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did becky eat the baby in the tall grass

by Dr. Russel Gutmann Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Did Becky eat the baby in the tall grass? When Becky asks what she's eating, Cal says it's grass, but she soon realizes that she's eating her stillborn baby, and that Cal is actually Ross.... As such, it's Cal who tricks Becky into eating her baby, as she was weak and dehydrated and needed to get her strength back.

That scene—and if you didn't listen to the spoiler warning at the top of the article, now is the last chance to do so—finds Becky, the lead female protagonist, eating her own newborn baby. And it's definitely in the movie, in all its tiny bone-crunching glory.Oct 5, 2019

Full Answer

Why did Ross make Becky eat the baby in in the tall grass?

The reason for Ross to make Becky eat her baby is left open to interpretation. In the original In The Tall Grass story, however, Cal gives in and touches the rock, making him lose his last bits of sanity. As such, it’s Cal who tricks Becky into eating her baby, as she was weak and dehydrated and needed to get her strength back.

What happens to Becky in in the tall grass?

In the In the Tall Grass novella, Cal and Becky's tale comes to an end after Cal, having touched the rock, tricks Becky into eating her own miscarried baby. That element of In the Tall Grass is also even more upsetting than the movie, as Ross Humboldt forces the miscarriage by repeatedly kicking her in the stomach.

Why did Becky eat the baby in Animal Crossing?

As such, it’s Cal who tricks Becky into eating her baby, as she was weak and dehydrated and needed to get her strength back. After realizing what she did, Cal and Tobin tell her that if she touches the rock, she’ll see that the baby is fine, understand the grass, and become part of it, as they have. She gives in and hugs the rock.

How did Becky find Natalie's body in the grass?

Despite her reservations, Ross convinces her to follow him anyway. He lures her to a stamped-down circle of grass, where Becky finds Natalie's bloody, dismembered body. Ross explains that he found "the rock" and that "the dancing men have shown him the secrets of the tall grass".


Why did Cal feed Becky her baby?

In the original In The Tall Grass story, however, Cal gives in and touches the rock, making him lose his last bits of sanity. As such, it's Cal who tricks Becky into eating her baby, as she was weak and dehydrated and needed to get her strength back.

Is In the Tall Grass anti abortion?

Stephen King and Joe Hill's novella, “In the Tall Grass,” is an unfortunate piece of anti-abortion propaganda and an OK horror film. Directed by Vincenzo Natali, the mystery thriller focuses on two families that become trapped in an inescapable field of grass as a result of their own choices.

Is Cal in love with Becky In the Tall Grass?

Movie info Cal Demuth is a character in the 2019 film, In the Tall Grass (film), based on the novella by Stephen King. He is played by Avery Whitted in the film. In the film version of the book, he is in love with his sister Becky Demuth.

What did Ross feed Becky In the Tall Grass?

Becky loses consciousness again and wakes up to find Cal feeding her something. She asks what she's eating and he replies, "Grass. Just grass." Too late, she realizes that the food tastes familiar because it tastes like her, and Cal has actually been feeding her pieces of her own baby.

What is the moral of In the Tall Grass?

In the Tall Grass, premiering on Netflix on October 4, has a clear lesson: When driving through the American heartland, don't stop to meander through a tall grass field. Not even if you hear the faint cries of someone in need. Not even if you're a Gryffindor at heart, and can't pass by a chance to be a hero.

What is the evil In the Tall Grass?

In the Tall Grass' central villain is a rock in the middle of a field of tall grass. It seems simple enough: the rock—referred to in the film as the Black Rock—craves human sacrifices.

Who was Cal in love with?

Cal was in love with his best friend Derek in high school Euphoria Season 2 Episode 3 gave Cal Jacob's a backstory that explains a lot about him. Cal had a best friend named Derek and the pair spent all their time together. Cal clearly has an attraction toward Derek, but he initially ignores it.

Why did Tobin touch the rock?

He has a lot of anger and touching the rock enhances that anger. He kills over and over and over and over and over. We know this because Travis touches the rock and it enhances his compassion leading him to take a version of Tobin to safety.

What does the ending of In the Tall Grass mean?

At the end of In the Tall Grass, the characters break the loop. Netflix. The characters battle the time loop that keeps them trapped in the grass and suffering horrible deaths up until Travis chooses to sacrifice himself by touching the rock and allowing it to make him a part of the grass.

Who are the people under the rock In the Tall Grass?

The people with whirling grass faces and hands are manifestations of the grass and rock. Those bodies produced when needed to do the rock's bidding are more Golem than living creatures. As Travis succumbs to his stab wound after saving Tobin, Cal, and Becky he became one with the field and rock as well.

Is the tall grass based on a true story?

It is based on Stephen King and Joe Hill's 2012 novella of the same name. It stars Harrison Gilbertson, Laysla De Oliveira, Avery Whitted, Will Buie Jr., Rachel Wilson, and Patrick Wilson....In the Tall Grass (film)In the Tall GrassDirected byVincenzo NataliScreenplay byVincenzo NataliBased on"In the Tall Grass" by Stephen King Joe Hill12 more rows

Did Travis survive In the Tall Grass?

Travis is also saved, even though he dies. We see the fate of those who succumbed to the rock's evil when Becky gives birth in front of it. The ground opens, and it's revealed those damned souls were absorbed into its roots where they were made to suffer for eternity. They will never escape the grass.

When was the first anti abortion campaign launched?

The first organized action was initiated by U.S. Catholic bishops who recommended in 1973 that the U.S. Constitution should be amended to ban abortion. Roe v. Wade was considered a major setback by anti-abortion campaigners.

Is abortion legal in DC?

Abortion in the District of Columbia is legal at all stages of pregnancy.

How long is Becky pregnant?

They are lost, just like the little boy and his unhinged father, and to make matters worse, Becky is six months pregnant.

What does Cal tell Becky about her brother?

He feeds her something—she doesn’t know what it is, but it tastes good. Cal tells her it’s just grass. “Cows do it all the time,” he says.

What does Cal say to Natali?

Cal tells her it’s just grass. “Cows do it all the time,” he says. Natali said he “had no desire to explicitly show it. I actually thought that it could almost become laughable if you showed it. As is often the case with these things, it’s better if much of it is left to the audience’s imagination.”.

Who goes insane in the grass?

In the novella, everyone in the grass—Ross, Tobin, Becky, and Cal —goes insane. Cal goes before Becky, and Becky goes after she realizes her brother has nursed her back to health by feeding her the flesh of her own baby. There is no escape, and there is no happy ending. This, too, Natali changed. “I actually wrote that version, with that [unhappy] ...

Is In the Tall grass on Netflix?

When it came to adapting Stephen King and Joe Hill’s In the Tall Grass— a new horror film on Netflix that is now streaming — writer/director Vincenzo Natali knew changes were necessary to turn the novella into a feature-length film. But there was one change he was not willing to make: He would not cut the scene that, ...

What does Cal and Tobin tell Becky when she touches the rock?

When Becky realizes what she's been eating she is naturally horrified, but Cal and Tobin tell her that if she touches the rock she'll see that the baby is actually fine, and she'll understand the grass and become part of it. The distraught Becky obeys, and hugs the rock.

What is the movie "In the Tall Grass" about?

Written by Stephen King and his son, Joe Hill, In the Tall Grass was originally published in two parts in Esquire magazine, and tells the story of a brother and sister who are lured into a field of tall grass by a boy's cries for help. Once inside, they become separated and discover that the tall grass is twisting space and moving them around, making it impossible for them to either find each other or escape.

Why does Travis touch the rock?

Realizing that he too is dying from is stab wound, Travis touches the rock in order to gain understanding of the grass, which he then uses to transport Tobin back to the church. Tobin emerges from the church to find that he has travelled back to just before Becky and Cal entered the tall grass.

How did Becky escape Russ Hombolt?

After managing to escape from Russ Hombolt by stabbing him in the eye , Becky is mobbed by the figures she has been seeing in the tall grass. They carry her to the Black Rock of the Redeemer, and in the mud in front of it she suffers a miscarriage, waking up to find Cal crouching over her, with the dead fetus wrapped in a bundle.

Why are the cars at the Church of the Black Rock of the Redeemer covered with dust?

Something made explicit by King and Hill's short story is that all of the cars at the Church of the Black Rock of the Redeemer belong to people who have been lured into the tall grass, which is why they're all covered with dust and seemingly abandoned.

Does Tobin escape from the tall grass?

The time travel mechanics of In the Tall Grass are deliberately left ambiguous (which is probably for the best, since they mainly exist in service of the film's horror premise). While we could speculate about branching timelines and multiple universes created by Tobin's escape from the tall grass, the simplest reading of the movie's ending is that Tobin, Cal, and Becky escape the field, while Travis, Ross, and Nathalie do not.

Did the Humbolts go into the tall grass?

The situation with the Humbolts is different. It appears that the Humbolts arrived at the church in the silver car that Cal parks behind (it's the only car not covered in dust when we see the Humbolts enter the tall grass later), which would mean that the Humbolts were chronologically the first group to enter the tall grass - even though they were lured in by Travis. Since there was no one to prevent them from going in, and they never managed to escape, it's heavily implied that Ross and Nathalie remain in the tall grass and Tobin has effectively been orphaned.

The Premise

The movie ends at its beginning. At the start, two siblings, Cal and Becky, are driving to San Diego so that the latter, who's six months pregnant, can give up her baby. They stop by a church and hear a boy named Tobin screaming for help in the tall grass nearby. Becky and Cal head into the field, and, unsurprisingly, get lost.

The Circle of Time . . . and the Circle of Life

Here's the rub: before Travis sees the siblings, he finds Becky's corpse. Ross has been hunting Cal and Becky for two months as they start different time loops, killing them in several timelines. It's like the branching timelines in Avengers: Endgame, but more confusing. And it goes on and on.

That Redemptive Arc

Travis eventually kills Ross, then deliberately touches the rock. This allows him to see the field's paths and send Tobin to the church to warn Becky and Cal before another time loop happens. Why is his redemption important? Notice that the church is called the Church of the Black Rock of the Redeemer.

What does Tobin say about Becky?

Tobin says that the rock will help Cal find Becky like the rock helped Tobin and Cal find each other. Cal, despite his fear of the rock and the strange, seemingly-moving drawings, gives in and touches it. Meanwhile, Becky gives birth prematurely. Cal and Tobin then appear and wrap the baby in a shirt.

Why does Becky recites limericks?

Becky recites limericks to comfort herself as well as give Cal and Tobin an anchor point to her location, as she is dehydrated and tired. She spies someone ahead, and a man steps out of the grass in front of her. He introduces himself as Ross, saying that he is the father of Tobin and the husband of Natalie.

How are Cal and Becky Demuth related?

Cal and Becky Demuth are inseparable siblings (being called Irish twins by their parents, as they are 19 months apart). Becky finds out during her sophomore year of college that she is pregnant, leading the twins' parents to suggest she go live with her aunt and uncle until the baby is born. Since it is spring break, Cal decides to accompany her on her cross-country trip. They stop at numerous tourist locations along the way, including the biggest ball of twine .

What do Cal and Tobin do in the movie "The Rock"?

Cal and Tobin drag a half-conscious Becky to the rock and throw her on it. An unspecified amount of time later, an RV full of hippies pulls into a parking lot across the street to have a barbecue and smoke marijuana. They hear Tobin's calls for help, and the whole group walks into the tall grass to help.

What does Tobin say about the rotting dog?

Tobin explains that the rotting dog was his, and that "the tall grass doesn't move dead things.". Tobin leads Cal into a clearing in the middle of the grass, where a large rock (with strange drawings of dancing men and words written all over it) stands in the middle of it.

What does Cal hear Tobin screaming for?

The twins stand outside the field, listening to Tobin screaming for help , and his mother Natalie yelling at him to stop yelling, saying that "he will hear you". Cal thinks he hears Tobin just a few feet inside the field. Cal walks into it to rescue the boy, Natalie's cries having mysteriously gone silent.

What does Cal drink to look for Becky?

Cal, now severely dehydrated and exhausted in his attempts to look for Becky, feverishly drinks the gritty water that the long grass grows in. Now half-crazed, he attempts to burn down the field, but the grass is so wet that none of his matches burn for more than a few seconds.

What does Travis tell Becky and Cal?

But when Travis finds Becky and Cal, they tell Travis that they just got there. How did Travis get there before Becky and Cal? That’s because, in another reality, Travis pulls in Tobin, who pulls in Becky and Cal, who pull in Travis. It’s crazy, I know, but the grass makes its own rules and is able to manipulate time.

Who tells Tobin to not enter the tall grass?

In the end, Tobin escapes with the help of Travis, who tells Tobin to warn Becky and Cal not to enter the tall grass. This way, Becky, Cal, and Tobin can continue on to create a different reality, one in which they don’t enter the grass and are safe. But what happens to Travis?

What does the grass want?

Why is the tall grass doing this? That, I’m not sure. I haven’t read the novel so I can’t say if the pages explain this better. Perhaps it’s what it feeds off of, fear and violence. In once scene, an insane Ross kills his wife and reassures his son that it’s okay, because “it’s just flesh.” Apparently, it’s the circle of life inside the tall grass. A body dies, the grass and soil consume it, and a differently reality restarts.

What does Becky and Cal realize when they walk through the grass?

As soon as Becky and Cal start to wander through the tall grass, they realize it’s not, like, a regular field. It’s a terrifying, spooky field. It completely sucks people in and defies all rules of time and space. Voices move from one end of the field to the next without reason.

Why do Cal and Becky pull to the side of the road?

They pull to the side of the road because she feels nauseated and needs to throw up. Yep, In the Tall Grass opens with a vomit scene, and that’s not even the most disturbing thing about it.

Who are Tobin's parents?

It makes them easier to find.”. Tobin’s parents, Ross and Natalie, and his dog, Freddie, are also stuck in the field. There’s another layer to the story, which is that Travis, the father of Becky’s baby, who suggested she get an abortion, is looking for her.

How does Travis help Tobin?

Eventually, Travis helps Tobin out of the field by getting him through a hole that functions similarly to the pipes in a Super Mario game. Tobin walks out of the church that’s across the street from the field just as Becky and Cal are about to enter the grass.


1.'In the Tall Grass' Explained: Director Vincenzo Natali On …


25 hours ago In the novella, everyone in the grass—Ross, Tobin, Becky, and Cal—goes insane. Cal goes before Becky, and Becky goes after she realizes her brother has nursed her back to health by feeding her ...

2.Netflix's In the Tall Grass Ending Explained - ScreenRant


13 hours ago In the In the Tall Grass novella, Cal and Becky's tale comes to an end after Cal, having touched the rock, tricks Becky into eating her own miscarried baby. That element of In the Tall Grass is also even more upsetting than the movie, as Ross Humboldt forces the miscarriage by repeatedly kicking her in the stomach. In the book version of Stephen King's In the Tall Grass, Becky …

3.In the Tall Grass's Confusing Ending, Explained - POPSUGAR


12 hours ago After Becky gives birth, her brother Cal (really Ross) feeds her grass . . . aka the baby. When Becky dies, her body acts as an organic fertilizer for the grass, continuing the twisted circle of ...

4.In the Tall Grass - Wikipedia


30 hours ago What was Becky eating in the tall grass? Becky ate the baby in the tall grass? When Becky asks her what she is eating, Cal says weed, but soon realizes that she is eating her stillborn baby and that Cal is actually Ross. As such, it was Cal who convinced Becky to eat her baby because she was weak and dehydrated and she needed to regain her strength.

5.Netflix’s In the Tall Grass ending explained: What’s the …


21 hours ago In the Tall Grass is a horror novella by American writers Stephen King and his son Joe Hill.It was originally published in two parts in the June/July and August 2012 issues of Esquire magazine. This is King and Hill's second collaboration since Throttle, published in 2009. On October 9, 2012, In the Tall Grass was released in e-book and audiobook formats, the latter read by Stephen Lang.

6.Netflix' 'In the Tall Grass' Review - 'In the Tall Grass' …


24 hours ago  · Shadow and Bone Season 2 is not coming in August 2022. Inside, they eventually meet Tobin (Will Buie Jr.), his father Ross (Patrick Wilson), and …

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