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can you clean a fish tank with windex

by Gladys Leuschke Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

As long as it wasn't scented you're fine. Depends on the "flavor" of windex, original windex has a lot of ammonia in it and so do several of the store brand blue colored glass cleaners. Windex Multi-Surface with Vinegar is the vinegar based glass cleaner that is good for aquarium use.Oct 6, 2017

Full Answer

Can you use Windex on fish tank glass?

You should never use Windex on your fish tank glass. Even putting it on the outside glass will put your fish at risk, as only a few ml of Windex solution will kill your fish. You should also never use human soap to clean fish tank glass, as this is also very toxic to your fish and plants.

How to clean fish tank glass without damaging it?

An algae brush is an excellent, cheap way to clean your fish tank glass.You can buy an algae scrubber brush from amazon for less than $10. All you need to do is dip the brush in warm water, and then scrub away. This will definitely remove anything that is stuck to your fish tank glass.

How often should you clean your fish tank?

This depends mostly on how many fish you have, how large they are, how often you feed, how efficient your filter is, and other parameters. You also need to clean your tank more often when the water is visibly dirty. Perhaps you have a cichlid that loves to dig or accidentally overfeed.

Do I need a filter for my fish tank?

A good filter is key to a clean fish tank. Your filtration system uses specialized media to screen out fish waste, chemically bind dissolved organic matter, and provides a home for your ammonia-eating beneficial bacteria. Without a filter, you would need to keep fewer fish in your tank.


What cleaning products can I use to clean a fish tank?

These supplies include:Bleach.Razorblade or, if you have an acrylic tank, a plastic blade.Algae pad or scraper.Filter media and brush.Bucket solely for use in aquariums.Glass cleaner or lime remover for aquariums.Paper towels.Chlorine remover.More items...•

What can I use to clean inside glass of fish tank?

0:442:06How to Clean up an Old Aquarium - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipStart by spraying down the tank with your vinegar water solution use a sponge. And begin scrubbingMoreStart by spraying down the tank with your vinegar water solution use a sponge. And begin scrubbing down the aquarium. You should be able to remove most of the dark organics from the glass.

What is the safest way to clean a fish tank?

Simple Steps: How to Clean a Fish TankWash your hands and arms to your elbows.Unplug filter and lights. ... Remove any synthetic decor and scrub it with hot water and a designated toothbrush.Clean the glass with an appropriate acrylic-safe or glass scrub.Use a gravel vacuum to get into the substrate crevices.More items...•

Can I use Dawn to clean aquarium?

NEVER use soaps or detergents of any kind; they're very harmful for your fish.

How do I keep my fish tank glass clear?

2:225:00Tips to Keep Your Aquarium Glass Clean - EP 3 - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIncluding hard coralline algae in a single pass. Nothing is going to leave the glass cleaner thanMoreIncluding hard coralline algae in a single pass. Nothing is going to leave the glass cleaner than one of these just make sure to rinse the blade off well with fresh water and dry it in between uses.

How do you clean a fish tank without killing the fish?

6:0625:22How to Change Fish Tank Water Without Killing Fish - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHear the noise of the water. And you'll see that the water coming up from the tank into the bucketMoreHear the noise of the water. And you'll see that the water coming up from the tank into the bucket yeah bucket. So you want to press down if you don't have plants covering your gravel.

Can I use vinegar to clean my fish tank?

That's distilled white vinegar to be precise. Cleaning your fish tank with vinegar is a cheap and extremely effective way to shift stubborn hard algae and water stains from your tank glass, ornaments, and even plants.

How do I clean my freshwater fish tank?

0:503:06How to Clean a Freshwater Fish Tank | Aquarium Care - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo to clean your aquarium you want to do regular. Water changes I recommend 15 to 20 percent everyMoreSo to clean your aquarium you want to do regular. Water changes I recommend 15 to 20 percent every two to four weeks again depending on the stocking density of your aquarium.

How do I clean my water tank without removing water?

Using a mixture of 1 part bleach to 4 parts hot water wash the sides of the tank with the mop (or pressure washer) in order to remove the slime and dirt build up on the sides and corners of the tank. Scrub the build-up on the bottom and use the wet/dry vacuum to remove the rinse water from the tank.

How do I keep my fish tank clean naturally?

How to keep your fish tank clean with minimal effortChange water + clean gravel.Rinse the filter.Don't overfeed.Keep tank out of direct sunlight.Get freshwater fish in a big tank.

Is dish soap toxic to fish?

Detergents can cause severe damage to fish gills, Soap and detergents can affect the critters fish eat, such as insects, by disrupting their cell membranes and by removing the protective waxes that cover the insects, causing them to die due to excess water loss.

What happens if you clean your fish tank with soap?

Do not use any soap when cleaning a fish tank, as even traces of soap can be deadly for fish. If the algae won't come off by scrubbing, bring a pot of water to a boil, turn off the heat, and then place the items in the hot water for 20 minutes.

Cleaning Aquarium Glass with Windex? Your Thoughts..

I have found that cleaning my fish tank glass with windex works really well. I have heard "horror" stories that the windex absorbs through the silicone and kills all the fish...... but doesn't that sound nearly impossible?? What is your opinion?

Re: Cleaning Aquarium Glass with Windex? Your Thoughts..

I think it's likely that anyone that experienced windex issues somehow exposed it directly to the tank water, and it's highly unlikely that windex is going directly through silicone. To avoid "contamination" I usually spray the towel/rag a small distance from the tank instead of spraying the tank itself.

Re: Cleaning Aquarium Glass with Windex? Your Thoughts..

So your saying that the people that have had bad luck cleaning their tank with windex somehow probably got the windex into the actual water? That makes sense I guess. It seems vinegar doesnt work all that great..... LOL

Re: Cleaning Aquarium Glass with Windex? Your Thoughts..

Vinegar and water works brilliantly, that's what I use on all of mine.

Re: Cleaning Aquarium Glass with Windex? Your Thoughts..

So can vinegar be put into the water safely? like say if I'm cleaning the water line on the inside of the tank. You know where that scum builds up really bad

Re: Cleaning Aquarium Glass with Windex? Your Thoughts..

Yeah it seems there are a lot of different alternatives for cleaning solutions I guess. I was always under the assumption that windex just worked the best because it is sold as a household cleaning appliance like that but .. yeah..

How Often Should We Clean Fish Tanks?

Routine cleaning should be done biweekly to once a month. This depends mostly on how many fish you have, how large they are, how often you feed, how efficient your filter is, and other parameters.

Cleaning the Aquarium Glass

The first step towards a sparkling fish tank is to clean both the inside and outside the glass. The glass panels of your tank will pick up water spots, fingerprints, and other smudges that make viewing difficult. But whatever you do, don’t use a cleaner like Windex! Stick to cleaning vinegar or a non-toxic glass cleaner.

Performing a Partial Water Change

Before removing dirty water and cleaning your fish tank, you’ll need to power off all of the technology running into your aquarium. This includes your aquarium heater, filter, powerhead, protein skimmer (saltwater only), and other devices. Heaters can crack or shatter if left on long enough to dry and then suddenly splashed by water.

Filter Maintenance

Filter maintenance is essential, but it often gets forgotten by aquarists who are in a hurry. A good filter is key to a clean fish tank. Your filtration system uses specialized media to screen out fish waste, chemically bind dissolved organic matter, and provides a home for your ammonia-eating beneficial bacteria.

Artificial Plants and Other Decorations

You likely won’t have to clean your aquarium decorations each time, but it’s a good idea to perform a spring cleaning every so often. Algae and bacterial slime can build upon not only the glass but on rocks, plants, driftwood, any other exposed surface in the tank. You’ll need to gently scrub them to clean algae and other biofilms from them.


Cleaning an aquarium sometimes feels like a hassle. But once you fall into a rhythm and learn how to do it the same way each time, it often takes less than an hour for smaller tanks! So why wait? There’s nothing like a regular clean water change to keep your fish happy!


1.Videos of Can You Clean a Fish Tank With Windex


6 hours ago  · The windex simply diffuses through the pores in the glass, into the tank, and kills the fish." Additionally, can you use vinegar to clean your fish tank? You can use straight vinegar, but if you're not into vinegar smell, you'll probably want to use 1 part water to 1 part vinegar. You can also use vinegar to clean your fish tank equipment.

2.What Can I Use to Clean Fish Tank Glass - Fishtank Expert


19 hours ago Both will clean just as well as Windex, and definitely safe to use. If you have a calcium build up, the vinegar will work to remove it where the Windex won't budge it. Hope this helps.

3.Cleaning Aquarium Glass with Windex? Your Thoughts...


24 hours ago  · The reason people say not to use windex or any other chemical is because a lot of people just spray it on the glass directly which could cause some of it to go into the tank. Its fine to use, but spray it on the paper towel first away from the tank to avoid getting any in the water. Save. Share. Reply.

4.Is It Safe To Use Windex On Your Aquarium Glass?


2 hours ago  · Windex and many other cleaners contain ammonia and other chemicals that are bad for fish tanks. Tiny amounts will not affect it in a negative way if you do not apply it directly to the surface, that is most likely why some folks on this site are able to use it on paper towels.

5.How to Clean a Fish Tank [A Proper Guide On Cleaning …


13 hours ago  · I think it's likely that anyone that experienced windex issues somehow exposed it directly to the tank water, and it's highly unlikely that windex is going directly through silicone. To avoid "contamination" I usually spray the towel/rag a small distance from the tank instead of spraying the tank itself. amanda k.

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