Knowledge Builders

do fireplace cleaning logs really work

by Brannon Roob III Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The expected results are two-fold, as follows:

  • The logs are expected to loosen tar-like creosote buildup, and
  • They lessen the combustibility of the creosote, which can help to prevent dangerous chimney fires.

Full Answer

Do chimney cleaning logs really work?

Return to the question, “Do these chimney sweep logs really work?” The first part of the answer is “yes”. It works to some extent. These types of logs contain chemical catalysts that can be used repeatedly to reduce the initial stage of creosote accumulation by up to 60%. Are there any other logs for cleaning the chimney besides the above?

Do creosote sweeping logs really work?

In respect to this, do creosote sweeping logs really work? Getting back to the question of “do those chimney sweeping logs really work?” the first part of the answer is yes, they do work – to some extent. These types of logs contain a chemical catalyst with can reduce the early stages of creosote buildup up to 60% with repeated use.. Subsequently, question is, will a hot fire remove ...

Do creosote burning logs work?

These products are designed to reduce dangerous creosote when they’re burned in the fireplace. So, do they actually work? According to the experts, the answer is yes. However, you need to be realistic. When you use a creosote sweeping log, it is going to dry out the creosote. In return, that will cause the particles to fall down into the firebox.

Do the chimney cleaning logs work?

Many homeowners wonder if the chimney sweep logs or creosote sweeping logs really work to clean out fireplace flues and get rid of creosote residue so that the fireplaces are safe to use. The short answer is no, they don’t work. At least, not well enough to completely clean out the flue the way it should be cleaned.


What to do after using a chimney log?

After you use one of these logs, use a broom to sweep up debris. That way, you won’t risk the creosote building up and catching fire. You should also use these logs along with professional chimney sweeps. A professional can ensure your chimney is clean, and they can reach places that the chimney logs can miss.

How Often Should You Clean a Chimney?

The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) recommends that you have a professional chimney inspection and cleaning at least once a year. Even if you rarely use the fireplace, animals may take up shelter in the chimney and bees may decide it’s perfect for building a hive in the summer.

Are Cleaning Logs Safe?

When you use them often and correctly, these logs are safe. You can burn the creosote log in your fireplace, so you don’t need to get into your chimney. These logs have chemicals that loosen the creosote, but you can use them in any wood-burning fire.

What is the third stage of creosote?

The third stage is when the creosote turns into a glaze, and you will need to replace the chimney liner to get rid of everything. If you use a chimney cleaning log regularly, they can work well. But you should get a professional cleaning as well. Not only can a chimney sweep get rid of stage one creosote, but a pro can clean up stages two ...

How to get rid of creosote in chimney?

You can put the log with your next fire, and its chemicals will help loosen the creosote. By getting rid of the deposit, you can keep your chimney working efficiently, and you can reduce the chances of chimney fires.

What is a chimney sweeping log?

Chimney sweeping logs help clear out your chimney and remove any creosote. These logs may also be referred to as a creosote sweeping log, a chimney sweeping log, a creosote log, or a creosote cleaning log. Creosote builds up when you use green or less-dry firewood. Because the fire doesn’t get as hot, smoke condenses faster.

How many stages of creosote are there?

Creosote occurs in three stages, and these logs can help with the first stage. At that point, the creosote is flaky, and you can brush it away. But by the second stage, the flakes contain tar. You’ll need to contact a professional chimney sweep to fix the issue.

How Cleaning Logs Remove Creosote

When the byproducts of burning wood come into contact with the comparatively chilly fireplace walls, they condense into creosote. It occurs in all fireplaces, but it is intensified by inadequate chimney ventilation and the use of badly seasoned or, worse, damp wood.

Benefits of Fireplace Cleaning Logs

The popularity of cleaning logs stems from their ease of usage. You remove the log from its package and set it in a fire that has been kindled. Furthermore, the majority of fireplace cleaning logs are inexpensive. They’re simple to store and keep for a long time.

Drawbacks of Fireplace Cleaning Logs

Soot deposits, which are a major problem with coal and oil-fueled fireplaces, may be removed by manually cleaning the fireplace. The usefulness of cleaning logs is restricted to wood-burning fires. Most cleaning logs are not suitable for use in propane or natural gas fireplaces.

How Does Creosote Form?

When you light a fire, unburnt gasses from the combustion process travel up your chimney where they are released into the outside air.

What is the term for the gas that forms when unburned gasses from a fire adhere to the cool?

We've determined that creosote forms when unburned gasses from your fire adhere to the cool inner walls of your chimney, so what can you do to burn up all the gasses that are escaping up your chimney?

How long does it take for firewood to season?

Wet firewood increases the likelihood of creosote forming inside your chimney. Typically, most species of firewood take about one year to season if you store it in a sunny location, stack it in rows elevated off the ground and keep it protected from rain and snow by covering the top 1/3 portion of the firewood stack.

What is stage 3 of chimney?

Stage 3 is a hardened glaze which is nearly impossible to remove. Most chimney companies recommend replacing the chimney liner if creosote reaches this stage.

How hot does smoke ignite?

Without the catalytic combustor the smoke would not ignite until around 1100 degrees.

What are the two things that are important in a safe burning fire?

Proper burning techniques such as preventing a low temperature smoldering fire, and a mechanical cleaning play a vital role in a safe burning fire.

What are the stages of creosote?

Creosote has 3 basic stages: Stage 1 is a very flaky, sooty substance that can easily be brushed away or cleaned. Stage 2 the flakes are mixed with a hardened tar which usually requires rotary tools to remove. Stage 3 is a hardened glaze which is nearly impossible to remove.

What is the cause of fire in a chimney?

It continues to accumulate with every burning log and becomes a thick, tarry, highly flammable substance in excessive quantities. Excessive creosote in the chimney is the leading cause of house fires.

What is creosote cleaning log?

Creosote cleaning logs are a specially formulated compound that contains chemicals and other additives to help reduce creosote build-up in the chimney.They are manufactured specifically for use in wood-burning fireplaces and wood stoves.

Do Chimney Cleaning Logs Really Work?

To fully understand how chimney cleaning logs work, it’s important to discuss how creosotes resulted in the first place. Creosotes and soot deposits in chimneys and fireplaces are known to be the main reason why such will require cleaning.

Will Fireplace Cleaning Logs Solve My Chimney Issues?

Not at all! Chimney cleaning logs are only designed to make a formerly problematic situation less difficult. It’s a response to a problem that seeks to redeem or return a chimney to normal functioning and prevent fire hazards.

Alternative Options To Creosote Burning Logs

There are about six ways to reduce the buildup of creosote in your chimney.

What Do Chimney Cleaning Logs Do?

The logs are put into the fireplace where they are lit, which burns the soot that is in the fireplace. They are then removed after a while, and by this time your fireplace will have been cleaned enough to be able to use it without having to repeat the chimney cleaning process again.

Are Cleaning Logs Safe?

Despite their drawbacks, the logs themselves are perfectly safe. Their primary danger is that they can start a fire or burn too intensely and cause damage to your fireplace. In this case, you will need to contact a qualified professional as mentioned above.

Are Cleaning Logs Good For The Environment?

New Clean logs are better for the environment than used ones. Rather than burning them, they continually release their ashes without causing any harm to the environment. This is because they do not get incinerated, and their ashes usually do not get discarded whichever way you choose to dispose of them (in trash or backyard incinerators).

How Often Should You Clean Your Chimney?

Before we start this section let me state that all chimneys will need to be cleaned sooner or later and this is because they will begin to emit a certain light smoke once in a while. The key term here is light smoke and if your chimney emits a lot of it then you might be able to notice the following:

What is a chimney sweep?

Professional chimney sweeps are qualified to clean your chimney and rid it of soot, creosote build-up, or the ash that falls out of the fire. They have all the necessary equipment needed for this.

How to get rid of creosote buildup?

Lastly, there are other options for getting rid of creosote buildup besides using logs. A chimney sweep can often fit into your schedule more easily than a professional cleaning company, and they also have the safety equipment necessary to safely remove creosote deposits from your chimney. If you are having problems with creosote buildup on the walls of your chimney, have a truly qualified professional perform service on your chimney.

How much does it cost to clean a wood fireplace?

If you need to have your wood fireplace cleaned then your price will be anywhere from $125-$200.

What is chimney sweep log?

Chimney sweep logs or creosote sweeping logs are supposed to loosen up that thick layer of grungy creosote that is left behind after a wood fire. It turns it into a flaky and easy to clean layer that can be just scraped off so that homeowners don’t have to spend hours trying to pry the thick creosote residue out of the fireplace flue.

How to tell if a chimney is a fire?

The signs of a past chimney fire include: 1 “Puffy” or “honey combed” creosote 2 Warped metal of the damper, metal smoke chamber connector pipe or factory-built metal chimney 3 Cracked or collapsed flue tiles, or tiles with large chunks missing 4 Discolored and/or distorted rain cap 5 Heat-damaged TV antenna attached to the chimney 6 Creosote flakes and pieces found on the roof or ground 7 Roofing material damaged from hot creosote 8 Cracks in exterior masonry 9 Evidence of smoke escaping through mortar joints of masonry or tile liners

What happens if a chimney sweep notices cracks in masonry?

If a chimney sweep noticed any of these types of damages they will tell you so that you can be sure that any damage has been repaired before you use the fireplace again.

Is vertical chimney care effective?

When it comes to professional chimney sweeping and inspecting, Vertical Chimney Care is the most trusted company in Chicago and suburbs. One of the biggest safety concerns is fires caused by creosote. Although chimney sweep log does the work, it’s not as effective as a professional chimney sweep and inspection.

Can you use a chimney sweeping log?

Use a chimney sweeping log if you want to make the cleaning and inspection easier for the chimney sweep but always hire a well trained and experienced chimney sweep to clean and inspect your fireplace and flue before you start using your chimney.

Can you clean creosote from chimney?

If you only use the chimney sweep log the flue might look cleaner and you might be able to scrape out some of the creosote left behind but you won’t be able to clean out the entire flue. Leaving any of the creosote residues in the flue could cause a fire later on. Don’t take chances when it comes to fireplace safety.

Do chimney sweep logs clean creosote?

The chimney sweep logs do help make that layer of creosote easier to clean up. Although they don’t get rid of that layer entirely it’s essential to have the flue cleaned out properly by an expert after burning the chimney sweep log. If you only use the chimney sweep log the flue might look cleaner and you might be able to scrape out some ...

What to do before using creosote sweeping log?

Before you use the creosote sweeping log, inspect your chimney for leaves, animal nests, and other debris and obstructions, and make sure your fireplace damper is open.

What is chimney cleaning log?

Chimney cleaning logs make the creosote easier to remove. They contain chemical additives that rise up through your chimney and stick to the creosote deposits. These chemicals dry out the creosote, turning it into a flaky substance that’s less flammable and easier to remove.

How to minimize downdrafts?

To minimize risk of downdrafts, burn a fire with regular wood, then after this fire has died down, place the chimney cleaning log on the hot embers. If the room has poor airflow, open a window to get more air in.

How much does a chimney sweep reduce?

The whole process can reduce the buildup in your chimney by as much as 60 percent. That means a faster, easier job for your chimney sweep and a lower price for you.

Why do chimneys need to be cleaned out?

Over the season, creosote builds up on the inside of your chimney. Because it’s highly flammable and a common cause of chimney fires, it must be cleaned out every year.

What is the third stage of a chimney?

Third stage – Also known as glaze, these hard, tarry deposits can’t be removed with an ordinary chimney brush.

What happens when you burn wood in a fireplace?

When the byproducts produced by burning wood hit the relatively cool chimney walls, they condense into a substance known as creosote. It happens in all fireplaces, but poor chimney draft and burning improperly seasoned wood, or worse, wet wood makes the problem worse.


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