Knowledge Builders

can you use django with react

by Landen O'Connell Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Although Django and React can play well together, there's been a lot of debate in recent years about how far to push the React model of application development. Some think that React has introduced too much complexity into web development and is now overused.Apr 5, 2021

How would I integrate react with Django?

React and Django do not seem like they integrate very well together. When you use create-react-app, you’re given a barebones HTML file that contains only what is absolutely necessary to get the React app to display. It’s designed to be a single-page-app (SPA) and assuming you’re going to do all the work on the JavaScript side, connects to ...

What are the downsides of using Django?

Cons of using Django 1. Not Suitable for Small Projects. Are you choosing Django for making a small project? It is not a smart choice. Django is designed for building large applications quickly, and for this, it requires server processing time and bandwidth while developing.

How to create an API with Django?

There are 5 total steps to have our REST API fully working:

  • Install and setup Django and DRF
  • Set Up Django Models
  • Set Up DRF Serializers
  • Set Up Views and URLs
  • Start Using the API!

How to start a new project in Django using virtualenv?


  1. Creating a new virtual environment Depending on the Python version you intend to use, start by creating a virtual environment. ...
  2. Installing Django on Virtualenv Pip tool makes it easy to run Django in Virtualenv. It’s a simple tool used to install your packages. ...
  3. Creating a new Django Project on Virtualenv


How do I combine React and Django?

Setting Up the back-end: Create a project folder for Django by creating a virtual environment....Prerequisites:A development machine with any OS (Linux/Windows/Mac).Python 3 installed.Node. js installed (version 12+).npm installed (version 6+).Basic understanding of both the frameworks (Django and React).

Is React or Django better?

Django provides higher level of security, whereas ReactJs provides lower level of security. The most of people find Django difficult to learn and understand, nevertheless, ReactJs is easier to learn than Django due to its short learning level of difficulty.

Do I need Django with React?

The short answer. No, you're not doing anything wrong by not-using a frontend framework with Django. There's no unwritten law that everything has to turn into a SPA, or be rewritten from scratch in React. Your project can be awesome without them, and you won't miss out on much.

Is Django becoming obsolete?

No, it's alive and kicking, it just got upgraded to a new version (1.10. 6) and version 2.0 is on the way. We just built three new projects with it in last 6 months and would love to hire some developers who are savvy with Django.

Which is better Django or node JS?

The fact that the Django web framework is more dynamic and gives fast speed makes it more cost-effective than Node. js. The fact that Node. js absorbs more functioning time, even though it is easier to learn, makes it less cost-effective than Django.

How much do Django developers make?

Salary Ranges for Python/Django Developers The salaries of Python/Django Developers in the US range from $57,340 to $153,710 , with a median salary of $98,260 . The middle 60% of Python/Django Developers makes $98,260, with the top 80% making $153,710.

Step 0. Scratch project and goal

I’ve upload scratch project in release 1.0.0. Click the link below and download “ScratchProject”.zip file.

Step 1 Add CSRF script

One of Django’s security mechanism is to provide protection against cross site request forgeries through CSRF middleware. It is required whenever a POST request is made. Since we use React to render form in template, the convention way of using {% csrf_token %} does not work anymore. Instead, we need to manually do it.

Step 2 Add form division and React form script

In index.html file, add a division and assign id “registration_form”. We will render React form in this division. Here is the code snippet.

Step 3 Add Django form

The usage of Django form is to validate form inputs. We call it back-end validation. In polls app, create a file. And add following codes. Please be aware that we use form.EmailField to validate the pattern of email value.


In this tutorial, we have taken full usage of Django and React. React is responsible for rendering a complex GUI. index.html file is main template. Rather than dumping form template and js codes into main template, we build a registration_form.js to encapsulates form component.

Can you add a line of code to every file in react?

Add this line of code inside every file of reactJS or add this in one file and import function in every file, it is all up to you.

Does Instagram use Django?

Companies like Facebook are shifting their backend from PHP to Django and yes Instagram uses Django as its backend framework.

Is react easy to learn?

I love react and found it easy to learn and use.

Is react a cool framework?

After a tonne of research and analysis, I chose to REACT. React is a cool framework and the thing I like, most about it is its division of components. I love react and found it easy to learn and use.

What is the difference between React and Django?

In this tutorial, we will build a Todo application using React and Django. React is a front-end JavaScript framework that uses components in creating user interfaces for single-page applications. Django is a Python backend web framework used to build scalable and secure website applications.

What programming language do I need to learn React?

Basic knowledge of React, Python (Django) is required but I’ll try and boil things down as much as possible.

What is serializer in Django?

A serializer is a component that converts Django models to JSON objects and vice-versa.

What is a Django header?

Django-cors-headers is an HTTP-header-based that allows a server to indicate any other origins to your Django application. Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS). Within the CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST , localhost:3000 will serve as our port.

What is a URL in Django?

Before creating webpages in Django we must define our URLs. A URL is an address to which a webpage is served. Defining URLs describes what requests are returned from the views when the templates are rendered in the browser.

What is reactDOM.render?

ReactDOM.render () renders a React element into the DOM in the given container element. It takes two arguments. The first is the JSX being rendered, and the second displays the container element on the HTML page.

Do you need a virtual environment to install Django?

We must have a virtual environment activated to be able to install Django.

What is Django responsible for?

Django will be responsible for serving the API built using Django REST framework and React will consume these APIs using the Axios client or the browser's fetch API. You'll need to have two servers, both in development and production, one for Django (REST API) and the other for React (to serve static files).

How does Django communicate with the frontend?

Communication between Django and 'the frontend' is done via the Rest framework. Make sure you get your authorization and permissions for the Rest framework in place.

What is react module?

React, with the help of Webpack (module bundler) & Babel (transpiler), will bundle and transpile your Javascript into single or multiple files that will be placed in the entry HTML page. Learn Webpack, Babel, Javascript and React and Redux (a state container). I believeyou won't use Django templating but instead allow React to render the front-end.

How many servers does Django need?

You'll need to have two servers, both in development and production, one for Django(REST API) and the other for React (to serve static files).

Can you load react dom in django?

If you have a project with the django templating already in place, then you must load your react dom render in the page you want to load the application. In my case I had already django-pipelineand I just added the browserify extension. (

Can you separate frontend and backend in Django?

As others answered you, if you are creating a new project, you can separate frontend and backend and use any django rest plugin to create rest api for your frontend application. This is in the ideal world.

What is the advantage of using django-pipeline?

The advantage of using django-pipeline is that statics get processed during the collectstatic.

What is the best feature of Django?

One of Django’s best built in features is the admin interface. Whenever you create a new app, you can register it so you can interact with it via the admin interface. Head over to and place the following code:

What version of Python is used for Django?

Note: at the time of writing Python 3.9 is the latest stable version of Python. Django 3.1 will be used for this project. Django 3.1 requires Python 3.6+ due to the async/await syntax. You can use whichever version of Python you’d like so long as it’s Python 3.6 or greater.

What is a Django Cors header?

django-cors-headers: Django is shipped with a lot of security features. This package will allow us to specify domains where requests can be made from. Without this, all requests from the React frontend will be denied.

What is Django Rest?

django-rest-auth: Gives us the logic, and endpoints needed for user authentication. Saves a lot of time vs writing everything from scratch.

What is a custom user model in Django?

A custom user model will allow you to expand it later on if you need to. It is best to do this as soon as you start your project to get it out of the way. The official Django documentation even recommends creating a custom user model. We will do this the simple way, by extending the already built in user model.

Can you migrate a Django backend API?

You can now migrate the changes.

Can you use DRF to serialize a JSON file?

Let’s now take care of our serializers. Using DRF we will be able to easily use a class serializer that will automatically serialize fields into JSON, and back to Python objects when needed. Create a file inside of users:

What is Django?

Django is a high-level Python web framework that allows developers to use modules for faster development. With Django’s modules, developers can create apps and websites directly from existing sources, streamlining the development process significantly since they don’t have to start from scratch.

What Is React?

React is a popular JavaScript library that builds modern web applications with little effort and coding. Developers commonly use ReactJS to create engaging User Interfaces (UIs) that make apps faster.


1.Videos of Can You Use Django With React


24 hours ago  · How do we send data from Django to React? You can expose your API in different ways with Django. You can use a REST API, a GraphQL API, or RPC API, each with their own pros and cons. While GraphQL is a safe bet, we’re going to use traditional REST endpoints. By the end of this tutorial, this will be our final output:

2.How to connect Django with Reactjs - GeeksforGeeks


7 hours ago  · Step 1 Add CSRF script. One of Django’s security mechanism is to provide protection against cross site request forgeries through CSRF middleware. It is required whenever a POST request is made ...

3.How to Use React in Django — the Hard Way - Medium


27 hours ago  · Follow me for more and my tutorial will be on react native + Django. If you want to buy my project code then Here is the link you can pay any amount you want and the minimum payment is $1(code is ...

4.Using Django with react: creating best frontend and …


19 hours ago  · Basic knowledge of React, Python(Django) is required but I’ll try and boil things down as much as possible. You can check out these articles to get started with React and Python: Introduction to React. Django Tutorials. Before getting your hands dirty, you may need to: Install Python 3. Install Node.js. Step 1: Backend using Django

5.Building a React.js Application using Django REST …


17 hours ago  · Django can be integrated very quickly with React using static files. The frontend and backend are separately written in Django, making testing, finding and removing bugs easier. This development style is less compact, thanks to the use of states of variables in ReactJS.

6.How to get Django and ReactJS to work together?


33 hours ago  · 0. Django routing and react routing don't have to mix. They are completely separate from each other. You get your API data from the django routes and then create you own routes on the front-end with react-router.

7.Django + React Authentication : Part 1 | by Tarric …


4 hours ago

8.Django Vs React : which one is best for web development?


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