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can you eat sugar cane with red rot

by Green Hamill Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Can you eat sugarcane with red rot? Sugar cane is red because in the process of storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening red rot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentation and disease will produce a variety of, eat the red sugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, serious damage to health.

Full Answer

What is red rot sugarcane?

Jun 23, 2020 · Can you eat sugar cane with red rot? Sugar cane is red because in the processof storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening redrot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentationand disease will produce a variety of, eat the redsugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness,vomiting, serious damage to health.

What causes red spots on sugarcane leaves?

Can you eat sugar cane with red rot? Sugar cane is red because in the processof storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening redrot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentationand disease will produce a variety of, eat the redsugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness,vomiting, serious damage to health.

What are the diseases of sugarcane?

Mar 07, 2020 · Can you eat red rot sugarcane? Sugar cane is red because in the process of storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening red rot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentation and disease will produce a variety of, eat the red sugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, serious damage to health.

What is red rot disease and how to prevent it?

Sugar cane is red because in the process of storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening red rot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentation and disease will produce a variety of, eat the red sugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, serious damage to health. Is red rot dangerous?


What happens if you eat red rot sugar cane?

Sugar cane is red because in the processof storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening redrot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentationand disease will produce a variety of, eat the redsugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness,vomiting, serious damage to health.Jun 23, 2020

Why is there red in my sugar cane?

Red Rot: This fungal sugarcane disease, which shows up in midsummer, is indicated by withering, red areas marked with white patches, and an alcohol smell. Dig and destroy individual plants, but if the entire planting is affected, destroy them all and don't replant sugarcane in the area for three years.Mar 22, 2022

Can you eat moldy sugar cane?

The tips and cut surfaces of mouldy sugarcane have abnormal colour (red, brown or even grayish black colour), and may also have white flocculent hyphae or mycelium of the mould. Mouldy sugarcane smells like fermenting wine and should not be consumed.Nov 9, 2018

How can you tell if sugarcane is red rot?

Red rotThe spindle leaves (3rd & 14th)) display drying. At a later stage, stalks become discoloured and hollow.Acervuli (black fruiting bodies) develop on rind and nodes. After splitting open the diseased stalk, a sour smell emanates.The internal tissues are reddened with intermingled transverse white spots.

How do you treat red rot in sugarcane?

Chemical method:Adopt sett treatment with Carbendazim before planting (Carbendazim 50 WP (0.5 gm in 1 litre of water) or Carbendazim 25 DS (1gm in 1 litre of water) along with 2.5 kg of Urea in 250 litre of water.Use fungitoxic chemicals like Bavistan, Benomyl, Topsin and Aretan at 0.1 per cent for 18 min.

How do you treat red rot?

The most common treatment of red rotted leather is local consolidation of the deteriorated area using Klucel G and Cellugel, cellulostic derivatives supplied either in powder form or ready-made respectively. Both products are clear and colorless when suspended in isopropanol.

Can sugarcane cause food poisoning?

Food poisoning can be caused via sugarcane consumption when it is contaminated by an enterotoxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus. ...

Does sugarcane juice cause vomiting?

Side Effects of Sugarcane Juice Policosanol present in sugarcane can cause insomnia, upset stomach, dizziness, headaches and weight loss (if consumed excessively). It can also cause blood thinning and can affect cholesterol levels in the blood.Jan 3, 2020

Is sugar cane poisonous to dogs?

While Sugar Cane isn't toxic to dogs, it is harmful to your dog's health. As the name suggests, it is packed full of sugar which your canine friends should avoid. Consuming too much sugar can cause both short-term and long-term negative health effects in dogs, which is why it's best to keep Sugar Cane away from dogs.

What causes red rot?

Red rot is caused by prolonged storage or exposure to high relative humidity, environmental pollution, and high temperature. In particular, red rot occurs at pH values of 4.2 to 4.5. Sulfur dioxide converts to sulfurous acid which forms hydrogen peroxide.

What is the disease in sugarcane?

Viral Diseases of SugarcaneSl.NoDisease Causal organism1.Yellow leaf disease: Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) / Sugarcane yellow leaf phytoplasma (SCYP)2.Sugarcane mosaic:Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) / Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV)3.Leaf Fleck

What is perfect stage of red rot of sugarcane *?

➢ The perfect or sexual stage of the fungus has also been described Glomerella tucumanensis. ➢ Asexual fruit bodies are called acervuli. ➢ Acervuli are black velvety bodies which develop in clusters.

What causes red rot on sugarcane?

Colletotrichum fulcatum is a common species which is responsible for the red rot disease of sugarcane. This fungus mainly attacks stem and leaves of the sugar-cane plant. The leaves of the upper portion of the plant become pale or dark red and which ultimately droop down. The stem splits and many red coloured longitudinal streaks are formed on it. ...

What is the disease of sugarcane?

One of the most serious and important disease of sugarcane is the red rot. This disease mainly occurs in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In India, the disease appeared in epiphytotic form in Northern India (U.P. and Bihar) during 1939-1940 and 1946-1947 seasons. The disease attacks standing canes and causes huge losses to ...

Why is it important to use healthy seed setts?

Use of healthy seed setts is an important control measure against the disease. Setts for seed should be selected from healthy canes. For seed purposes, sugarcane should be grown in selected plots under special supervision.

How are conidia disseminated?

On falling to the soil they are disseminated by irrigation water and cause the secondary infection. Dispersal of conidia also takes place by air, rainwater and insects. buds and leaves of healthy canes are infected by those conidia.

How many species of colletotrichum are there?

According to Sutton (1973), there are 11 species of Colletotrichum. Alexopoulos and Mims (1979) reported 1000 form-species of Colletotrichum of which a majority and them seem to be synonyms. According to the latest account of Baxter et e; (1985) there are 21 species of this form-genus.


1.Can You Eat Sugar Cane With Red Rot?


20 hours ago Jun 23, 2020 · Can you eat sugar cane with red rot? Sugar cane is red because in the processof storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening redrot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentationand disease will produce a variety of, eat the redsugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness,vomiting, serious damage to health.

2.Red rot in sugarcane | agropedia


6 hours ago Can you eat sugar cane with red rot? Sugar cane is red because in the processof storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening redrot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentationand disease will produce a variety of, eat the redsugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness,vomiting, serious damage to health.

3.Red Rot of Sugarcane | Symptoms, Disease Cycle with ...


34 hours ago Mar 07, 2020 · Can you eat red rot sugarcane? Sugar cane is red because in the process of storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening red rot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentation and disease will produce a variety of, eat the red sugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, serious damage to health.

4.The cancer (red rot) of sugarcane causes symptom and ...


21 hours ago Sugar cane is red because in the process of storage, fermentation phenomenon happened or is happening red rot, tip rot disease, and in the process of fermentation and disease will produce a variety of, eat the red sugar cane can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, serious damage to health. Is red rot dangerous?

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