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can we remove elements from arraylist while iterating

by Dr. Xzavier Klocko MD Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

ArrayList provides the remove() methods, like remove (int index) and remove (Object element), you cannot use them to remove items while iterating over ArrayList in Java because they will throw ConcurrentModificationException if called during iteration.

How to remove an element from ArrayList using list iterator?

Procedure: To Remove an element from ArrayList using ListIterator is as follows: Print list elements before removing elements. Increment the iterator by () and move to element which you want to remove; Print the list after removing the element. In this example, we have removed the element “White.

When iterating over an ArrayList It is not recommended to use?

Note: It is not recommended to use ArrayList.remove () when iterating over elements. This may lead to ConcurrentModificationException When iterating over elements, it is recommended to use Iterator.remove () method.

How internal working in ArrayList in Java?

Internal working in ArrayList is shown below be its removal or addition of elements to it. Considering generic removal of elements prior to the switch to ListIterator. Remove element “White” or 2nd element in the ArrayList. Remove element “Black” or 5th element in the ArrayList.

How to remove objects from ArrayList in Java?

1. By using remove () methods : ArrayList provides two overloaded remove () method. a. remove (int index) : Accept index of object to be removed. b. remove (Obejct obj) : Accept object to be removed.


Can I remove element from list while iterating Java?

An element can be removed from a Collection using the Iterator method remove(). This method removes the current element in the Collection. If the remove() method is not preceded by the next() method, then the exception IllegalStateException is thrown.

How do you remove something from a list while iterating?

If you want to delete elements from a list while iterating, use a while-loop so you can alter the current index and end index after each deletion.

How do you modify an ArrayList while iterating?

Replace element in arraylist while iterating Do not use iterator if you plan to modify the arraylist during iteration. Use standard for loop, and keep track of index position to check the current element. Then use this index to set the new element. Java program to search and replace an element in an ArrayList.

How do you remove an element from an ArrayList in a loop in Java?

How to Remove Elements From an ArrayList in JavaYou can use remove() method provided by ArrayList class to remove an object from ArrayList.You can use remove() method provided by Iterator.There is a removeIf() method too in ArrayList class that can be used Java 8 onwards to remove elements from ArrayList in Java.

Can we modify list while iterating in Java?

The Best Answer is At the end the whole list will have the letter "D" as its content. It's not a good idea to use an enhanced for loop in this case, you're not using the iteration variable for anything, and besides you can't modify the list's contents using the iteration variable.

What is difference between iterator and ListIterator?

An Iterator is an interface in Java and we can traverse the elements of a list in a forward direction whereas a ListIterator is an interface that extends the Iterator interface and we can traverse the elements in both forward and backward directions.

Can we modify list while iterating?

Because you iterate over a copy of the list, you can modify the original list without damaging the iterator.

Can we modify collection while iterating?

It is not generally permissible for one thread to modify a Collection while another thread is iterating over it. In general, the results of the iteration are undefined under these circumstances.

Can we add elements while iterating?

You can't modify a Collection while iterating over it using an Iterator , except for Iterator. remove() . This will work except when the list starts iteration empty, in which case there will be no previous element. If that's a problem, you'll have to maintain a flag of some sort to indicate this edge case.

How do you remove multiple items from an ArrayList in Java?

The List provides removeAll() method to remove all elements of a list that are part of the collection provided.

How do you delete data from an ArrayList?

ArrayList class provides two overloaded remove() methods....There are 3 ways to remove an element from ArrayList as listed which later on will be revealed as follows:Using remove() method by indexes(default)Using remove() method by values.Using remove() method over iterators.

What is the difference between enumeration and Iterator?

In Iterator, we can read and remove element while traversing element in the collections. Using Enumeration, we can only read element during traversing element in the collections. 2. It can be used with any class of the collection framework.

How do you remove an element from a list while iterating in Python?

Summary: To remove items from a list while iterating, use any of the following methods.List comprehension,Reverse iteration with the remove() method,Lambda Function with the filter() method, or.While loop with the copy() , pop() and append() functions.

How do you remove an element from a list loop in Python?

How to remove elements in a Python List while loopinga = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4] def even(x): return x % 2 == 0.a = [x for x in a if not even(x)] # --> a = [1, 3]a[:] = [x for x in a if not even(x)] # --> a = [1, 3]from itertools import filterfalse a[:] = filterfalse(even, a) # --> a = [1, 3]More items...•

How do I remove an item from a list in Python?

How to Remove an Element from a List Using the remove() Method in Python. To remove an element from a list using the remove() method, specify the value of that element and pass it as an argument to the method. remove() will search the list to find it and remove it.

How do you skip an element in a list Python?

Explanation:First check if it's 13, if it is, then you mark skip as True , so that you can also skip next item.Second, you check if skip is True , if it is, which means it's a item right after 13, so you need to skip this one too, and you also need to set skip back to False so that you don't skip next item.More items...•

What is arraylist in Java?

ArrayList is a part of collection framework and is present in java.util package. It provides us with dynamic arrays in Java. Though, it may be slower than standard arrays but can be helpful in programs where lots of manipulation in the array is needed. This class is found in java.util package. With the introduction and upgradations in java versions, newer methods are being available as if we do see from Java8 perceptive lambda expressions and streams concepts were not available before it as it been introduced in java version8, so do we have more ways to operate over Arraylist to perform operations. Here we will be discussing a way to remove an element from an ArrayList.

What is remove method in Java?

It is a default method as soon as we do use any method over data structure it is basically operating over indexes only so whenever we do use remove () method we are basically removing elements from indicies from an ArrayList.

How to remove an element from an arraylist?

Procedure: To Remove an element from ArrayList using ListIterator is as follows: 1 Create ArrayList instance new ArrayList<String> (); 2 Add elements in ArrayList colors using colors.add (“Red”); 3 Create ListIterator instance of colors.listIterator (); 4 Print list elements before removing elements. 5 Increment the iterator by () and move to element which you want to remove; 6 Remove the element by listIterator.remove (); 7 Print the list after removing the element. In this example, we have removed the element “White.

What does listiterator.remove do?

ListIterator.remove () method removes the last element from the list that was returned by next () or previous () cursor positions. It can be called only once per call to next or previous. It can be made only if the operation — add (E) has not called after the last call to next or previous.


1.How to remove element from Arraylist in java while iterating


30 hours ago  · Removing element from ArrayList through Iterator. I want to make a look up for entry in ArrayList and remove element if it's found, the simplest way I guess is through Iterator, …

2.Removing element from ArrayList through Iterator


31 hours ago  · We will use below 5 methods to remove an element from ArrayList while iterating it. Method-1: collectionRemoveIf Method Method-2: collectionRemoveIfObjectEquals …

3.How to remove an element from ArrayList in Java?


32 hours ago  · How do you remove an element while iterating? An element can be removed from a Collection using the Iterator method remove(). This method removes the current …

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