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can you grow cantaloupe in kentucky

by Mckayla Ward Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago



The cantaloupe, rockmelon, sweet melon, or spanspek is a melon that is a variety of the muskmelon species from the Cucurbitaceae family. Cantaloupes range in weight from 0.5 to 5 kilograms. Originally, cantaloupe referred only to the non-netted, orange-fleshed melons of Europe…

, watermelons and pumpkins have been important crops for Kentucky, especially moving through the auctions. These commodities clicked on all cylinders during 2020 in the context of the pandemic. Some of the opportunities related to strong short-term prices associated with the strong demand for local products.

Cultivar selection There are two general types of cantaloupes. The East- ern type, which is primarily grown in Kentucky, is large, coarsely netted, deeply sutured, and has rela- tively soft flesh.

Full Answer

How to grow cantaloupe indoors?

If you live in a colder climate, start your cantaloupe indoors about a month before planting. Once the ground temperature is about 70 °F, plant the cantaloupe in the middle of the mounds, and keep the soil moist.

Can you grow cantaloupe in Indiana?

The soil, weather, and long growing season here are absolutely perfect for growing melon vines of all kinds, but cantaloupe plants particularly love growing here! The vines are vigorous, the melons are huge, and the flavor of an Indiana cantaloupe is unmatched!

When is the best time to plant cantaloupe?

The best time to plant is towards the end of February to July. Do not plant your cantaloupe where you had previously planted members of the cucumber family ( Cucurbitaceae) like squash, melons, and pumpkins.

Are cantaloupes hard to grow in North America?

Cantaloupes are one of the easiest melons to grow in North America. They are tolerant of cool temperatures and are very hardy, which makes them a great choice for planting in containers or beds in the spring. The secret to growing cantaloupes is to provide plenty of water and fertilizer.


What zone does cantaloupe grow in?

Zones 4-10Grown as a summer annual in USDA Hardiness Zones 4-10, the fruit develops on a trailing vine, which can trained up a trellis to save space. Most varieties mature in 65-90 days and produce round fruits that weigh up to 3-4 pounds. Cantaloupe melons are a variety of the muskmelon, C.

What states grow cantaloupe?

In the U.S., California is the largest producer of cantaloupes producing almost three times as much as Arizona, the second largest producing state. Other states with significant amounts of production include Georgia, southern Indiana, and eastern Colorado (Fig 1).

What month do you plant cantaloupe?

When planting cantaloupe, wait until the threat of frost has passed and the soil has warmed in spring. You can either sow seeds directly in the garden or in flats inside (do this well before their initial planting outdoors), or you can use transplants purchased from reputable nurseries or garden centers.

How long does it take a cantaloupe plant to bear fruit?

about 80 to 90 daysCantaloupe matures in about 80 to 90 days. Melons are normally ready to harvest when they start turning yellow on the bottom and the stem starts turning brown.

Where do cantaloupes grow best?

Other states that produce cantaloupe commercially in limited volume include Texas, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. In our opinion, of course, the best place to grow cantaloupe is sunny California.

What state grows the best cantaloupe?

California produced 690.3 million pounds of cantaloupe in 2021, accounting for more than 65% of the cantaloupe produced in the United States.

Do cantaloupe plants come back every year?

A: Unfortunately, cantaloupes are an annual and will die off once the vine has finished producing its melons.

How much room does cantaloupe need to grow?

Honeydew and cantaloupe spacing is more modest. They require less space than full-sized watermelons, since the fruit produced is smaller. These melons require about 12 inches between plants, with a minimum of 4 feet between the rows. to allow for growth.

Do cantaloupes need full sun?

Cantaloupe Planting Basics Plant cantaloupe seeds in full sun in well-drained soil. They'll need about 85 days to mature, but don't rush things.

Is cantaloupe easy to grow?

Cantaloupes (aka rockmelons, sweet melons, and spanspeks) are an easy growing specialty melon that can be direct sown after all danger of frost, or started indoors 3-4 weeks before setting out. Growing cantaloupe plants occupy a fair bit of space, so be sure to leave enough room for the vines to spread out.

What can you not plant with cantaloupe?

Some of the best companion plants for cantaloupes include marigolds, nasturtiums, radishes, and lettuce. Avoid planting cucumbers, watermelons or squash near cantaloupes, as they are susceptible to the same pests!

Can you grow cantaloupe from store bought fruit?

In order to grow seeds from a store-bought melon, it's essential the seeds are harvested, cleaned, and stored properly. In addition, many grocery store melons were picked before they were ripe, which can result in immature seeds that won't germinate.

Where does America get cantaloupe?

California grows 75% of the cantaloupes in the US.

Can you grow cantaloupe in NC?

Cantaloupe and honeydew are warm-season crops that grow best at average air temperatures between 65 and 75 °F. It is best to plant when the soil temperature is at least 60 to 65 °F. These melons are very tender and should be planted after the last chance of frost....Planting.AreaSpringSummerCoastalMar 10 – Apr 10—2 more rows•Aug 5, 2016

What climate do cantaloupes grow in?

70 to 90 degrees FahrenheitTemperatures consistently ranging from 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit during the growing season will produce the best harvest. The cantaloupe plant isn't frost-tolerant. Plus, temperatures exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit can cause flower drop and a poor fruit harvest.

Can cantaloupe grow in Ohio?

Ohio melons can be divided into two groups—muskmelons and watermelons. Muskmelons include cantaloupe and honeydew. For information on melon varieties in Ohio, contact your county educator in agriculture and natural resources at Ohio State University Extension, or a master gardener volunteer.

Why are my cantaloupe vines not setting?

A lack of pollinating insects can result in healthy-looking vines that never set. Cantaloupe vines produce male and female flowers, and pollination between them is necessary for fruiting. If you're growing cantaloupe in a greenhouse, or live somewhere that bees are scarce, you might need to pollenate by hand.

How to grow cantaloupe indoors?

If you started your cantaloupe indoors, plant your biodegradable pot in the middle of each mound, as close to the center as possible.

Why do you cover cantaloupe before planting?

If you want, it's common to cover the ground of your plot with plastic film or weed matting prior to planting, to speed the warming process of the soil. It's important to plant cantaloupe starts in warm soil to promote healthy growth. ...

How long does it take for cantaloupe to grow?

Cantaloupes, also known as muskmelons, are available in dozens of cultivated and heirloom varieties, and grow best in hot weather, at least 2-3 months of consistent warmth. Cantaloupes love very sandy and loamy soil with good drainage, and a pH of around 6.

What is the best cantaloupe?

There are hundreds of varieties of cantaloupe to choose from, but the classic Hale's Best, a popular melon with old-time growers, is one of the best.

How many testimonials does wikihow have?

wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 18 testimonials and 90% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status.

When do cantaloupe leaves wilt?

It's typical for melon leaves to wilt significantly in the midday and stay wilted looking until the evening in extremely hot weather . This isn't necessarily a sign that you need to water the cantaloupe more, however, so look at the quality of the leaves, not the limpness.

Is cantaloupe easy to grow?

As long as you have the right conditions and enough space, cantaloupe is a breeze to grow . Cantaloupe (like cucumbers and other cucurbits) really love hot weather, and they tend to spread, so you’ll want to make sure you have enough growing space—or you can train them up a fence or trellis to grow them vertically.

How do I grow cantaloupe from seeds?

You can start cantaloupe by starting seedlings indoors or by sowing seeds directly in the garden, depending on your climate. Let’s cover both!

How long do cantaloupe seeds take to germinate?

In warm soil (above 75°F), cantaloupe seeds will pop up quickly—within 3-5 days. In cooler soils, it might take as long as a week to 10 days before they germinate.

How long does it take for a cantaloupe plant to grow?

Cantaloupe plants are long-season crops, meaning they’ll need 75-80 days of quality warm weather after germination before you can harvest your melons.

Can I grow cantaloupe vertically?

Sure can! Cantaloupe cultivars with smaller fruits can be grown up a strong trellis or fence without much (if any) fruit support. For full-size cantaloupes, you’ll want to create a hammock for each melon to help support them on the trellis. Pieces of cloth, old pantyhose, or mesh bags are great for making the hammocks.

Can you grow cantaloupe in a raised bed or containers?

Cantaloupe vines are big plants that like to spread out, but you can absolutely grow them in raised beds or containers! Smaller, bushier cultivars (like Minnesota Midget) are a great option for container gardening. For raised bed gardening, you might have your vines overflow the edges of the bed, but just as long as they won’t be trampled by feet, wheelbarrows, or other garden tools—that’s just fine!

What can I plant next to cantaloupe? What can’t I?

One of the biggest troublemakers with cantaloupes are pests like squash bugs and cucumber beetles, but thankfully, you can greatly reduce your insect issues with some simple (and beautiful) companion plants! Strongly-scented flowers like marigolds, nasturtiums, and tansy work well to repel squash bugs and cucumber beetles. For veggie integration, you’ll have good luck companion planting cantaloupe with strong-smelling crops like onions, mint (put it in a pot or it’ll take over the bed!), basil, or garlic.

How long do cantaloupes last?

Once fruit is cut, it will keep for about 3 days in the refrigerator. Uncut cantaloupes stored at 45℉ to 50℉ last up to 2 weeks.

What family does cantaloupe belong to?

Rotate where you plant cantaloupe and members of the cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae), such as other melons, squash, or pumpkins.

How to get magnesium from vines?

Consider giving vines and fruit an extra magnesium boost with an epsom salt foliar spray. Use one tablespoon epsom salt in one gallon of water. Spray when leaves begin to vine and again when fruit is growing. Pick off additional fruit once several fruits have formed.

How to treat aphids on leaf?

Inspect leaf undersides daily for aphids and other pests. Consider spraying with water or treating with insecticidal soap if problem persists. Read this post for more ideas for pest control.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Where is Chimayo Melon from?

Chimayo Melon – Spanish heirloom from northern New Mexico.

Can cantaloupe grow in the desert?

Cantaloupe thrives in warm weather and needs a long growing season; great news for desert dwellers. Learn how to grow cantaloupe, and add this tasty fruit to your garden and table. Once cantaloupe is picked, it continues to ripen but does not get any sweeter.

What is the melon called in North America?

The melon people in North America know as the cantaloupe is also often referred to as the muskmelon. More accurately, however, the term muskmelon refers to any Cucumis melo species.

What is a cantaloupe?

There are two Cucumis melo muskmelon varieties referred to as cantaloupes. The North American variety ( Cucumismelo var. reticulatus) and the European variety ( C. melo var. cantalupensis ). The net-like pattern on the rind distinguishes the North American cantaloupe, and it has a subtler flavor than the European type.

What is the fruit of a cantaloupe melon?

This melon comes from the plant Cucumis melo var. reticulatus —a fruiting vine. The cantaloupe is easily recognized by the beige, netted pattern ...

How much humidity does a cantaloupe need?

Cantaloupes prefer higher humidity in their initial growth phase before lowering slightly to around 60 to 70 percent during the flowering and fruit development stages.

How big do cantaloupes get?

Cantaloupes typically grow to be 3 to 4 pounds when ripe, but some cultivars have been known to reach up to 20 pounds!

What happens when fruit production starts?

When fruit production does start, it might sound counterproductive but cut off new blossoms on the end of the vine. This will decrease the yield but increase the size and taste of the fruit already on the vine.

How much water do melons need?

While the plants are growing, blooming, and setting fruit, they need two gallons of water per week. Watering in the morning is preferred to allow leaves to dry off in the afternoon to prevent the development of fungus or mildew. As the fruit grows, taper the watering. Hot, dry conditions in the final stages of maturation produce the sweetest melons.

What is the best soil for cantaloupe?

Cantaloupe prefers well-drained soils that are warm and high in organic matter with pH 6.5 to 7.5. Consistent and adequate moisture is needed until fruit is about the size of a tennis ball. Ensure that your soil temperatures are below 50 degrees F for slow growth.

How long does it take to plant cantaloupe seeds?

Plant your cantaloupe seeds in the garden or set out the transplants 3 to 4 weeks after the last average frost date in the spring. Sow your cantaloupe seeds indoors about 6 weeks before transplanting seedlings into the garden. Use biodegradable peat or paper pots that can be set directly into the garden. Keep your seedlings or seeds away ...

What is the name of the fruit that grows in the garden?

The cantaloupe plant is also known as muskmelon, is popular and grows in many home gardens. It is easy to recognize this fruit by its net-like rind and sweet orange flesh color. Cantaloupes are closely related to squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins and share the same growing conditions. Summer is always the best time to enjoy your supply ...

How to get a plant to germinate in a pot?

Once your seeds germinate, lower the soil temperature slightly to mid-70 degrees for 1 to 2 weeks and decrease the amount of water you give. Thin the seedlings to leave one plant per pot or cell.

How to keep melon plants from wilting?

To prevent insect damage on the developing fruits, place your melon plants on pieces of wood.

How to tell when a grapefruit is ripe?

When you observe the skin color turning to creamy yellow-beige and the net surface becoming too rough, and the tendrils near the fruit turning brown and dry, know that the fruit is ripe. Please do not wait until the fruit falls off the vine; instead, watch for signs that it’s ready to be harvested.

Can you keep seedlings from freezing?

Keep your seedlings or seeds away from frost as they do not tolerate frost.

How to get cantaloupe to turn into fruit?

Water regularly until you start to notice flowers turning into melons. Cantaloupes need plenty of water to set fruit. Once you see actual melons beginning to grow, cut back on watering. Water too much while your melons grow and you’ll likely get bland-tasting fruit.

Why do melon grow in mounds?

Why? This method of planting prevents water from pooling in one location and rotting the roots of the plant. The mounds also help retain heat, which melons love .

Why is my cantaloupe plant getting mildew?

It sounds like your cantaloupe plant has contracted powdery mildew. It’s a common infection caused by a fungus. It’s not the end of the world, though. Avoid watering from above and remove affected foliage.

What is a sugar cube cantaloupe?

It’s an excellent variety for northern climates like mine. Sugar cube: Produces smallish cantaloupes with deep orange flesh and dense netting on the rind. Tasty Bites: An adorable mini cantaloupe variety that produces round or oval fruits weighing at most 2.5 lbs.

How long do melon last on the counter?

Picking melons at the correct time is vital since they don’t ripen sitting on the countertop. A freshly picked melon will last about a week sitting out on the counter. It’s best to cut it right before eating since cut melon spoils quicker. Now it’s time to get growing.

What zone do cantaloupes grow in?

Growing Zones. Cantaloupe will grow in zones 4-11, with a bit of extra care and attention required in colder zones, since fruit flavor depends mostly on watering and warm temperatures.

How do cutworms gnaw cantaloupe?

Cutworms gnaw through growing cantaloupe plants at the base by the soil. Keep the ground around plants clear, use collars to protect plants, and spread diatomaceous earth around plants.

Where Does Cantaloupe Grow?

Cantaloupes are best grown in areas that have warm soil of up to 70 degrees F and plenty of sun. The sun is what sweetens this fruit.

What to do if you notice powdery mildew?

If you notice powdery mildew, consider growing Ambrosia type or other disease-resistant varieties.

How much heat does cantaloupe need?

Cantaloupe requires up to 2 to 3 months of heat to bring out that sweetness. This requirement makes it hard to grow them in the northern regions, but not impossible.

How to keep vines healthy?

Provide mulching to eliminate weeds so that the vines can run freely and grow healthy.

What is the key to a sweet cantaloupe?

The key to a sweet cantaloupe is lots of sugar that are made by leaves, therefore, protect your leaves by all means. Be on the lookout for fungus diseases that usually spread rapidly.

What are the benefits of sun loving fruits?

These sun-loving fruits have plenty of vitamin C and antioxidants in every bite, combining great taste with abundant nutrition.

Why not pinch offshoots?

Do not pinch offshoots because an abundance of healthy foliage will help the plant produce sweet fruits.


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