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can you have too much kale

by Jennyfer Lang Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

However, consuming too much can potentially have a negative impact on your health. For instance, consuming an excessive amount of kale can take a toll on your gastrointestinal system, causing gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.Dec 8, 2021

Full Answer

What are the side effects of eating too much Kale?

What Are the Side Effects of Eating Too Much Kale Per Day?

  • Health Complications. Digestive issues: Kale can cause bloating in people who have difficulty digesting FODMAPs 2 which are carbs found in some food.
  • People on Certain Medications. People who use beta-blockers: Beta-blockers can increase potassium and are typically prescribed to people for heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • Kale Allergy. ...

Will I get sick from eating too much Kale?

Kale is a superfood, a hipster’s delight, a juicer’s jam. But some of the biggest kale lovers out there may now be experiencing a kale fail. The problem is not eating kale per se, but eating so much of it that you may be giving yourself low-level poisoning of the toxic heavy metal thallium.

Why is Kale not good for You?

Kale is classified as a goitrogenic food, meaning that it contains substances that may contribute to an enlarged thyroid; in particular, the compound thiocyanate, which in large quantities can interfere with iodine absorption. A lack of iodine can lead to hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid ...

Is Kale better eaten raw or cooked?

Kale is rich in minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, particularly vitamins A, C and K. To reap the most benefits, it’s best eaten raw, as cooking reduces the nutritional profile of the vegetable. Why you shouldn’t eat raw kale?


How much kale is too much daily?

Manganiello says you can eat kale every day, just don't overdo it. She recommends one to two servings maximum of kale per day, leaving room for other healthy foods that provide an assortment of nutrients.

Why should you not eat kale every day?

"However, it's that exact same compound that also can pose a problem for your metabolism." Glucosinolates can impact your thyroid, which keeps your metabolism under control. It's only in raw kale that these compounds are present and problematic. But to really hinder your thyroid you would have to eat a lot.

How much kale should you eat daily?

One cup of kale is considered a serving, and with no more than 2.5 servings per week recommended for optimal benefits, it's effortless to add kale to a few meals throughout your daily eating. Be sure to pair it with healthy fats like olive oil to ensure proper uptake of vitamins and minerals.

How much kale can you safely eat?

You should consume no more than 2 ½ cups of kale per week. The Dietary Guidelines For Americans recommends 2 1/2 cups of dark-green vegetables per week. While it is safe to consume kale daily, it is recommended you don't exceed the suggested serving per day or week.

What are the negative effects of eating kale?

Kale Side EffectsThe Risk Of Developing Kidney Stones. Kale contains oxalates. ... People On Blood Thinners Should Avoid Kale. Kale is rich in vitamin K. ... Poses A High Risk Of Iodine Deficiency. ... May Cause Kidney Issues. ... May Cause Iron Toxicity. ... Risk Of Fiber Related Stomach Issues. ... May Cause Allergy. ... People on Beta-Blockers.

Is it OK to eat kale every day?

One of the super great things that eating kale every day can do for you is raise your antioxidant level naturally, and that has benefits for your body, as noted by registered dietitian Rachel Fine. "Lutein and zeaxanthin are the most common antioxidants found in leafy greens like kale," she told The List.

Is kale healthier raw or cooked?

It's great for your body, and I love kale both raw and cooked.” Some research points to eating raw kale instead of cooking it for the most nutritional boost. Cooking kale may lower its antioxidant content and vitamin C content, but that isn't to say cooked kale isn't healthy for you too.

Which is better for you spinach or kale?

The Bottom Line. Kale and spinach are highly nutritious and and associated with several benefits. While kale offers more than twice the amount of vitamin C as spinach, spinach provides more folate and vitamins A and K. Both are linked to improved heart health, increased weight loss, and protection against disease.

What's the healthiest way to eat kale?

Or try one of these methods:Saute it. A splash of olive oil and a little onion or garlic are all this veggie needs, and it cooks up in minutes. ... Make a kale Caesar salad. You can eat kale raw in a salad. ... Bake kale chips. Bake kale in the oven with just a little olive oil drizzled over lightly salted leaves.

Can kale cause stomach issues?

Raw kale in particular “can be hard on the digestive system” — meaning it can cause bloating, gas and other abdominal issues — “and also contains a compound that can suppress thyroid function in certain people,” she adds.

Is raw kale hard to digest?

Also, like other cruciferous vegetables, kale is high in raffinose, a carbohydrate that is difficult to digest. In our intestinal tract, it combines with the existing bacteria and produces bloating and gas, which can be extremely uncomfortable and overwork the body as it tries hard to digest it.

Can you eat too much spinach or kale?

The truth is that both spinach and kale are heart-healthy and are great choices. “Leafy greens are so good for you that you really can't eat too many,” says Patton. “In fact, they're considered heart-healthy superfoods.”

When should you not eat kale?

Signs that your kale is no longer safe to eat include:Black specks on the foliage.Black, white, or rust-colored spots, which may signal a fungal infection.Wilted, soggy, and/or slimy texture.An unpleasant, sulfur-like smell.

Can eating too much kale cause blood clots?

Blood thinners: Kale is a rich source of vitamin K, which contributes to blood clotting. This could interfere with the activity of blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin).

Is kale an inflammatory food?

Anti-inflammatory foods An anti-inflammatory diet should include these foods: tomatoes. olive oil. green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards.

Who shouldnt eat kale?

If you are taking blood thinning or anti-coagulant drugs, like warfarin (brand name Coumadin), you need to avoid large amounts of kale. Kale's level of vitamin K - a cup has more than 1,000 percent of the recommended daily amount (RDA) - could interfere with your drugs.

What foods should I avoid if I have too much kale?

If you are consuming too much kale through your juice diet and you are diagnosed with hyperkalemia, your doctor may recommend a low-potassium diet. Along with kale, other foods to avoid on a low-potassium diet include potatoes, oranges, orange juice, broccoli and spinach.

How much vitamin K is in kale?

Kale is high in vitamin K, with 547 micrograms in a 1-cup serving, which is over 6 times more than the recommended daily intake for adults according to the USDA. The National Institutes of Health reports that Vitamin K is referred to as the "clotting vitamin," as it contains proteins that promote clot formation.

How many calories are in kale juice?

One cup of kale only contains 34 calories . If you are using other low-calorie items to make your juice, you are not likely consuming a substantial amount of calories with each serving. Problems associated with detox diets that require you to consume a very small amount of calories include muscle breakdown, stomach upset, blood sugar problems and vitamin deficiencies.

Can kale juice cause stomach cramps?

A side effect of juicing is intestinal discomfort symptoms. While following a juice diet, you may experience stomach cramps, gas and diarrhea. The ingredients used to make the kale juice can be blamed for these symptoms. The symptoms are related to the ingestion of sorbitol, a type of sugar found in juices that cannot be digested.

Is kale good for you?

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that is low in calories and high in nutrients such as iron, potassium, calcium and vitamin K. The fact that kale is packed with nutrition makes it a common choice for juicers. However, along with the health benefits of kale juice it is important to be aware of its risks and side effects.

Can you take kale juice with aspirin?

If you are on an aspirin regimen for your heart, or take blood thinning medications, consuming juiced kale will interfere with the amount of medication you need, along with the medications' effectiveness. If you have issues with blood clotting, speak to your doctor before consuming kale juice. Advertisement.

Why do plants pass on thallium to eaters?

It’s likely these plants pass on greater levels of thallium to eaters because we eat their stems, and that’s what absorbs the contaminant —granted it’s in the ground in the first place, says Caspero. “Thallium is primarily produced from coal-burning and smelting and then enters the air, water, and soil.

What vegetables have thallium?

One Journal of Plant Nutrition study, for instance, found thallium in green beans, beetroots, green cabbage, lettuce, onions, peas, radishes, spinach, tomatoes, turnips, and watercress. The heaviest hitters were watercress, radish, turnip, and green cabbage. Like kale, these are all members of the Brassicaceae family.

Does kale cause thallium?

In two days, it's already rounded up more than 35,000 Facebook shares and is taking over Twitter, suggesting that kale consump tion commonly leads to too-high levels of thallium, a toxic metal, in the blood—and that that leads to chronic fatigue, skin problems, arrhythmias, gluten sensitivity, and Lyme disease. Yikes.

Can kale poison you?

Right when you thought kale was the most perfect food known to (wo)man, a story comes along that says, “No, actually, it could poison you.”. The Mother Jones story, titled, “Sorry, Foodies: We're About to Ruin Kale,” is going gangbusters.

Does kale have a taste?

In the case of kale, its root systems are good at picking up thallium, an odorless, tasteless metal found in very trace amounts in the earth, she says.

Is too much tuna bad for you?

Here's the thing: Anything in large amounts can be dangerous.”. After all, too much water can cause dangerously low sodium levels, too much tuna can cause mercury poisoning, and in people with thyroid problems, too much broccoli can exacerbate symptoms, says Caspero.

Is kale good for cancer?

Plus, a single serving meets your daily needs of both vitamins A and B. Research even suggests that kale extract may inhibit cancer cell growth. So before we dumped our kale in the compost pile, we ran the story past dietician Alexandra Caspero, R.D., owner of Delicious Knowledge.

How many calories are in a cup of kale?

One cup of kale has only 35 calories and packs in 2.5 grams of fiber, according to Lauren Manganiello, registered dietitian. “It’s high in vitamins C and K as well as antioxidants such as beta carotene,” she says. It’s also a good plant-based source of calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Is kale bad for you?

The truth is that eating anything in large quantities, from coconut oil to avocados, isn’t good for you. “Kale is awesome, but definitely switch up your greens,” says Manganiello. It might not give you heavy-metal poisoning, but going overboard can have some other negative effects. “Since kale is a good source of fiber, it can fill you up quickly and crowd out other good, nutrient-dense foods from your diet,” says Manganiello. Plus, eating too much fiber (like what you find in kale) could wreck havoc on your GI system, causing bloating, diarrhea, gas, constipation, and even improper absorption of nutrients. Of course, you'd have to be eating a lot of kale to suffer these effects, says Manganiello, but it's still something to keep in mind.

Does kale cause bloating?

Plus, eating too much fiber ( like what you find in kale) could wreck havoc on your GI system, causing bloating, diarrhea, gas, constipation, and even improper absorption of nutrients. Of course, you'd have to be eating a lot of kale to suffer these effects, says Manganiello, but it's still something to keep in mind.

Is kale poisonous?

A few years ago, the health world was all abuzz by reports that eating too much kale could be poisonous. People were concerned that kale’s root system absorbed lead and thallium, a heavy metal found in soil, and eating too much for the veggie would lead to elevated levels of the toxic metals in the blood. But these reports were more hype than fact. (According to a 2008 study, you'd have to eat 154 pounds of kale before your blood would have any toxic levels of lead...something that none of us are doing.)

types of kale

I have several different varieties of kale in my beds. One is red Russian kale, which is softer, a little bit sweeter, and, contrary to the name, a beautiful shade of purple. While red Russian kale tends to branch out, I prefer the leaves to be smaller—a good reason to harvest sooner rather than later.

rules of thumb for harvesting kale

Remember, we don’t want to take more than a third of the plant at any one time. Harvest the lower outer leaves so that the plant will focus its energy on growing new leaves.

pest pressure on kale

As the weather warms, you might notice more pests attacking your leafy greens. As I was harvesting kale earlier, I noticed little holes on my leaves and found eggs on the undersides. One way to protect your kale plants is by adding a physical barrier with garden mesh. That’s especially effective against moths.

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Step 1: Wash the Leaves

Even if you grow "organic" and don't use pesticides and such you can get all sorts of nasty in your garden over a summer. Birds do their thing, bugs do their thing, various animals hang around your garden... you get the idea.

Step 2: Dehydrate

Get yourself a cheap dehydrator, or you can use your oven.

Step 3: Will It Blend?

Take the dry, crunchy leaves and put them in a blender, food processor, or one of those little personal blenders like this on and set it to low. I find rotating the unit to help quite a bit in getting all of the little bits into the blade, as it is spinning so fast that it just blows the extremely light particles around.

Step 4: Sift

At this point I took a pot and a splatter screen and used these to sift the powder. You can use pretty much any type of screen to do this but this was there and seemed to do the trick. Carefully move the screen around to get the powder to sift through. Move too fast and the material will fall off the edge of the screen and you have to start over.

Step 5: The Best Part

The powder you see here is after about 5 rounds of drying, and is about 1/3 of the garden so far. The jar is 1L. I am am considering trying this with other veggies, like lettuce, and starting a little stockpile. My son tried a bit and insisted I give him some in a bowl with a spoon. I love that weird little guy.

How to make kale leaves wilt?

Pour nut mixture over kale leaves in bowl and (with clean hands!) massage until leaves are slightly wilted.

Is kale good for you?

When it comes to kale, there are a lot of good reasons to be eating it. But that doesn’t mean we should go overboard and eat kale to the exclusion of other healthy vegetables. In fact, there may be some reasons to keep a balanced view about how much of it to eat.

Is kale good for thyroid?

This is a good thing! But, when you eat raw kale, these glucosinolates can interfere with proper thyroid function. For those with normal functioning thyroids, this shouldn’t cause a problem, especially since these compounds are degraded when heated or cooked. Here again, variety is a good thing, combining both raw and cooked cruciferous vegetables into your diet. There is a caution, however, for those who suffer from hypothyroidism where the thyroid isn't functioning properly. In this case, it is recommended that you limit the amount of raw kale and other cruciferous vegetables you’re consuming and consult your doctor before making any dietary changes.#N#Those individuals taking blood-thinning medication such as warfarin should also be mindful of the amount of kale they are eating. Remember I mentioned the high levels of Vitamin K in kale? Vitamin K promotes blood clotting, and eating large amounts of kale (and other cruciferous veggies) could possibly interfere with this medication. Again, speak to your medical practitioner before making changes in your diet.#N#So, I guess that was just a long way of saying to add variety as much as possible into your diet.#N#Yes, add in kale, but also carrots, green peppers, spinach, nuts, seeds, lentils, fruit, and other whole natural foods. Variety truly is the spice of life, and in this case, it might not only help prolong it but make it a healthier one as well.

Why do we eat kale?

The human body is a complex organism that runs a lot of processes simultaneously; respiration, digestion, elimination, excretion, and more are constantly occurring at the same time, according to Live Science. And while that takes a lot of energy, choosing to eat kale every day might help you conserve some of that precious fuel, as noted by registered dietitian Kelli Shallal. "You'll feel more energetic because kale supplies many nutrients that support the liver's natural detoxification processes," she told The List. "The less energy spent detoxifying and cleaning up, the more energy you have for other activities." Those other activities could be other bodily functions, or physical activities like walking or cycling.

How much vitamin K is in kale?

According to Healthline, one cup of raw kale contains a whopping 684 percent of your daily vitamin K requirement. So if you eat kale every day, you're more than set in that department.

What does kale contain?

So what exactly does kale contain that your body requires? "It has vitamins K, C, and B, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, and magnesium, and iron, " she continued. "So if you like to be efficient with your nutrition, kale is a winner!" No wonder they call kale a superfood! Doesn't sound like a bad idea to eat kale every day, does it?

Does kale help with bowel movements?

In order to make sure that your digestive health is tip-top, eating a serving of kale every day can help, according to Amanda A. Kostro Miller, a registered dietitian. "You may find improvement in your bowel movements because kale is a fibrous vegetable," she explained to The List. "When we eat fibrous foods, the fiber adds bulk to our stool, ...

Is kale bad for thyroid?

Your thyroid might not be the biggest organ in your body, but its function is just as important as any other organ. And if yours happens to be underactive, be careful with your kale consumption, as noted by registered dietitian Andrea Berez. "Kale contains a compound called goitrogens that can block iodine from entering the thyroid gland, effecting overall metabolism negatively," she told The List. "Those with hypothyroidism are at risk for further iodine absorption impairment and should be careful not to consume too much kale." So if you have hypothyroidism and you're wolfing down a kale salad every day at lunch, you might want to stop in your decision to eat kale every day until you talk to your doctor.

Is there a shortage of kale?

There's no shortage of food available that's high in bad fats and calories, as well as jam-packed with sugar and other refined carbohydrates. But if you ditch the daily fries and soda in favor of a meal that contains lots of kale, that's a good move, as noted by registered dietitian Amanda A. Kostro Miller.

Can you eat kale raw?

As it turns out, no, according to Jaclyn London, a registered dietitian. "In fact, recent research found eating both cooked and raw kale can help you reap the best benefits of Brassica veggies," she penned in an article in Good Housekeeping. "The bottom line still holds: More is more when it comes to kale.".

What Are the Side Effects of Eating Too Much Kale Per Day?

Kale is best in moderation, as too much kale can lead to health complications like:

How to get the most nutrients out of kale?

Get the most nutrients out of kale by combining it with foods that support nutrition absorption. Pair kale with foods rich in fatty acids which can boost the uptake of the fat-soluble vitamins present in the vegetable. Mix kale with vitamin C rich foods which helps the body absorb more of the iron.

Is kale good for you?

Kale is a leafy, cruciferous vegetable that many consider a superfood for its high nutrient content. While kale has its benefits, you may want to eat more of it. This may lead you to wonder, how much kale should you eat per day?

Does kale help with eyesight?

Kale can help protect the eyes from disorders.

Can you eat kale with beta blockers?

In addition, people who take certain medications should maybe limit their kale intake: People who use beta-blockers: Beta-blockers can increase potassium and are typically prescribed to people for heart disease and high blood pressure . Therefore, since kale is high in potassium, it should be consumed in moderation.

Is it safe to eat too much kale?

It is notably challenging to consume kale to the point where it becomes harmful. Still, it is best to stick to the daily recommendations to be safe.

Can you eat raw kale?

You shouldn’t eat regular raw kale because the pesticides used to grow kale in modern farms can be toxic to your nervous system. Washing off the kale before eating may not remove all the toxic residue. The Environmental Working Group publishes a list of the top 12 foods high in pesticides 6.

How long does kale last in the refrigerator?

Kale, though, is actually the perfect food for our times. It’s hardy and lasts for days in the refrigerator without wilting.

Can you eat kale raw?

It can be eaten raw, but also stands up to baking, boiling, and pureeing. Get improvisational—kale can take it. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, the following are some of our favorite ways to use this leafy green. 1 of 7 Erin Kunkel.

Is kale good for sandwiches?

Limp lettuce be gone. Kale works well as a sandwich green because it holds its integrity much better than more delicate vegetables. It’ll be as good coming out of the bag at lunchtime as it was going in before work.


1.7 Major Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Kale - Good …


24 hours ago  · I guess there really can be too much of a good thing, even when it’s a superfood in the Brassica family. Kale, it turns out, can slow your thyroid, though most doctors agree that …

2.Videos of Can You Have Too Much Kale


21 hours ago Step 2: Dehydrate. Get yourself a cheap dehydrator, or you can use your oven. If you use the dehydrator simply put the leaves on the trays, turn it on and you will be good to go in 2-3 hours. …

3.Is Eating Too Much Kale Poisonous? - Women's Health


12 hours ago Kale is best in moderation, as too much kale can lead to health complications like: Digestive issues: Kale can cause bloating in people who have difficulty digesting FODMAPs 2 which are …

4.How Much Kale Can You Eat Per Week? | Women's Health


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6.What to Do When You Have Too Much Kale - Instructables


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7.How Much Kale is Enough – or Too Much?


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9.This Is How Much Kale You Should Eat Per Day - Food …


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