Knowledge Builders

do ceramic sinks crack

by Lessie Lind Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How to fix a cracked ceramic kitchen sink?

Once this is ready, fill the crack in your ceramic kitchen sink using a putty knife, or you can use a trowel if a knife is not available. Fill your crack as full as possible, pushing the putty into the corners of the crack and smoothing off the top as much as you can, leaving only a small amount above the surface.

Are porcelain sinks prone to cracking?

Porcelain sinks are very common and durable, but they're also susceptible to cracking. Unfortunately, there is little you can do about the problem once it happens. However, learning the different reasons a porcelain sink cracks can help you prevent the problem from reoccurring to avoid future cracked sink repair cost issues.

Why ceramic sinks are so popular in the kitchen?

The ceramic sink is an important part of the kitchen room and bathroom. This is one of the most popular materials for use in the kitchen and bathroom. It makes the room, extremely tough very attractive.

Is your bathroom sink cracking?

First, do not be alarmed, as many bathroom sinks crack. Lower quality materials such as fiberglass and porcelain are less durable and need to be handled with care to avoid cracking. So today we will discuss common reasons why your bathroom sink is cracking and how to repair it and ensure that it doesn’t happen again.


Why has my ceramic sink cracked?

Considering porcelain is usually layered on metal (which conducts heat), the sink loses heat rapidly and can become very cold—even when the room isn't cold. Therefore, hot water getting into contact with cold porcelain creates temperature stress that can cause cracks on the sink's surface.

Can a cracked ceramic sink be repaired?

Ceramic sink repair: Chips and cracks Fear not: if the chip has only just occurred and you still have the broken piece at hand, you can a ceramic sink is quickly repaired with an epoxy adhesive. But even if you don't, or that piece is broken beyond repair, using an epoxy putty to fill the gap is just as simple.

How do I keep my porcelain sink from cracking?

Like in the case of porcelain, avoid high temperatures and heavy impacts on the sink to avoid cracks. Or in the case of natural stone, repair hairline cracks as soon as they are readily visible. Be sure to follow your manufacturer's instructions so you can practice good habits with your sink to ensure it's longevity.

Do porcelain sinks crack easily?

Porcelain sinks are beautiful and clean up quickly, but the material is brittle and more prone to cracking than other materials. Cement Answers explains that when someone drops a heavy object onto porcelain, it can crack or chip.

Is my sink porcelain or ceramic?

Ceramic Versus Porcelain Ceramic and porcelain sinks appear almost identical in appearance. Ceramic is a form of pottery that is created using clay powder and water. It may be shaped by hand then treated with extreme heat that makes it great at withstanding chips or scratches. Porcelain is also a form of pottery.

How do you repair a hairline crack in a ceramic sink?

Use medium-grain sandpaper to gently rub against the hairline crack. Don't rub too hard, rub just enough and directly on the affected area to make the edges rough but not destroy the porcelain surface of your sink.

Can you pour boiling water into a ceramic sink?

Ceramic sinks can also withstand very high temperatures so you don't need to worry about pouring boiling water on them and are resistant to chemicals so no need to worry about keeping household cleaning products away from them.

Which sinks are best for bathrooms?

What material is the most durable for a bathroom sink? Porcelain material has been used for many years in bathroom sinks and is very durable. Stainless steel is also popular due to its durability and, like porcelain, is stain- and heat-resistant.

Why do acrylic sinks crack?

Miniature hairline spider like cracks may appear on cultured marble or acrylic sinks over the years. The thermal shock to the surface from turning the hot and cold water on causes many of these cracks.

Can cracked porcelain be repaired?

Broken porcelain pieces will usually require a clear fast-drying adhesive, especially if the object has an odd shape and clamping the pieces in place will be difficult. You'll want a glue that sets quickly and forms a long-lasting bond.

How do you repair a porcelain sink?

0:131:49How to Fix a Chipped Sink - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHours before using the surface again begin by sanding the chip to smooth the edges. Then clean theMoreHours before using the surface again begin by sanding the chip to smooth the edges. Then clean the area with an abrasive cleaner and scrubbing pad rinse thoroughly and dry with a paper towel.

How do I fix a crack in my kitchen sink?

Step 1: Deep clean the sink. Before applying the epoxy resin to the cracky part of the sink, you need to clean it deeply. ... Step 2: Sand the crack. ... Step 3: Apply painter's tape and sealing wrap. ... Step 4: Prepare the repair compound. ... Step 5: Apply the repairing mixture. ... Step 6: Smooth the edges. ... Step 7: Give the final touch.

Can a porcelain kitchen sink be refinished?

Porcelain sinks can last a lifetime, but after years of use the surface may be marred with stains, chips and scratches. While you could replace the unsightly sink altogether, it is much more cost-effective to simply refinish it.

Can porcelain be repaired?

If you want to fix chipped porcelain, you will need a gap-filling adhesive, a porcelain filler, or a touch-up glaze to replace lost material. Make sure your product is paintable if you plan on painting it. If you are joining broken pieces, opt for a strong liquid or gel adhesive that dries clear.

How to repair a crack in a kitchen sink?

Sand the repaired area with fine-grit sandpaper. Use 400-grit or finer sandpaper to smooth out the repaired area until it is blended in and even with the rest of the sink. Rub the sandpaper lightly back and forth over the chip or crack and run your fingertips over it as you go until it feels completely smooth.

How to get stains out of ceramic sink?

Get a mild cleanser, like Bar Keeper's Friend. Rub the cleanser over the ceramic and use a sponge to scrub any stains or dirt away. Then, just rinse the area off. You can repeat this process any number of times until you sink is blemish-free.

How to fix a chip in a sink?

2. Push epoxy into deeper gouges and chips. Use the tip of the repair kit’s brush or a toothpick to scoop up a dab of epoxy. Push the epoxy into the chip with the brush or toothpick without overfilling it. Don’t worry about making the chip level with the sink with the first layer of epoxy.

How long does epoxy need to dry before putting on sink?

Let the epoxy dry for 24 hours. Don’t use the sink for a full 24 hours after you apply the last coat of epoxy. The epoxy needs time to cure without getting wet in order to bond permanently to the repaired area.

How long does it take for epoxy to set on a sink?

Wait 45 minutes for the first coat of epoxy to set. Leave the sink alone for 45 minutes once you’re happy with how the first coat looks to let it cure. Make sure nobody uses the sink if there is anyone else around.

What to do if epoxy dries over sink?

You could write a warning sign and tape it over the sink to ensure nobody uses it while the epoxy dries if this is a concern.

How to repair a sink with epoxy?

3. Wipe the sink down with a towel and let it dry for at least 1 hour. Use a paper towel or a clean absorbent cloth to wipe away all the excess moisture in the sink after rinsing it. Leave the sink to air dry for at least 1 hour before you apply the repair epoxy.

What is better? A porcelain or ceramic sink?

Some butler's sinks are made from porcelain, which is not as hard-wearing as fireclay and more prone to damage and stains, however less expensive to buy.

What is a ceramic butler's sink?

Once the domain of a farmhouse or back kitchen and used only by servants, ceramic butler's sinks are now one of the most sought-after items to form a statement piece in contemporary kitchens . Rather than let your heart rule your head however, there are factors to consider before switching from stainless steel to these stately articles.

What is a butler's sink made of?

Some butler's sinks are made from porcelain, which is not as hard wearing as fireclay and more prone to damage and stains, however less expensive to buy. Working in a kitchen with a ceramic sink takes some adjustment – you're no longer able to simply throw things into the sink and let things pile up, but need to be more careful than ...

Is fireclay a heavy material?

Fireclay is very heavy and its construction from ground pre- fired clay mixed with wet clay and water means it is heat-, impact-, dirt- and stain-resistant and designed to be easy care.

Are ceramic sinks hard to clean?

Cleaning your butler's sink is usually required more frequently as marks and stains show up plainly against the white surface. Fireclay sinks are dirt- and stain-resistant so generally easy to keep clean, however, if a sparkling white sink is essential to your sense of daily order, simply keep a tub of Gumption handy or routinely give it a quick scrub with a paste of bicarb soda and lemon.

Why does my porcelain sink crack?

An example is pouring a pot of boiling water into your sink. Since porcelain is usually layered on metal and metal is a conductor of heat, the sink loses heat fast and becomes very cold, even when your bathroom or kitchen isn't cold.

What causes a crack in the porcelain?

Any sudden forceful contact with your sink, even from behind the sink wall, can cause a crack in the porcelain. If you moved a new appliance into the bathroom and it struck the sink, or were hammering away at the wall right behind the sink, the shock could crack the sink. Even leaning on the sink for a prolonged time will stress ...

Why do cracks grow over time?

Advertisement. Cracks will grow over time because the object is now compromised and therefore weaker. What started as a hairline crack might end with the sink cracked all the way through. Smaller additional shocks will slowly enlarge a hairline crack until it's large and noticeable. Advertisement.

Why is hot water not poured into porcelain sink?

When hot water contacts the cold porcelain, it creates temperature stress that cracks the surface of the sink. To prevent this from occurring again, never pour hot liquids into a porcelain sink that hasn't been used for several hours.

Can you drop a pan on a porcelain sink?

In the kitchen, dropping a heavy pan on a porcelain enamel sink can cause cracking. Avoid placing heavy items on shelves over the sink, and use caution when holding heavy items over the sink. Instead place them beside the sink or in the sink cabinet drawers. Advertisement.

Can a crack in the wall behind a sink be caused by a sink?

Accidents do happen, and oftentimes the results of the accident are ignored or unnoticed until later. Any sudden forceful contact with your sink, even from behind the sink wall, can cause a crack in the porcelain. If you moved a new appliance into the bathroom and it struck the sink, or were hammering away at the wall right behind the sink, the shock could crack the sink. Even leaning on the sink for a prolonged time will stress the porcelain and could lead to a crack.

How to protect ceramic sink from scratches?

You can use rubber sink mats on the kitchen sink to protect the surface from the bottom of the dishes. Not all scratches are avoidable on the sink.

Why is my ceramic sink chipping?

It can be either by accidents where it has been struck by something like heavy metal, by constant wear and tear, or by cracking along the sides. If your ceramic sink is cracked, chipped, or scratched, and you searching for a ceramic sink repair method, then you are in the right place.

How to keep ceramic sink white?

If the scratches are minor there is a good chance that they will be gone in the morning from the sink. Drain the ceramic sink and wipe it off with a soft cloth. This method should be done regularly to keep your ceramic sink sparkling and white without scrubbing.

Why does my kitchen sink scratch?

Most of the time scratches are caused by the action of washing pots, spoons, pans, and other things as far as the kitchen sink is concerned. You need to avoid scrubbing the bottom of your sink with abrasive cleaners as much as possible to avoid removing the shiny finish of your ceramic sink.

How long does it take for a ceramic sink to dry?

Now, you need to leave the sink to dry on its own for at least 12 hours, perhaps more to get totally dry the sink. Once the surface is completely dry and hard, you can use your cloth to polish over the cracked place.

How to fix cracks in ceramic tile?

Once the surface is completely dry and hard, you can use your cloth to polish over the cracked place. You can use water to rub the edges into the ceramic side so that it is barely noticeable. Finish the job when you think the putty solution is completely smooth. The putty solution will not look the same as an older ceramic, but it is better than a crack.

How to repair a chip in a sink?

Use a light touch to sand the chip. This repair kit probably supplies a small piece of sandpaper. But you can use fine 220-grit sandpaper as a substitute. Only sand around the chipped area on the sink.

Why do sinks crack?

If not repaired and treated properly, natural cracks can result in even bigger cracks that can cause the deterioration of the sink itself. Natural hairline cracks are common in natural stone sinks as a result of the construction process which creates grains and points of we akness in the sink structure itself.

How to prevent cracks in sink?

Although it may seem mundane, just a daily wash of debris and other elements can lead to better longevity for your sink. Excess moisture can lead to mildew, which can ultimately lead to the denature of the material, which will weaken the structural integrity, resulting in cracks. So, to preserve the quality of your sink, make sure to clean it regularly.

What if you cannot repair the sink?

Sometimes, even after a great deal of effort, your sink cannot be salvaged. Here are some things to consider when looking for a new sink to avoid the headache of your last sink.

What is the difference between wall mounted and freestanding sinks?

Then we have more simplistic designs such as a drop-in single vanity and basin styles which are ideal for smaller homes. And lastly, there is the freestanding sink which is ideal for all homes as it can be placed almost anywhere without being overly intrusive on space. Freestanding sinks are also popular as they are among the easiest to install and maintain with fewer drawbacks.

Why does my bathroom sink crack?

It’s a fact that many bathroom sinks inevitably crack due to poor use with a more delicate material like porcelain. Here are some common reasons why your sink may be cracking.

Can a sink denature?

Like most things, sinks do not enjoy drastic temperature shifts. Extreme temperature changes, such as hot water in a cold sink or ice cold water in a hot sink can denature and change the physical aspect of the material. In the case of less durable materials such as porcelain, fiberglass, wood and glass, these materials will eventually break down and erode if exposed to drastic temperature shifts over long periods of time. These usually will manifest as cracks, material stripping or warping.

Can a sink sustain heavy impacts?

Most sink and bathtub materials on the market cannot sustain heavy impacts. They are made to resist and weather natural erosion, not blunt force. This statement rings true for common sink materials such as porcelain, fiberglass, acrylic, fireclay and glass. Copper, stone resin, stainless steel and quartz can weather heavy impacts, but you can easily scratch these materials, so avoid dropping heavy impacts on your sink.

Why does my sink have a crack?

Extreme temperature changes can cause hairline cracks in your sink. Thermal shock occurs when the temperature increases or decreases at a rapid rate. Hairline cracks can eventually become worse if you don’t repair them.

What causes cracks in bathroom tiles?

Moving it in or out of the bathroom, hitting it with something heavy, or even dropping a heavy tool on it can cause cracks of all sizes. This is easily avoidable, though, with a little patience and care. Accidents can happen, though, leading to tiny cracks to begin forming.

How to fill in a hairline crack?

Now comes time to fill in the crack. You can use an epoxy adhesive to do the job; a bead or so should do the trick for most hairline cracks. You will need something with a very fine point like a toothpick to push the adhesive into the crack.

What causes hairline cracks in sinks?

Naturally Occurring Hairline Cracks. For some sinks made of stone, they are made when certain molten materials are folded and given a chance to harden. What you might not know is that these folds create a grain that occurs in the stone naturally.

Why do people love stone sinks?

Some homeowners actually love it because it is one of the more unique features for stone sinks. Some natural stone materials, however, can also have weaknesses in certain areas. This can create hairline cracks that will develop over time.

How to fill a crack in a wood floor?

Scoop a little bit of your compound onto a blade or putty knife and spread it out over the surface of the crack. Be sure that you press down thoroughly to get the crack to fill in the void. Make sure that you overlap the very edges of the crack in order to get full coverage.

Can porcelain sinks crack?

For instance, if you have a cool bathroom sink made of porcelain and pour boiling water down the drain, it could cause slight cracks to form.


Creating A Ceramic Kitchen Sink

Ceramic sinks are made using a blend of clays, fillers, and fluxes that are mixed and fused together during the firing process. Due to the firing process and the natural materials used, no two ceramic sinks are ever 100% the same. The materials and firing process used to create ceramic sinks can have a drastic effec…
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  1. As mentioned above, you can put a ceramic sink through a considerable amount of kitchen punishment. Although they are more sensitive to heat than other materials, you can place a hot pot or kettle...
  2. The most common look for a ceramic kitchen sink is gleaming white, but in reality they are also available in other colors. If you really want your sink to catch the eye, consider springing for …
  1. As mentioned above, you can put a ceramic sink through a considerable amount of kitchen punishment. Although they are more sensitive to heat than other materials, you can place a hot pot or kettle...
  2. The most common look for a ceramic kitchen sink is gleaming white, but in reality they are also available in other colors. If you really want your sink to catch the eye, consider springing for a bl...
  3. Aside from being available in a relatively wide color palette which makes matching with your kitchen cabinetseasy. These sinks also come in a whole host of different shapes and designs. You can fin...
  4. Ceramic sinks are usually fitted into kitchen counters seamlessly. There’s little space for dirt …


  1. You can’t dent a ceramic kitchen sink, but you can chip and crack it if you try hard enough. Once you compromise the glaze, the chipped area’s immediate surroundings can quickly turn discolored.
  2. Ceramic kitchen sinks are tough, which means that if you drop a plate or glass in one then chances are you’re going to have to find replacements for them. Fitting your sink with a remo…
  1. You can’t dent a ceramic kitchen sink, but you can chip and crack it if you try hard enough. Once you compromise the glaze, the chipped area’s immediate surroundings can quickly turn discolored.
  2. Ceramic kitchen sinks are tough, which means that if you drop a plate or glass in one then chances are you’re going to have to find replacements for them. Fitting your sink with a removable sink ma...
  3. If an environmentally friendly sink is what you’re looking for, then a ceramic sink isn’t the best choice. Its base materials are mined from the earth and the manufacturing process consumes a lot o...

Space Considerations

  • Have you decided that a ceramic kitchen sink will make for the perfect addition to your kitchen? To maximize efficiency and space, make sure that the countertop you will be installing the sink on has 36 inches of space to one side of the sink and at least 18 inches on the other.
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Step 1 — Preparing The Sink

In order to make sure that repairs have the best chance of sticking, use a drill to enlarge the crack and grind down the edges. This serves two purposes. Firstly, it smooths down the sides, removing any sharp edges (because ceramic can give you a nasty nick if there is an edge). Secondly, it makes the inside of the crack sli…
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Step 2 — Buying A Putty

  • Since many people have ceramic kitchen sink or bathroom sink accessories, there is a market for products such as Milliput, a type of ceramic putty that is white and has a smooth finish. This brand, and other types of ceramic putty, can set under water and form a water-proof bond when dried. These putties form a seal as hard as the ceramic itself, so it should be as hard-wearing a…
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Step 3 — Applying The Putty

  • You should mix the ceramic putty following the instructions on the side of the packet. Once this is ready, fill the crack in your ceramic kitchen sink using a putty knife, or you can use a trowel if a knife is not available. Fill your crack as full as possible, pushing the putty into the corners of the crack and smoothing off the top as much as you can, leaving only a small amount above the surf…
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Step 4 — Finishing The Job

  • Leave the putty until it is almost dry. Then use a little bit of water along with a sponge or clean cloth to smooth out the surface until it is completely level with the edge of the ceramic kitchen sink. You will now have to leave the sink to dry on its own for at least another 12 hours, perhaps more. Once the surface is completely dry, you can use your cloth to polish over the finish and ru…
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1.scratch & cracks in the ceramic sink - Houzz


19 hours ago Do ceramic kitchen sinks crack? Ceramic sinks are stain-resistant and easy to maintain, and you can clean them with your normal household cleaning products. One major difference between ceramic and fireclay or cast iron sinks is the fact that ceramic sinks are quite sensitive. …

2.Repairing a Cracked Ceramic Kitchen Sink


17 hours ago Material is ceramic. One of the sinks has fine hairline scratch almost a foot long across the surface, and lots of tiny cracks near the center/bottom of the bowl. The cracks appear to be …

3.How to Fix a Ceramic Sink: 12 Steps (with Pictures)


15 hours ago  · Cracks in porcelain sink bowls can happen for a number of reasons. Sudden extreme temperature changes, dropped items, shock or simply age can cause cracks in the …

4.The pros and cons of a ceramic kitchen sink | Home …


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5.Why Did My Porcelain Sink Crack? | Hunker


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6.Ceramic Sink Repair Step By Step - Best Ceramics Review


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7.Why is your bathroom sink cracking? | Badeloft


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8.What Causes Hairline Cracks In Sinks? – Upgraded Home


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