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do algae eaters need food

by Allie Kemmer Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Algae eaters (plecostomus) require ample amounts of vitamins and minerals in their diet in addition to algae and vegetable matter. Many of these vitamins and minerals are not present in algae grown in an aquarium.

What is the best fish for eating algae?

What is the best fish for eating algae? Bristlenose Plecostomus (Bristlenose plecos) Bristlenose plecos are a great addition to most aquariums. … Siamese Algae Eater. … Chinese Algae Eater. … Otocinclus Catfish. … Twig Catfish. … Nerite Snail. … Cherry Shrimp. … Amano Shrimp. Do Mollies eat green hair algae? Premium Member.

Which one is the best algae eating fish?

Top 10 Best Algae Eater Fishes For Your Aquarium

  1. Siamese Algae Eater. The Siamese Algae Eater will survive in your aquarium with the motive of keeping your tank crystal clear and free of algae.
  2. Bristlenose Pleco. Undeniably not a fish to be gazed upon continuously, although they are catchy. ...
  3. Chinese Algae Eater. ...
  4. Otocinclus. ...
  5. Twig Catfish. ...
  6. Rubber Lip Pleco. ...
  7. Whiptail catfish. ...
  8. Flag Fish. ...
  9. Sailfin Pleco. ...

More items...

Did the goldfish eat my algae eater?

Unfortunately, because goldfish are omnivores, which means that they will eat both plant and animal-based foods, there is always a possibility that they could potentially eat an algae eater. This is why you must know which are the suitable algae eaters to keep in a goldfish tank.

What are the best snails for eating algae?

Which Snails Are The Best Algae Eaters?

  1. Nerite Snails. The Nerite snail seems to have the largest appetite from all other snails to focus mostly on algae. ...
  2. Ramshorn Snails. We like Ramshorn snails because they tend to leave your other plants alone and direct their attention on algae only.
  3. Mystery Snails. Mystery snails are very popular for their attractiveness and peaceful nature. ...
  4. Pond Snails. ...


Do I need to feed my algae eater?

As mentioned, algae eaters need additional food to survive and thrive – keeping your tank free of algae won't be enough to sustain them. To meet their dietary needs, you will have to offer them algae wafers or spirulina, as well as a healthy veggie content.

How long can algae eaters go without food?

Bristlenose plecos can go 14 days without food. These bottom-dwelling fish are very hardy and can survive quite long without eating anything.

What do algae eaters like to eat?

What do algae eaters eat? Algae eaters move along the sides and bottom of the aquarium scraping off algae with their sucker mouths. They can also feed on commercial pelleted food. Choose spirulina pellets or algae discs of the appropriate size.

Do algae eaters eat regular fish food?

What is this? Although they may not eat hair algae or beard algae, they do enjoy eating the more common types, such as the green variety and brown algae too, among others. In general, these fish make for great tank cleaners, as they are bottom feeders that will also eat uneaten fish food and all sorts of detritus too.

Do algae eaters clean fish tanks?

Algae eaters (also known as a clean up crew) are an integral part of the aquarium hobby, due to their ability to manage and help keep your tank's ecosystem balanced. And an effective algae eater won't just keep algae under control.

How long do algae eater fish live?

around 10 yearsThe typical Chinese Algae Eater lifespan is around 10 years. This makes them a fish that's better suited for aquarists who are interested in making a reasonable commitment. Casual hobbyists might do better owning a species with a shorter lifespan.

Can algae eaters live alone?

Remember that algae eaters cannot survive on algae alone. Be sure to supplement their diets with commercial food so they can live long lives contributing to the health and ambiance of your aquarium.

Why is my algae eater attacking my fish?

Evidence suggests that they attack the slime coat as they are looking for nutrients and will attach to the sides of other fish to try to feed on this. Some people believe that “Because it's got a suckermouth, it will eat algae”.

What fish cleans the tank?

Suckermouthed catfish like Common and Sailfin Plecos, Bristlenose and Otocinclus all graze algae and will “clean” the tank of it, but they do also need food in their own right if they are to grow, stay healthy and thrive.

Do all fish tanks get algae?

It is good algae that every tank will experience at some point. As long as you take care of your tank, it will not overgrow. Green water: Also known as an algae bloom, it turns your water the color green because it suspends in water instead of growing on surfaces.

What fish is the best algae eater?

What Are The Best Algae-Eating Fish?Bristlenose Plecostomus (Bristlenose plecos) Bristlenose plecos are a great addition to most aquariums. ... Siamese Algae Eater. ... Chinese Algae Eater. ... Otocinclus Catfish. ... Twig Catfish. ... Nerite Snail. ... Cherry Shrimp. ... Amano Shrimp.

How long can algae eaters live out of water?

30 hoursPlecos can live up to 30 hours outside water if they store enough oxygen in their bellies -- this is why plecos are sometimes seen gulping air at the water's surface.

How long can a pleco survive without a filter?

A fish live without a filter for a maximum of seven days and a minimum of three days. A filter helps clean the water over and over again, so the toxins in it don't settle down.

How often should I feed my pleco?

One to two times per weekWhile Plecos do eat detritus and algae, it will still need its diet supplemented. Feed your Pleco every day or every other day with Pleco-specific food. One to two times per week, feed your Pleco pieces of cucumber, zucchini, or lettuce (not iceberg).

How long can algae eaters live out of water?

30 hoursPlecos can live up to 30 hours outside water if they store enough oxygen in their bellies -- this is why plecos are sometimes seen gulping air at the water's surface.

How often should I feed my pleco algae wafers?

Give your pleco an algae wafer at night before you go to bed, as plecos are nocturnal and eat at nighttime. If the wafer has been completely consumed by the time you wake up, you can offer another algae wafer to your pleco in the morning. Give meat to your pleco once or twice per week.

6 Things to Know About Algae Eaters

1. Types of algae eaters: otocinclus, hi fin, bristlenose, rubber lip and plecostomus 2. Experience Level: Beginner 3. Size: They grow from 2 inche...

How Do I Set Up My Algae Eater’S Aquarium?

Set up the aquarium at least 1 day before you add any fish.Aquarium & stand 1. The minimum size of an appropriate aquarium depends on how many fish...

What Do I Put in The Aquarium?

1. If you will be using an under-gravel filter, add it first. 2. Layer about 3 inches (8 cm) of gravel on the bottom of the tank (about 1½ pounds o...

How Do I Add An Algae Eater to My Aquarium?

1. Bring your algae eater home right away. 2. Place the algae eater, still inside the bag, in the aquarium. Let the bagged fish acclimate to the ne...

What Do Algae Eaters Eat?

Algae eaters move along the sides and bottom of the aquarium scraping off algae with their sucker mouths. They can also feed on commercial pelleted...

How Can I Keep My Algae Eater Healthy?

If your algae eater displays any of these symptoms of illness or distress, talk to a PetSmart store associate or a veterinarian familiar with fish...

How do I feed an algae eater?

Algae eaters move along the sides and bottom of the aquarium scraping off algae with their sucker mouths. They can also feed on commercial pelleted food. Choose spirulina pellets or algae discs of the appropriate size. Feed your new pet algae eater wafers daily along with occasional supplements of fresh veggies, like sliced zucchini or kale.

How can I keep my algae eater healthy?

PetSmart offers free aquarium water testing. Bring in a sample and we can test its quality within minutes.

What fish can live with algae eaters?

6 things to know about algae eaters. Behavior: They should live with fish of similar size in a semi-aggressive aquarium; otocinclus, rubber lip and bristlenose can live in community tanks; pleco can live in aggressive tanks as well.

How many algae eaters can you add to a filter?

Add no more than 3 algae eaters at a time to make sure the filter can handle all the new action in the neighborhood.

How long to let algae eaters acclimate to new water temperature?

Place the algae eater, still inside the bag, in the aquarium. Let the bagged fish acclimate to the new water temperature for 15 minutes.

How many times should an aquarium filter be used?

For example, the filter in a 20-gallon tank would need to push through at least 60 gallons of water each hour. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to choose and set up the filter.

How long before you add fish to aquarium?

Set up the aquarium at least 1 day before you add any fish.

What kind of fish eats the most algae?

Plecostomus bristlenose (Bristlenose plecos) Most aquariums benefit from the inclusion of bristlenose plecos.

How often should I feed my Pleco?

Plecos eats debris and algae, but it still needs to supplement its diet. Feed your Pleco Pleco-specific food every day or every other day. Feed your Pleco cucumber, zucchini, or lettuce pieces once or twice a week (not iceberg).

Is lettuce eaten by algae eaters?

Lettuce. The addition of lettuce to the diet of many kinds of fish, not only algae eaters, is beneficial. Keep in mind, however, that certain lettuce types, such as iceberg, contain less nutrients than romaine or green leaf lettuce.

Is it possible for algae eaters to consume betta food?

Again, plecos are excellent at consuming algae, but this should not be their only source of nutrition. You may also supplement their diet with sinking algae wafers every now and again to ensure they receive adequate nourishment. The fact that bristlenose plecos are bottom dwellers is one of the reasons they make excellent tank mates for bettas.

How can I tell whether my pleco is in good health?

Poop from other fish will not be eaten by any pleco. Find out what your pleco’s food requirements are by visiting Planet Catfish. Your pleco will hunger and perish if you don’t feed it. The belly of a healthy pleco should be well rounded.

What is it that eats fish poop?

There are no freshwater fish that need excrement as part of their diet, as far as we know. Although certain fish, such as Corydoras and Plecostomus catfish, are reported to consume excrement, they still need food just like any other fish.

Does the color of algae eaters change?

Fish at fish shops will not have their original hues due to the color change. Because of the congestion in the tank and the lack of cover/hiding areas, they are extremely anxious. Once they’ve settled into a regular tank and gotten used to their surroundings, they’ll start to reveal their real colors.

What is the best algae eater?

Special Requirements: None. Of the common snail varieties, Ramshorn Snails are the best looking and best algae eaters. They have a malign reputation in some circles, but the same qualities that make them a pain also make them an excellent algae eater. Ramshorns breed prolifically.

What does green algae mean?

Cyanobacteria usually indicates a lack of oxygen in the water, while green spot algae may indicate low Phosphorous or CO2.

What are the special requirements for a Pleco catfish?

Special Requirements: Driftwood. The Common Pleco is often sold to the unwary, who think of them only as an algae eater. The truth is that they’re highly specialized catfish, living out their lives in swift streams where their sucker mouth is a necessity to avoid being displaced.

Do Nerite snails need brackish water?

However, they’re a bit tricky to breed. Essentially, you’ll need brackish water.

Do cherries eat algae?

Cherries are among the easiest creatures to care for. They’re extremely hardy, breed prolifically, and don’t require a ton of food. They’ll readily eat algae around the tank, as well as sifting through the bottom of the tank to find discarded bits of food. There’s power in numbers here.

Is algae a problem in aquaria?

Algae is a constant problem in aquaria. Because of the issues it can cause, you may need to make sure that your tank is stocked with a cleanup crew alongside your flashier fish. There’s a lot of misconceptions surrounding algae eaters, so read on for some great ideas and some things to avoid.

Can algae eaters be used in smaller tanks?

However, you’re definitely not out of options, as there’s plenty of variety in algae eaters for smaller tanks.

Why do fish need algae?

While many fish experts recommend a little algae growth to maintain the proper food and ecosystem balance inside your tank, too much of it can be detrimental to the fish and other water creatures living there.

How much water do Siamese algae eaters need?

Generally, plan to go with a minimum tank size of 25 to 30 gallons of water. This will allow them to be active and explore, while also having places to hide.

What do Siamese fish eat?

Most fish experts recommend that these Siamese algae eaters also be fed a diet mixture of fish food that includes some protein and natural plant-based foods. In the tank, these fish can be fed pretty much any commercial or live foods.

Why add Siamese algae eaters to aquarium?

Adding Siamese algae eaters to an aquarium helps to control types of algae growth and maintain good aquarium health that is essential for the well-being of each occupant living inside of the tank . This also prevents cloudy aquarium water (which never looks good).

How big do Siamese algae eaters get?

These bottom loving fish can grow up to approximately 6 inches (16 cm) and sometimes even a bit longer.

What is the black stripe on a Siamese algae eater?

The telltale black stripe runs to the tip of the fish’s almost perfectly clear caudal fin with a mustache that some call Rostral barbels. Side-by-side, the female Siamese algae eater has a somewhat broader expanse of their middle section when compared to the slim and sleeker male fish.

Where do Siamese fish look for algae?

These fish are always on the go, and they’re always looking for algae and other plankton usually found on tank bottoms and walls. Due to their active nature, Siamese algae eaters make interesting fish to watch as opposed to their less active counterparts.

What fish eat algae?

Mollies, platys, guppies, gourami (especially kissing if your tank is large enough), rosy barbs (hair algae), all the other barbs, flag fish (hair algae), most Malawi cichlids will all, to some degree, enjoy munching on algae. None will completely eliminate the problem, but they can help control it to some degree. Here is another bit of info: not all bottom dwellers will eat algae – corydora, loaches, and catfish with large mouths are not good algae eaters.

How to control algae in water?

Another effective way to control algae growth is by adding large amounts of live plants to help absorb excess nutrients and out compete the algae.

What is the green algae on my aquarium?

Green Surface Algae – that’s the green stuff that grows on your glass. Brown/Diatomic Algae – Often occurs in newer aquariums and generally resolves itself over time. Hair/Brush/Tufted algae – Has the appearance of string, beards, brush bristles or tufts.

How to get rid of algae in a fish tank?

If your tank is already overgrown with algae, there are quite a few methods to control and eliminate the problem. The first option would be *gasp* to just leave it there. If the algae is not smelly or hindering anything, leaving it there is perfectly fine and may actually do some good. Algae eat pollutants in the water and in turn release oxygen. Many types of algae are easily removed by wiping the surface with a sponge, cloth or an algae scraper (in tough to wipe strains). There are also chemical solutions which are marketed to remove algae but can be harsh on things other than what it is intended to destroy and should only be used as a last resort.

Why do aquariums need lights?

Unless a tank is planted with live plants, the only purpose for an aquarium to have a light is to make it easier to see the inside of the tank. Again, since algae feeds off waste products, another way to control its growth is through discipline in feeding the fish.

What is an algae?

What exactly are algae? Algae is a single or multicellular organism that has no roots, stems or leaves and is often found in water ( ). Algae is broken down into seven groups and within those groups, there are several thousand species and over 700 common types.

Can plecos grow fast?

If you can’t see any algae, there are not enough algae to sustain an algae eater. The common pleco is super cheap, grows insanely huge, lives pretty much forever and grow really fast. Common plecos will often uproot plants so should not be kept in a planted tank.


1.What Can Algae Eaters Eat? - Justagric


29 hours ago While algae eaters subsist mainly on algae and decaying plant matter, in order to be healthy, they require a vegetable supplement to their diet. In addition to offering algae eater food such as spirulina flakes or algae wafers, offer your algae eaters fresh, boiled, or blanched vegetables once in a while.

2.Algae Eater Care Sheet & Supplies | PetSmart


3 hours ago As mentioned, algae eaters need additional food to survive and thrive – keeping your tank free of algae won’t be enough to sustain them. To meet their dietary needs, you will have to offer them algae wafers or spirulina, as well as a healthy veggie content.

3.Best Fish Food for Algae Eaters | PetGuide


16 hours ago  · In order to be healthy, algae eaters require a vegetable supplement to their diet. Offer your algae eaters fresh, boiled, or blanched vegetables once or twice a week, in addition to the food such as spirulina flakes or algae wafers. Algae eater foods can be purchased at your local health food store or online.

4.How often do I feed my algae eater? | - From Hunger To …


23 hours ago  · In order to be healthy, algae eaters require a vegetable supplement to their diet. In addition to offering algae eater food such as spirulina flakes or algae wafers, offer your algae eaters fresh, boiled, or blanched vegetables. Algae eater foods can be purchased at your local health food store or online.

5.7 Amazing Freshwater Algae Eaters (And One to Avoid!)


8 hours ago  · Algae eaters can go for a long time without food. They are able to survive on their own in the water, and they have a very high metabolism rate that allows them to use up all of their energy quickly. Related Tags

6.Siamese Algae Eaters: The Only Care Guide You Need


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7.Does Every Tank Really Need An Algae Eater? | My …


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