Knowledge Builders

do raccoons come in your house

by Dr. Jeramy Cormier Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Mostly adult raccoons use chimneys for their shelter and protection. Once inside the chimney, raccoons can easily make their home on top of your fireplace damper. Unfortunately, they will often find a way to access the inside of your home, causing great structural damage to your property.

Full Answer

How do you get rid of raccoons in the House?

How to Keep Raccoons Away

  1. Protect your trash. Raccoons can’t resist trash, so you’ll need multiple strategies in this area. ...
  2. Clean up. Like many animals, raccoons love yards with places to hide as they scurry along. ...
  3. Scare ‘em. ...
  4. Fence the garden. ...
  5. Repel ‘em. ...
  6. Remove food. ...
  7. Tend to pets. ...

How to get rid of a raccoon in Your House?

What is the Legal Way to Get Rid of Raccoons on Your Property in Indiana?

  • Actual Raccoon on Top of Our House
  • They Really Are Bandits. In our latest quest to rehome the family of raccoons that think they should live in our attic rent-free, they are literally outsmarting the traps.
  • Trash Pandas. ...
  • That One Time We Caught One. ...
  • From the Department of Natural Resources: Fish & Wildlife Division. ...
  • Or Look for a Professional. ...

How do raccoons get in Your House?

Some common ways raccoons get into the living areas are:

  • Through the chimney damper, if they have entered the chimney
  • By chewing through the wall or ceiling or falling from the ceiling if they were dwelling in the attic
  • Through an open pet door
  • Through an open door or window

How do you protect a house from Raccoon?

To reduce or eliminate food sources for raccoons:

  • Keep garbage in secured trashcans with a thick lid and a weight or pressure straps on top. ...
  • Install baffles on bird feeder poles to prevent raccoons from climbing up them.
  • Install a tray on bird feeder poles 6’’ or so below the feeder to catch any dropped seed. ...

More items...


What attracts raccoons to your house?

2. Trash Cans. Main Attraction: Your kitchen waste can includes lots of items that are appealing to raccoons, especially meat and fish scraps. Once raccoons find sources of high-value foods like these, they will make regular visits and be extremely persistent in getting to it.

What to do if a racoon gets in your house?

even when it is small or look so harmless, you should not touch it.- Close the room. When a raccoon gets inside your Californa house, close the door of the room without making a noise that can make the raccoon panic. ... - Open all windows and doors. ... - Rescue your pets. ... - Patience is needed. ... - Spread flour. ... - Change your habit.

How do you know if you have raccoons in your house?

Scratch marks and droppings left at the base of trees or woodpiles are also strong signs of raccoon activity. If these signs are undetected, look out for toppled garbage cans, trash strewn across your yard, low growls and shuffling noises as raccoons run along your roof or inside your walls.

Do raccoons nest in houses?

They will make their nests almost anywhere — in tree cavities, brush piles, abandoned burrows, chimneys, attics, crawl spaces, storm sewers, haystacks, and barn lofts — and usually have more than one den site available for use at any one time.

What smell will keep raccoons away?

Since raccoons have a strong sense of smell, which they use to find convenient food sources, one can take advantage of this feature by using scents they hate. Hot pepper, garlic, peppermint oil, onion, and Epsom salt are a few scents used to repel raccoons.

What noise will scare a raccoon?

As a general rule, raccoons are repelled by the sound and noise from wind chimes, radios set to a conversational station that mimicks human voice, bioacoustics from other animal noises, shouting, firecrackers, and the banging of pots and pans.

Will raccoons leave on their own?

Homeowners with an infestation may wonder, “Will raccoons leave on their own?” Generally speaking, these pests won't leave without intervention because they have found food and shelter in the home, allowing them to avoid their natural predators during scavenging.

Can raccoons break through ceiling?

Raccoons have little “hands” and can grasp and are able to lift tiles up if they want to. Drywall ceilings are somewhat stronger than drop ceilings, but I never trust them when I am inspecting an attic. Their strength is dependent, to a great extent, on the quality of the workmanship that went into installing them.

Can raccoons destroy house?

Raccoon Damage in the House An adult raccoon can fit into a hole the size of a softball (3-4”). In the worst-case scenario, a raccoon will create or expand holes, tear off roof shingles, or destroy vents.

What is the best way to get rid of raccoons?

How to Deter Raccoons: 9 DIY Control MethodsAdd a motion-activated sprinkler. ... Use ultrasound deterrent devices. ... Secure trash cans. ... Bag your trash in raccoon-repelling trash bags. ... Make your own raccoon repellent. ... Use ammonia. ... Remove pet and bird food. ... Use fences to protect high-interest areas.More items...•

Where do raccoons go during the day?

During the day, raccoons find shelter in all environments. In urban areas, raccoons sleep in abandoned cars, dumpsters, and sewer drains, but hide in attics, garages, and underneath decks in suburban areas. In the wilderness, they live sleep in tree hollows, under rocks, and vacant animal dens.

What month do raccoons have babies?

Baby raccoons are called kits, and they are typically born in early spring between March and April, but if a mother's first litter does not survive she may give birth to a second litter as late as June. There's nothing better than the care of a mother!

Will raccoons leave on their own?

Homeowners with an infestation may wonder, “Will raccoons leave on their own?” Generally speaking, these pests won't leave without intervention because they have found food and shelter in the home, allowing them to avoid their natural predators during scavenging.

How do you attract a raccoon out of hiding?

HSUS recommends a combination of “light, noise and smell” to convince them to leave on their own accord. This includes shining bright lights into their hole, playing loud music (from a speaker or portable radio) and putting out a bowl of cider vinegar or a few ammonia-soaked rags to make their den smelly.

How do you lure a raccoon out?

Raccoon Bait to Trap and Relocate RaccoonsMarshmallows. Marshmallows make a great bait for raccoons. ... Wet Cat Food. The stinkier, the better. ... Bacon. Speaking of oily meats, bacon attracts raccoons really well.Fresh Fruit. ... Canned Tuna or Salmon. ... A Whole Egg. ... Sweet Corn on the Cob. ... Sugar or Honey-Coated Veggies.More items...•

How do you get rid of raccoons fast?

15 Tips on How to Get Rid of Raccoons Fast [Humanely]Install a motion activated sprinkler. ... Test out an ultrasound animal repeller. ... Use rodent repelling trash bags. ... DIY Spicy raccoon repeller. ... Use strategic placement of ammonia. ... Secure the trash can. ... Remove food sources. ... Raccoon proof your bird feeders.More items...

How to get rid of raccoons in my house?

Having tried all the other option, or if you simply want the problem solved as soon as possible, calling a wildlife removal expert can be the simplest way to get the problem of the raccoon out of your home. Once you have called them in they will usually arrive fairly quickly, and once you have pointed them to the right room, they will usually have the experience to catch the raccoon quite quickly. Depending on the rules of the state, the animal will then either be killed humanely, or it can be released some distance away from your property.

How to get a raccoon out of a room?

If you find the animal stuck in a particular room, try not to go directly into the room if possible, and make sure you put on some heavy clothing with long sleeves that will protect you if it tries to scratch or bite. The best case scenario is that the animal is in a room that leads directly to the outdoors, meaning you can just open the door, and the raccoon will understand what it needs to do to get out.

What can you use to usher a raccoon?

An useful implement at this point will be a broom, as you can use that to gently usher the raccoon towards the door which offers its freedom, while doing it in this way can also give you the ability to nudge the animal in the right direction without having to get too close to the raccoon. Trapping The Animal.

How do you know if a raccoon is spooked?

The creatures are easily spooked, so you will often find signs of gnawing and scratching where the raccoon has been, while it may also leave urine and feces in the part of your house where it is located. There are several things that you can do to try and deal with the situation, but one of the most important things is to make sure ...

What to do if you have a raccoon?

There are several things that you can do to try and deal with the situation, but one of the most important things is to make sure that you remain safe, and if you have any doubts that the animal may be ill or rabid, make sure that you call a professional. Avoiding Confrontation With The Raccoon.

Can a raccoon open a door?

The best case scenario is that the animal is in a room that leads directly to the outdoors, meaning you can just open the door, and the raccoon will understand what it needs to do to get out. Opening Up A Route To The Outdoors.

How to keep raccoons out of your house?

The most important step in keeping your home raccoon-free is securing it against future intrusions. The best place to start is by performing a complete inspection of your home’s exterior, including the roof. Raccoons, like most wild animals, are opportunists capable of taking advantage of even the most minor structural weakness to chew, ...

What do raccoons do to the roof?

Plumbing Mats. These raccoons have ripped the plumbing mat to access the attic. The cylindrical vents on your roof connect to your plumbing system and are used to exhaust sewer gases. When installing a plumbing vent, a hole is cut through the roof to extend the pipe outside.

What is the best place for a raccoon to nurse her baby?

Chimneys. Raccoon prints on a chimney. The bottom of your chimney is an ideal place for a mother raccoon to nurse her babies. Chimneys mimic hollowed out tree cavities, allowing adult raccoons to easily shimmy up and down in search of shelter and protection.

Where do raccoons lift soffit?

Raccoons lifted this soffit to enter the attic. A Roof-Soffit Intersection, or RSI for short, is any area on your roof where the soffit sits just above a section of roof. These sections are usually located where an upper and lower roof meet and make for ideal raccoon entry points.

What is the edge of a roof that is open to raccoons?

Rotted wood at the roof edge provides open access for raccoons. The edge of your roof, where the eavestrough meets the house, is a particularly vulnerable area for raccoon intrusion. By design, all rain and melted snow on the roof must pass this section on the way to the eavestrough.

Can raccoons destroy roof vents?

Roof Vents. So-called “wildlife proof” vents are easily destroyed by raccoons. The vents on your roof are designed to allow for proper air circulation in your attic. Unfortunately, raccoons can feel the air escaping from your attic, and that destroying the vent cover will give them access to the warmth inside.

Where do raccoons live?

In the Basement of the House. A basement is a decent place for raccoons to live because it’s protected and enclosed. Raccoons prefer the basement to outside, especially at night, because it is warmer and dryer than the outside, even though it is damp and cold. Remember, mother raccoons need a safe place for their young.

How do raccoons get into the attic?

Some common ways raccoons get into the living areas are: Through the chimney damper, if they have entered the chimney. By chewing through the wall or ceiling or falling from the ceiling if they were dwelling in the attic. Through an open pet door. Through an open door or window.

Why do racoons chew on wires?

Raccoons are simply looking for things to chew on. Your electrical system may be faulty if these critters have gotten into your walls. They sometimes chew electrical wires for nesting materials. That leaves unsafe conditions in your walls. This is a serious problem because exposed wires are potential sources of fire.

What damage do raccoons do to their walls?

Insulation Damage. Another target for raccoons is insulation. They chew through the insulation in your walls and ceiling. That leaves your insulation less effective, and a lot of money is required for replacement.

Why do raccoons like vents?

Roof Vents. Roof vents are in a house to allow the proper circulation of air in your loft. Unluckily, raccoons feel the air escaping from your attic, thus giving them a hint that destroying the vent cover will grant them access to a warmer den inside.

Why does my house smell bad?

The feces, urine, and other wastes deposited in your wall and attic will give your home a bad smell which will only get worse with time. The rotten smell from decayed food that they’re storing is another source of a bad smell. This is surely the last thing you want for you and your family.

Why do racoons break into houses?

They are curious and smart critters, which often break into a house because they are in search of a place to live. Raccoons cause problems in many areas of the house where they inhabit and the damage can be extensive and costly.

How do raccoons get into the attic?

They can get into the attic many different ways. One common way is raccoons climbing the downspout. This is a very easy way, like climbing a tree, for a raccoon to get onto the roof and the vulnerable areas into the attic. Read more about the attic.

What does it mean when a raccoon is on the roof of a house?

Raccoons in the Roof of the House: In my experience, if a raccoon is on the roof, it's either looking for a way to get into the attic, or it already has one. But in some cases, these animals are just exploring for food, or they have found some little nook, like an eave, to sleep under.

How do I get rid of a raccoon in my bedroom?

The four most common ways are: 1) Through an open pet door - to prevent this, don't leave tempting pet food out all the time. 2) Through an open fireplace and chimney damper, if they entered the chimney.

What to do if a raccoon hides in your bathroom?

If, for some reason, the raccoon decides to hide in your bathroom, lodged behind your toilet, you should call a wildlife removal company to come and get it. You should never risk tangling with a raccoon. If it isn’t easily coaxed to the door, don’t try to harass it or antagonize it.

What to do if a raccoon gets in your house?

If a raccoon does get in your home, leave it alone! Any attempt to fight it might result in injury! Keep your pets away! Open every window and door that you can find, and let the animal find its own way out. Or call a pro off of my list, and he will be able to come get it safely, with a snare pole.

Where do raccoons crawl?

They usually enter from the attic space, and crawl down the wall. Read more about the wall. Raccoons in the Ceiling of the House: Unless it's the ceiling between floors, you're just hearing raccoons walking in the attic, on the ceiling material (sheetrock). Read more about the ceiling.

Can raccoons crawl into a chimney?

Be sure to leave your damper shut, or else the raccoon (s) could crawl out, and into your living room! Read more about the chimney.

How Can A Raccoon Get into My House?

Raccoons love attics. This being said, they can and will do a lot of different things to get into yours. They can even go as far as to rip a part of the house open to get into it. While they can be aggressive and do this, they are so smart that they can find the path of least resistance.

Contact Baystate Wildlife For Additional Help

Baystate Wildlife has years of experience in removing raccoons from homes in Massachusetts. If you see a baby raccoon that might have been abandoned, give us a call to learn about the steps to take in dealing with these animals and how we can remove squirrels both safely and humanely.

How to tell if a raccoon is visiting your home?

To determine whether a raccoon is visiting your home, check for tracks. Their distinctive paw prints carry a distinctive shape that sets them apart from other small mammals. The hind print usually measures 3 ¼” – 4 ½” long, making it much longer than wide. The fore print is only about 3” long, with a similar width.

How to stop raccoons from entering my house?

Use barrier screens. Many purposeful openings exist throughout the outside of your home, which you may not ever think of as raccoon entrances. These could include the space leading to your crawl space, your chimney opening, and any side vents in your house that help with ventilation. Place barrier screen over these openings. You can use simple materials like mesh or screen, or nail plywood over openings like your crawl space.

What is the egg that raccoons carry?

While rare, raccoon droppings may contain a roundword egg called Baylisacaris procyonis that can transfer a dangerous illness to human children. If a child makes contact with raccoon feces that carry the egg, the roundword’s larvae may reach the child’s eyes or brain and result in blindness or even death.

Why do raccoons leave droppings in the pool?

This is an animal’s way of concealing its odor from predators in the area. Covering the top steps with plastic may be an easy way to force a raccoon elsewhere.

What does it mean when a raccoon makes a loud noise?

If the raccoon is making abnormal noises or seems more aggressive or lethargic, call a professional immediately to help remove the animal from your property. These symptoms could mean that it has rabies, which will be very dangerous for anyone bitten.

What do raccoons eat?

A raccoon will take its plant meals from acorns, grains, wild berries, and fruits. To satisfy its animal hunger, the raccoon eats frogs, squirrels, mice, beetles, crawfish, and poultry eggs. Shelter: Home is everywhere for raccoons. They are a common sight near farms and woodlands because of abundant trees.

Where to find raccoons?

Where to Find Them. The answer depends on where you live. In an urban or suburban setting, a raccoon will be accustomed to people and will probably try to create a den inside a home or building. As mentioned before, dens may be located in attics, chimneys, under decks, or other spaces within or under a house.

How to Keep Raccoons from entering my house

How to keep raccoons from entering my house is a common problem we have found in many mid-Atlantic States and also in California and many parts of the west. Raccoons become acclimated to people and learn to live in close proxcematy to humans on a everyday bases.

Why are the raccoons in my house?

Over the last decade raccoons have become vey comfortable living close to humans, all at the same time their natural habitat is being destroyed near many cities and towns in order to build housing complexes and shopping malls, for this reason raccoons are having to finf alternative living quarters.

How can I tell if I have raccoons in my attic?

There are several ways you can tell if you have a raccoon living in or near your home, the first thing you will notice is some very early evening or early morning noises. This is when the raccoon is most active since they are nocturnal animals.


1.What Are the Signs That a Raccoon Is Living in Your House?


1 hours ago  · While you are investigating, if you find any loose panels or fencing, look around for one of those poop areas we just spoke about above. If you find one of those, congratulations, …

2.How Raccoons Get Into Houses? | Skedaddle Wildlife …


3 hours ago Raccoons in the Walls of the House: Fairly common, especially if the mother wants a safe place to stash young. They usually enter from the attic space, and crawl down the wall. They usually …

3.How Raccoons Get Into Your Home And The Damage …


23 hours ago While chimneys and attics are common raccoon homes, a resourceful raccoon can make a den just about anywhere in your house. Ceiling or walls. You may hear a raccoon above the ceiling tiles in your house or one may work their way down into wall voids from the attic or through an external entry hole.

4.Videos of Do Raccoons Come In Your House


21 hours ago  · Raccoons are interesting in the fact that they are extremely smart animals. This has been noted in many different studies and even shows true in relation to how they can get …

5.Raccoons in the House - a raccoon got into my home, and …


15 hours ago Raccoons should not be permitted to be around your living area. Especially if you have small children or animals in the house. There are several ways that you can keep raccoons out of …

6.How Do Raccoons Get into Your Home? | Baystate Wildlife


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