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do bees like hollyhocks

by Blanche Stehr Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Birds, butterflies, and bees are all attracted to Hollyhocks. Biennials, as the name implies, are plants that grow leaves in the first year and bloom in the second year before dying off. In my favorite part of the garden in the summer, there are always hollyhocks blooming, with stalks reaching 4 to 8 feet in height.

Hollyhocks attract birds, butterflies and bees. They are biennials, which means that they grow leaves during their first year and bloom the second year before going to seed and dying.Aug 9, 2013

Full Answer

Are hollyhocks good for bees?

Advertisement 1. Hollyhocks Best when planted in fall (September or October), these beautiful, tall flower pods will bloom within the next year. This provides quick food for bees in need. Simply sprinkle the seeds on top of some rich, warm soil and cover ever so lightly with a fine layer of the soil.

Do hollyhocks reseed themselves?

Hollyhocks reseed themselves annually. Hollyhocks produce heart-shaped leaves that clump up into a hill below the flower stalks. Flower natures are single, semi-double, and double with blossoms of 3 to 6 inches wide. The large flowers top strong, tall stems.

What does a hollyhock look like?

Hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) are showy, old-fashioned flowers that add a touch of elegance to a home garden. These flowering perennials range in height from 2 to 8 feet, with a 1- to 2-foot spread. Tall spikes or spires produce large single or double blossoms in colors ranging from white to yellow, red or pink.

What can I plant with Hollyhocks in my garden?

1 Hollyhocks add drama and height, making an impressive backdrop to shorter perennials. 2 Attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden. 3 Plant with companions such as dahlia, clematis, Shasta daisy, shrub rose, baby’s breath, black-eyed Susan, phlox, sweet William and climbing roses. More items...


Do bumble bees like hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks are good for bees and pollinators. Although I have a small garden, I was determined to find space to squeeze in a few hollyhock plants in the flower border, because I know pollinators, and in particular, bees love them - especially bumble bees. Bumble bees love hollyhock flowers.

What insects do hollyhocks attract?

Unfortunately, along with attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, hollyhocks lure insect pests, especially the hollyhock weevil.Hollyhock Weevils. If irregular holes show up in new hollyhock leaves in the spring, you may suspect the hollyhock weevil (Apion longirostre). ... Remedies for Weevils. ... Japanese Beetles. ... Sawflies.

What insect eats hollyhock leaves?

Hollyhock weevilsHollyhock weevils usually spend the winter as adults near previously infested hollyhocks although some grubs developing late in the season may winter within seed pods and pupate the following spring. In spring the adults move to growing hollyhock plants where they feed on buds, tender stems and emerging leaves.

What plants do not attract bees?

10 plants that repel bees and waspsCucumber. This popular vegetable not only makes a great addition to summer salads, but also keeps bees and wasps away. ... Basil. Basil is another great choice for your garden that doubles as a kitchen resource and a pest repellent. ... Geraniums. ... Wormwood. ... Marigolds. ... Pitcher Plants.

Are hollyhocks good for bees and butterflies?

A column of flowers that can reach up to 2m tall, Hollyhocks are a great addition to a bee friendly garden. Almost like waving a flag to attract attention, these tall perennials grow stronger and produce more flower stems each year.

What is a good companion plant for hollyhocks?

Roses, rose mallow, tall garden phlox, delphiniums, peonies, ornamental grasses and foxgloves are just some of the plants that can be grouped with hollyhocks in the garden. Plant clumping plants such as daylilies and geraniums in front of hollyhocks to cover any dying lower leaves in mid to late summer.

Should hollyhocks be cut back after flowering?

End of season care No pruning is required, just remove any leaves that are heavily infected with rust disease through the summer and cut down the flower spikes when the flowers have faded. Hollyhocks are easy to grow from seed and will readily self-seed in your garden.

Are hollyhocks good for pollinators?

Hollyhocks are a fabulous pollinator plant, attracting bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. All colors and types will do but I've found hummingbirds tend to visit the pink and red varieties more frequently.

Are hollyhocks considered weeds?

Wild Hollyhock Plants Wild hollyhock (​Sidalcea virgata​) also called Cusick's checkermallow, is a native wildflower or weed that is endemic to, and endangered in, the Pacific Northwest.

What flowers do bees ignore?

Annual and Tropical Flowers that do not attract beesPetunia – red varieties are not attractive to bees, though I have seen bumblebees checking out other colors.Celosia – both the flower structure and the red color are abhorrent to bees.Cardinal Vine – this red flower is a favorite of hummingbirds, but bees stay away.More items...•

What repels bees instantly?

Cinnamon and Mothballs Funnily enough, mothballs and cinnamon. Bees have bad reactions to these compounds, which cause them to flee any area where cinnamon and mothballs are abundant. Of course, you can use just mothballs or just cinnamon, but when the two are combined they are particularly potent.

Is there a flower that bees don't like?

Stings from any bee can be especially dangerous to those who are highly allergic to them. Unfortunately, you won't find very many plants that deter bees and wasps – wormwood (Artemisia) is one of only a few plants reputed to discourage wasps. Other possibilities include mint, eucalyptus, and citronella.

How do I keep bugs off my hollyhocks?

Spray insecticidal soap directly on these pests; it will kill them on contact. If caught early in the season, you may be able to prevent them from laying eggs by checking nightly and destroying the pests you find, until no more hollyhock weevils are detected.

What pollinators do hollyhocks attract?

Hollyhocks are a fabulous pollinator plant, attracting bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. All colors and types will do but I've found hummingbirds tend to visit the pink and red varieties more frequently. They're a host plant for painted lady and tropical checkered skipper butterflies.

What is attacking my hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks are susceptible to attack by three different insects; hollyhock weevils, Japanese beetles and sawflies. The gray-colored weevil looks similar to an overgrown tick with a long snout, reports North Carolina State Extension. The mouth on the snout bores through the flower buds so the female can lay eggs.

Are hollyhocks prone to slugs?

The most effective thing to do is replace slug-prone plants, such as clematis, delphiniums, doronicums, hollyhocks, hostas, hyacinths, ligularia, lilies, lupins, pansies, primulas and tulips with slug-resistant plants including acanthus, achillea, alchemilla, agapanthus, astilbe, astrantia, crocosmia, digitalis, ...

How tall are Hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks. A column of flowers that can reach up to 2m tall, Hollyhocks are a great addition to a bee friendly garden. Almost like waving a flag to attract attention, these tall perennials grow stronger and produce more flower stems each year.

What flowers attract bees?

Bees are particularly attracted to the colour purple but will of course happily fly to any suitable flower in your garden. Here are our top 10 recommendations for bee friendly plants for UK gardens: 1. Hollyhocks. A column of flowers that can reach up to 2m tall, Hollyhocks are a great addition to a bee friendly garden.

What flowers are good for bees in winter?

One of the best winter flowering plants for bees, the Hellebore is vital flower for providing early season nectar for any bees that may wake up and venture out on a warm winter day! The unusual colours, patterns, flecks and ruffles of hellebores are a perfect addition to a winter and very early spring garden, adding much needed colour in an otherwise dreary winter garden!

What are some of the best flowers for bumble bees?

2. Foxgloves . Digitalis is another tall and slender multi-flowering bloom that always seems to be much loved by bumble bees. The tubular shape of each flower allows the bees to crawl inside each individual flower and get to the nectar, at the same time collecting pollen which is used to feed their young.

What is the best bedding plant for bees?

Cosmos. Cosmos are one of the best annual bedding plants for bees. They have a fabulous, simple, open flower that provides easy access to its nectar for all flying insects.

When do crab apples bloom?

Crab apples are covered with masses of flowers in March and April and are often admired as being one of the first trees to bloom in the spring; this makes them a perfect ornamental tree for any size garden. 9. Wallflowers. Wallflowers are known to flower virtually all year round.

Do Dahlias shut out bees?

Many dahlias that have been bred to have large double flowers which effectively 'shut out' bees as there are far too many petals in the way for them to get to the pollen and nectar. The single flowered varieties, such as Dahlia 'Mystic Illusion' have the open flowers that bees simply love and can fly to and from as they collect their food! These cheery blooms are among the best autumn flowers for bees.

Where do Hollyhocks come from?

These easy-care plants come from China and the Mediterranean. Hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) give classy blossoms that entice butterflies and bees to the garden. Plant hollyhock seeds during winter to provide blooms by summer. Traditional spring-planted seeds won’t flower until next summer. Hollyhocks reseed themselves annually.

Do tulips attract bees?

Tulips come in an incredible variety of height, colors, and flower forms. Some tulips are even fragrant, which can invite the bees and butterflies to come over.

Is milkweed a weed?

The milkweed flower (Asclepias syriaca) plant may be treated as a weed and are usually isolated from the garden by those unaware of its unique attribute. Indeed, they may be found growing roadsides simultaneously, in ditches, and may need removal from commercial areas. However, the cause for planting milkweed in the garden flies by in summer.

What is the pest of Hollyhock?

Hollyhock weevils (Apion longirostre) are common pests in hollyhock plantings. These tiny beetles are between 1/8 and 1/4 inch in length, with hairy, gray bodies, orangish legs and a snout specifically adapted for chewing. They gnaw holes through the leaves and into the emerging flower buds.

What are the colors of Hollyhocks?

Tall spikes or spires produce large single or double blossoms in colors ranging from white to yellow, red or pink. They are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 10. Hollyhocks attract desirable insects such as butterflies, but may attract destructive pests as well.

What are Hollyhock sawflies?

Hollyhock sawflies (Neoptilia malvacearum) and a similar-looking species called hibiscus sawflies (Atomacera decepta) damage hollyhocks while the insects are still in their larval form. The adult sawfly of both species is about 1/3 inch long, with a black body and an orange thorax. The females lay their eggs on hollyhock leaves. The larvae mature to about 1/2 inch long and are a pale translucent green in color, with a single black spot on the head. They have club-shaped bodies and spiny black glands on each body segment. The larval sawflies eat the tissue from between the leaf veins, skeletonizing the foliage.

How tall are Hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) are showy, old-fashioned flowers that add a touch of elegance to a home garden. These flowering perennials range in height from 2 to 8 feet, with a 1- to 2-foot spread. Tall spikes or spires produce large single or double blossoms in colors ranging from white to yellow, red or pink.

How big are slender insects?

These tiny insects are usually less than 3/16 of an inch long, with slender bodies and cone-shaped mouths that pierce plant tissue and drain juices. They tend to cluster in large groups on the lower sides of leaves, where they leave unsightly black deposits of excrement.

What kind of butterflies like hollyhocks?

Hummingbirds and butterflies particularly like the deep red hollyhocks.

Where does Noelle Johnson live?

Noelle Johnson is a horticulturist and certified arborist who lives and gardens in the desert Southwest. When she is not writing or helping other people with their gardens, you can find her growing fruits and vegetables, and planting flowering shrubs and maybe a cactus or two.

Do Hollyhocks come in double forms?

Hollyhocks also come in “double forms”, which I love with their ruffled petals.

What are the characteristics of hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colors: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. The tall spikes are covered with blooms from top to bottom. Hollyhock leaves are large, coarse and palmate in shape.

What is the darkest hollyhock?

The darkest of the Spotlight series, this almost black hollyhock is a standout in the garden. Other colors in the series are red, pink, yellow and white. This variety behaves more like a short-lived perennial than a biennial.

How to start Hollyhocks from seed?

Hollyhocks are easily started from seed indoors or out. Seeds can be sown directly outdoors about a week before last frost. Sow at just ¼ inch deep and about 2 feet apart. Hollyhocks have long taproots, so if seeds are started indoors, use tall, individual pots and transplant early to avoid damage. Start indoor seeds about 9 weeks before the last average frost date. Seedlings can be placed outside two to three weeks after the last frost. Also, bear in mind that some are biennials and may not bloom until their second year.

How long do Hollyhocks last?

Many of the most common varieties are biennials, meaning they complete their lifecycle over 2 years. The first year is spent growing foliage and storing energy.

What color flowers are in Halo?

The Halo series blooms with single, bicolor flowers with either lighter or darker centers. Others in the series are candy, blush, and lavender.

Do Hollyhocks attract bees?

Hollyhocks support the lifecycle of painted lady butterflies as a host plant for their caterpillars and also attract other pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds. If you’ve got a cottage garden, it’s just not complete without a few hollyhocks gracing the edges.

Do Hollyhocks need to be cut back after flowering?

Other than staking and cutting the stalks back after flowering, hollyhocks really don’t require much maintenance , but they do need to be protected from insects and fungal diseases such as rust. Hollyhocks support the lifecycle of painted lady butterflies as a host plant for their caterpillars and also attract other pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds. If you’ve got a cottage garden, it’s just not complete without a few hollyhocks gracing the edges.

How many plants attract honeybees?

61 Plants That Attract Honeybees (this post!).

When do bees start making honey?

Spring Honey Flow–. (This is when the bees really start to make honey in quantities. After the flowering of those plants, here in the South, at around June, if your hive is more than a year old you will be able to harvest some honey). Tulip Poplar (and other trees and plants from the Magnolia family) Bluberry.

What color clover attracts bees?

I have so many things going on right now that I didn’t have much time to research the best clover to plant for the bees but I know they see ultraviolet light and that the best colors to attract bees are blue, purple, and violet. ( Here is a good article about bees eyesight ).

How far do bees travel from a hive to a bee yard?

Look around and get familiar with the native plants of your area. It is said that bees will travel two to three miles from the hive to forage, so your bee yard doesn’t have to include all of these plants.

Which species of salvia are bees and butterflies most attracted to?

The species of Salvia that bees and even butterflies find the most attractive is Salvia coccinea, also known as Texas Sage.

Why do Snapdragons depend on bumblebees?

Due to how heavy-lipped Snapdragons are, they depend on large bumblebees for pollination since smaller bees cannot open the flower.

Do French marigolds attract bees?

Generally, French Marigolds are attractive to bees. But the varieties with open centers are relatively more attractive.

What is the most common hollyhock?

The most common species of hollyhock found in gardens is Alcea rosea, known as the common hollyhock. Many cultivars of this species are available, with some being more rust-resistant, taller, or cold-hardy than others.

When do hollyhocks bloom?

The bristly hollyhock (Alcea setosa): Flowering earlier than the common hollyhock, this species typically blooms from April to June, grows in USA hardiness zones 5 to 9, and the blooms are pink.

How long do hollyhocks last?

Tall hollyhocks are perfect for adding height and floral interest in a cut flower vase. They typically last a week to ten days once cut.

Do Hollyhocks self seed?

Hollyhocks readily self-seed and, if you already have them in your garden, new plants will likely pop up the following year without any effort on your part. If you want to introduce them to your garden, growing them from seed isn't difficult. Follow these general tips for a more successful germination rate, but always check temperature and timing specifics for each species or cultivar:

Can Hollyhocks survive in shade?

Most hollyhocks can survive in partial shade, but they generally prefer a full sun position. These tall plants can flop in overly shady locations. If you live in a particularly hot and dry region, a partial shade location will prevent the lower leaves on your hollyhock from withering.


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