature”, but before they are perfectly ripe. Apples for fresh eating can stay on the tree right until you’re ready to eat them!

Do apples fall from apple trees?

Around your apple trees, you will find a range of apples that fall onto the ground. But even when they have fallen from the tree, there are still a number of ways to make use of these fruits.

How to use apples?

How are wild apples made?

Why use wild apples?

Can you feed wild apples to chickens?

Can you help a neighbor with an apple tree?

Where do you find fruit trees that were abandoned?

Can you put apple chunks in the freezer?

See 2 more


How do you know if you can eat apples from a tree?

Look for dark brown seeds inside the apple. Apples that are nearing maturity will generally have dark brown seeds rather than white ones. However, keep in mind that this may not be the case for varieties that ripen early.

How do you know if apples are safe to eat?

How to tell whether an apple has gone badsoft spots or bruising.wrinkled skin.holes and brown blemishes.liquid oozing from its skin.a mushy texture.a mealy or bland and grainy taste.

What can I do with the apples from my tree?

Dry them. Dried Apples, along with other dried fruit, is a snacking favourite. ... Puree them. Apple puree can be used in a variety of ways – apple crumbles, apple pies or just as it is. ... Pickle them. One of the best ways to get through your windfalls is to turn them into cider. ... Juice them. ... Bake them.

Can you eat apples off the ground?

You can wash them using a little bit of lemon juice or vinegar mixed into clean water to be extra safe in terms of cleaning off any unwanted bacteria. People should not be afraid of apples on the ground.” Even if the apples that have fallen aren't quite ripe yet, there are still lot of uses for them, says Murray.

Can you eat the first crop of apples?

Of course if you pick apples before they are ripe, you may be able to eat them or cook with them, but they will not taste their best. If you want to get involved in any of our harvesting days in London, you can find out the details here.

How long do apples last after being picked?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's website, freshly picked apples left untreated will last a few weeks before they turn soft and rot, so they're often stored under temperature-controlled conditions that allow them to last up to 10 months.

When should I pick my apples?

Tip 3: The right time to harvest apples starts in August The fruits won't be sweet if they're picked too early. If they're harvested too late, the apples might have a slightly floury taste. You can see from the harvest calendar (graphic 1) that apples should generally be harvested between late summer and late October.

Do apples get sweeter after picking?

Unlike some fruits, apples continue to ripen long after they are picked off the tree. This ripening (or over-ripening affects the texture not the taste of the fruit. (ie. They won't get sweeter just softer).

Can you eat apples before they are ripe?

“Apples are also best when eaten ripe; unripe apples are not dangerous, but they sour and become hard. This can lead to digestive discomfort produced by the apples' excessive ethylene gas.” However, unripe apples have a grainy texture, aren't sweet, and tend to be on the harder side.

Can you eat fruit straight from the tree?

It's very safe to eat fruit and vegetables right off the tree or plant — no washing required.

What do farmers do with fallen apples?

Apples that end up on the ground are not wasted. Many times farmers come to collect the apple drops to feed to livestock. If apples are not picked up, they are mowed at the end of the season and help to fertilize next year's crop.

Should you pick up fallen apples?

So, remember pickup your fallen fruits to keep your garden healthy. Pick up rotting fallen apples and dispose of them in your compost bin or by trenching if you have the space.

How do I know if my apple has worms?

You can tell which one has damaged your apple: The moth's larva leaves large brown holes on the outside of the fruit and makes large tunnels inside; the apple maggot larva creates smaller exterior pits and blemishes, and its tunnels are very thin.

How can you tell if a fruit is safe to eat?

If the majority of the fruit is 'squishy', extremely discolored, has a foul odor, or the skin is wrinkling or peeling away with the slightest touch, the fruit is should most likely not be eaten.

Is it safe to eat apples with brown spots inside?

Brown spots inside an apple are not a reason for concern. As mentioned earlier, ethylene and exposure to oxygen may cause fruits to go brown. The apple is safe to eat as long as there are no signs of mold. However, it's best to avoid fruits with bruises, skin breaks and other signs of damage, as they are prone to mold.

What do brown spots inside an apple mean?

There are also brown spots inside the apple's flesh. It is caused by a calcium deficiency in the fruit and can appear while the fruit is still on the tree or appear within the first month or two of cold storage.

14 Uses for Wild-Grown and Windfall Apples - LeafScore

Foraging for free food is a seasonal highlight for many, and it’s a stellar way to manage the earth’s finite resources. After all, Americans waste an estimated 50% of the fresh produce grown each year, and the average meal’s ingredients have traveled almost 1,500 miles (representing at least five countries) before they land on your plate.

Tending Wild Apple Trees for Wildlife | Winter 2007 | Articles

We’ve all seen it before: hidden in a thicket is a lone apple tree that hasn’t made more than a bushel of apples in the past 10 years.… This conte

What to do with unripe apples?

1. To Make Apple Pectin . These unripe windfall apples are rich in natural pectin. They can be used to make a natural pectin for use in making jams and jellies from fruits that would usually require the addition of pectin bought from the store. Here’s a tutorial for making pectin from unripe windfall apples. 2.

What is the tart taste of apples?

The tart taste of unripe apples can be a good combination with the other strong flavours in a chutney. For example, the sour taste of the small green windfalls can go very well with caramelized onion, and so can work well in an onion chutney. One example of a windfall apple chutney recipe can be found here. 4.

What are some good desserts to serve with baked apples?

Apple desserts such as apple pies, crumbles, and turnovers are all great ways to use up excess windfalls that are not too small and sour.

How to make fruit leathers?

Fruit leathers are a healthier home-made equivalent to the fruit roll ups that kids enjoy. To make this, simply sweeten stewed apples and then spread them on a tray and slowly partially dehydrate the mixture in your oven until it forms a thin, sticky layer that can be rolled up in wax paper.

What to do with apples that have fallen from the tree?

Another easy way to use up cooking or eating apples that have fallen from your trees is to use them to make a delicious apple butter.

Why do fruits fall in the summer?

Throughout the summer and early fall, fruits can also fall due to high winds, or heavy rains. They may also fall due to malformation, pest or disease.

Can you use windfall apples for juice?

While you might not want to use windfalls for juice that you intend to use in canning and store for a long while, or for making hard cider, you could use excess windfall apples to make a juice for your refrigerator. If you are anything like us, this fresh apple juice won’t last long in any case!

When Are Apples Ready To Be Picked?

Apple growers observe the ripening apples for maturity before making the decision about when to harvest them.

What is the ripening pattern of apples?

Different varieties of apples ripen at different times and show different indications of maturity. Climate variations in temperature, water and sunlight all affect the ripening pattern of apples. For example, the red color in apple peels is brighter when fall days are warm and sunny but nights are cool and crisp. Even apples on the sunny side of the tree can be ready for picking before apples that are in the shade. Local nurseries and State Extension Offices are a good source for learning about apple ripening patterns in your area.

What does ripe apples taste like?

Take a bite! The taste of ripe apples is crisp and juicy, not starchy and tangy. An apple’s acidity and starch content decreases as it ripens.

How to tell if an apple is mature?

Check the firmness. Mature apples are firm and crisp, but not hard. Apples shouldn’t be soft or easily bruised. The background skin color (the part of the apple skin that isn’t red) changes from green to yellow. Green apples are generally immature (unless it’s a green variety). Mature apples are to red or yellow.

What happens if you pick apples too early?

Apples picked too early are tart, small, and lacking in peel color. Apples picked too late can be soft, mealy, and prone to quick deterioration in storage.

How to store apples in a clean container?

Place the apples directly into a clean container. You can use an old bucket, or bring along a photo-ready harvest basket to hold your apples:

How to tell if an apple is ready to pick?

So how do you tell if an apple is ready to be picked off the tree? Pick one off the tree and observe it! The apple should come off the tree easily and will usually be red or yellow. Cut the apple in half to check for white flesh and brown seeds. The apple should taste sweet rather than overly sour.

Why aren't windfall apples good for cider?

Tips. * Windfall apples are not good for cider-making because they are often immature and contaminated with microorganisms. * Strips of peel are barriers to dehydration, so cut the pieces small when drying apples with their peels intact. -Advertisement-. * Share your early windfalls with your animals, but don’t go overboard.

Why is the fruit in early windfall juice syrupy?

The syrupy texture of early windfall juice is due to the high levels of natural sugars and pectins.

How to make aplenty pectin?

after they boil, simmer for a few hours, stirring every twenty minutes or so. The apple product is done when it looks like runny aple sauce. Drain all of the liquid and cooked down apples through a sieve and some type of cloth over night you will have liquid pectin. OK? OK.

What is cloudy pink juice?

Cloudy pink juice made by heating apples with their skins on contains four times as many health-enhancing nutrients as clear pressed juice.

How often do I take my bucket out to pick up apples?

Twice a day, I take my bucket out to the apple trees and pick up fallen fruit. The hard green ones under the fall-maturing ‘Liberty’ and ‘Enterprise’ go straight to the compost pile, but many of the apples beneath the early-bearing ‘Williams Pride’ are ripe enough to eat.

How long to boil apples in a pot?

Place in a large pot with an inch or two of water. Bring to a boil, cover, and cook about 20 minutes.

Can wind fall apples be used for canning?

Wind fall apples can also be made into pectin for canning jam and jelly... The sourness in the partially unripe apples is what makes the jam set up... I dont have the recipe on hand.. But I read it in an old cook book.. Before people bought it in the stores.. A search online should find how to make it..

What to use to keep birds away from apple trees?

This fall, use Avian Control liquid bird repellent to keep birds away from your apple trees. Avian Control is here to help you with your bird problem.

How to protect apples from birds?

Protect Your Apples with Avian Control! Letting birds take over your apple trees is no way to spend the fall season when you could be enjoying apple picking yourself. Avian Control is the perfect form of bird control to keep the birds away and your apple trees safe.

Why are apples wasted?

Each year, thousands of apples are wasted because birds peck holes into them and they begin to rot. Luckily, there are a variety of ways you can keep birds away from apple trees so you can enjoy them yourself this fall season. Here are some tips to protect your apples from the experts at Avian Control. SEE ALSO: Preparing for Fall Crops ...

What is the season for the faithful scarecrow?

The Faithful Scarecrow. Not only is fall the season for apples, but it’s also the season for the ever faithful scarecrow! This bird deterrent technique has evolved from a once-useful tool to scare away crows, to a traditional symbol of farming.

Does avian control repel birds?

Avian Control not only repels birds from your trees and the area around them, it also prevents them from returning to your property

Can avian control be used on trees?

There are many benefits from using Avian Control that you just can’t get from other bird control methods including: Avian Control not only repels birds from your trees and the area around them, it also prevents them from returning to your property.

How to use apples?

Here are some tips for using these less than perfect apples: 1 Wash thoroughly and cut into quarters 2 Core the apple and cut out any worms or damage 3 Peel the skin if you like 4 Use these fruits to make wild applesauce or dice for recipes 5 If the fruit is fairly blemish-free, slice and eat as a snack 6 Freeze, dehydrate, or can extra fruit 7 Learn How to Can Applesauce

How are wild apples made?

Wild apples are produced by trees that grew from seed rather than a named cultivar that was grafted onto rootstock. Any apple tree purchased from a nursery is a clone of a tree that produces desirable fruit.

Why use wild apples?

If you are having trouble making ends meet, are concerned about the cost of food, or you just want to avoid pesticides or make do with what you have on hand , then using wild or imperfect apples makes sense.

Can you feed wild apples to chickens?

If your wild apples are too wormy to use, try feeding them to your chickens or other livestock. Most farm animals love those wormy apples. Be careful not to feed too many apples to any livestock to prevent gastric problems that can be deadly.

Can you help a neighbor with an apple tree?

You might even be able to help out a neighbor who has apples and other fruit trees but doesn’t use the fruit. Check on Freecycle or Craigslist too…I’ve scored some pretty nice apples that way. I usually take a dozen eggs from my hens to share with the owner of the apple tree.

Where do you find fruit trees that were abandoned?

If you have a large property, you may have fruit trees that were abandoned or grew from seeds. They are common around old farmsteads, along roads, and in fencelines. If you have neighbors who don’t use the apples from their trees, ask if you may gather them. Many people will be happy to have you clean up the dropped fruit.

Can you put apple chunks in the freezer?

Apple chunks ready to go in the freezer. Not a bad haul for a bag of apples, picked up on a walk.


1.Are my apple tree's first apples safe to eat, or should I …


22 hours ago Apples start dropping off the tree before they are ripe or even fully grown. Often the flesh has softened and is less tasty than normal. There are many factors that can trigger early fruit drop: …

2.10 Ways to Use Ripe & Unripe Windfall Apples - Rural Sprout


26 hours ago I'm not sure on the legal side but yes, apples from a tree should generally be edible and if they're at the point where they are falling off they're likely to be ripe and ready to eat. I've never had to …

3.When to pick apples: A harvest season guide - Home for …


23 hours ago As the first mangoes of the tree are safe to eat, so the first apples of the tree are also safe to eat, a fact that every tree’s first fruit is a lot juicy and healthy from the ones that will grow in the …

4.What to Do with Windfall Apples – Mother Earth News


20 hours ago Complete info about it can be . In respect to this, can I eat the apples from my tree? Any apple tree purchased from a nursery is a clone of a tree that produces desirable fruit. Wild apple …

5.How to stop deer and squirrels from eating apples from …


18 hours ago  · Wash the apples, cut away obvious bad parts, and cut them in halves or quarters. Place in a large pot with an inch or two of water. Bring to a boil, cover, and cook about 20 …

6.How to Keep Birds Away from Apple Trees | Fall Bird …


3 hours ago  · Spread Milorganite around the base of your tree. Deer do not like the smell. For rabbits, I have no clue. Solange Boucher on Jul 17, 2016. I make small bag with screen fill them …

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