Knowledge Builders

can you gain muscle without dieting

by Dr. Grayson Buckridge V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Studies have shown that participants can gain muscle, even while in a caloric deficit, as long as they eat enough protein. It's important enough that I'll say it again: If you don't want your body cannibalizing its muscles while you are in a caloric deficit, you need to eat plenty of protein.Aug 31, 2022

Can I still gain muscle without a diet?

To make gains you have to have the right nutrients in your body to construct muscle. This means that what you eat, and how much, is essential in making muscle gains. Lifting and doing strength training without adequate nutrition, especially without enough protein, can actually lead to loss of muscle tissue.

Can you lose fat and gain muscle without dieting?

Yes, you can gain muscle while losing weight. Focus on both fueling and training your muscles while keeping your caloric deficit small.

Can u gain muscle by just working out?

While you may not see results right away, even a single strength training session can help promote muscle growth. Exercise stimulates what's called protein synthesis in the 2 to 4 hours after you finish your workout. Your levels may stay elevated for up to a whole day.

How can I get ripped without dieting?

0:248:39How To Get Ripped WITHOUT Dieting - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo one the really popular dice nowadays is the Paleo diet. And actually reading up on the Paleo dietMoreSo one the really popular dice nowadays is the Paleo diet. And actually reading up on the Paleo diet.

Will I lose muscle on a 1000 calorie deficit?

In addition, a 1000 calories deficit would almost certainly result in a decrease in muscle mass because muscle costs your body a lot of energy. So when energy is limited because calories are severely restricted, your body is more likely to get rid of muscle than to preserve it.

Can you build muscle on a 500 calorie deficit?

Is Gaining Muscle On A 500-Calorie Diet Possible? Yes, you can. Contrary to what some in the fitness world believe, you do not have to choose between either losing weight or gaining weight and can gain muscle even on a calorie deficit.

What kills muscle gains?

Today we will examine 4 post workout habits that very well may be killing your gains….Not Stretching or Cooling Down. This one tops the list because the majority of us simply NEVER do it. ... You Add Peanut Butter in Your Post Workout Shake. ... You Don't Eat Carbs Post Workout. ... You Eat Like a Stray Dog After Training.

What are the signs of gaining muscle?

How to tell if you're gaining muscleYou're gaining weight. Tracking changes in your body weight is one of the easiest ways to tell if your hard work is paying off. ... Your clothes fit differently. ... Your building strength. ... You're muscles are looking “swole” ... Your body composition has changed.

How do I know my muscles are growing?

You've became stronger One way to tell that you're building muscle is if your strength increases. Typically, strength gains parallel with muscle gains so if you've noticed that you've become stronger, then that is a good indication that your muscles have grown. Record your workouts so you can track your progress.

Can I get ripped by just eating healthy?

It's totally possible. Getting ripped is a product of a low body fat percentage. A low body fat percentage can be attained without the use of dumbbells and barbells.

Can you get jacked eating whatever you want?

While you can certainly eat whatever you want and gain weight (assuming you are in a caloric surplus), the types of foods (macronutrients) you consume can and will impact your lean muscle growth, fat gain, and performance.

Is staying shredded healthy?

Being shredded is NOT a permanent condition. It's NOT a healthy state to be in. Your joints will be cranky, your mood will be terrible, and your life will be miserable. It's a temporary state of being for a specific end goal.

Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle?

Takeaway. If you can sustain a lifting program and eat a caloric deficit, your body will be able to pull from its fat stores to both fuel itself and potentially build muscle mass. Prioritizing foods rich in protein is a key component to both losing body fat and building muscle at the same time.

Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?

Contrary to popular opinion, it is possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. It's a process known as body recomposition, or "recomping," Ben Carpenter, a qualified master personal trainer and strength-and-conditioning specialist, told Insider.

Can you lose fat while gaining muscle?

Lose Weight and Gain Lean Muscle at the Same Time With Body Recomposition. Yes, it's possible both to lose weight and gain muscle with this strategy. Lean out, tone up, get ripped... they all mean the same thing: body recomposition.

Why am I bulking up instead of slimming down?

If you're building muscle but not losing weight, then your body is undergoing a process commonly known as body recomposition. This is a coveted state that is ideal for maintaining fat loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, strength training can help you reduce your body fat while increasing your lean muscle.

Why Am I Not Gaining Muscle?

This is one of the most asked questions I see when it comes to building muscle.

What To Eat To Gain Muscle?

I mentioned before that some people claim they can’t gain weight no matter what they eat. This is due to being inconsistent and not tracking their calorie intake/bodyweight.

What Happens If I Lift Weights But Don’t Eat Protein?

Protein intake is incredibly vital for muscle growth to occur. If you don’t consume enough, your body will have a hard time recovering and growing.

What is the main thing that needs to happen for muscle growth?

For muscle growth to occur, the main thing that needs to happen is being in a calorie surplus. As long as you do that and train hard to signal your body that you want it to change, you’re good to go.

Why is protein important for muscle growth?

Protein intake is incredibly vital for muscle growth to occur. If you don’t consume enough, your body will have a hard time recovering and growing. If you’re lifting weights, and still in a calorie surplus, you can definitely still build muscle and strength over time.

How to recover from hard training?

Eat in a calorie surplus – This is the fuel that’s necessary to reconstruct and remodel your body’s tissues into muscle mass. Consume enough protein – Make sure you’re eating at minimum, 0.8 grams per lb of bodyweight. Proteins are the building blocks of life and are absolutely required to recover from hard training.

When you recover from a muscle injury, what is the right track?

If you’re fully recovered by the time you train the same muscle group again, you’re on the right track.

1 to 1 Body Recomposition: The Hypothesis

Our body stores a tremendous amount of energy in the fat. Even an extremely lean male with only 5% body fat has over 20,000 calories locked away in their minimal adipose tissue; most people have enough fat to run non-stop from Denver to Los Angeles. Surely there’s enough energy available from the fat to power muscle growth, right?

You Can Gain Muscle While Losing Weight, Though!

Of course, our metabolism is more complicated still than just being about calories in and calories out. Sometimes gaining muscle is considered to be essential. For example, it’s well known that new lifters gain muscle faster and often regardless of their nutrition.

Break Body Recomposition into Its Parts

The good news is that over the long term, 1 to 1 body recomposition is possible—you just shouldn’t combine the fat loss and strength gain into the same phase. A better way is to focus on each separately with a stretch goal of increasing strength and losing fat.

About the Author

Brian Rigby, MS, CISSN is the writer behind and a certified sports nutritionist who works with climbers and athletes at large. In both roles, his approach is solidly evidence-based with an emphasis on rationalism. When not busy with clients or writing, he’s out climbing rocks or longboarding with his two dogs.

Why is it hard to get results without protein?

That's because proteins function as building blocks for your muscles.

Why is it so hard to get results when you don't eat enough protein?

That's because proteins function as building blocks for your muscles.

How Much Protein Is Enough?

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020, a male between the ages of 31 and 50 needs about 56 grams of protein, assuming he is eating 2,400 calories a day. And a female between the ages of 31 and 50, who eats 1,800 calories a day needs approximately 46 grams of protein.

How much protein should a 50 year old male eat?

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020, a male between the ages of 31 and 50 needs about 56 grams of protein, assuming he is eating 2,400 calories a day. And a female between the ages of 31 and 50, who eats 1,800 calories a day needs approximately 46 grams of protein. To get a better idea of how to calculate your protein ...

Is it ok to eat protein when you are training?

When you start factoring in exercise, and more specifically, resistance training to build muscle, some experts say that dipping below the minimum requirement of protein is not a good idea.

Is It Possible To Gain Muscle While Reverse Dieting?

It is possible to gain muscle while reverse dieting because we will be increasing our food intake which means that our body will have additional resources to put towards muscle growth.

How Much Muscle Can You Gain While Reverse Dieting?

Our potential for muscle gain depends on our food intake but it also depends on our training experience in the gym. If we are more experienced with strength training then it will be harder to build muscle than if we are a beginner.

Benefits of Gradual Gains While Reverse Dieting

Gradual gains refer to going through the progression from dieting, to reverse dieting, to bulking. This progression is important because it allows our body to adjust to the increase in calories over time, which increases the likelihood that the additional calories will be put to use for building muscles rather than just being stored as fat.

Transitioning From Reverse Diet To Bulking: 3 Steps

To transition from a reverse diet to a bulk we should start by taking 2 weeks following the reverse diet to just maintain our current body weight and give our body time to adjust to this new baseline of calories.

Final Thoughts

It is possible to build muscle while reverse dieting as long as we’re eating enough protein, recovering well, and not overdoing the cardio component. The reverse diet will set us up for continued muscle gain (with minimal fat gain) by gradually transitioning from a reverse diet to a bulk.

About The Author

Amanda Parker is an author, nutrition coach, and Certified Naturopath. She works with bodybuilders, Olympic weightlifters, and powerlifters to increase performance through nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

How to get muscular?

Shift your focus to eggs ,chicken ,oatmeals,bananas,broccoli,milk these will help you gaining your body weight and your workout will give you muscularity.Also, dont forget to perform exercises in a proper form to get a proper shape & size. Related Answer. Jason D.

How to build muscle with little fat?

What you need to do to build muscles with little fat as possible is to be at a small caloric surplus. Simply, weigh yourself, and multiple that by 16. Lets say for example: 130 Lbs x 16= 2080 Cals. So put yourself at a caloric surplus of around 200 cals.

Why is it important to be mindful of your diet?

However...being mindful of your eating can contribute to how quickly you achieve results. It might also prevent you from reaching your full potential (not enough calories in for instance will lower recovery and muscle synthesis...). Nutrition helps you recover faster for training, improves performance while training and can often prevent good training sessions from occuring. Meaning it can improve the quality of your training. If you pay even a little bit of attention to your diet, you'll likely see some positive changes above and beyond not paying attention.

How long do you fast for?

Basically, you eat all your food within a 9–12 hour window, and then fast for the rest of the day. You decide where during the course of the day you would like the window to be placed, as long as you just stick to the 9–12 hour window.

How long does it take to see results from a protein diet?

If you feel like you are not seeing results in spite of working out and eating well, you have to give it time, it's a slow process. You need a minimum of 3 months to see noticeable results.

What is the most important part of building muscle?

So, if you didn’t know when building muscles your nutrition is the most important part. All that sweat and pain in the gym doesn’t matter if you don’t watch out what you eat.

Why do we eat 2,800 calories?

That's because your body will think it's starving and do what it can to preserve it's excess stores of energy (fat) for emergencies. If you eat 2,800 calories, the body will not think it's starving and will use 200 calories of body fat to make up the difference.

Why do people lift weights?

The reason for this is because the more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body burns at rest. It is often thought that the type of weightlifting that should be done for weight loss is one that employs a large number of repetitions. The thought behind this is that the increased reps lead to increased calories burned.

How many sets per muscle group for beginner lifters?

Beginner lifters can experience progress during there first few weeks by lifting only 2-3 times a week with only 2 sets per muscle group. Here are some Bro Science fallacies that make up the bulk of gym talk in regards to diet.

Can ectomorphs gain muscle?

For the ectomorph body types (those with smaller bone structures, with low muscle mass, they usually have a hard time gaining weight when they are in there teens/early twenties) being lean is not so much of a challenge. Gaining muscle mass however is. For these body types, showing muscle definition ( chest, abs etc) can prove to be most difficult because of a lack of muscle.

Is it true that a guy with muscles knows what he's talking about?

There’s always one guy with muscles who assumes he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to diets and training. So he has a few other “newbies” following him around in the gym following his workout and copycatting what he’s doing.

Is it true that not all of us have the genetics to be a professional bodybuilder?

While it is true that not all of us have the genetics to be professional bodybuilders or professional athletes; the one thing we can all do regardless of body type is improve.

Is 10% body fat leaner than 9%?

Body fat may not be the issue, at 10% body fat I may appear to be leaner than an ectomorph who has 9% bodyfat but it is only because of the muscle mass beneath my body fat that allows me to appear as if I have more definition. So if you are an ectomorph, and you want six pack abs and a defined chest and arms for spring break. Do not focus on dieting and hitting the treadmill. Focus on hitting those weights.

How to build muscle on a low carb diet?

Increase your protein intake to 1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight to start building muscle on a low-carb diet advises Diet Doctor. A 170-pound person would need 92 to 130 grams of protein daily. Shoot for at least 20 grams of protein at every meal, centering the fare around high-protein choices like salmon ( 31.5 grams per 5 ounces), chicken ( 31.5 grams in 6 ounces) or eggs (approximately 6.3 grams per large egg). Bump up the protein count with protein-rich flavorings such as cacao at 27 grams of muscle-building macro per 100 grams or hard, yellow cheeses such as Parmesan cheese at 9 grams per ounce.

Why is it important to have low carbs?

Lower levels of carbs can help those dealing with cancer or other conditions that can be affected by getting too much protein, according to Diet Doctor. Greenfield's Superhuman Food Pyramid places fats as the firm foundation of a low-carb diet designed for building muscle.

How much muscle did Zach Greenfield gain?

Zach Greenfield put on 20 pounds of lean muscle mass by following the ketogenic diet using the macros in his brother's Superhuman Food Pyramid for just six months, tipping the scales at 230 pounds for his 6-foot 5-inch frame.

What happens when you have too much protein?

When you have too much protein, your body converts the excess to glucose in a process known as gluconeogenesis. Although some ketogenic dieters worry that it will knock them out of ketosis, this is extremely unlikely for those focused on building muscle through intense workouts.

Does low carb diet cause muscle loss?

Don't believe myths that say low-carb dieting will cause you to lose muscle. As you lose body fat over your muscles, they may initially appear to be smaller. Also, as the glycogen in your muscles gets depleted, the water stored along with it also disappears, making muscles seem smaller. No worries, though; as your body adjusts to a low-carb diet, it replaces the glycogen and the water in the muscle from other sources and the muscles regain their original size.

Can you bulk up with low carbs?

High vs. low carb isn't the only aspect of the muscle growth equation. Fill up on high-carb options like pastries and soda all day and you'll definitely " bulk up " if you're doing a lot of resistance training. However, you're likely to gain a lot of fat as well as well muscle. That muscle will be tucked away underneath a blanket of subcutaneous fat that can make you look pudgy instead of ripped.

Does protein powder help with ketosis?

Fueling Muscle Growth Through Ketosis. Traditional muscle-building advice calls for high carbs plus plenty of protein. To this end, it's not hard to find protein powder to maximize carbohydrate and calorie intake. Some of the highest carb protein powders deliver 40 or more grams of carbs per serving.


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