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did the mayans make human sacrifices

by Antwon Blick Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

By extension, the sacrifice of human life was the ultimate offering of blood to the gods, and the most important Maya rituals culminated in human sacrifice. Generally, only high-status prisoners of war were sacrificed, with lower status captives being used for labor.

How did the Mayans preform their human sacrifices?

Who are the Mayan gods?

  • Mayan Gods and Goddesses. The ancient Maya had a complex pantheon of deities whom they worshipped and offered human sacrifices.
  • Kukulcan - Winged God - Feather Serpent. His pyramid was the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan.
  • Chac.
  • Another Sun God - Kinich Ahau or Ahaw Kin.
  • Yumil Kaxob.
  • Yum Cimil.
  • Ixtab.
  • Yum Kaax.

Did the Maya really sacrifice their ballgame players?

The answer to both questions is no; the players were most likely not sacrificed, and the ball wasn't meant to go through the hoop, although it likely happened from time to time, said Christophe...

How did the Mayans appease their gods?

10 Civilizations That Sacrificed Human Children

  1. Babylon. Photo credit: Finding itself dead center in the birthplace of civilization, Babylon was a megalithic settlement and one of the most powerful forces of the ancient world.
  2. Aztec. The Aztecs are probably the society best known for engaging in human sacrifice for religious reasons.
  3. Canaan. ...
  4. Israelites. ...
  5. Olmec. ...
  6. Maya. ...
  7. Toltec. ...
  8. Inca. ...
  9. Teotihuacan. ...

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What Temple did the Mayans use to sacrifice?

victims were often captured enemies from rival Mayan cities. This serpent head is from the Platform of Venus, another leading site for human sacrifice at Chichen Itza. The serpent often appears with a human head in its jaws. Chichen Itza offers a sound and light show in which the Temple of Venus is appropriately presented as blood red.


How often did the Mayans practice human sacrifice?

Ancient Mayan people did not routinely indulge in human sacrifice and ritual decapitation as is commonly believed. And the evidence comes from an unlikely source – the burial practices of the medieval monarchs of Europe. The Mayans built a stunning dynasty that dominated Meso-America from AD 250 to 1200.

What did the Mayans believe happens after death?

The Maya believed that when people died, they entered the Underworld through a cave or a cenote. When kings died, they followed the path linked to the cosmic movement of the sun and fell into the Underworld; but, because they possessed supernatural powers, they were reborn into the Sky World and became gods.

How many human sacrifices did the Aztecs make a year?

250,000 peopleWoodrow Borah an authority on the demography of ancient Mexico at the University of California, Berkeley, has recently estimated that the Aztecs sacrificed 250,000 people a year.

What kind of rituals did the Mayans perform?

Offerings often consisted of food or incense, accompanied by the ceremonial ministrations of a priest. But, in some cases, blood was called for. This would often take the form of ritual mutilation, carried out by the rulers on behalf of their people.

Why did the Mayans fear death?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Death rituals were an important part of Maya religion. The Maya greatly respected death; they were taught to fear it and grieved deeply for the dead. They also believed that certain deaths were more noble than others.

Do Mayans believe in god?

The Maya believed in a large number of nature gods. Some gods were considered more important and powerful than others. Itzamna - The most important Maya god was Itzamna. Itzamna was the god of fire who created the Earth.

Who was more brutal the Aztecs or Mayans?

Both the Maya and Aztecs controlled regions of what is now Mexico. The Aztecs led a more brutal, warlike lifestyle, with frequent human sacrifices, whereas the Maya favoured scientific endeavours such as mapping the stars.

Did Mayans and Aztecs fight?

There were Aztec garrisons on the Maya frontier, and very likely plans to attack. But then the Aztecs themselves were attacked - by the Spaniards. However, if by “the Aztecs” we can include surviving warriors from the regions of Mexico that were part of the Aztec Empire, then the answer is yes.

What did the Aztecs fear would happen every 52 years?

Every 52 years, the people were terrified that the world would end. All religious fires were extinguished, people all over the empire would destroy their furniture and precious belongings and go into mourning.

Why did the Mayan kings sacrifice their own blood?

Within their belief system, human blood was partially made up of the blood of the gods, who sacrificed their own divine blood in creating life in humans. Thus, in order to continually maintain the order of their universe, the Maya believed that blood had to be given back to the gods.

Why did the Mayans blood let?

Ritual bloodletting, along with fasting, tobacco smoking, and ritual enemas, was pursued by the royal Maya in order to provoke a trance-like state (or altered state of consciousness) and thereby achieve supernatural visions and communicate with dynastic ancestors or underworld gods.

Did the Mayans practice mummification?

Our MAYANS took their mummies home (we recommended keeping them somewhere warm, like an airing cupboard). We're all looking forwad to finding out at our next session how their mummies are doing! Our mummification day was a messy but really fun session, and our MAYANS learnt lots too!

What were the most common ways of sacrificing a person in the Maya?

The most common ways were decapitation and heart removal. Dedication to a new building or new ruler required a human sacrifice. Many of these were depicted in Maya artwork and sometimes took place after the victim was tortured (beaten, scalped, burned, etc.).

What did the Maya rituals provide?

These rituals provided hope and security to the Maya culture and demonstrated their own outlooks on death.

What is the sacrifice of a living creature?

The sacrifice of a living creature was a powerful offering and a human sacrifice was the ultimate one. Usually, only high status prisoners of war were sacrificed while other captives were used as the labor force. There were several different ways these sacrifices occurred. The most common ways were decapitation and heart removal.

Grappling With the World

Like all human societies, the Maya grappled with uncertainty in the world, erratic weather patterns which brought drought and storms, the anger and violence of enemies, the occurrence of disease, and the inevitability of death.

Valuing Life

The Maya valued life highly, and according to their religion, there was an afterlife so human sacrifice of people they cared for—such as children—was not perceived as murder but rather placing that individual's life into the hands of the deities.

Other Sacrifices

Maya priests and rulers also made personal sacrifice, using obsidian knives, stingray spines, and knotted cords to draw blood from their own bodies as offerings to gods. If a ruler lost a battle, he himself was tortured and sacrificed.

What does sacrifice mean in Maya?

Meaning of Human Sacrifice. To the Maya, death and sacrifice were spiritually linked to the concepts of creation and rebirth. In the Popol Vuh, the sacred book of the Maya, the hero twins Hunahpú and Xbalanque must journey to the underworld (i.e. die) before they can be reborn into the world above.

What was sacrificed in the Yaxchilán?

Captive kings and rulers were often highly prized sacrifices. In another carving from Yaxchilán, a local ruler, “Bird Jaguar IV,” plays the ball game in full gear while “Black Deer,” a captured rival chieftain, bounces down a nearby stairway in the form of a ball. It is likely that the captive was sacrificed by being tied up and pushed down the stairs of a temple as part of a ceremony involving the ball game. In 738 C.E., a war party from Quiriguá captured the king of rival city-state Copán: the captive king was ritually sacrificed.

What did early scholars who studied the Maya believe?

Early scholars who studied the Maya believed them to be pacifists who rarely warred among themselves. These scholars were impressed by the intellectual achievements of the culture, which included extensive trade routes, a written language, advanced astronomy and mathematics, and an impressively accurate calendar.

What did the Aztecs do to their victims?

Far to the north, the Aztecs would become famous for holding their victims down on top of temples and cutting out their hearts, offering the still-beating organs to their gods. The Maya cut the hearts out of their victims, too, as can be seen in certain images surviving at the Piedras Negras historical site. However, it was much more common for them to decapitate or disembowel their sacrificial victims, or else tie them up and push them down the stone stairs of their temples. The methods had much to do with who was being sacrificed and for what purpose. Prisoners of war were usually disemboweled. When the sacrifice was religiously linked to the ball game, the prisoners were more likely to be decapitated or pushed down the stairs.

What is the significance of sacrifices?

Sacrifices often marked the beginning of a new era: this could be the ascension of a new king or the beginning of a new calendar cycle. These sacrifices, meant to aid in the rebirth and renewal of the harvest and life cycles, were often carried out by priests and/or nobles, especially the king.

How was the captive king sacrificed?

It is likely that the captive was sacrificed by being tied up and pushed down the stairs of a temple as part of a ceremony involving the ball game. In 738 C.E., a war party from Quiriguá captured the king of rival city-state Copán: the captive king was ritually sacrificed.

Who wrote the dictionary of the gods and symbols of ancient Mexico and the Maya?

Miller, Mary and Karl Taube. An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1993.

What was sacrificed in the Maya?

By extension, the sacrifice of a human life was the ultimate offering of blood to the gods, and the most important Maya rituals culminated in human sacrifice. Generally only high status prisoners of war were sacrificed, with lower status captives being used for labour.

Why did the Incas sacrifice children?

Children were selected as sacrificial victims as they were considered to be the purest of beings.

Did the Mayans sacrifice virgin girls?

Ancient Maya sacrificed boys not virgin girls: study. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - The victims of human sacrifice by Mexico's ancient Mayans, who threw children into water-filled caverns, were likely boys and young men not virgin girls as previously believed, archeologists said on Tuesday.

What are some ways to sacrifice?

Other methods of sacrifice included drowning, beating, mutilation, and arrow sacrifices. In the arrow sacrifice the victim was painted blue, and tied to a stake while dancers took turns trying to pierce the victims heart.

What is the supreme sacrifice?

The supreme sacrifice was the human life. This took place during elaborate ceremonies. Sacrificial scenes have been depicted in ancient Mayan ceramics, sculptures and murals. Like the Aztecs, this was all done in an attempt to appease the gods.

Why were children desired?

Children were desired because of their innocence, and they would sometimes be abducted or purchased from neighboring cities. The purchase price was paid in red beans. Diego de Landa witnessed human sacrifices. He tells us that the sacrificial victim was painted blue.

What was the pyramid in Tikal?

Pyramid I, Tikal, Guatemala. It is believed that commoners had little or no access to the main temples. The general population only participated in harvest, fertility, and hunting rites that were performed on specific calendar days.

What was the Toltec priest called?

Human sacrifice had long been a part of the Toltec religion. The sacrifices were performed by a priest called a nacom. The nacom was in charge of cutting out the hearts of the victims. He did this while he was entirely dressed in black. The nacom 's assistants were elderly subordinates called chacs.

What was the Mayan sacrifice?

Mayan Sacrifice. Religion was a very important part of the Mayan society. It pervaded most aspects of social life and involved frequent sacrifices. Most of the times, religious rituals involved offering animal sacrifices to the Mayan gods but in some cases, human sacrifices were offered as a rare tribute.

What was the sacrifice of humans and animals in the Mayan religion?

Sacrifices of both animals and humans was considered an important part of Mayan religion. Mayan usually offered human sacrifices on rarer occasions and it was considered among the highest tributes for the gods. Common methods of ritual sacrifice of humans included decapitation, heart removal and death by arrows.

What did the Mayans do to help the gods?

Mayan sacrifices were usually carried out by Mayan priests atop pyramid-temples. Mayans believed that by offering animal and human sacrifices, they appeased the gods and in some cases, aided the gods so that the gods, in turn, helped them.

What is sacrifice in Mayan mythology?

It was related to ancient Mayan mythology which frequently involved the motifs of life and death. For Mayans, the tales such as that of the Hero Twins signified that the gods were pleased with sacrifices. Mayans also believed that by offering one or more individuals as ...

What were the methods of sacrifice used by the Mayans?

Common methods of ritual sacrifice of humans included decapitation, heart removal and death by arrows. Mayans believed that the tribute of human sacrifices was valued by Mayan gods and kept them happy so that they, in turn, aided the Mayans. Less common methods involved sacrificing human victims by burying them alive or throwing them into cenotes.

Why did the Mayans dance around the victims?

The Mayans would then dance around the victim and use bows and arrows to hit the heart. The sacrifice caused the slow death of the victim by excessive bleeding from numerous arrow wounds. Mayans believe that such a slow death was more valued by the gods. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Why did the Mayans play the ballgame?

Mayans played the ballgame as a symbolic representation of the conflict between life and death.

What made the Mayan and Aztec practice so gruesome?

What made the Mayan and Aztec practice so gruesome was their adding cannibalism to the awful deed.

How much did the Aztecs sacrifice?

A little under 300 a year is the most reliable estimate. Contrary to some claims, there did not need to be a human sacrifice every day, only a sacrifice of some kind. The Aztecs also sacrificed fish, fowl, and art objects (smashing sculptures and burning paintings.)

What was the first form of capital punishment in the Roman Empire?

The Romans turned human various forms of capital punishment in the first century AD such as Damnatio ad bestias, and Gladiatorial combat. Gladiatorial combat may have started as human sacrifice as funeral rite for the death of Roman generals during the Punic Wars. By the end of the Roman Empire, many criminals and slaves were forced to fight to the death in arenas for public entertainment, and some Pagans viewed this as appeasing some gods.

Why did the Aztecs sacrifice their enemies?

Second, the Aztecs specifically sought to intimidate their enemies, so sacrificing enemies captured served to help keep the peace. Make an example of those who stand against them.

What was the most influential time period for the Mayan civilization?

BC 500 to 900, the most influential time period for Mayan civilization. Some tribes had population from 100,000 to 150,000!

Why did the Incas sacrifice children?

Children were selected as sacrificial victims as they were considered to be the purest of beings.

Why is it important to center all this in a narrative about fighting off malevolent deities?

Centering all this in a narrative about fighting off malevolent deities given that they were fighting for survival in a hostile environment does make sense. It would be a way to explain the harsh life they lived, the reality of droughts and death all around them, and give them the illusion of control over it. That’s how supe



During the pre-Columbian era, human sacrifice in Maya culture was the ritual offering of nourishment to the gods. Blood was viewed as a potent source of nourishment for the Maya deities, and the sacrifice of a living creature was a powerful blood offering. By extension, the sacrifice of human life was the ultimate offering of blood to the gods, and the most important Maya rituals cul…


Important rituals such as the dedication of major building projects or the enthronement of a new ruler required a human sacrificial offering. The sacrifice of an enemy king was the most prized offering, and such a sacrifice involved decapitation of the captive ruler in a ritual reenactment of the decapitation of the Maya maize god by the Maya death gods. In AD 738, the vassal king Kʼakʼ Tiliw Chan Yopaat of Quiriguá captured his overlord, Uaxaclajuun Ubʼaah Kʼawiil of Copán and a fe…


Human sacrifice is depicted in Late Classic artwork and sometimes involved torture; sacrifice was generally via decapitation. At times the sacrificial victim was dressed as a deer. The intended sacrifice may have been publicly displayed and paraded before the act of sacrifice itself. Images of human sacrifice were often sculpted into the steps of Maya architecture and such stairways may hav…


Much of the evidence of Maya sacrificial rituals is taken from images on their codices. A codex is an ancient manuscript made on sheets of paper, or paper-like materials. These records usually contain information pertinent to that era and people and detail many cultural and ritualistic aspects of life. Much of what is known from Maya culture is gathered from these books. Maya codices contain glyph like imagery that is related to deities, sacrifices, rituals, moon phases, pla…

See also

• Human trophy taking in Mesoamerica


1. ^ Sharer and Traxler 2006, p. 751.
2. ^ Miller 1999, pp.134–35. Looper 2003, p.76.
3. ^ Miller and Taube 1993, 2003, p. 96.
4. ^ Gillespie 1991, pp. 321–322.

Further reading

• Duncan, William N. (December 2011). "Bioarchaeological Analysis of Sacrificial Victims from a Postclassic Maya Temple from Ixlu, El Peten, Guatemala". Latin American Antiquity. Society for American Archaeology. 22 (4): 549–572. doi:10.7183/1045-6635.22.4.549. JSTOR 23072574.
• Graulich, Michel. "El sacrificio humano en Mesoamérica" [Human sacrifice in Mesoamerica]. Arqueología Mexicana (in Spanish). Mexico City, Mexico: Editorial Raíces. XI (63): 16–21. ISSN 0…

Maya Civilization

Modern Conception of The Maya

Beheading and Disemboweling

Meaning of Human Sacrifice

Sacrifice and The Ball Game

  • For the Maya, human sacrifices were associated with the ball game. The game, in which a hard rubber ball was knocked around by players mostly using their hips, often had religious, symbolic or spiritual meaning. Maya images show a clear connection between the ball and decapitated heads: the balls were even sometimes made from skulls. Sometimes, a b...
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Politics and Human Sacrifice

Ritual Bloodletting

Resources and Further Reading

1.Human sacrifice in Maya culture - Wikipedia


19 hours ago  · From the pre-Columbian era, human sacrifices were pretty common in Maya culture. The Maya civilization covered a large area of land which included southeastern Mexico and northern Central America. The reasoning behind this ritual was due to the belief that it was offering of nourishment to the gods. The sacrifice of a living creature was a powerful offering …

2.Human Sacrifice in Maya Culture | Anthropological …


26 hours ago  · The Maya valued life highly, and according to their religion, there was an afterlife so human sacrifice of people they cared for—such as children—was not perceived as murder but rather placing that individual's life into the hands of the deities. Even so, the highest cost to an individual was to lose their children thus child sacrifice was a truly holy act, conducted at times …

3.Why Did the Mayans Perform Human Sacrifices?


15 hours ago 4.2/5 (189 Views . 43 Votes) By extension, the sacrifice of a human life was the ultimate offering of blood to the gods, and the most important Maya rituals culminated in human sacrifice. Generally only high status prisoners of war were sacrificed, with lower status captives being used for labour. Click to see full answer.

4.The Ancient Maya and Human Sacrifice - ThoughtCo


12 hours ago Blood was viewed as a potent source of nourishment for the Maya deities, and the sacrifice of a living creature was a powerful blood offering. By extension, the sacrifice of a human life was the ultimate offering of blood to the gods, and the most important Maya rituals culminated in …

5.Did the Mayans make human sacrifices? -


22 hours ago  · Mayans did not practice human sacrifice as often as the Aztecs, as their ceremonial sacrifices usually involved slaughtering animals, such as jaguars, dogs, deer or parrots. Religious and political leaders also performed ritual bloodletting from their own body parts, such as the ears and tongue. The blood was then smeared on idols or ritually burned.

6.Why Did the Mayans Sacrifice Humans? -


22 hours ago  · Historians believe that the Mayans were first introduced to human sacrifice by the Toltecs. Human sacrifice had long been a part of the Toltec religion. The sacrifices were performed by a priest called a nacom. The nacom was in charge of cutting out the hearts of the victims. He did this while he was entirely dressed in black.

7.Maya Human Sacrifice —


6 hours ago Sacrifices of both animals and humans was considered an important part of Mayan religion. Mayan usually offered human sacrifices on rarer occasions and it was considered among the highest tributes for the gods. Common methods of ritual sacrifice of humans included decapitation, heart removal and death by arrows.

8.Mayan Sacrifice - History of Ancient Mayan Rituals and …


32 hours ago In the past, they did have human sacrifices. To ensure that the gods would grant rain, protection good crops, etc. Currently, some Mayan communities are catholic, some are Christian, some worship some of the old gods and Jesus, and some just the old gods, but none of them have human sacrifices.

9.How did the Mayans preform their human sacrifices?


14 hours ago

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