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did chigurh die

by Sophia Hirthe Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Bell, always arriving too late, ends up becoming what he most feared: dispensable. Chigurh escapes, Moss dies, and the fate of Moss's wife is left ambiguous. This becomes the motif of Bell's final monologue of the film, where age and the world's ever-changing circumstances catch up to him.Sep 30, 2021

How does Anton Chigurh die?

Anton Chigurh dies anticlimactically. We see him take a meaningless car crash, just a fluke of nature. Death can die. It may be from a blood clot, or a result of infection from his wounds, but Chigurh only looks like the Terminator.

Why does Chigurh kill Wells?

Chigurh kills Wells, who made a deal with Moss to give him protection in exchange for the money. He then intercepts a phone call to Wells from Moss, and offers to spare Moss's wife if he agrees to give up the money. Moss refuses, however, and vows to track down and kill Chigurh.

Who does Chigurh kill in the things they carried?

Chigurh kills Wells, who made a deal with Moss to give him protection in exchange for the money. He then intercepts a phone call to Wells from Moss, and offers to spare Moss's wife if he agrees to give up the money.

What happens to Chigurh at the end of the book?

Wearing the kid's shirt as a sling, Chigurh walks off down the sidewalk, never to be seen again. What a strange ending, you might say, for as destructive a character as Anton Chigurh.


How does Chigurh die?

After spending much of No Country For Old Men following Moss (Josh Brolin) as he tries to stay one step ahead of Chigurh (Javier Bardem), the character is shockingly killed offscreen by assassins.

Did Chigurh kill Llewelyn?

Chigurh killed him, and Chigurh will kill Llewelyn's wife if Llewelyn doesn't return the money. Llewelyn retrieves the money and continues running, picking up a hitchhiker along the way. They stop at a hotel and both are killed by drug runners.

Why did Chigurh kill?

Chigurh then intercepts a phone call from Moss in Wells' hotel room and offers to spare Moss's wife if he agrees to give up the money. Moss refuses and vows to track down and kill Chigurh. Chigurh kills the man who hired him and the Mexicans as an act of revenge for not trusting Chigurh to complete the job.

Does Anton Chigurh represent death?

In fact, it could easily be said that the movie's unsettling villain Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) represents death itself, stalking his prey with a calm, unaffected reserve, and ceding to pleas for mercy only through random chance — if his victim wins a coin toss.

What does the ending of No Country mean?

The return of the prodigal son who's spent years working to leave the world in a better place than he found it. Amid its ambiguity, the ending of No Country for Old Men is the one part that remains as clear as its title. It's about the passing of time and generational change.

Did Chigurh kill moss wife?

Chigurh says he'll kill Carla Jean if Llewelyn doesn't give him the money. He means that literally. Even though Llewelyn dies, and even though Chigurh gets the money, Chigurh still kills Carla Jean because Llewelyn didn't literally hand over the money himself.

What mental illness does Anton Chigurh have?

Among the most interesting recent and most realistic idiopathic psychopathic characters is Anton Chigurh in the 2007 Coen brothers' film, No Country for Old Men. Anton Chigurh is a well-designed prototypical idiopathic/primary psychopath.

What is wrong with Anton Chigurh?

He kills without any remorse or debt but always with deliberation. Judging from his killing penchant, he has a fondness in murdering old people. Chigurh is described as an unstoppable and cold-hearted evil and as a man whose having his own set of morals, although that they are twisted.

Who took the money in no country for old man?

Llewelyn Moss One of the severely wounded men is begging for water, and Llewelyn has none to give. He takes the money back home.

Who is the villain in No Country for Old Men?

No Country for Old Men: Why Javier Bardem's Anton Chigurh is still an iconic movie villain |

Is Anton Chigurh the most realistic psychopath?

However, going by the clinical definition of the word, a 2017 psychiatric study found that the most cinematically accurate portrayal of a psychopath is actually Anton Chigurh from the 2007 Coen Brothers classic, No Country for Old Men.

Who was dead in the pool in no country for old man?

Llewellyn is Found Dead, Jane Breaks Down - No Country for Old Men (2007) - Movie Clip HD Scene.

How did the Mexicans find Llewelyn?

In the end, the Mexicans found Moss by tapping the phone of either Sheriff Bell or Carla Jean Moss. Carla Jean told sheriff Bell where Llewellyn was. All the hitmen knew Moss was traveling along the border and that he was trying to get back to his wife.

Was Anton Chigurh a veteran?

present, as characters diametrically in conflict with Anton Chigurh, a veteran of the Special Forces who represents the world to come.

What happened to Chigurh in the movie?

The movie then cuts to a shot of Chigurh leaving the house, checking the soles of his boots, implying that he has killed her. While driving away from her house, some three blocks away Chigurh is badly injured in a car accident, sustaining a compound fracture of his left ulna and walking away with a limp.

What is Chigurh's nationality?

When writer Cormac McCarthy visited the set, the actors inquired about Chigurh's background and the symbolic significance of his name. McCarthy simply replied, "I just thought it was a cool name."

What episode does Chigurh appear in?

The Simpsons episode " Waverly Hills, 9-0-2-1-D'oh " spoofed Chigurh as a city inspector for Waverly Hills, while the episode " Daddicus Finch " showed character Nelson Muntz portraying a Chigurh-like character during a school performance.

Why did Javier Bardem play Chigurh?

When Joel and Ethan Coen approached Javier Bardem about playing Chigurh, he replied, "I don't drive, I speak bad English and I hate violence." The Coens responded, "That's why we called you." Bardem said he took the role because it was his dream to be in a Coen Brothers film.

What gun does Chigurh use?

Like wet stones." His signature weapon is a captive bolt stunner, which he uses to kill his victims and also as a tool to shoot out door locks. He also wields a sound-suppressed Remington 11-87 semiautomatic shotgun and pistol (as well as a TEC-9 in the film adaptation). This particular shotgun was only introduced in 1987 despite the film taking place in 1980. Throughout both the novel and the film, Chigurh flips a coin to decide the fate of some of his victims.

Where did Chigurh find the money?

In 1980, Chigurh is hired to retrieve a satchel holding $2.4 million from the scene of a drug deal gone wrong in West Texas. He discovers that a local welder named Llewelyn Moss, who chanced upon the money while hunting, has taken it and left town. Chigurh tracks Moss down to a motel using a receiver that connects to a transponder hidden in the satchel. However, Moss has hidden the money in a ventilation duct, and when he returns to the motel, suspecting (correctly) that someone is in his room, he retrieves the money from the connected vent in a second rented room on the other side of the motel. His original room is occupied by a group of Mexican gangsters sent to ambush him. When Chigurh enters this room, he kills the gangsters and searches for the money, but it is nowhere to be found. Moss, meanwhile, has already fled after hearing the gunfire.

What is Chigurh's portrayal of the world?

Many of McCarthy's works portray individuals in conflict with society, ac ting on instinct rather than emotion or thought.

What happened to Chigurh's car?

As he drives away afterward, Chigurh's car is suddenly hit at high speed by another vehicle . Bloody and with an awful-looking compound fracture in his left arm, Chigurh gives a young boy money in exchange for a shirt and silence when the police arrive.

Who played Anton Chigurh in the movie?

But the most popular character in the film is Javier Bardem as the eccentric hitman Anton Chigurh, with his weird haircut and his penchant for flipping a coin to decide whether to kill people. Bardem won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance as Chigurh, which is all the more impressive since the character is a nearly emotionless embodiment of evil. Elements of the movie's ending have raised questions among fans, and what happens to Chigurh is one of the most discussed.

What happens when Chigurh hits Carla Jean?

When Carla Jean won't go along with that plan, he presumably kills her anyway. Having broken the rules of the game, he no longer has the protection of fate (which was previously responsible for his almost supernatural ability to slip through the fingers of anyone pursuing him, like when Sheriff Bell is looking for him in that hotel room), and a random car smashes his arm just to make that point.

Why does Chigurh ask Carla Jean to call a coin toss?

He asks her to call a coin toss, to let fate determine if she lives or dies, as he's previously done with other characters. Carla Jean, however, refuses to make the call, forcing Chigurh to make his own choice (presumably to kill her, but it happens off screen).

Why did Chigurh kill people?

Chigurh has no regard for who he kills at all. He gambled a shop keepers' life on the flip of a coin. He killed those men because he is indeed a murderous lunatic:

What is the secondary assignment in Chigurh?

A secondary assignment is to kill the guys who the ringleader had hired to set up the deal that went bad (apparently the ringleader doesn't tolerate screw-ups). But first Chigurh needs their information and their transponders, so he meets with them before killing them. Obviously, they don't realize what's coming. Share.

Who plays the guy who hired Chigurh?

When he kills the guy who hired him, the one played by Stephen Root. It's in a tall fancy building. After Chigurh kills him he turns around, and there's a young guy standing there. The guy says,

Who is the actor in the new poster for "Naked Singularity"?

New Poster for "NAKED SINGULARITY" Starring John Boyega , Olivia Cooke, Bill Skarsgard and Ed Skrein. The film follows a NYC public defender who is pulled into a drug heist by a former client in an effort to beat the broken system at its own game. 16.5k. 999 comments.

Is Chigurh infallible?

He's not infallible, and he may imagine himself as the only principled and rational man in existence, but so does everyone else, and Chigurh is clearly psychotic and revels in his supposed superiority and ability to take life should he please.

Does Chigurh make deals?

Chigurh doesn't make deals. There is no reason to think he'd make one in this instance. He's a purest. The guy saw him (and, worse, is a witness to murder); why would he trust this stranger not to fink on him to the police and other criminals? (I mean, he even killed the desk clerk at the hotel.) It would be a nitwit move. His question is a sick joke; and his gun did the laughing.

Why does Chigurh never take responsibility for his murders?

He never takes responsibility for any of their murders because he allows a coin toss to make the decision for him. The coin toss removes his role and his guilt from the crime. It’s his way of dealing with the nature of the world he has built around him. Chigurh rationalizes his acts as inevitable.

What did Chigurh do to Moss?

Chigurh attempted to do the best he could by saying that if Moss allowed Chigurh to kill him and take the money Chigurh wouldn't kill Carla Jean, but when Moss refused to take the deal, in Chigurh’s mind it was as if Moss were refusing to sacrifice himself and the money to save his wife.

What is Anton Chigurh's dead giveaway?

Anton Chigurh’s character is seen removing his socks after they get bloody earlier in the m. The dead giveaway was him checking his boots when leaving. The movie uses a lot of attention to detail. Things that get said or done earlier on have merit in future events as part of different character profiles.

Is Chigurh a man?

Moreover, Chigurh is a man of his word and doesn’t betray his strange morals. It would be very out of character for him to spare her, especially when she refused the coin flip.




Chigurh is a violent psychopath who kills without compassion or remorse but always with deliberation. He is described as having his own twisted set of morals. While he does not kill without purpose, his reasons are at times abstract and typically selfish (e.g., murdering someone for the sole intention of taking their vehicle). He sees himself as a hand of fate; an instrument who exacts what is supposed to happen upon those he sees accountable. He gives many of his victi…

Character overview

Chigurh is devoid of conscience, remorse, and compassion. He is described by Carson Wells, a central character in the novel, as a "psychopathic killer", in his 30s, with a dark complexion, and eyes as "blue as lapis [...] [l]ike wet stones", other characters describe Chigurh's facial features as "exotic looking". His signature weapon is a captive bolt stunner, which he uses to kill his victims and also as a tool to shoot out door locks. He also wields a sound-suppressed Remington 11-87 semi…


The character is a recurrence of the "Unstoppable Evil" archetype frequently found in Cormac McCarthy's work, though the Coen brothers wanted to avoid one-dimensionality, particularly a comparison to The Terminator. To avoid a sense of identification, the Coens sought to cast someone "who could have come from Mars". The brothers introduced the character at the beginning of the film in a manner similar to the opening of the 1976 film The Man Who Fell to Ear…

Role in the plot

In 1980, Chigurh is hired to retrieve a satchel holding $2.4 million from the scene of a drug deal gone wrong in West Texas. He discovers that a local welder named Llewelyn Moss, who chanced upon the money while hunting, has taken it and left town. Chigurh tracks Moss down to a motel using a receiver that connects to a transponder hidden in the satchel. However, Moss has hidden the money in a ventilation duct, and when he returns to the motel, suspecting (correctly) that so…


Chigurh's depiction as a seemingly inhuman foreign antagonist is said to reflect the apprehension of the post-9/11 era. Many of McCarthy's works portray individuals in conflict with society, acting on instinct rather than emotion or thought.


Critics have praised Bardem's portrayal of Chigurh, for which he received an Academy Award, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA.
Yale professor Harold Bloom labelled Chigurh the main weakness of No Country for Old Men, saying "has none of the legitimacy or grandeur that Judge Holden has." ranked him in its list of top 11 "silver screen psychos", saying, "Chigurh is an assassin o…

In popular culture

Being well received after the theatrical run of No Country for Old Men, Chigurh has been parodied in other media, mainly as a spoof of the film's most memorable scenes. Ike Barinholtz plays Anton Chigurh in the spoof movie Disaster Movie, while Carlos Areces plays Anton Chigurh in the spoof movie Spanish Movie. The British comedy series Benidorm also parodied the character in the 2009 special.

1.How likely is it that Anton Chigurh died from those …


15 hours ago Chigurh, in the film and the novel, is a hitman whose employers are never identified, although we can assume it is probably a drug cartel. Chigurh kills several characters and is never …

2.Anton Chigurh - Wikipedia


23 hours ago Does anton chigurh die? Last Update: May 30, 2022. ... Did Anton Chigurh keep the money? Chigurh got the money later. So after the crime scene had been closed up he went to the room, …

3.Why Chigurh's Fate In No Country For Old Men Means …


22 hours ago Anton Chigurh dies anticlimactically. We see him take a meaningless car crash, just a fluke of nature. Death can die. It may be from a blood clot, or a result of infection from his wounds, but …

4.In No Country for Old Men, who does Anton Chigurh work …


22 hours ago  · Study now. Best Answer. Copy. At the end of "No Country For Old Men" Anton Chigurh get in a car accident and get up, puts his arm in a sling. Then just walks away and is …

5.No Country For Old Men: did Chigurh kill that one guy? : …


6 hours ago The answer is there is an unseen layer in the movie. In the book he kills off the men who set up the botched drug buy, including the man who hired Wells. He then returns the money to the …

6.Did Anton Chigurh kill Moss' wife in the movie No Country …


7 hours ago I feel you misunderstood, Chigurh is not literally or figuratively death. He is a man, without humanity or emotions and has a twisted ideology that is constantly being shown throughout …

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