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does ap use serial comma

by Prince Keeling Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

AP's stance is to omit the serial comma except when it prevents misreading, and Chicago's stance is to always include it—for the same reason. Here's what AP and Chicago have to say.

Full Answer

What is a serial comma in AP style?

AP Style is designed to minimize characters used, but clarity is always king. The serial comma is one of the most misunderstood parts of AP Style. Heck, no one can even agree on what to call it: serial comma, series comma, Oxford comma or Harvard comma. Whatever you call it, take a look at that previous sentence.

Should you use a serial comma?

For example, both The Chicago Manual of Style and The Elements of Style recommend using a serial comma. The MLA Style Manual (aff links), which is the primary style resource in academics, also supports use of the serial comma. Arguments for the use of the serial comma include: Serial commas reduce ambiguity.

Is there an Oxford comma in AP style?

AP style does not use Oxford commas. However, Chicago style does require Oxford commas. That’s the Chicago Manual of Style, which is commonly used by book publishers, academics and trade publications. So the decision about whether to use an Oxford comma relies on what type of writing you’re doing, and which style guide applies to that project.


How are commas used in AP Style?

AP Style states: A comma is used to separate an introductory clause or phrase from the main clause:When he had tired of the mad pace of New York, he moved to Dubuque. The comma may be omitted after short introductory phrases if no ambiguity would result: During the night he heard many noises.

How does AP handle the serial or Oxford comma?

Use of the Oxford comma is stylistic, meaning that some style guides demand its use while others don't. AP Style—the style guide that newspaper reporters adhere to—does not require the use of the Oxford comma. The sentence above written in AP style would look like this: Please bring me a pencil, eraser and notebook.

Does AP allow Oxford comma?

Does AP style use the Oxford comma? The short answer: No. Many writers, including journalists, live by the Associated Press stylebook. AP style does not use Oxford commas.

Do you put a comma before which in AP Style?

Use a comma before which when it introduces a nonrestrictive phrase. Don't use a comma before which when it's part of a prepositional phrase, such as “in which.”

Why is the Oxford comma so controversial?

This practice is controversial and is known as the serial comma or Oxford comma, because it is part of the house style of Oxford University Press." There are cases in which the use of the serial comma can avoid ambiguity, and also instances in which its use can introduce ambiguity.

Is there an AP style checker?

Whether you are new to AP style or you want help keeping up with changing guidance, let our style-checking tools help you write and edit. These automated assistants review your text then show you possible errors, along with the relevant AP style rules, so you retain control over any changes.

How do you write an AP style?

Generally speaking, AP style uses title case for headlines, which means all words are capitalized except for certain short words, such as articles and short prepositions. In AP style, headlines capitalize the first word, proper names, or proper abbreviations, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs.

Is Oxford comma same as serial comma?

Its generic name is the serial (or series) comma, but many people know it by a fancier name: Oxford comma. The serial comma is the one before and, or, or nor at the end of a series of three or more items. It's the comma after b in “a, b, and c”—and, incidentally, the comma after the first or in the previous sentence.

What is the difference between AP and Chicago style?

The AP Stylebook and The Chicago Manual of Style are both written in the same arena but are directed at two different sets of users. Chicago style is much more detail-oriented toward the actual nuts and bolts of manuscript and article construction, including how to correctly cite other sources than your own work.

How do you punctuate lists in AP Style?

Style Guide Alert: AP Style AP style also recommends punctuating complete and incomplete introductory sentences with a colon and capitalizing the first word in each list item as well as punctuating each list item with a period even if the item is an incomplete sentence.

How do you not use the Oxford comma?

In some cases, you can leave the Oxford comma out without changing the meaning of the sentence. If you delete it from the previous example, it still has the same meaning: he bought eggs, milk and bread.

Do I need a comma in this sentence?

Use a comma when the first word of the sentence is freestanding “yes” or “no.” Use a comma when directly addressing someone or something in a sentence. Use a comma between two adjectives that modify the same noun. Use a comma to offset negation in a sentence.

Do commas go inside quotes AP style?

Per AP Style, commas and periods always should be placed inside the quotation marks. Other punctuation — such as dashes, question marks and exclamation points — will go inside the quotation marks if they apply to the quoted text. If they apply to the full sentence, they should be placed outside the quotation marks.

How do you write prices in AP style?

When referring to money, use numerals. For cents or amounts of $1 million or more, spell the words cents, million, billion, trillion etc. Examples: $26.52, $100,200, $8 million, 6 cents. Use a single space after a period.

Do you spell out percent in AP style?

In keeping with AP style, we spell out percent in most cases, with a few exceptions. We use the percent sign (%) in these circumstances: Tables and in technical or scientific writing.

Is Oxford comma same as serial comma?

Its generic name is the serial (or series) comma, but many people know it by a fancier name: Oxford comma. The serial comma is the one before and, or, or nor at the end of a series of three or more items. It's the comma after b in “a, b, and c”—and, incidentally, the comma after the first or in the previous sentence.

How to use commas in AP?

In AP style, omit the comma before the last item in a simple series, such as "Joe, John and Steve." If the series includes internal commas that necessitate semicolons or uses a conjunction such as "and," include the comma. For instance, AP would use the "serial" comma in this sentence: "The school offers courses titled Arts and Entertainment, Geology, History and Human Development, and Algebra." When writing dialogue, place commas inside end quotation marks: "Nobody was home," he said. Put commas between the day and year in specific dates, as in "Jan. 3, 2015." Leave out a comma between a person's name and the title "Jr." or "Sr.," as in "John Jones Jr." With the exception of street numbers and dates, use commas in numbers 1,000 and greater, as in "23,444 people."

What is the AP stylebook?

The guidelines help writers present clear and concise information with consistent structure to keep readers focused. AP style dictates specific comma placement in a series and with dialogue, dates, numbers and titles like "Jr.".

What is serial comma?

Serial Comma. Use a serial comma (also called an Oxford comma, Harvard comma, or series comma) between elements in a series of three or more items. Factors of personality include extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

When to use semicolons in a series?

If one or more items in the series already contain a comma, use semicolons between the items instead of commas.

When to not use a serial comma?

Don’t use a serial comma when a pair of words or phrases are used descriptively rather than in a series.

Which style guides use serial commas?

Most style guides used in academic writing, including the Chicago Manual of Style, APA Publication Manual, and MLA Handbook, prescribe using the serial comma.

What is the serial or Oxford comma?

The serial comma, also called the Oxford comma or Harvard comma, is the comma before the concluding conjunction ( and, or) in a series. It appears after the second-last item in a list of three or more items in a sentence.

Why do we use a serial comma in a sentence?

In a complex series of phrases or clauses, however, it does suggest using the serial comma to make ideas clearer to the reader.

Why do we use semicolons instead of commas?

Semicolons instead of commas are used to punctuate lists where the individual elements themselves contain internal commas. If the style you follow requires serial commas, use serial semicolons instead in a complex series.

Do you use a serial comma in a list?

Don’t use the serial comma if, instead of presenting a list, you are simply providing additional information or describing something (i.e., using a nonessential appositive ).

Is there a serial comma in a business letter?

In academic, business, and other formal writing, where it is important to convey exact meaning, the serial comma is generally preferred, especially in American usage.

Why do we need a serial comma?

It promotes consistency, since sometimes a serial comma will be required for clarity.

What is the comma used before conjunction?

The comma used before the conjunction in a list of three or more items is called a serial comma. Sometimes it’s referred to as the Oxford comma or the Harvard comma.

Do newspapers use serial commas?

However, once the printing press entered the equation, newspapers decided to forgo the serial comma to save space. That’s why journalism style guides such as The New York Times Manual of Style and The Associated Press Stylebook (aff links) do not include serial commas in their guidelines.

Is serial comma a style issue?

So it’s left up to writers, which means that usage of a serial comma is a style issue. If you’re not sure whether you should use a serial comma, particularly for a professional piece of writing, you should consult the appropriate style guide.

Can you use serial commas in writing?

It’s unlikely that your choices regarding serial commas will make or break your writing career, especially if you are focused on creative writing. However, mastering punctuation marks is one of the essential steps on the ladder to becoming a professional writer, so you might as well get this one out of the way and take a stand.

Is a serial comma redundant?

These include: Using the serial comma is not conventional. Including the serial comma may cause ambiguity. It’s redundant, since the conjunction in such a sentence marks the same pause or separation that the serial comma would mark. Example:

Is it wrong to use a serial comma?

The question of whether or not to use a serial comma is not a grammatical matter. Technically, there is no right or wrong answer , because grammarians haven’t set forth an absolute rule for serial comma usage.

What is the Oxford comma?

Sometimes called the serial comma, the Oxford comma is a comma placed between the last two items in a series of three or more. For example, the Oxford comma falls after “hat” in this sentence: “She wore a jacket, hat, and mittens.”. While some writing style guides do not use the Oxford comma, supporters say it’s necessary to avoid potential ...

What is an example of a sentence with a comma?

Here’s an example of a sentence with the Oxford comma: “I admire my parents, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa.”

Is there a serial comma in overtime?

And, in that event, the drivers would plainly fall within the exemption and thus outside the overtime law’s protection. But, as it happens, there is no serial comma ...

Do you use a comma in a writing style guide?

While some writing style guides do not use the Oxford comma, supporters say it’s necessary to avoid potential ambiguity. And if there’s one thing writers can agree on, it’s the importance of clarity. In some cases, an extra comma matters.

Do you need a comma in Oxford?

While the debate may still rage on over whether Oxford com mas are necessary all the time, this ruling upholds the practice of using them when they’re essential to ward off ambiguity.

Do you use a comma in Chicago style?

If you’re writing for a news site, you probably want to follow AP style and avoid the Oxford comma. If you’re writing a novel you plan to submit to publishers, you probably want to follow Chicago style, which does use the Oxford comma.

Does AP use commas?

AP style does not use Oxford commas. However, Chicago style does require Oxford commas. That’s the Chicago Manual of Style, which is commonly used by book publishers, academics and trade publications. So the decision about whether to use an Oxford comma relies on what type of writing you’re doing, and which style guide applies to that project.

When to use a comma in AP style?

AP Style states: A comma is used to separate an introductory clause or phrase from the main clause: When he had tired of the mad pace of New York, he moved to Dubuque. The comma may be omitted after short introductory phrases if no ambiguity would result: During the night he heard many noises.

When can a comma be dropped?

The comma may be dropped if two clauses with expressly stated subjects are short.

When to use a comma before a conjunction?

When a conjunction such as and , but or for links two clauses that could stand alone as separate sentences, use a comma before the conjunction in most cases: She was glad she had looked, for a man was approaching the house.

Do you put a comma on an independent clause?

If you have two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction, always use a comma. Again, AP Style’s ruling is subjective; there is no universal rule that determines how long a clause must be before it requires a comma. There is, however, a rule that independent clauses joined with a coordinating conjunction must use a comma.

Do you put a comma in an introductory clause?

Always use a comma with an introductory clause. It’s never wrong to do so, and half of the AP ruling is subjective. What determines short? Is it three words or four? What determines ambiguous? What is clear to you may not be clear to another. If we see introductory clauses without commas, there is a good chance that you will be rated down.

Can you capitalize a brand name in text broker?

Textbroker’s keyword checker does not differentiate between capital and lower-case letters, so unless the client states otherwise, you can capitalize brand names appropriately. In cases where you aren’t sure, always follow the client’s instructions.

Is AP style sound?

AP Style and Textbroker. While AP Style is largely sound, there are a few rules that are quite subjective. Here are a few clarifications from Textbroker for where we stand on these issues. While AP Style is largely sound, there are a few rules that are quite subjective.

What is AP style?

AP style is to omit the comma before "and" or "or" in a series, not to omit the comma separating the last two elements.

Do you put a comma after a date?

I’m proofreading something for work. It’s our standard to use a comma after a date that includes the month spelt out with the date and year included (e.g., December 31 2020,).


1.AP Style Oxford Comma Serial Comma - ArcticLlama


4 hours ago Specific AP Comma Rules. In AP style, omit the comma before the last item in a simple series, such as "Joe, John and Steve." If the series includes internal commas that necessitate …

2.How to Use Commas in Associated Press Style - Pen and …


8 hours ago  · The serial comma is one of the most misunderstood parts of AP Style. Heck, no one can even agree on what to call it: serial comma, series comma, Oxford comma or Harvard …

3.Serial comma - American Psychological Association


33 hours ago  · Does AP style use serial commas? AP’s stance is to omit the serial comma except when it prevents misreading, and Chicago’s stance is to always include it—for the same reason. …

4.Serial or Oxford Comma: When Is It Used? | Editor’s Manual


35 hours ago Serial commas are also used in lettered lists. Commas are covered in Section 6.3 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition This guidance is the same as in the 6th edition.

5.Punctuation Marks: The Serial Comma | Writing Forward


11 hours ago  · Serial Comma. AP Style states: Use commas to separate elements in a series, but do not put a comma before the conjunction in a simple series: The flag is red, white and blue. …

6.Oxford Comma: This Lawsuit Shows Why the Serial …


32 hours ago I now AP is against the serial comma, but it seems pretty awkward to omit it. Any help is much appreciated! In the unlikely event your list includes "and" before "etc." then you must omit the …

7.AP Style and Textbroker | Textbroker


36 hours ago

8.Serial comma for "etc." in AP Style : r/grammar - reddit


34 hours ago

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