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can vegans have pet fish

by Lonzo Jenkins Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

Are there any herbivorous fish that are vegan?

Silver Dollars (And Many Other Fish) There are a whole bunch of herbivorous pet fish. And there are plenty of omnivorous fish that can thrive on a vegan diet, as well. Primarily herbivorous fish include certain plecos, African cichlids, pacus, and silver dollars.

Is it okay for vegans to have pets?

For these reasons, the consensus is it’s okay for vegans to have pets. However, there’s a lot more debate surrounding this question. Some people draw a line and think it’s not vegan to keep animals as companions, while others believe that the pet-human relationship can be beneficial for both parties.

What animals should vegans avoid buying?

Vegans should not buy rare or exotic animals, including birds and fish Vegans should always have their pets spayed or neutered The long term aim for vegans is to end the practice of keeping captive animals Naturally, it goes without saying that one should only take on the huge responsibility of a companion animal if capable of meeting its needs.

Are there any vegetarian reptiles that are vegan?

For example, some of the vegetarian reptiles on this list require very specific living conditions and are quite high maintenance compared to a much simpler pet like the silver dollar fish. 1. Rabbits Rabbits are 100% herbivorous, so there’s no conflict at all with feeding them a vegan diet!


Can vegans own pet fish?

Keeping pet fish can be acceptable to vegans, provided that the fish is well cared for and has an aquarium that suits its complex needs. If you're interested in getting a pet fish, I'd strongly recommend that you look into adopting some fish that are in need of a new home.

Is it OK for vegans to have pets?

It's morally preferable to keep pets as respected companions versus the deadly risks of sending them back into the wild, euthanasia or keeping them in shelters. For these reasons, the consensus is it's okay for vegans to have pets.

Do vegans make their pets vegan?

Is There a Future for Vegan Pet Food? The researchers concluded that even if a nutritionally viable plant-based option were available, most dog and cat owners would not make their pets go vegan.

Can vegans have cats as pets?

There are a number of reasons why cats don't do well on a vegan diet, but it all essentially comes down to this: they aren't adapted to it. Feeding a cat a plant-based diet is a lot like feeding a cow a meat-based diet—their digestive system isn't geared to handle it, and they will not thrive on it.

Can vegans eat eggs from their own chickens?

No, vegans can't eat eggs even if they come from their own chickens. Chickens do not produce eggs for humans to eat, they produce them as part of their natural reproductive cycle. To take eggs from chickens for profit or sustenance is exploitation, which is not permissible for those following a vegan lifestyle.

What do vegans think of pets?

Many vegans feel that given the existence of domesticated cats, dogs and other animals, keeping them as respected and cared for companions is preferable to any other option. The Vegan Society state, “As vegans, we should be working towards a world in which no animal is held in captivity” and this clearly includes pets.

Am I still vegan if I feed my dog meat?

Dogs are omnivores, which means that they eat both meat and plant products. While it is theoretically possible, the British Veterinary Association does not recommend giving a dog a vegetarian or a vegan diet as it is much easier to get the balance of essential nutrients wrong than to get it right.

Why are people making dogs vegan?

In many cases, the decision to switch meat-loving pets to a vegan diet is made because of the owner's ethical preferences. Most pet foods are made with byproducts from factory farms, so switching to vegan alternatives is a way to avoid subsidising the industry.

Is the kitten lady vegan?

A staunch animal advocate, Hannah is also a 15-year vegan who empathizes with the plight of mother and baby cows who are ripped apart by the dairy industry so that humans can drink the milk produced by the mother cows for their calves.

Can vegans ride horses?

While horse riding cannot be classed as vegan, many vegans ride horses. They claim that the sport is not exploitative of the animal if it doesn't cause pain and suffering. Even though horses cannot consent to being ridden, if they are treated with respect and kindness it can become an enjoyable activity for both.

Why do vegans eat pet food?

Switching your dog to a vegan diet can help them regain puppy-like energy due to the clean, readily-available nutrition (without the negative effects from meat-based and byproduct-heavy food). Plant-based pups often find boundless energy on their new diets, which contributes to a higher quality of life.

Can pigs be vegan?

Pigs are omnivores and will eat just about anything. That does not necessarily mean that they should. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and vegan-friendly protein options such as soybeans are an excellent choice. A vegan diet is a healthy option for pigs as long as their nutritional needs are met.

Do vegans agree with horse riding?

While horse riding cannot be classed as vegan, many vegans ride horses. They claim that the sport is not exploitative of the animal if it doesn't cause pain and suffering. Even though horses cannot consent to being ridden, if they are treated with respect and kindness it can become an enjoyable activity for both.

Do vegans agree with guide dogs?

Vegans don't agree about the use of service dogs. Some vegans view it as a form of exploitation. But not all vegans agree with this. In practice, most vegans seem to be fine with most uses of service dogs.

Is having a pet ethical?

Many breeds of certain animal species - dogs and cats, for example - have a long history of being human companions, and keeping these as pets is morally good, since this is the natural way for these animals to live.

Is the kitten lady vegan?

A staunch animal advocate, Hannah is also a 15-year vegan who empathizes with the plight of mother and baby cows who are ripped apart by the dairy industry so that humans can drink the milk produced by the mother cows for their calves.

Is Keeping and Own Fish Vegan?

As we have previously discussed on our blog ‘ Do Vegans Own Pets?’ , some vegans adopt pets, like dogs, cats, birds, and fish, and many are entirely against that. Dogs and cats can be adopted or rescued from the streets or from a bad environment without being bought.

Things To Do If You Already Own A Fish

If you already own fish or still want to have fish as pets, you can do your best to make their lives easier. That said, you should aim to provide them with an environment that is as much like their natural habitat. The following tips will help you make that happen and ensure that they are as happy as possible:


Whether or not you own a fish or still want to purchase a fish is an entirely personal choice. However, it would help if you always aimed to follow the above steps so that your fish can live a healthy and joyful life as possible. Be a vegan and think twice!

What is a pet?

Pets are animals that people keep for companionship and pleasure. Humans have kept them for at least ten thousand years, with evidence suggesting pets existed in Paleolithic times.

Why the human and pet relationship can be exploitative

A few issues with pet ownership, even as a companion, have been labelled exploitative in terms of consent, pleasure, abuse, captivity, and abandonment. Let’s look at each one separately.

The bleak alternatives to pet ownership

The overabundance of domesticated animals as a result of deliberate breeding, as well as the lack of animals spayed and neutered, have led to an excess of pets — which is fantastic news if you’re seeking a pet, but not so great if you’re concerned about population growth and animal welfare.

Is it vegan to feed your pets other animals?

The other consideration on top of many of our minds is what the heck does a vegan feed their pet, especially if they’re an obligate carnivore? And if you give meat to your pet, can you really be vegan?

Can vegans keep pets? The verdict

So, can vegans have pets? The answer is yes – but it’s not as simple as just adopting any animal you want.

What fish are unsuitable for small tanks?

A lot of common fish sold in pet stores turn into tankbusters, and are unsuitable for small tanks. Examples are: common pleco, clown loach, and syndontis.

What do you know about fish?

I know more about fish than most people, and some of the things a lot of people don’t realise are: 1 How small the territories of some fish are. Their tiny tank may well be twice the size of their natural habitat 2 How unlikely they are to make it to adulthood 3 How much longer fish live in captivity – this MASSIVELY depends on the fish.

Why do tropical fish end up in fish shops?

Sadly enough, a lot of tropical fish from places like the Amazon end up in British fish shops because the rivers they in have been destroyed by industry. Sometimes an entire species may live within a few square metres of river, and it’s wiped out overnight. Tragic but true.

Do bettas need a tank?

About ten years ago, there was a craze for keeping male Siamese Fighting Fish (betta splendens) in tiny tanks – often literal water glasses or even funky shaped receptables. Bettas only require a small tank, and like their name suggests, they will fight another male to the death so they need to be kept alone.

Is it illegal to feed a goldfish?

Feeding fish smaller fish is not only hideous practice, but it’s illegal. If you want a large fish that will eat plants, there’s nothing wrong with getting a goldfish, They have great personalities. Get all the equipment you need.

Can you find tank bred fish?

Whilst it’s possible to find tank-bred fish that need a home, it’s impossible to wade through the ethics of finding live rock and sustainably sourced fish (i.e. not wild caught). They’re also extremely expensive to run, and I don’t think they’re as pretty as tropical tanks.

Do orcas breed in Seaworld?

Seaworld used to have a breeding programme, but it was far from successful, especially in the case of orcas. The animals wouldn’t breed , so they have had to use artificial insemination and there were rumours that the animals were drugged.

What fish are vegan?

4. Silver Dollars (And Many Other Fish) There are a whole bunch of herbivorous pet fish. And there are plenty of omnivorous fish that can thrive on a vegan diet, as well. Primarily herbivorous fish include certain plecos, African cichlids, pacus, and silver dollars.

Why do dogs eat vegan food?

Actually, some dogs get prescribed vegan diets because of allergies. Many dogs are allergic to chicken, beef, or other meats. So a vegan diet can sometimes help to improve a dog’s health. There are a growing number of brands of vegan dog food and vegan dog treats on the market today.

What to feed silver dollar fish?

You can also feed them cooked veggies like carrots and squash, or give them algae wafers. ( source) 5. Gerbils.

What do guinea pigs eat?

A proper guinea pig diet will include a mix of hay, pellets, vegetables, and less than 10% of the diet from fruits and treats. ( source) Like rabbits, guinea pigs also eat a bit of their own poop. Don’t worry—this is natural and healthy. The “poop” they eat is actually a special kind, called “cecotropes.”.

What do tortoises eat?

About 80% of a tortoise’s diet should be fresh vegetables. The rest of the diet will be made up of a mix of fruit, hay, or commercial tortoise food. ( source)

Is a pet omnivore or herbivore?

First, a disclaimer: The following pets are not all strictly categorized as “herbivores.”. Some of them are technically omnivores (like humans). However, these animals all thrive on a well-planned, plant-based, vegan diet.

Do vegans have a diet?

They all have diets that are very heavily plant-based in nature, and they all have many anecdotes of successfully being kept vegan. (I’ve tried to mention any controversies about this fact where they exist.)

What Should a Vegan Feed Their Pet?

The issue of what to feed a companion animal is a whole new subject. Handily, we’ve got that covered too: check out our article on vegan pet food!

What are the three words that are associated with the ethos of veganism?

They treat their companion with compassion, love and dignity and those are three words that are very much associated with the ethos of veganism.

What is the philosophy of animal free living?

A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment.

Do vegans have pets?

Some vegans do keep pets (though they often don’t use that word), whilst some do not. That simple answer is quite instructive because, ultimately, like many things within the vegan world, whether one thinks having a pet is okay or not is a personal issue. Obviously some things, like eating meat or buying a leather jacket are non-negotiable ...

What does "companion animals" mean?

By using the phrase “companion animals”, those that keep them are trying to emphasise the reciprocal nature of the relationship. The animal is not owned like a piece of property but lives as a companion. The word companion comes from the Latin and ancient French for breaking bread, meaning someone with whom you would eat and share.

Is a pet a companion animal?

Ultimately, there is no difference between a pet and a companion animal – they are simply different phrases for the same thing.

Does the name of a companion animal alter its moral status?

Ultimately, the specific name we give to something does not alter what that thing actually is, nor does it alter its moral status. Whilst some people may prefer the phrase companion animal, we will use that and the word pet interchangeably within this article.

What does it mean to be vegan?

Being vegan is about reducing the suffering you cause as much as possible. When you hook a fish, and then take it out of the water, even briefly, it suffers. There’s not much more to say.

What If You Fish to Eat Them?

Some might argue that the least cruel way to eat fish is to catch them in the wild.

Can you hook a fish lure?

There’s no hook and you don’t actually catch any fish. The lure is filled with fish food which will attract fish up to your rod. It lets you enjoy all the other aspects of fishing and you still get to see fish up close. Or, if you still want to reel in something, try magnet fishing, which lets you pull metal trash out of water.

Why are fish not animals?

Another reason why people may think that fish are not animals is because of the Catholic doctrine which states that Catholics must abstain from eating meat on Fridays, but that they can eat fish.

How are fish different from other animals?

Fish are very diverse creatures. There are more than 32,000 species of fish, which is more than all of the mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians combined.

Why isn’t fish considered meat?

When we look at the history of how fish came to be considered not meat, we can see that this is influenced by both religion and language.

Is it okay to eat fish?

The decision to eat fish or not is a personal one. However, those that do choose to eat fish would be wise to educate themselves to ensure that their decision is made on sound principles.

Can vegans have pet fish?

Whether vegans should have pets and what pets are suitable for vegans is a much-debated topic.

How do fish respond to painful events?

Just like other animals, fish respond to painful events with changes in their behaviour and physiology. Fish learn to avoid things that cause them harm, which helps them to survive.

Why do fish have no facial expressions?

Because fishes lack facial expressions, it’s sometimes assumed that they are incapable of feeling emotions. However, science is increasingly demonstrating that fish are sentient and emotional beings. Just like other animals, fish respond to painful events with changes in their behaviour and physiology.


1.Can Vegans Have Pet Fish? - Choose Veganism


32 hours ago  · Therefore, most vegans value the life of fish like they value every other animal’s life. They do not support this breeder or pet shop cycle and do not want to captivate a fish in a …

2.Can Vegans Keep Fish? - Vegan Only Blog


31 hours ago  · For these reasons, the consensus is it’s okay for vegans to have pets. However, there’s a lot more debate surrounding this question. Some people draw a line and think it’s not …

3.Can You Be Vegan and Morally Justify Having a Pet?


31 hours ago  · Fish is not vegetarian, shrimp is not vegetarian, lobster and crab are not vegetarian, and eating any kind of animal which lives in the sea, whether it be fish, crustaceans, …

4.How do vegans feel about aquariums? – Caroline Cocker


34 hours ago  · Keeping pet fish can be acceptable to vegans, provided the fish is well cared for and has an aquarium that suits its complex needs. Contents show Can Vegans Go to Zoos. …

5.13 Herbivore Pets That Are Great for Vegans and …


10 hours ago  · It will vary a lot from vegan to vegan about how they personally feel about aquariums. I have mixed feelings. Whilst I abhor the practice of keeping cetaceans (whales and …

6.Do Vegans Keep Pets? |


25 hours ago 4. Silver Dollars (And Many Other Fish) There are a whole bunch of herbivorous pet fish. And there are plenty of omnivorous fish that can thrive on a vegan diet, as well. Primarily herbivorous fish …

7.Can Vegans Fish If They Let it Go? (aka catch and …


18 hours ago  · Whether vegans should have pets and what pets are suitable for vegans is a much-debated topic. There’s no straightforward answer to whether vegans can and should …

8.Are fish animals or not? - Choose Veganism


15 hours ago

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