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can you shave german shepherd

by Joshuah Hirthe Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Dangers

  1. Skin damage. One of the most significant dangers of shaving your German Shepherd is the increased risk of skin damage.
  2. Overheating. The undercoat and guard hair of German Shepherds not only serve to insulate them from the cold air, they also create a form of the ventilation system to ...
  3. Ruined texture and style. ...
  4. Mosquitoes and other parasites. ...

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No to Shaving
Before anything else, it is not advisable to shave your German Shepherd's coat. Shaving will take away your German Shepherd's protection from the cold and heat. Brushing and proper cutting will be sufficient. Shaving will affect your dog's natural protection from insect bites.
Apr 4, 2020

Full Answer

What are the risks of shaving a German Shepherd Dog?

  • Loss of distinctive coat color & pattern (which may or may not return upon the regrowth of coat).
  • Excess sun exposure/heatstroke. A dog’s coat is provided by nature to provide cooling in the summer, and warming in winter. ...
  • Vulnerability to insect bites. ...
  • Failure of coat to grow back to its original body and look. ...
  • Insufficient protection from cold. ...

How often do you wash a German Shepherd?

With so much exercise and playing, it is fair to assume that bathing German Shepherds frequently is a good practice, but this isn’t the case. Do not wash German Shepherds more often than once in six to eight weeks, as their skin contains natural oils that will get stripped off with more frequent baths.

Is it OK to shave a German Shepherd?

No, you should not shave a German Shepherd unless it is for a health or medical reason, such as shaving a hot spot to treat it. Except for humid climates, their undercoat keeps them cool and shedding is best managed by brushing.

Is a German Shepherd a good breed?

Yes, German Shepherds can be the good first dog for those who want to make them pet for the first time because of their obedience as they are easy to train and remain friendly with the kids. They are a highly loyal and affectionate breed that makes them suitable for the family.


Does German Shepherd hair grow back after shaving?

Will it grow back or not? According to most groomers, an average dog will usually have its full coat back on by four to six months before it comes back for a reshave. You can also help your German Shepherd's hair grow faster by gently brushing the shaved area with a boar bristle brush.

Why you should never shave a German Shepherd?

Shaving a German Shepherd can cause major matting. This is due to the topcoat not being meant to shed greatly, so the topcoat grows extremely slow. This faster-growing undercoat now becomes matted in the slower-growing topcoat, giving you even more work to do with brushing and grooming!

What dog breeds should not be shaved?

Dogs such as golden retrievers, German shepherds, Siberian huskies and any dog that seasonally sheds huge clumps of fur (part of its undercoat) should never be shaved. It is a misconception that shaving will help keep a dog cool on hot days.

Do German shepherds get groomed?

German Shepherds have such beautifully thick coats that they without a doubt need to be well-groomed regularly. Not only this, the German Shepherd is a double-coated breed which means that's double the layers to take care of.

How do I groom a German Shepherd?

Summer German Shepherd grooming means: 1 Bathe them with a moisturizing or anti-itching shampoo. 2 Use special brushes to remove the dead hair. 3 Spray them with a conditioning and de-shedding spray. 4 Increase your brushing routine to keep their skin healthy in the heat. 5 Offer them options to help cool themselves, such as shade, wading pools, icy treats, and fans.

Why does my German Shepherd's undercoat grow faster than the topcoat?

For many German Shepherds, shaving the undercoat causes it to grow faster than the topcoat. This is due to the topcoat not being meant to shed greatly, so the topcoat grows extremely slow.

Why do dogs shave in the summer?

1. Shaving leaves your dog cold in the winter and hot in the summer. The undercoat and guard hair insulate them from cold air, but also create a ventilation system to help cool them in the summer. Think of their double coat as a self-adjusting heating and cooling system. In the summer, shaving them puts your dog at risk of overheating.

How many layers of skin does a dog have?

Did you know that a dog’s skin is only 6 to 10 layers deep, while human skin is 16 to 20 layers ( source )! Imagine the amount of damage and pain your dog will get with a sunburn now. 3. Shaving makes your dog an easier target for mosquitoes and other parasites.

Why is my dog's coat thick?

Unless your vet advises you, it’s better to find other options to help with your dog’s thick coat. Dogs left exposed to the elements are more at risk for health issues and additional skin problems. 2. A shaved dog is susceptible to sunburn and skin damage by ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Is shaving a German Shepherd bad for you?

Some people think shaving a German Shepherd puts them at little to no risk of skin or health problems. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth! Shaving your German Shepherd has serious implications, especially if you think you’re doing your dog a favor to help them stay cool in the summer. The fact of the matter is you need to consider ...

Can dogs get sunburns?

Sunburns can also cause overheating and sunstroke when your dog is left outdoors for long periods. Your dog might experience scaling or dandruff from this irritated skin, even after the hair has fully regrown. Did you know that a dog’s skin is only 6 to 10 layers deep, while human skin is 16 to 20 layers ( source )!

Why You Should Use De

De-shedding tools are your best chance to remove the dead undercoat from your German Shepherd.

How Often Do You Groom A German Shepherd

Whether medium or longhair, a German Shepherd will need a moderate amount of grooming. Some dogs are very prone to tangling and have fine hair which required daily brushing. A German Shepherd should be brushed about 3 times a week. There are different reasons we need to brush a German Shepherd’s coat:

How To Grow A Sheepdog

Sheepdog is a collective name for several dog breeds, which are united by the fact that in the past they were used as helpers of shepherds. They made sure that the herd did not scatter, no one fought off him. Large breeds not only controlled sheep or cows but could also protect them from wolves or other dangerous predators.

Why Is Brushing Your Dog Important

Frequent grooming helps remove tough knots and excess hair common in long-haired German shepherds.

How To Know Your German Shepherd Cannot Handle The Cold

When a dog cools down too much, it is accompanied by a number of physical symptoms. Below are the 3 most obvious ones.

What Not To Do

In addition to shaving, there are a number of things to avoid that can cause discomfort to your German Shepherd. These include:

Characteristics Of The Dog And Caring For The Shepherd

Sheepdog is not a specific breed of dog. There are about 50 types of it. They differ in size, body structure, coat length, and color. The rules for caring for them vary, but there are general recommendations.

What To Know About The Problems Of Shaving A German Shepherd

While many people believe that shaving their German Shepherd is the best method for grooming, there are numerous risks associated with the practice.

Effective Grooming Routine

If you’re particularly worried about your dog during the warmer summer months, it’s worth considering other alternatives to shaving that can help keep your pooch more comfortable in the heat.

Other Alternatives To Summer Shaves

In addition to a comprehensive summer grooming routine, there are many healthier and safer alternatives to shaving your German Shepherd that can keep them just as cool.

What Not To Do

In addition to shaving, there are a number of things to avoid that can cause discomfort to your German Shepherd. These include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, German Shepherds shed a fair amount throughout the year, in particular between the hotter and cooler seasons.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, it’s never a good idea to shave your German Shepherd dog, unless it’s for medical reasons.

Shaving Wont Protect Them Against The Sun

The German Shepherds undercoat is short and crimped. This makes it perfect for trapping air and in insulating them.

Your German Shepherd Is Susceptible To Hotspots

Without their coats, your German Shepherd will be exposed to bugs. Especially blackflies.

Provide An Elevated Bed

Elevated beds provide extra cooling as they dont absorb any heat from the ground. This allows air to flow over your dog, decreasing their body temperature.

Tips For Bringing Your German Shepherd Out On A Hot Day

Hopefully, by now you realize that the sun can be dangerous and you will have to keep a close eye on your German Shepherd if you want him to be safe. But just because it can be dangerous doesnt mean you cant enjoy a little fun in the sun.

Is It Cruel To Shave A Dog

But in fact, shaving a double-coated dog is the worst thing to do. Shaving prevents cool air from getting to the skin because the undercoat is still present. And a shaved coat doesnt protect against the sun either, which exposes your dog to greater risks of overheating, sunburn and even skin cancer.

Dog Language: Warning Signals

A German Shepherd doesnt only bite when it feels confident. In fact, most of the biting incidents are a result of fear aggression: the dog feels threatened, is afraid of something and to ward off the danger, it attacks or bites. It is rare for a dog to bite without warning beforehand.

Is It Bad To Shave A Double Coated Dog

Shaving a double-coated breed can really ruin the coat. If you do shave your double coated dog, the new hair will grow back but the undercoat will grow first. The texture of the soft undercoat will absorb the suns rays, making your dog hotter in summer. Shaving a double coated dog does not reduce shedding.

The German Shepherd Coat Explained

A German Shepherd is renowned for its thick colored coat, one of his trademarks. But there is more to this big coat than the colors and thickness.

Shaving Your German Shepherd Is No Solution

If your German Shepherd is blowing out his coat at the end of winter, it can be tempting to help him out!

Risks Of Shaving Your German Shepherd

When you do take the drastic decision to shave your German Shepherd, there are consequences.

When It Is Okay To Shave Your German Shepherd?

Some occasions require you to shave your German Shepherd. For important medical purposes, both layers of hair may need to be shaved.

Alternatives to Shaving Your German Shepherd

There are mainly two common reasons why owners shave their German Shepherd dogs.


Just by looking at them, you could probably predict that German Shepherd dogs shed a lot.

Does grooming a shepherd keep them cool?

It’s basically like insulation, like you have in the attic and walls of your house. Indeed, their coat can become too “hairy”, but properly grooming your shepherd will keep them happy and cool. Properly maintained, your dog’s coat protects them from the sun and keeps them cool. If their hair and undercoat is impacted, ...

Can you shave a German Shepherd?

No, you should not shave a German Shepherd unless it is for a health or medical reason, such as shaving a hot spot to treat it . Except for humid climates, their undercoat keeps them cool and shedding is best managed by brushing.


What to Know About The Problems of Shaving A German Shepherd

Effective Grooming Routine

Other Alternatives to Summer Shaves

  • In addition to a comprehensive summer grooming routine, there are many healthier and safer alternatives to shaving your German Shepherd that can keep them just as cool. We’ll now run through eight of the most effective cooling tips that are worth keeping in mind for the well-being of your pooch.
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What Not to Do

  • In addition to shaving, there are a number of things to avoid that can cause discomfort to your German Shepherd. These include: 1. Hot sidewalks– when it’s warm outside and the sun is beating down, it’s worth avoiding sidewalks for the wellbeing of your pooch. To test whether they’re too hot, keep your hand placed on the ground for 20 seconds. If it’s too hot for you, it’ll be …
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do German Shepherds shed a lot?
    Yes, German Shepherds shed a fair amount throughout the year, in particular between the hotter and cooler seasons. So, living with a German Shepherd means you’ll have to cope with copious amounts of hair around your home. It’s worth bearing in mind the more often you groom them, t…
  • What is the difference between a German Shepherd and an Alsatian?
    There’s absolutely no difference between the two – both are essentially the same dog breeds. The only reason the two are named differently is that they were initially called by different names in different countries. An Alsatian breed was so-called after the Alsace-Lorraine region, whereas th…
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Final Thoughts

  • To conclude, it’s never a good idea to shave your German Shepherd dog, unless it’s for medical reasons. Not only are there numerous risks associated with the practice, but there are also plenty of other methods of cooling your dog down that are far more beneficial. So, if you’re worried about your dog in the summer heat, but like your German Shephe...
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1.Can You Shave a German Shepherd? Need To Put A Stop …


6 hours ago Some owners shave their German Shepherds believing that it will solve or at least help with the shedding issues. Contrary to popular belief, this will simply make the problem worse. Your dog will still shed, only now the hairs will be shorter and sharper.

2.Shaving a German Shepherd? (Problems You Should Know)


2 hours ago  · No, you shouldn’t shave or clip your German Shepherd routinely for grooming or because you think they’re too hot. The coat takes too long to grow back, may grow back shorter, may grow in a lighter color, puts them at risk for bites and parasites, and provides a necessary and natural heating and cooling system in the elements which you alter when you shave them.

3.Can You Shave A German Shepherd Dog


15 hours ago  · In the vast majority of cases, you should avoid shaving your german shepherd. While you may think youre doing them a favor, in actuality, youre probably going to be doing more harm than good. While there are certain circumstances when it may be okay to shave your german shepherd, they are few and far between.

4.Can You Shave A German Shepherd? Problems To Be …


24 hours ago  · No, you shouldnt shave or clip your German Shepherd routinely for grooming or because you think theyre too hot. The coat takes too long to grow back, may grow back shorter, may grow in a lighter color, puts them at risk for bites and parasites, and provides a necessary and natural heating and cooling system in the elements which you alter when you shave them.

5.Can You Shave Down A German Shepherd


34 hours ago  · When It Is Okay To Shave Your German Shepherd? Some occasions require you to shave your German Shepherd. For important medical purposes, both layers of hair may need to be shaved. The reason is that the vet can get better access to a certain part of the body. This is the case if your dog needs to have surgery.

6.Videos of Can You Shave German Shepherd


21 hours ago No, you should not shave a German Shepherd unless it is for a health or medical reason, such as shaving a hot spot to treat it. Except for humid climates, their undercoat keeps them cool and shedding is best managed by brushing.

7.Can You Shave German Shepherd? - Your Dogs World


1 hours ago  · Can You Cut A German Shepherd’s Hair? Yes, you can cut a German Shepherd’s hair. In fact, many people choose to cut their German Shepherds in the summer months to help keep them cool. However, it is important to note that cutting a German Shepherd’s hair is not without its risks. Here are a few things you should know before you shave your dog:

8.Should I Shave my German Shepherd? - All About …


1 hours ago

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