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can i use sage and palo santo

by Violet Simonis Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Natives believe that burning palo santo can help cleanse a space and rid of any negative or toxic energy. It's a common and powerful practice to use palo santo alongside other plants to cleanse a space and introduce a calming and positive energy as well. One such combination is the use of palo santo alongside sage.Apr 13, 2022

What are sage and palo santo used for?

Sage and palo santo are commonly used to cleanse the energy of whatever physical space you’re in, but these traditional, sacred practices are often abused by people who just want to participate in the latest trend. So how can you cleanse the energy of your space without appropriating the cultures these practices came from?

What is the difference between burning palo santo and Sage?

When it comes to burning palo santo vs. sage, sage is the more powerful plant, as it can be used to clear out all the negative energy in a space, leaving the room positive and radiating in good vibes.

Should I Smudge palo santo or sage?

Some people don't like the smell of sage, and in that case palo santo is usually suggested. Now that you understand the benefits of smudging, let's look at the main ways you can use smudging in your life, as well as when to smudge.

Should you use sage or palo santo to cleanse your house?

Well, first of all, trust your intuition. Second of all, use palo santo if you wanna just remove the negative energy. Use sage if you’re really ready for that fresh start. Or you can make it easy… take the quiz!


Can you burn sage and Palo Santos at the same time?

Both sage and palo santo work separately to cleanse a space. But, they can be even more powerful in tandem. “Think about sage moving energy out and palo santo moving energy in,” adds King. “If you use them at the same time it could get confusing for what is being asked to leave and want is being invited in.”

How do you cleanse your house with sage and Palo Santo?

First you start with a simple intention of focusing on clearing the negative energy out of your space and mind. Once you have your intention in mind, light the Sage or Palo Santo and hold at a 45 degree angle pointing the tip down towards the flame. Allow it to burn for 30 seconds and then blow it out.

Which is better sage or Palo Santo?

Palo Santo means “holy wood” best known for its ability to add positivity to your space whereas sage removes negativity. It's best to think of it as sage CLEARS it out the bad and palo santo BRINGS back the good. Palo Santo is what I reach for daily as it simply encourages positive energy while purifying the air.

Is Palo Santo and sage the same thing?

Palo Santo vs Sage - The Differences The main difference is that you can use sage to actively remove negativity from a space, while Palo Santo promotes positivity. If you're looking for the right option for a cleansing ritual, it's worth bearing this in mind.

What are the symptoms of negative energy in home?

Here are some signs and symptoms of negative energy: Constantly criticizing others: Constantly venting your anger on others is a sign of negative energy existing in you. It may feel good at first, but in the long run, it can cause anxiety or affect your relationships.

Do you need to open windows for Palo Santo?

When burned for more than 20-30 minutes, the scent of palo santo can become strong or even overwhelming. To prevent this, choose a room with strong air ventilation and open doors or windows to burn your palo santo in.

Why should we stop using Palo Santo?

Due to the demand, opportunists are prematurely cutting down these sacred trees, in order to quickly process the wood into sticks for selling. Not only is this devastating for the forests, it renders the sticks purposeless, as the sacred resin hasn't had time to form.

What does Palo Santo do spiritually?

Many people find the aroma of palo santo relaxing, so it's commonly used to ease stress. It's thought to have a purifying, cleansing effect on the body and mind.

How often should you sage your home?

“You can light one leaf, because a smudge stick will smoke a lot.” Both experts recommend burning sage regularly, even after you've finished moving, to purify the air and keep balance. “I recommend cleansing the space by smudging any time you do a seasonal cleaning, three times a year at a minimum,” said Meder.

How do you sage your house for the first time?

Smudging the Space Start at the front door of the home and light your smudge stick. Then, begin to move slowly around the home. Move mindfully and with care, walking clockwise around the entire interior perimeter of the home.

Does sage get rid of good energy?

It may help dispel negative energy Burning sage may also be used as a ritual tool to rid yourself — or your space — of negativity. This includes past traumas, bad experiences, or negative energies from others.

What to do with sage after smudging?

You should not throw sage away in the trash can. The best way to dispose of it is to wait for it to stop burning and then burying it outside to seal any negative energy outside that was removed while smudging.

Why should we stop using Palo Santo?

Due to the demand, opportunists are prematurely cutting down these sacred trees, in order to quickly process the wood into sticks for selling. Not only is this devastating for the forests, it renders the sticks purposeless, as the sacred resin hasn't had time to form.

How do you sage a house step by step?

Start at the front door of the home and light your smudge stick. Then, begin to move slowly around the home. Move mindfully and with care, walking clockwise around the entire interior perimeter of the home.

How do you bless a house with Palo Santo?

How to Use: Light a stick of palo santo and let the flame burn for up to one minute. Blow it out and walk through the areas you wish to cleanse, allowing the smoke to waft through the room. With a spirit of gratitude, ask the smoke for its blessing and protection.

What is Palo Santo used for spiritually?

Many people find the aroma of palo santo relaxing, so it's commonly used to ease stress. It's thought to have a purifying, cleansing effect on the body and mind.

What does sage do to the air?

This means that when it is burned, it can help purify and rid the air of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

How Often Should You Sage?

When you're learning how to smudge with sage and palo santo, it's common to wonder how often you should do it.

What is the effect of white sage on the brain?

A thesis paper by Taylor Hayes called Terpenes and Flavonoids From Salvia apiana and Their Affinities to Cannabinoid and Opioid Receptors explains that white sage contains compounds that activate the receptors in the brain that are responsible for positive mood and reduced stress and pain .

Why is smudging used in ancient ceremonies?

One of the main reasons why smudging has been used in so many ancient ceremonies and rituals is because of its ability to heighten our state of consciousness.

Can you use sage to disinfect?

Therefore, it can be used to disinfect the air in your home when people are sick.

Is smudging the same as palo santo?

There are so many wonderful benefits of smudging, and they are pretty much the same whether you are using sage or palo santo. In a study called Medicinal Smokes, many advantages were found as a result of smoke-based remedies, including: Rapid delivery to the brain. More efficient absorption by the body.

What is sage good for?

Sage is also great for cleansing really large areas , and sage also removes all the negative energy, it removes all the energy, so it’s great for new starts, beginning all over and creating a fresh area, attune to exactly what it is that you desire.

Is Palo Santo better than Sage?

Benefits of Palo Santo vs Sage. Palo santo and sage both have healing properties and both are used around the world. Palo santo has a great smell, however, it’s a little bit more difficult to light and it only gets rid of the negative energy, leaving the positive energy around. It’s super for cleansing a small area and leaves ...

Why do we use Sage and Palo Santo?

Sage and palo santo are commonly used to cleanse the energy of whatever physical space you’re in, but these traditional, sacred practices are often abused by people who just want ...

What is the purpose of sage?

Different strains of sage have different purposes. White sage, for example, can be used to ward off evil spirits, while black sage keeps your space safe during astral travel. Lavender sage works to chase away negativity in your space.

Is burning sage illegal?

In the past, burning sage had been outlawed. In the United States, it was illegal for Native Americans to practice smudging until 1978 with the passing of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act. The Native American people fought hard for their right to burn sage, and not so it could become a cutesy little trend thirty years later. It is also important to note that much of the sage sold in the trendy packs from boutiques is white sage, which is native to North America and therefore, to Native cultures.

Is Palo Santo good for you?

Palo santo is said to cleanse the negative energy away from your space and bring in good, positive energy. It doesn’t burn as easily as sage, so it may be best used for smaller spaces. It can also be used as a natural mosquito repellent and can relieve pain and stress. Keep an eye out on where the palo santo is sourced from while purchasing because you’ll want to make sure it is a sustainable practice! In the product description, many websites will explain where and how the palo santo is sourced.

How are Sage and Palo Santo similar?

Sage and Palo Santo are similar in some ways, as they are both designed to cleanse your energy to your space, encouraging a more positive and peaceful environment. People have been using different herbs, woods, resins, and plants for thousands of years now, including these two. Here is the difference between the two and how you should use them.

Why do people burn Palo Santo?

Palo Santo is one of the most asked questions today regarding healing and cleansing. For centuries, Sage has been a part of indigenous tribes’ spiritual ceremonies to cleanse and purify, while burning Palo Santo sticks has been a sacred practice used by Indigenous communities of the Andes to cleanse their spirit and ward off evil spirits.

Can you burn sage?

However, it can also clear out the positive energy that you want to keep because of its strength. But don’t worry, you can easily invite it back; just keep this in mind before burning sage. You can invite positive spirits back by positive music and meditation to set intentions, dance, and crystal ceremonies.

Can you burn sage and palo santo at the same time?

Many are wondering if “can you burn sage and palo santo at the same time.” As mentioned, if you want to use both, it is advisable to start with sage and end with palo santo. However, lighting them isn’t the only step that you should know. Before you begin your ritual, make sure that a window is open to release all negativity from your home. This is a critical step. Otherwise, you will trap all the negativity inside. Once you open a window, you need to set your intentions for the ceremony and not skip this step. For example, your intentions can be removing all the energy from a new home or cleansing a space after a huge fight. You can also invite abundance, happiness, and comfort in your home by setting it as an intention.

Why do we use Palo Santo?

Palo Santo has a long history of being used as a part of sacred South American Indigenous for our cultures and practices when colonizers first arrived in the Americas. Even as recently as the 20th century America was passing laws to ban our practices in an attempt to keep us out of the country and force us to assimilate to Christian hegemony. When we as Indigenous people use things like Sage and Palo Santo (depending on your region and practice) we are healing ancestral wounds, we are telling those that came before us that we are safe here now, we are reclaiming who we are. When white people then turn around and use these things it feels like a slap in the face to us and everyone who came before us. If my ancestors had to hide who they were and what they practiced for fear of their lives. White people shouldn’t be able to buy these practices at fast fashion shops and other major retailers and say they’re about love and light. Your love and light is accomplished on the backs of our people.”

Why is it important to connect with sacred plants?

As we connect with sacred plants and practices, it is important to understand their historical context. This allows us to create magic that is not only kind to our own spirits, but kind to our world as well. Wishing you endless streams of magical kindness, flowing to and from you in all directions. Blessed, and so it is!

What herb is good for magic?

Rosemary: This readily available kitchen herb is a powerhouse when it comes to magic, too! It is believed to dispel negative energy while attracting positivity and abundance. And let’s face it, burning it makes the entire vicinity smell like absolute deliciousness!

Is white sage sacred?

White Sage is sacred to the Indigenous people especially here in California. Its popularity has made it harder to come by and more expensive, and from an ethical standpoint, it is disrespectful for white people to appropriate the traditions of smudging with sage sticks on unjustly occupied land.

What mantras to say while smudging yourself?

Smudging your home or your body with Sage, Palo Santo, incense, resin ( frankincense, copal, myrrh, benzoin, etc.) or a sacred herb is said to banish negative energy from your being and your space, and open space for positive, light-filled energy to enter in its place. ...

Why do we save the mantra for last?

We saved this mantra for last because it’s best to fill yourself up with something positive after ridding yourself of the negative. With that said, feel free to use this final mantra in conjunction with any of the other mantras we included here!

How to smudge yourself before smudge?

Smudge yourself before you smudge your space. 2. Be intentional about your smudging direction. 3. Smudge your sacred space, meditation space, or altar room last. 4. Choose one thing you’d like to remove, and/or one thing you’d like to call in. 5. Keep sage spray for no-smoke zones such as hotel rooms and offices.

Why do we use mantras?

Use this mantra if you’re feeling any fear of your material possessions or relationships leaving you. If you’re worried that you may lose your partner, your money, your possessions, etc., this mantra will help you to cleanse egoic attachment from your body as you smudge. Then, freedom will arise to take the place of your egoic attachments, leaving you feeling calm, grounded, and safe.

What happens if you repeat a mantra while smudging?

So if you repeat a mantra while smudging, you’re essentially using your words to fill your body or space with good vibes, while erasing the negative vibes with the sacred smoke. Use any of the mantras below which resonate with you– those which feel the best in your body are likely to create the most positive effect.

How to get rid of stagnant vibrations?

To aid in banishing stagnant vibrations from your space, open doors and windows. Think of it like this: the sacred herbs will “push” that negative energy out of that open door or window, rather than leaving the negativity stuck inside your home.

Is joy a choice?

Joy is a choice, but we can often find ourselves feeling trapped under our own or others’ negativity. Have you been feeling as if joy is out of reach for you? Perhaps an encounter with a friend, family member, or coworker left you feeling apathetic and frustrated. It’s time to call joy back into your being.


1.How to Smudge With Sage and Palo Santo & Why You …


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2.Palo Santo vs Sage: Which Should You Use - Trish …


6 hours ago Sage and palo santo both have very distinct scents and they can be used as air fresheners. Some people don't like the smell of sage, and in that case palo santo is usually suggested. Why & …

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28 hours ago  · Can You Burn Sage and Palo Santo be used together? The first thing you should know is that Palo Santo can be used when you do not want to be overwhelmed by the boost of …

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10 hours ago  · Palo Santo. Palo Santo means “holy wood” in Spanish, is a wood from the Bursera Graveolens trees that are often sourced from Ecuador. It is famous for the positivity that it can …

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16 hours ago  · When we as Indigenous people use things like Sage and Palo Santo (depending on your region and practice) we are healing ancestral wounds, we are telling those that came …

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1 hours ago

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