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can you eat cake when you have gestational diabetes

by Alessandra Berge Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

People with gestational diabetes should avoid or limit foods with added sugar as much as possible. Sugary foods to avoid include: cakes

People with gestational diabetes should avoid or limit foods with added sugar as much as possible. Sugary foods to avoid include: cakes.

Full Answer

Can you eat desserts with gestational diabetes?

With gestational diabetes desserts may be off the menu, or so you may have thought, but in this post I will share with you hints and tips on how you can still enjoy desserts and puddings that shouldn’t spike your blood sugar levels!

Can diabetics eat cake?

However there are some additions that can be made with the cake so that diabetics can consume it without worry, yet get all the sweet taste that they desire. Fat Free Topping: A fat free cream topping can be used on the cake to provide the rich, sweet flavor without adding much in the way of calories or sugars to the system.

Can diabetics eat biscuits?

Gestational diabetes store bought sweet treats; biscuits and chocolate These items should not be eaten every day and only once you’ve managed to get your blood sugar levels under control. If you are struggling with high blood sugar levels, or erratic levels which are spiking and falling, then it is advisable to avoid eating these foods.

How many carbs should I eat if I have gestational diabetes?

Although carbohydrate tolerance can vary significantly among pregnant people with gestational diabetes, recent research shows that a diet providing less than 40 percent of total calories from carbohydrates is generally ideal for promoting optimal blood sugar control. However, keep in mind that your carb needs and tolerance are specific to you.


Can I eat dessert with gestational diabetes?

Women with gestational diabetes usually need to avoid foods that are high in sugar, like sweets and desserts, in order to keep their blood sugar level in control.

Will cake raise blood sugar?

Sweet treats -- like candies, pies, cakes -- were once off-limits for people with diabetes. Not anymore. In fact, research has shown that starches like potatoes and white bread affect blood glucose levels much like sugar -- causing sometimes dangerous spikes in blood sugar.

What kind of cake can a diabetic eat?

The name of our next diabetic-friendly cake is fruit cake. Cakes that contain a lot of fruits such as berries, kiwi, and pineapple are the best for you. Because these cakes carry so many juicy fruits in it, it will be more fulfilling and nutritious as well for a diabetic person.

Can diabetics eat cake occasionally?

Diabetes nutrition focuses on healthy foods. But you can eat sweets once in a while without feeling guilty or significantly interfering with your blood sugar control. The key to diabetes nutrition is moderation.

How do I satisfy my sweet tooth with gestational diabetes?

4 Healthy Tips for Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth with DiabetesEat a Small Serving. Desserts pack more carbohydrates in each bite than most other foods. ... Substitute Naturally Sweet Foods. Next time you have a hankering for sugar, reach into the fruit basket instead of the cookie jar. ... Go Sugar-Free. ... Stop Emotional Eating.

What sweets are OK for diabetics?

Examples of some diabetes-friendly desserts include:granola (with no sugar added) and fresh fruit.trail mix with nuts, seeds, roasted pepitas, and dried cranberries.graham crackers with nut butter.angel food cake.chia seed pudding.low sugar avocado mousse.frozen yogurt bites made with plain Greek yogurt and berries.More items...

Can diabetic eat chocolate cake?

Just because you have diabetes doesn't mean you can't enjoy chocolate cake as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Good-quality chocolate actually contains some beneficial antioxidants and phyto-nutrients but it should be eaten in moderation because it's high in fat and sugar.

Can diabetics eat cake and ice cream?

In case you didn't get the memo: Yes, those of us with diabetes CAN eat ice cream. Even though some outside the diabetes community don't think so, and they try to convince us we can't or shouldn't, the fact remains that an ice cream sundae or vanilla waffle cone every once in a while isn't going to kill us.

Can diabetics eat chocolate?

There's a myth about chocolate and diabetes. But you can eat chocolate, just in moderation and not too often. Try not to eat a lot in one go as it affects your blood sugar levels. If you snack on chocolate regularly it may start to increase your cholesterol levels and make it more difficult to manage your weight.

Can a diabetic still eat sugar?

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), if you have diabetes, you can absolutely include sweets and desserts in your diet, as long as they're part of a healthy eating plan and you don't overindulge.

Can diabetic eat ice cream?

Despite what many naysayers will tell you, people with diabetes CAN (and do) eat ice cream. Sure, ice cream can't compete with, say, a salad when it comes to nutrition. That's OK — there's room in your eating plan to eat ice cream and other frozen treats if you so choose.

Can Diabetics have a cheat day?

Of course, it is not recommended to ever have a cheat meal and keep your blood sugars under control every day. Even a cheat meal once every three months puts your blood sugar at dangerous levels four times a year. While this may not do any permanent damage, if you are only cheating four times a year, what's the point?

What is normal blood sugar after eating cake?

Target Blood Glucose Levels After Meals by Age Adults without diabetes who are not pregnant: 90-140 mg/dL two hours after eating. Adults with diabetes who are not pregnant: <180 mg/dL two hours after eating.

Can diabetics eat cake and ice cream?

In case you didn't get the memo: Yes, those of us with diabetes CAN eat ice cream. Even though some outside the diabetes community don't think so, and they try to convince us we can't or shouldn't, the fact remains that an ice cream sundae or vanilla waffle cone every once in a while isn't going to kill us.

Can diabetics eat chocolate cake?

Just because you have diabetes doesn't mean you can't enjoy chocolate cake as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Good-quality chocolate actually contains some beneficial antioxidants and phyto-nutrients but it should be eaten in moderation because it's high in fat and sugar.

What is a normal blood sugar level immediately after eating?

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels? They're less than 100 mg/dL after not eating (fasting) for at least 8 hours. And they're less than 140 mg/dL 2 hours after eating. During the day, levels tend to be at their lowest just before meals.

What are some good snacks for gestational diabetes?

Here are a few healthier choices for snacks and meals if you have gestational diabetes: Fresh or frozen vegetables. Veggies can be enjoyed raw, roasted, or steamed.

What is gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is defined as high blood sugar that develops during or is first recognized during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the way that your body uses insulin changes. Insulin is a hormone that allows your cells to absorb and use glucose, or sugar, for energy.

What to eat with a diabetic?

Don’t be afraid to eat the skin! Baked fish, especially fatty fish like salmon and trout. Sweet potato toast topped with mashed avocado and cherry tomatoes. Unsweetened Greek yogurt topped with sunflower seeds, cinnamon, and diced apple. Also, try these recipes for diabetes-friendly snacks and meals.

Why does a baby gain weight?

Extra glucose in your body can make your baby gain weight. A bigger baby puts you at risk for having a more difficult delivery because:

How to stay healthy during pregnancy?

In addition to maintaining a well-balanced diet, there are other things you can do to have a healthy pregnancy: Exercise regularly. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

How to regulate blood sugar levels?

To regulate your blood sugar levels, aim to eat a healthy snack or meal every 3 hours or so. Eating nutrient-dense foods regularly can help keep you satiated and stabilize blood sugar levels. Take your prenatal vitamins, including any probiotics, if they’re recommended by your doctor.

Can gestational diabetes cause anxiety?

Gestational diabetes can cause concerns for both you and baby, but don’t let it make you anxious. Here are some complications you may encounter that can be avoided by managing your health with your doctor.

What happens when you have gestational diabetes?

Gestational diabetes typically occurs when the surge of pregnancy-related hormones causes insulin to stop functioning properly. As a result, glucose builds up — eventually causing a person’s blood sugar level to rise to higher than 140 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).

How often should glucose be measured for gestational diabetes?

Follow-up glucose tolerance testing: The glucose level in the solution will be increased and your blood sugar will be measured every hour for three hours. Two or more "abnormal" readings (using the below criteria) indicate gestational diabetes.

How many people with gestational diabetes are able to control their diabetes?

70%-85% of people diagnosed with gestational diabetes are able to control it through lifestyle modifications alone.

What is the normal blood sugar level for gestational diabetes?

If your level is higher than 140 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) ( some doctors use 130 mg/dL ), you'll need to undergo additional testing before being diagnosed with possible gestational diabetes. This is a lower level than the diagnostic cutoff to ensure anyone with elevated blood sugar levels is further evaluated.

How often do you need to have a diabetes risk assessment?

You will, however, need to undergo a diabetes risk assessment every three years to make sure your blood sugar levels continue to stay "normal.". About half of people with gestational diabetes will go on to develop type 2 diabetes within 5-10 years.

Can gestational diabetes cause diabetes?

Unfortunately, the medical community does not yet understand what causes some people to develop gestational diabetes. But we do know that gestational diabetes is similar to other forms of diabetes in that it affects the body’s ability to properly break down glucose, the sugar that comes from food.

Is gestational diabetes a lifelong condition?

The term “gestational diabetes” can cause confusion because other forms of diabetes can be lifelong conditions. But gestational diabetes is usually a temporary kind of diabetes that develops during pregnancy and resolves on its own after delivery. If you're diagnosed with this condition, know that you're far from alone: 10% of all pregnancies in the US are affected by gestational diabetes.

How to prevent gestational diabetes?

Having gestational diabetes puts you at high risk for developing type two diabetes in the future but there are things you can do to combat this risk: Get your body back to a normal weight range and maintain it . Continue to eat healthily. Exercise more often.

What to eat for breakfast on a diabetic diet?

Day 1: Breakfast: 2 eggs with asparagus, 1 slice of whole-wheat toast with a smidgen of butter, 2 turkey sausage links gestational diabetes. AM snack: avocado and almonds. Lunch: Large salad with tons of veggies, baked chicken and cheese cubes. PM snack: plain greek yogurt with raspberries and blueberries.

What to eat instead of white bread?

Whole wheat or sprouted bread, tortillas or sandwich thins and lettuce wraps – Toss out the white bread (it’s about as healthy as eating a few cubes of sugar) and swap in some carb friendly choices instead. Look for sprouted or 100% Whole Wheat anything which yields more fiber and fewer carbs. Or skip the bread altogether and opt for lettuce wraps or lettuce buns.

Can the pancreas make enough insulin?

Her answer put me at ease: “It’s not you or anything you did – it’s the twins and the added hormones that come with them. Your pancreas simply can’t make enough insulin to convert glucose into energy so you have all this extra glucose just hanging out in your bloodstream.” gestational diabetes.

Can Google be your friend during pregnancy?

This is one of those times in pregnancy where Google can be your friend . It can be overwhelming in that initial appointment and you may find you have tons of questions later. There is a ton of information out there about gestational diabetes and how to manage it, just do a quick search and you’ll see.

Can you get gestational diabetes from twins?

There are other risk factors for developing gestational diabetes such as advanced maternal age, high BMI, and a family history of diabetes but the truth is that simply carrying twins increases your chances of getting it. Your doctor knows this already so don’t worry about them judging you either.

When should a woman speak to her doctor about gestational diabetes?

If a woman notices any symptoms of gestational diabetes before testing, she should speak to her doctor as soon as possible.

How does gestational diabetes affect pregnancy?

Gestational diabetes increases the risk of complications for both the pregnant woman and the baby. The babies of women who have gestational diabetes have a higher risk of: weighing more than 9 pounds. Trusted Source. (lb), making delivery harder () premature birth.

What foods are considered low GI?

These foods are ideal for women with gestational diabetes who are trying to manage their blood sugar levels. some starchy vegetables, such as peas and carrots. some fruit, such as apples, oranges, grapefruit, peaches, and pears.

How does gestational diabetes develop?

Gestational diabetes develops when a woman cannot produce enough of a hormone called insulin during pregnancy. It can lead to a range of complications. However, it is possible to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes by following a healthful diet and achieving or maintaining a moderate weight. If the body has lower levels ...

Why is it important to keep a food diary?

It is important to monitor how many carbohydrates are present in the diet — including the type of carbohydrate and the frequency of consumption — to help manage blood sugar levels. Keeping a food diary may make this easier. It is also important for women with gestational diabetes to monitor and log their blood sugar levels according ...

What is the GI score for gestational diabetes?

The body breaks down foods with a low GI more slowly than those with a high GI. The index classifies foods with a score of 55 or below as low GI.

How many snacks should a diabetic woman eat a day?

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development recommend that women with gestational diabetes consume at least three small-to-medium meals and between two and four snacks per day. Other ways to help regulate blood sugar include: refraining from eating too many carbohydrates at one time.

Why do diabetics eat angel food cake?

This is because that the cake has fewer calories, sugars and “fast” carbohydrates than many of its counterparts which means that more can be consumed without blood sugar levels rising. This is one reason why many diabetic children have angel food cake on their birthdays.

What can be used to make a cake more flavorful?

Non-Sugar Sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners can be used in the baking of the cake to help make it more flavorful without loading it up with sugars, carbohydrates or fats that can pack on the pounds.

Can you use artificial sweeteners in cake?

For many, this is the perfect side item to help you enjoy this type of cake. Non-Sugar Sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners can be used in the baking of the cake to help make it more flavorful without loading it up with sugars, carbohydrates or fats that can pack on the pounds.

Is angel food cake divine?

The truth is that while angel food cake may not be the totally “divine” solution, it does offer some advantages over many other types of cakes and desserts. For diabetics with a sweet tooth, there are some considerations to be made about angel food cake. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Can you eat angel food cake with strawberries?

In fact, for those who are looking to shed a few pounds without having to give up the sweets, plain angel food cake served with strawberries is an excellent idea that will satisfy your sweet tooth.

Is angel food cake good for diabetics?

Why Angel Food Cake is Good for Diabetics. The main reason that angel food cake is acceptable as a dessert for diabetics is not so much the low sugar count, although that in and of itself is important as it is the low amount of carbohydrates that are present in the cake. This means that for diabetics angel food cake when consumed in low ...


1.Gestational diabetes desserts • Gestational Diabetes UK


17 hours ago  · Empty calorie foods such as cookies, cakes, and ice cream should be limited as much as possible. Sugar that comes from fruit, milk, and yogurt would be a better choice for a Diabetic. It is important to remember that sugar is a carbohydrate and all type of carbohydrates will increase blood sugar levels.

2.Gestational Diabetes Food List: What Should I Eat?


25 hours ago  · If gestational diabetes is like diabetes it is not about the sugar, but the carbohydrates. I imagine there are plenty of carbs in anything with flour. In my book just make a regular cake and warn the birthday girl. Serve the cake about two hours after a meal, and 2 hours before the next meal and let Mama have a a sliver..... not too much.

3.Gestational diabetes 101 including approved food list


8 hours ago  · An occasional high number isn't going to do any damage, but if you are eating cake every day that's a different story. Shoot for a middle piece without much frosting and try to move around a bit after. Also, have some protein with it (like cheese) and drink lots of water, count it as a snack (which is typically 15g).

4.The Do's and Don'ts of Gestational Diabetes - Twiniversity


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6.Cake at baby shower? - Gestational Diabetes - What to …


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7.Is Angel Food Cake Good for Diabetics | Dr. Sam Robbins


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