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do pitbulls get pimples

by Dr. Samir D'Amore PhD Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Yep! Dogs can, and do get pimples. Dog acne is quite common, and there are many different factors that can contribute to your dog's lumpy muzzle. Dog pimples are often subtle at first and can go unnoticed, but once your pup is dealing with full-blown acne, it's hard to miss.Apr 5, 2021

Why does my Pitbull have bumps on his skin?

Pit bull skin bumps can appear for a few reasons. Learn how to identify the various causes of dog skin bumps from the video below so you can treat accordingly. Links for treatment are in the description below. Pit bull’s are susceptible to food and environmental allergies like humans are.

Are Pitbulls prone to skin problems?

Because of their short hair, Pit Bulls’ skin is more exposed to the elements and also more prone to allergies. Genetic predispositions make pitties susceptible to skin issues. But, know skin problems aren’t actually all that uncommon among other breeds.

Can dogs get pimples on their face?

Dog pimples, zits, acne, plukes, spots … call them what you like, but pimples are definitely a canine thing. Much like human acne affects teenagers, dog acne tends to affect young dogs. However, unlike in people, the cause of dog acne isn’t hormonal but more down to hygiene and genetics. How long do dog pimples last? Can I pop a pimple on my dog?

What dog breeds are prone to pimples?

Here are some of the dog breeds predisposed to dog pimples: Boxers. Doberman Pinschers. English Bulldogs. German Shorthaired Pointers. Great Danes. Weimaraners. Mastiffs.


Is it normal for pitbulls to get pimples?

Yes, dogs can get pimples just like we can get pimples.

How do I get rid of my pitbulls acne?

In mild cases, benzoyl peroxide alone may be sufficient to resolve canine acne; in more severe cases, long-term benzoyl peroxide may be used to decrease the likelihood of recurrence. "The most common treatment for canine acne is topical benzoyl peroxide."

What does a dog pimple look like?

Dog acne most commonly appears on the bottom of the chin, skin around the mouth, and lower lips. It can look like red bumps, hairless areas, and swelling of the muzzle. As the condition progresses, the bumps can become infected, grow, ooze, or drain fluid.

Why does it look like my dog has a pimple?

Causes of dog acne Acne in dogs is caused by the same things that cause human acne, a combination of excess oily sebum and dead skin cells mixing together which causes the hair follicles to get clogged, resulting in raised and red lumps, blackheads or whiteheads.

What can I put on my dog's Pimple?

Like our own acne, using a topical treatment can be useful in reducing symptoms and irritation. Talk to your vet about a topical gel or ointment that uses Benzoyl Peroxide. This ingredient is found in many human acne treatments. We advise against buying a human product for your dog.

How do you treat dog acne naturally?

How Do You Treat Dog Acne At Home?Wash Your Dog's Face Daily: You'll want to use warm water and a washcloth to keep your dog's face clean and free of irritation. ... Keep Your Dog's Face Dry: Bacteria likes to grow in moist environments. ... Brush Your Dog's Teeth Daily: Another place bacteria can grow is in your dog's mouth.More items...•

What are these bumps on my pitbull?

Lipomas: these fatty tumors appear as soft, round lumps of flesh beneath the skin. They're made up entirely of fat cells and are always benign, or non-cancerous. They're usually found in older dogs and dogs who are overweight. Larger breeds are more prone to them, although they can be found in small breeds as well.

Why does my pitbull have pimples on his chin?

Canine acne (chin acne) is also referred to as folliculitis or furunculosis. Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle. Furunculosis refers to an impacted, pus-filled, infected follicle that ruptures. Canine acne can cause multiple comedones (blackheads) on the chin and lips, where short, coarse hairs grow.

How often is too often to wash your dog?

On average, most dogs only need to be bathed on a monthly basis. You can bathe them less frequently, but it is not recommended to bathe any less frequently than every three months. You can also bathe them more frequently, but it is not recommended to bathe any more frequently than every other week.

Does coconut oil help dog acne?

While coconut oil has some natural antibiotic and antiseptic properties, it's not helpful for dog acne and can make things worse. Coconut oil is thick and greasy and clogs up the hair follicles, creating an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

Why does my dog have pus filled bumps?

Pyoderma literally means “pus in the skin.” It can be caused by infection, inflammation, or cancer and is common in dogs. Most cases of pyoderma are caused by bacterial infections. Most of these are superficial and secondary to a variety of other conditions, such as allergies or parasites.

Can I use Neosporin on my dog?

When can Neosporin be used on dogs? If your pooch got into a scrape, chances are good that you can use a small amount of Neosporin to help prevent infection in the wound. Superficial injuries, such as scrapes, abrasions, and small cuts, may benefit from this trifecta of a topical antibiotic.

Why does my pitbull have pimples on his chin?

Canine acne (chin acne) is also referred to as folliculitis or furunculosis. Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle. Furunculosis refers to an impacted, pus-filled, infected follicle that ruptures. Canine acne can cause multiple comedones (blackheads) on the chin and lips, where short, coarse hairs grow.

Can you use hydrogen peroxide on dog acne?

No, most veterinarians recommend not using hydrogen peroxide on dog acne or to clean wounds. It can damage dogs' skin cells and delay healing.

Should I pop my dogs pimples?

Don't Pop Your Dog's Pimples! Popping that pimple just isn't a good acne treatment. It can cause even more inflammation in the area of the acne, and that can create even more pimples because it clogs the sebaceous glands.

Does coconut oil help dog acne?

Coconut oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties that are useful for treating canine acne. This treatment is best used for mild acne in conjunction with other treatment plans. Thinly spread coconut oil over the acne to help reduce the number of bacteria on your dog's skin.

Why do pitbulls have bumps on their heads?

Bumps on a pit bull puppy head that seem to be on the the surface of the skin may be caused by bug bites. Mosquitoes, wasps, bees, fleas, ticks, mites and other stinging insects can leave welts on the skin surface. Because these are covered by the dog's fur, you may not see the redness, but you will be able to feel the bump.

Where are bumps on dogs head?

The bumps may be in the top layer of the skin similar to pimples. They could be in the hair follicles or under the skin. Some bumps can form just below the skin, and others can form on the bones or in other tissues. Because there are so many reasons a dog may have bumps on its head, it is a good idea to discover the underlying reason so you know ...

What causes bumps on the skin?

There could be follicular cysts or granulomas. These may be similar in appearance to bumps caused by Cuterebra fly larvae or other parasites. These forms of cysts and skin bumps must not be squeezed. They can cause severe skin reactions.

What is the bump on top of a dog's head?

A big bump on top of a dog's head could simply be the occipital bone. This is part of the bone structure of the head. Unless it is overly large, there is no reason for concern. The occipital bone is more prominent in some pit bulls than others. A large occipital bone is not desirable for showing the pit bull. If the occipital bone is very large and prominent, however, you may want to have your veterinarian check to make sure a bone disease is not present.

What to do if your pit bull is wrestling?

Castor oil or fish oil can be helpful, as can olive oil. Add oils slowly to avoid digestive upset. If your pit bull has been wrestling and playing with another dog, bumps on its head could be due to physical contact or play-gnawing. Advertisement.

Can a Pitbull get bumps?

This kind of bump should heal quickly. If your pit bull is allergic to these insects, however, you will see new bumps forming almost as quickly as the older ones heal. You will also notice excessive scratching. Pitbull info and Training says food allergies also cause skin surface bumps and itching.

Can you take a pit bull in for a diagnosis?

Waiting to take your pit bull in for diagnosis can allow these conditions to become life-threatening. Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pet’s diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vet’s opinion. Advertisement. references.

Why does my dog's skin itch?

The most common cause of itchy skin in dogs is the presence of ectoparasites, or the skin irritation they leave behind. Contact with even one flea can be enough to cause a severe allergic response in dogs, leading to an array of skin irritation to follow.

How to prevent skin irritation in dogs?

One of the best ways to prevent further skin irritation in your canine friend is by staying up to date on their preventative care. Fleas can cause a world of discomfort for a dog, making any previous skin conditions even more severe. By keeping your pup on proper flea and tick prevention, you can prevent any further complications from crawling critters.

Why does my dog scratch my skin?

Skin Infections. Skin infections are a secondary problem to initial skin irritation. When a dog has itchy skin, they often resort to biting and scratching to ease their discomfort. Dogs do not understand how damaging this can be to their skin, causing them to scratch and bite to the point of severe irritation.

What is the best shampoo for dogs?

Some of the best soothing dog shampoos include ingredients like oatmeal, aloe, coconut, honey, and lavender. You can also purchase soothing shampoos at your veterinary office, many of which contain medications to target dry skin at the source.

How to help a Pittie?

Brushing your Pittie can be a simple, yet effective way to soothe their troubled skin. Frequent brushing helps to stimulate oil production on the skin, leading to a healthier and more hydrated coat. Though your dog’s fur may be short, a few short brushing sessions a week can make a huge difference for your pup.

Why does my dog have a dry coat?

This can also develop if a dog does not receive enough zinc in their diet. Dogs with a zinc insufficiency can experience dry skin, a dull coat, and even fur loss.

Can a vet treat a Pittie?

Not only can your vet offer your dog proper treatment, but they can diagnose any issues you were unaware of. No matter how minor your dog’s issues may seem, it is always best to seek professional advice.

Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Liz Waynick is a Registered Vet Tech (RVT) and writer with over a decade of extensive hands-on experience caring for pets in veterinary hospital and surgical settings. She also helps owners with their pets' nutritional needs and how to choose a commercial wellness diet. She is an expert on pet behavior and medical condition symptoms.

What are Pimples?

Pimples, or pustules as is their medical term, are raised, pus-filled bumps. They're the result of canine acne, an inflammatory condition, and are often on the lips and muzzle of an affected dog but can also be found elsewhere on the body.

Symptoms of Pimples in Dogs

Technically pimples are themselves considered to be a symptom of the larger encompassing canine acne, there are other clinical symptoms you may see in conjunction with them.

Causes of Pimples

Pimples in dogs aren't caused by hormone imbalances like they are in people. They're either from a genetic predisposition or through trauma to the hair follicles. Boxers, pit bulls, Great Danes, Rottweilers, and Weimaraners are some dog breeds that are more likely to get pimples.

Diagnosing Pimples in Dogs

Since all the symptoms of pimples in dogs concern the skin, diagnosing them can be relatively straightforward. Oftentimes simply visualizing the pimples is diagnostic enough. A vet might want to take something called a tape prep to check for a secondary bacterial infection, a yeast infection, or mange.


As with a lot of skin disorders, treatment usually involves both topical and systemic, or oral, medications. Your vet may prescribe a topical antiseptic such as chlorhexidine or benzoyl peroxide to clean around the affected areas.

Prognosis for Dogs with Pimples

Pimples are a commonly benign problem, so the prognosis is usually good. Although this is not usually an urgent condition, make sure you seek veterinary attention before more serious potential symptoms set in.

How to treat dog skin problems?

• Coconut oil extra virgin – If your dog has a troubled skin problem then the organic coconut oil can be applied to the area. Rub the oil on the affected area 2-3 times. The oil is not just cheap but also works to cure most of the skin problems.

Can a dog get cancer from scratching?

Intense scratching could lead to hematoma where the dog would need surgery . The short hair of the dog and the hides that are sensitive makes this breed of dog prone to skin cancer.

What does it mean when a dog has a pimple on its body?

To rule out Demodicosis, your vet will scarp some tissues from the areas of the skin affected by “dog pimples” and examine them under the microscope.

When do dogs get pimples?

Dog pimples (and other lesions associated with dog acne such as whiteheads and blackheads) usually begins forming at puberty, that is between 5 and 8 months of age , hence the common name dog puberty pimples. It is for this reason that some people also refer to dog pimples as puppy pimples.

How long do dog pimples last?

Acne-induced pimples on dog’s skin are typically short-lived, hardly extending beyond one year of age. Although rare, dogs aged over 1 year may as well suffer from acne pimples.

Why do dogs get pimples on their chin?

Dog pimples on the chin of a bulldog. When caused by acne, dog pimples most commonly affect the head (occurring on dog’s chin, lips, and muzzle) and the chest. The skin around the genital area (including the vulva, anus, and the part below the tail) may as well be affected by dog pimples and so can the flank region ...

What does ringworm look like in dogs?

According to the PetMD, ringworm infestation looks like an acne breakout during its early stages. Ringworm in dogs is usually caused by infections involving three fungi, namely, Trichophyton mentagrophytes Microsporum canis, and Microsporum gypsum. The incidence of each fungus varies according to your geographical location.

Why does my dog have acne?

It is thought that dog acne occurs when the hair follicles in a dog’s skin become plugged or irritated. When that happens, bacteria often find a fertile ground on which to multiply. This results in inflammation of the surrounding tissues, culminating in red bumps in the affected hair follicles (and sometimes whiteheads, and blackheads).

Which dog breeds are more susceptible to acne?

Dog breeds that have less dense coats e.g. Boxers, Rottweilers and Bulldogs are more susceptible to dog acne.

How Long Do Dog Pimples Last?

Even with medication, it can take 4–12 weeks for severe acne to settle down.

Where do dogs get acne?

Think of a bumbling puppy in that oh-so-cute 3- to 12-month age bracket, and these are the guys most likely to get dog pimples. The most common place for dog acne is on the muzzle and lips.

What does it mean when a dog has a red bump on his head?

If those red bumps come to a head, they become whiteheads or the all-too-familiar pimple (more correctly called a pustule). This can be sterile (no bacteria present) or infected (contains bacteria). Severe acne with lots of dog pimples causes general soreness and swelling.

What is the best treatment for acne in dogs?

Dog Acne and Antibiotics. If the acne is particularly bad or there are bleeding spots, the vet may prescribe antibiotics. The most common bacteria causing canine acne are the Staphylococcus group, since these are normal residents on the surface of canine skin.

How to get rid of acne on dog's chin?

Use a tincture of Calendula, diluting about 6 drops in 1 ounce of water. Use this to moisten some cotton wool, and then bathe the dog’s chin as before. It can take more than a month for severe acne in a dog to go away, but with proper treatment your pup may be back to normal. Photo: mbmccut.

What does acne do to dogs?

Classic dog acne affects the dog’s muzzle, particularly the chin and lips.

Why is it important to see a vet for acne in dogs?

Never assume the problem is simple dog acne, because the problem can be complex. Skin immunity plays a big part in preventing acne. If the dog’s immune system is weak, there may be another more serious condition that needs investigating.


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