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can oven cleaner damage lungs

by Mac McCullough DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

When taking excessive amounts of oven cleaner, it can cause severe burns to the skin, eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, brain, and blood vessels. In addition, it can also damage internal organs, especially the stomach lining. The severity of these injuries depends upon the amount ingested and the length of exposure.

When inhaled, oven cleaners can be irritating to airways, causing symptoms ranging from coughing and chest pain to shortness of breath. If in the eyes, oven cleaners can cause corrosion and ulceration of the eye tissues. The length of time the product is in contact with the tissues affects the extent of injury.

Full Answer

What happens if you inhale the fumes from an oven cleaner?

Oven cleaner poisoning can cause symptoms in many parts of the body. AIRWAYS AND LUNGS. Breathing difficulty -- from breathing in fumes. Throat swelling -- may also cause breathing difficulty.

Are commercial cleaning products harmful to your lungs?

However, ammonia and bleach are not the only chemicals worth avoiding; most commercial cleaning products contain chemical compounds that can irritate your lungs. A category of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), for instance, are well-known air pollutants and respiratory irritants that are found in all sorts of cleaning solutions.

What is the prognosis of oven cleaner poisoning?

The prognosis of Oven Cleaner Poisoning is dependent on the amount of substance consumed, time between consumption and treatment, severity of the symptoms, as well as general health status of the patient The prognosis can only be assessed on a case-by-case basis and is dependent upon the quantity and strength of the compound ingested.

What should I do if my oven cleaner is toxic?

First Aid tips for Oven Cleaner Poisoning: Call 911 or your local emergency help number immediately, for emergency assistance Call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 (or your local poison control center) for further instructions


What are the harmful effects of oven cleaner?

“They can burn the skin and eyes, can blind, and can be corrosive to the respiratory tract. The vapors can irritate the lungs and can actually exacerbate or trigger an asthma attack. A lot of the chemicals used have been known to actually be capable of causing asthma.”

Can Oven cleaning fumes hurt you?

The North Iowa Municipal Electric Cooperative Association revealed that the self-cleaning function on your oven has the potential to create carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a hard-to-detect gas that is extremely toxic to humans and animals.

Can you poison yourself with oven cleaner?

Oven cleaner poisoning can cause symptoms in many parts of the body. Breathing difficulty. From breathing in fumes.

Can you get sick from inhaling cleaning products?

When mixed, the contents of certain cleaners can trigger dangerous chemical reactions, such as the combination of ammonia and bleach. Mixing them produces toxic fumes that, when inhaled, cause coughing; difficulty breathing; and irritation of the throat, eyes and nose.

How do you get rid of oven cleaner fumes?

Good ol' boiling water and vinegar will do the trick Pour a litre of water into a baking dish and add 1 cup of vinegar to the mixture. Preheat the oven to 200°C and place the dish on the lowest rack. Leave the water to boil in the oven for around an hour. Water will evaporate and absorb the smells in the process.

Is Easy Off oven cleaner toxic?


What are the symptoms of chemical inhalation?

You have been exposed to chemical fumes. This may cause symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, eye, nose, and throat irritation, and upper chest pain. It may also cause nausea, headache, and dizziness.

How do you treat a chemical inhalation?

Treatment for inhalation exposures Ventilate the area. Open the windows and turn on the fan. Leave the area and get fresh air. Fresh air may resolve many uncomfortable symptoms.

What happens if you inhale degreaser?

Symptoms/injuries after inhalation : Harmful if inhaled. Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. May cause respiratory tract irritation. Intentional misuse of product by inhalation can result in asphyxiation or death.

Why do I feel sick after using cleaning products?

Besides the obvious factors that can weigh in on sickness while cleaning, some people find the harsh chemical cleaners used in the process is enough to make them sick. Common cleaners like bleach and store-bought products containing bleach and other chemical additives can cause sickness if they aren't handled properly.

Can cleaning products cause shortness of breath?

YES, they can! You might not expect it, but cleaning products used at work can cause asthma or make your existing asthma worse. Workers who use cleaners regularly can get asthma.

How do you get rid of cleaning fumes?

i. Vinegar is a degreaser and helps remove odors as well. You can also sprinkle baking soda on horizontal surfaces, hard surfaces, carpet, and upholstery, and leave them until they seem saturated with the odor, then clean up. Vinegar and lemon or vinegar alone can also help neutralize smoke and nicotine.

What to do if you breathe poison?

If the person breathed in the poison, immediately move them to fresh air. Your local poison control center can be reached directly by calling the national toll-free Poison Help hotline (1-800-222-1222) from anywhere in the United States. This hotline number will let you talk to experts in poisoning.

How long does it take for a person to get a burn out of their stomach?

This is done only when the person gets medical care within 30 to 45 minutes of the poisoning, and a very large amount of the substance has been swallowed.

How long should you wait to flush a person with a chemical?

If the chemical is on the skin or in the eyes, flush with lots of water for at least 15 minutes. If the chemical was swallowed, immediately give the person water or milk, unless instructed otherwise by a provider.

Can you die from swallowing poison?

The faster a person gets medical help, the better the chance for recovery. Swallowing such poisons can have severe effects on many parts of the body. Burns in the airway or gastrointestinal tract can lead to tissue death. This may result in infection, shock and death, even several months after substance was swallowed.

Can you throw up from a oven cleaner?

Oven cleaner poisoning can cause symptoms in many parts of the body. Get medical help right away. DO NOT make a person throw up unless told to do so by poison control or a health care provider. If the chemical is on the skin or in the eyes, flush with lots of water for at least 15 minutes.


This article discusses the harmful effects from swallowing or breathing in an oven cleaner.

Home Care

Get medical help right away. DO NOT make a person throw up unless told to do so by poison control or a health care provider.

Poison Control

Your local poison control center can be reached directly by calling the national toll-free Poison Help hotline (1-800-222-1222) from anywhere in the United States. This hotline number will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions.

Outlook (Prognosis)

How well a person does depends on the amount of poison swallowed and how quickly treatment was received. The faster a person gets medical help, the better the chance for recovery.

Why shouldn't you clean your lungs?

That's why you should never assume that your lungs are safe when you clean just because you don't notice any symptoms or the fumes don't burn your nose. You might not realize that cleaning fumes have damaged your lungs until much later in life when it starts to have more obvious effects on your health.

What do cleaning fumes do to your lungs?

What Cleaning Fumes Do to Your Lungs. Any time you use a cleaning solution, it emits fumes into the air that you inevitably end up breathing. These fumes are made up of gaseous chemicals and tiny droplets that mist from the solution. Many chemicals found in cleaning products create fumes that are irritating and toxic to your lungs.

What chemicals are used in cleaning products?

Unfortunately, ammonia and bleach are some of the most common chemicals found in commercial cleaning products. If you don't read the ingredients carefully, you might even use cleaners containing ammonia or bleach without even realizing it.

Why is it important to learn how to recognize and avoid hazardous cleaning chemicals?

People with respiratory diseases are particularly sensitive to the damaging effects of respiratory irritants like chemical fumes. That's why it is particularly important to learn how to recognize and avoid hazardous cleaning chemicals if you have a lung condition like COPD.

Why is it important to ventilate your lungs?

Proper ventilation is one of the most important parts of keeping your lungs safe while you clean. Airing out the room helps get rid of noxious fumes so they don't accumulate in the air you breathe.

Why is it important to clean your environment when you have COPD?

Having COPD means you are more prone to illnesses and respiratory infections, which means it is very important to keep your environment free of bacteria and other sickness-causing pathogens. However, that doesn't mean that you have to use harsh chemicals and disinfectants every time you clean.

What happens when you breathe ammonia?

When these fumes come in contact with the delicate tissue lining the inside of your lungs, they cause immediate cell death, destroying healthy lung tissue and causing inflammation.

What is oven cleaner poisoning?

Oven Cleaner Poisoning is the accidental or intentional intake of any product containing the compound. The condition is diagnosed based upon the clinical history, combination of signs and symptoms, and additional tests (that may include, in some cases, radiological studies and laboratory tests) Oven Cleaner Poisoning may be also referred ...

What is oven cleaner?

Oven cleaners are cleaning agents that are used in cleaning oily or greasy ovens, grills, and chimneys. They are typically available in the form of aerosol sprays and contain a complex set of chemicals. Some of the branded products include Easy-Off oven cleaner and Mr. Muscle oven and grill cleaner. Oven Cleaner Poisoning is the accidental ...

What is the first aid number for oven cleaner poisoning?

The individual who is affected, or someone near, should call 911 for emergency assistance (or the local emergency number) They should also call the poison control center at 1-800-222-1222 (or the local poison control center) and follow instructions.

What are the ingredients in oven cleaners?

Oven cleaning agents may consist of many chemicals including corrosive alkalis, such as sodium hydroxide (lye), potassium carbonate, hydrocarbons (such as isobutane and glycol), wax, surfactants, and added perfumes. Note: The compound can interact with other prescribed or non-prescribed medications in the body.

What is gastric lavage?

Gastric lavage for elimination of drug from the stomach (irrigation using special solutions) Medically manage symptoms, such as abnormal heart rate and low blood pressure. A bronchoscopy and/or endoscopy may be undertaken to assess the degree of damage to the airways and/or the food-pipe.

Can a chemical cause long term damage to the mouth?

In case of severe symptoms including severe burns and organ damage, it may considerably worsen the outcome. Ingesting large quantities may result in long-term damage to the mouth, food-pipe, and stomach; the chemical has the potential to continue causing damage to the affected region , even after exposure is ceased.

Can a chemical affect the skin?

The chemical is strong and it can produce severe injury to the exposed regions. Exposure to the substance through direct contact may affect the skin and eyes. The substance may also be inhaled resulting in symptoms. This intake could be accidental, or in some cases intentional, to bring self-harm.

Is it bad to clean your house?

Researchers say the chemicals in household cleaning products can damage your lungs as much as smoking cigarettes. Living in a clean house may be good for your health, but actually cleaning your home to get it to that condition may be bad for you.

Does cleaning chemicals affect asthma?

The study found that “while the short-term effects of cleaning chemicals on asthma are becoming increasingly well documented, we lack knowledge of the long-term impact,” said Dr. Cecilie Svanes, a professor at the university’s Centre for International Health and a senior study author.

Do women's lung function decline?

According to new research published in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, women showed greater declines in lung function if they’ve worked as cleaners or use certain products — notably cleaning sprays — over time.

The Research on Cleaning Products & Lung Health

It’s long been known that exposure to harsh cleaning chemicals can cause asthma flare-ups and other chronic respiratory symptoms, but experts had little data on the long-term effects of these products on lung health. However, in the past few years, researchers have found strong links between cleaning chemical fumes and respiratory diseases.

What Harsh Fumes From Cleaning Products Do To Your Lungs

Any time you use a chemical cleaning solution, it emits fumes into the air that you – and everyone else inside your home – inevitably end up breathing. Many harsh chemicals found in conventional household products create fumes that are incredibly irritating to your lungs.

Which Cleaning Products Are Particularly Harmful?

Clever marketing and colorful packaging may lead you to believe that a product is gentle enough to use in your home and around your children and pets. However, the reality is that many household cleaners available today are loaded with harsh, irritating chemicals.

Tips for Lung-Friendly Cleaning

Cleaning our home sanctuary is an essential part of healthy living, but there are a few simple steps you can take to make your cleaning routine better for your lungs – and the planet.

Oven cleaner poisoning side effects

Oven cleaners are used to clean ovens and other appliances. These products are available in different types such as liquid, spray, powder, and paste. Oven cleaners are generally safe to use but if you accidentally inhale these chemicals, you could suffer from respiratory problems.

How Dangerous Is Oven Cleaner to Your Health?

Oven cleaners are usually composed of strong acids and alkalis. These chemicals can burn your skin and eyes and cause serious damage to your lungs. Inhaling these chemicals can lead to severe health issues.

What if you want to clean your oven without using any of these chemicals?

You can easily clean your oven without using chemical based products. Here are some tips to clean your oven safely. 1. Use baking soda instead of oven cleaner. Baking soda is a natural product and does not harm your oven. It cleans your oven naturally and effectively. 2. Use vinegar instead of ammonia. Vinegar is another effective cleaning agent.

Is it possible for oven cleaners to be poisoned by certain factors?

Yes, it is possible for oven cleaners to get poisoned by certain factors. For instance, if you use a strong acid such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, or muriatic acid, it could damage your oven. These acids can eat away at the metal parts of your oven.

Can oven cleaner fumes poison food?

No, but the fumes from oven cleaning products can irritate your eyes and nose. It can also affect your breathing. However, the fumes from oven cleaning agents cannot harm your food.

Is oven cleaner bad for your health?

Oven cleaners are generally composed of ammonia, chlorine, and other chemicals. These chemicals are toxic and can harm your health. Ammonia is used as a solvent and disinfectant, but it’s also highly corrosive. It can damage skin, eyes, and respiratory systems. Chlorine is used to clean grease from ovens and surfaces.

What happens if you eat food with oven cleaner?

Yes, if you inhale enough of the fumes, you could get sick. But, if you’re careful about cleaning the oven, you won’t have any problems.


1.Oven cleaner poisoning Information | Mount Sinai - New …


26 hours ago  · Can oven cleaner damage lungs? A Toxic Chemical In Your Oven Cleaning Products. Inhaling the oven cleaner chemical can also cause a sore throat that lasts for days, and can cause severe damage to the nostrils and lungs. If the oven cleaning product you're using is labelled 'corrosive' then it is highly likely that the product contains caustic soda.

2.Oven cleaner poisoning: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia


4 hours ago Oven cleaner poisoning can cause symptoms in many parts of the body. AIRWAYS AND LUNGS. Breathing difficulty -- from breathing in fumes; Throat swelling -- may also cause breathing difficulty; EYES, EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT. Severe pain in the throat; Severe pain or burning in the nose, eyes, ears, lips, or tongue; Vision loss ; STOMACH AND INTESTINES. Abdominal pain

3.Oven cleaner poisoning - UF Health, University of Florida …


1 hours ago Oven cleaner poisoning can cause symptoms in many parts of the body. AIRWAYS AND LUNGS. Breathing difficulty -- from breathing in fumes; Throat swelling -- may also cause breathing difficulty; EYES, EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT. Severe pain in the throat; Severe pain or burning in the nose, eyes, ears, lips, or tongue; Vision loss ; STOMACH AND INTESTINES. Abdominal pain

4.How Cleaning Products Are Damaging Your Lungs - LPT …


16 hours ago Oven cleaner poisoning can cause symptoms in many parts of the body. AIRWAYS AND LUNGS Breathing difficulty -- from breathing in fumes Throat swelling -- may also cause breathing difficulty EYES, EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT Severe pain in the throat Severe pain or burning in the nose, eyes, ears, lips, or tongue Vision loss STOMACH AND INTESTINES

5.First Aid for Oven Cleaner Poisoning - DoveMed


12 hours ago  · The signs and symptoms of Oven Cleaner Poisoning can vary from one individual to another. It may be mild in some and severe in others. Several systems of the body may be affected. The signs and symptoms of Oven Cleaner Poisoning may include: Breathing difficulties, if fumes of the chemical solution are inhaled.

6.Lung Damage From Household Cleaning Products


12 hours ago  · The Research on Cleaning Products & Lung Health It’s long been known that exposure to harsh cleaning chemicals can cause asthma flare-ups and other chronic respiratory symptoms, but experts had little data on the long-term effects of these products on lung health.

7.Harsh Cleaning Products Can Damage Your Lungs.


5 hours ago Oven cleaners are usually composed of strong acids and alkalis. These chemicals can burn your skin and eyes and cause serious damage to your lungs. Inhaling these chemicals can lead to severe health issues. What if you want to clean your oven without using any of these chemicals? You can easily clean your oven without using chemical based products.

8.Can oven cleaner fumes poison food? - May 2022 Bronnie …


3 hours ago

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