Knowledge Builders

can you use regular soil for succulents

by Dr. Jesse Kautzer Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the best potting soil for succulents?

No, regular potting soil is not good for succulents! Succulents require airy soil that has a proper drainage system to avoid rot and blackening, which occurs if the potting mix becomes too soggy and prevents good airflow. The regular potting mix doesn’t match these requirements, as it is heavy and dense, causing suffocation of roots.

How to make your own succulent soil?

Feb 13, 2022 · Regular potting soils with big particles and pores dry faster than clay soils, which are ideal for succulents. When planting in the ground, choose a sandy loam with 50% to 80% coarse sand, fine gravel, or chicken grit with a size of 1/8″ to 1/4″ inch diameter to promote efficient drainage and prevent succulents from rotting in soggy soil.

Do succulents need a lot of soil?

Regular potting soil works perfectly for succulents since they don’t need any special high nutrient soil. As long as the soil drains well, your succulents will be happy. Let’s break down each element for the best indoor potting mix for succulents. Finding the Right Potting Soil Mix for Succulents What soil should I use for succulents?

How to make succulent soil [3 easy recipes]?

I don’t recommend using a regular or garden soil for succulent plants, unless you adjust it, adding some stuff into it. Regular soil holds too much water and moisture, which will likely result in rotting of the roots of your beloved succulent, and the plant will die before you can propagate it.


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Can I use regular potting soil for succulents?

You can only use regular potting soil for succulents if you make some adjustments to it. Regular soil tends to hold too much water and moisture, which leads to root rot among succulents. The ideal soil for these plants is fast-draining soil that only holds necessary moisture.

What are the ingredients of regular potting mix and succulent soil mix?

The regular potting mix usually contains coco coir, pine bark, peat moss and perlite. These materials easily retain water, especially peat moss which is used as a mix base material. Regular potting soil also tends to drain well compared to garden soil and works for most potted plants.

How to make a DIY succulent potting mix?

These are the ingredients that you will need for your DIY succulent potting mix:


Succulents grow well in a fast-draining succulent soil where water does not become stagnant or accumulates. However, if you do not have this kind of soil you may use regular potting soil provided that you make some adjustments to it.

Can I use cactus soil for succulents?

Yes, you can use cactus soil for any succulent plants. Generally, if it works for a cactus, it’s going to work for others. Cacti and other succulents require an airy growing medium and well-draining soil, and cactus mix offers that. Most succulents are native to the desert.

Can succulents grow in sandy soil?

Wild succulents often grow in gravely, sandy soil and can thrive in rocky crevices and cliffsides. Though the gritty soil gets easily saturated by heavy rain, it can dry out fast. With so many factors to consider, what works for you might not be ideal for another gardener.

Can you plant succulents outside?

If you’re planting the succulents outside in your garden, ensure that the area drains very well. It shouldn’t sit in a low spot that’s going to catch the rainwater and stay there. For those who are planting succulents in containers, make sure the soil drains.

What is the best pH for succulents?

The pH of Soil for Succulents. Every type of potting soil and what’s on the ground has a pH level. Typically, succulents prefer a reduced pH, so you should try to get it to be about 5.5 on the scale. However, a range of anywhere between 4 and 6.5 is suitable.

Why do succulents need drainage?

They need proper drainage because they tolerate drought well, and extra water makes them rot. It’s usually best to mimic the natural environment for the succulent. Wild succulents often grow in gravely, sandy soil and can thrive in rocky crevices and cliffsides.

Do succulents need nutrients?

The soil has to be airy and drain fast, so it doesn’t hold as many nutrients. Still, succulents don’t require as many nutrients as other houseplants. There are different soil types out there for various plantings. Each kind of mix is designed to serve a particular plant range.

Do succulents grow in the house?

Conclusion. Succulents are a beautiful addition to your home garden or as singular plants around the house. However, learning how to care for them is essential. The right soil is going to help them thrive in your house when they’re natural habitat is harsher than your home or climate.


1.Can you use regular potting soil for succulents? Personal …


7 hours ago No, regular potting soil is not good for succulents! Succulents require airy soil that has a proper drainage system to avoid rot and blackening, which occurs if the potting mix becomes too soggy and prevents good airflow. The regular potting mix doesn’t match these requirements, as it is heavy and dense, causing suffocation of roots.

2.Can I Use Regular Potting Soil For Succulents?


7 hours ago Feb 13, 2022 · Regular potting soils with big particles and pores dry faster than clay soils, which are ideal for succulents. When planting in the ground, choose a sandy loam with 50% to 80% coarse sand, fine gravel, or chicken grit with a size of 1/8″ to 1/4″ inch diameter to promote efficient drainage and prevent succulents from rotting in soggy soil.

3.What Kind of Soil to Use for Succulents - Garden Helpful


23 hours ago Regular potting soil works perfectly for succulents since they don’t need any special high nutrient soil. As long as the soil drains well, your succulents will be happy. Let’s break down each element for the best indoor potting mix for succulents. Finding the Right Potting Soil Mix for Succulents What soil should I use for succulents?

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