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do succulents like coffee grounds

by Darrell Pouros Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Almost all the succulents like coffee grounds as these plants prefer slightly acidic soil for better growth. Thus, all the succulents do grow healthy in a correctly used coffee grounds environment.Jan 4, 2021

Do succulents have a lifespan?

Jan 04, 2021 · Almost all the succulents like coffee grounds as these plants prefer slightly acidic soil for better growth. Thus, all the succulents do grow healthy in a correctly used coffee grounds environment. Succulent growers have shared their opinions online, stating that their succulents in mildly acidic soil with coffee grounds grow healthier and bloom well but with close attention to …

Are succulents and cactus the same?

Feb 13, 2022 · Almost all succulents like coffee grounds, as succulents tend to thrive in soil that’s just slightly acidic. Just make sure that you’re using the right amount of coffee grounds and providing your succulent with a suitable growing environment.

What is unique about succulents?

Aug 14, 2019 · Coffee grounds don’t work on potted plants, but if you have some succulents planted outside in your garden, you can place used coffee grounds directly onto the soil. As the used coffee grounds break down, they’ll add nitrogen to the soil, which is …

Can you use coffee grounds as potting soil?

Yes, succulents love coffee grounds, especially when they absorb all of the nutrients that coffee grounds provide. Coffee grounds are very acidic, and succulents grow well and love acidic soil. Coffee grounds are also loaded with nutrients including magnesium, potassium, and nitrogen.


Are coffee grounds good for succulents?

As the used coffee grounds break down, they'll add nitrogen to the soil, which is a vital nutrient for succulents. They'll also help aerate the soil and improve drainage, and may even suppress weeds and keep pests away.

Which plants do not like coffee grounds?

In most cases, the grounds are too acidic to be used directly on soil, even for acid-loving plants like blueberries, azaleas and hollies. Coffee grounds inhibit the growth of some plants, including geranium, asparagus fern, Chinese mustard and Italian ryegrass.

Is coffee ground good for cactus?

Symptoms of lack of nutrients

Older Christmas cactus plants in particular are very sensitive to this — the leaves may die. You can counteract this with coffee grounds as fertilizer. If the pH value of your soil is too high, you can also achieve a balancing effect with coffee grounds.

What is a good fertilizer for succulents?

A light feeding of manure tea, diluted fish emulsion, or a balanced fertilizer (15-15-15) help succulents grow lush and lovely. Be sure to dilute concentrated liquid fertilizers. Not doing so risks damaging roots. For container-grown succulents, use one Moo Poo tea bag per three gallons of water, steeped overnight.

Are coffee grounds good for all plants?

Coffee grounds are highly acidic, they note, so they should be reserved for acid-loving plants like azaleas and blueberries. And if your soil is already high in nitrogen, the extra boost from coffee grounds could stunt the growth of fruits and flowers.

Can you add coffee grounds directly to soil?

Lewis Spencer adds: 'To use coffee compost, simply sprinkle the grounds directly onto your soil and lightly rake it in. Coffee grounds add organic material to the soil, helping water retention, aeration and drainage. 'Leftover diluted coffee can create a liquid plant fertilizer, too.Nov 21, 2021

What plants is coffee grounds good for?

The plants that like coffee grounds include roses, blueberries, azaleas, carrots, radishes, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, cabbage, lilies, and hollies. These are all acid-loving plants that grow best in acidic soil. You'll want to avoid using coffee grounds on plants like tomatoes, clovers, and alfalfa.Apr 10, 2022

What helps succulents grow?

How to Care for Succulents (And Not Kill Them): 9 Plant-Care Tips
  • Make Sure Your Succulents Get Enough Light. ...
  • Rotate Succulents Frequently. ...
  • Water According to the Season. ...
  • Water the Soil Directly. ...
  • Keep Succulents Clean. ...
  • Choose a Container with Drainage. ...
  • Plant Succulents in the Right Soil. ...
  • Get Rid of Bugs.
Sep 12, 2018

How can I make my succulents grow faster?

Spread The Roots From Time To Time

If you want the succulent to grow faster, you can help it spread the roots every now and then. This will allow the plant to absorb more from the soil and trigger faster growth. When succulent feel free space, it tends to fill it, both in the soil and above it.
Feb 26, 2020

Are tea bags good for succulents?

Teabags – Succulents can have a cup of tea!

A tea bag should be soaked in about 5 gallons of water for 24 – 36 hours until the liquid turns a golden-brown color. This water can replace tap water when your succulent is dry and needs a drink.

Is banana water good for succulents?

The answer is 'Yes'. Instead of discarding the banana peels, you can get benefit from them by fertilizing your succulents. Banana peels contain minerals that are essential for succulents and several other plants.Oct 7, 2020

Is Epsom salts good for succulents?

Epsom salt is a good source of magnesium and sulfur for succulent blooms and healthy growth. These nutrients help to produce green foliage and make succulents vibrant. Above all, this mineral salt is good enough to overcome nutrient deficiencies and adjusts soil pH for optimum succulent growth.Nov 18, 2021

Is coffee good for succulents?

Those are just some of the benefits you can expect from fertilizing your succulents with coffee and paying attention to the pH levels of the soil! Coffee is acidic, but that’s good for your plants!

Can coffee grounds be used as fertilizer?

Coffee grounds from your favorite coffee brand will work as fertilizer outside in your garden, but they won’t work on potted plants. Pots don’t have enough microbes hanging out in them to break down the coffee grounds into a form that your succulent can use. If you brew the coffee grounds into coffee and dilute it with water, though, it will work well as an alternative to chemical fertilizer!

What nutrients do coffee plants need?

Brewed coffee has some pretty great nutrients too— potassium and magnesium. Nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium are essential nutrients that your plant babies need. If the soil you plant them in doesn’t have enough of these minerals, their leaves will start to turn pale and they won’t be able to grow well. Yikes!

Does coffee have nitrogen?

Coffee grounds are about 2% nitrogen, which is why they benefit plant health and get thrown into compost piles. Brewed coffee has some pretty great nutrients too— potassium and magnesium. Nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium are essential nutrients that your plant babies need. If the soil you plant them in doesn’t have enough of these minerals, their leaves will start to turn pale and they won’t be able to grow well. Yikes!

Is coffee good for succulents?

Well, in simple terms, coffee is acidic and succulents LOVE acidic soil . Coffee grounds contain a number of different nutrients including 2% Nitrogen, Potassium and Magnesium – all essential nutrients your succulents need to thrive and grow.

Do succulents like acidic soil?

As we’ve discussed above, succulents and cacti like slightly more acidic soil. And often coffee grounds are a great way of balancing out the pH levels. However you’ll want to make sure that you are not already using a soil that has high acidity levels.

Can coffee grounds be used as fertilizer?

Using coffee grounds as a fertilizer will actually help balance out this level, meaning they will thrive more, be more healthy and are much more likely to grow. Top tip: coffee grounds are a great way to keep cats away from succulents. Pets are wonderful but they are also intrigued by houseplants!

Is a snake plant easy to care for?

It is an extremely easy plant to care for however, this doesn’t mean you can fully neglect it. It will thrive on a cup of cold-brewed coffee every so often.

How often should I water a succulent?

However, it is pretty well known that succulents don’t need watering very often and as a rule of thumb I would start off by watering your succulents with coffee every 2 weeks and see how you get on (the rule is a bit different for Christmas cactus). You should give your plants a thorough soaking and let the soil completely dry out before rewatering. In some cases, overwatering will cause your succulent turning purple and will attract pests such as mealybugs and fungus gnats.

Can snake plants be neglected?

The snake plant is a popular houseplant across the world due to its low maintenance. It is an extremely easy plant to care for however, this doesn’t mean you can fully neglect it. It will thrive on a cup of cold-brewed coffee every so often.

What Do Coffee Grounds Contain?

Coffee grounds generally contain many of the essential components that are beneficial for the growth of succulents.

The Benefits of Using Coffee Grounds on Succulents

Use of the coffee grounds on succulents will help you to enhance the quality of the soil by enhancing the ratio of nitrogen (N).

Can Too Many Coffee Grounds Harm Succulents?

Yes, too many coffee grounds would hinder the maturing and germinating ability of the succulents.

Using Brewed and Unbrewed Coffee Grounds

Both brewed and unbrewed coffee grounds can be used on succulents. Down below, we have briefly explained which way would be better than the other.

Can Coffee Grounds Prevent Pests?

Yes, both the brewed and the unbrewed coffee grounds can play a great role in the control of pests or bugs.

The Takeaway

Coffee grounds when added to succulents can be beneficial as it adds macro nutrients NPK to the soil.


Coffee grounds contain about 2% nitrogen which benefits plants and is the more reason why they are added to compost piles. Nitrogen, magnesium, and potassium are important nutrients required by young plants.


Most plants tend to grow best in slightly acidic soil of pH between 5.8 and 7. Thus, watering of the plant gives a higher pH level than actually preferred. Instead, you can make use of coffee grounds as a fertilizer to help rebalance the pH and return it to the levels best preferred by the young plants.


Having your coffee grounds on potted plants doesn’t work as perfectly as placing the grounds directly on the soil. As the coffee grounds break down, they end up adding nitrogen to the soil which is an essential nutrient for succulents.


Studies have it shown that certain plants such as the Snake plant (Sansevierias), Jade plant (Crassula Ovata), and Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) are known to thrive in the presence of coffee grounds.


I hope this article helps you discover the uses of coffee grounds for your succulents and also how to use them on the succulents. I would like to hear from you. So, let me know if you have any questions about using coffee grounds on succulents.


1.How to Use Coffee Grounds for Succulents? Everything …


25 hours ago Jan 04, 2021 · Almost all the succulents like coffee grounds as these plants prefer slightly acidic soil for better growth. Thus, all the succulents do grow healthy in a correctly used coffee grounds environment. Succulent growers have shared their opinions online, stating that their succulents in mildly acidic soil with coffee grounds grow healthier and bloom well but with close attention to …

2.Are Coffee Grounds Good for Succulents?


28 hours ago Feb 13, 2022 · Almost all succulents like coffee grounds, as succulents tend to thrive in soil that’s just slightly acidic. Just make sure that you’re using the right amount of coffee grounds and providing your succulent with a suitable growing environment.

3.Are coffee grounds good for succulents? - Succulent Care …


5 hours ago Aug 14, 2019 · Coffee grounds don’t work on potted plants, but if you have some succulents planted outside in your garden, you can place used coffee grounds directly onto the soil. As the used coffee grounds break down, they’ll add nitrogen to the soil, which is …

4.Using Coffee Grounds on Succulents: What it actually does


32 hours ago Yes, succulents love coffee grounds, especially when they absorb all of the nutrients that coffee grounds provide. Coffee grounds are very acidic, and succulents grow well and love acidic soil. Coffee grounds are also loaded with nutrients including magnesium, potassium, and nitrogen.

5.How To Use Coffee Grounds For Succulents


19 hours ago Sep 16, 2020 · Succulents actually prefer a slightly more acidic pH level of 5.8 – 7.0. Using coffee grounds as a fertilizer will actually help balance out this level, meaning they will thrive more, be more healthy and are much more likely to grow. Top tip: coffee grounds are a great way to keep cats away from succulents.

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