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does onions on your feet really work

by Fredy Bartell II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Onions are rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid and l-ascorbic acid, is a vitamin found in various foods and sold as a dietary supplement. It is used to prevent and treat scurvy. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. It is required for the functioning of several enzymes and is important for immune system function. It also functions as an antioxidant.

, which is a nutrient so important for keeping the immune system up and running. It is said that placing onions on the soles of your feet can help reduce your risk of infections. What’s more, onions have natural antimicrobial properties, and they are known to help kill off disease-causing microbes in the body.

Full Answer

What are the benefits of onions?

Why are onions good for you?

How to make a poultice with onions and ginger?

How to use onions for detox?

Why put raw onions in socks?

How long does it take for an onion to draw out an infection?

Why do people use onion poultices?

See 4 more

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Poultices have been used for centuries and are still used today to draw out infections from wound boils, or skin abscesses. Placing an onion poulti...

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6 Things That Happen When You Sleep With An Onion In Your Sock

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Does Putting a Raw Cut Onion in Your Sock Cure Medical Ailments?

Does Putting a Raw Cut Onion in Your Sock Cure Medical Ailments? Sleeping with onion slices in your socks might give you more space in bed, but it’s certainly not fixing anything medically.

Why do you put onion slices on your feet?

It is believed that slicing an onion and securing the slices to the bottom of the feet via a pair of socks can open up the numerous meridians located on the bottom of each foot, allowing the onion to draw out toxins, bacteria and sickness from the body , as well as purify the blood in the bloodstream and eliminate foot odor.

Why do people eat onions?

It is believed that slicing an onion and securing the slices to the bottom of the feet via a pair of socks can open up the numerous meridians located on the bottom of each foot, allowing the onion to draw out toxins, bacteria and sickness from the body, as well as purify the blood in the bloodstream and eliminate foot odor. The theory that onions soak up germs has become so persuasive, many believers are afraid to eat leftover onions used during cooking because they are thought to absorb bacteria and viruses in the surrounding environment and become toxic to ingest.

Why put raw onions in socks?

Footfiles explores the age-old idea that placing raw onions in your socks while you sleep can ward off bacteria, foot odor, fever, toxins and even cure a cold or flu.

Why are onions toxic?

The theory that onions soak up germs has become so persuasive, many believers are afraid to eat leftover onions used during cooking because they are thought to absorb bacteria and viruses in the surrounding environment and become toxic to ingest.

What are onions in socks?

Nutrition data shows that they’re rich in dietary fiber, potassium, manganese and vitamins C and B-6.

What is the effect of cutting onions?

... Furthermore, cutting an onion triggers the release of enzymes that initiate a chemical reaction producing propenesulfenic acid, which in turn decomposes to yield sulphuric acid ... sulphuric acid also inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Why does onion turn black?

The onion may turn black because it would eventually rot from both cell breakdown events and bacterial contamination if you left it out, not because it absorbs germs. ... Eating these vegetables provides antioxidants that can have health benefits, but they are unlikely to prevent or cure disease.".

Why is ionic foot detox important?

For most natural healthcare enthusiasts, an ionic foot detox is the beginning of a lifestyle committed to eating healthier and exercising.

Why do we detox our feet?

The main point of these foot detoxes is to make the body’s pH more “alkaline,” but what exactly is the importance of being alkaline ?

What is a foot patch?

You may not recognize the name, but you probably have seen the infomercials about foot patches or foot baths that pull all the toxins out of your body through your feet, leaving you with a patch or bath full of brown liquid (aka the toxins).

Are ionic foot detoxes common in holistic healthcare settings?

A simple Google search will show that ionic foot detoxes are commonly offered in holistic healthcare center s, as well as spas, hair salons, and grocery stores across the U.S. Products purchased on store shelves, however, can vary in quality and so it’s wise to entrust a healthcare professional with the ionic detox process.

Why do you put an onion on your foot?

They are also closely linked to the nervous system. Onions have strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. When you cut an onion and place it on the bottom of the foot, it gets right to work removing toxins and healing your body.

How does onion work in the foot?

With these claims in place, we can get a general picture of how Wolfe and others suggest this works: Borrowing from the Traditional Chinese Medicine concept of meridians, the feet are a gateway to multiple organ systems in your body which allow chemicals from the onion to enter your bloodstream like a portal, where they get to purifying, bacteria killing, and virus fighting.

What is the purpose of onion detox?

Onions detox the body – Onions are rich in sulphuric compounds. These compounds are responsible for their strong odor. Sulfer [sic] helps the body release unwanted toxins, especially in the liver. Onions purify your blood – While the onion is next to your foot, phosphoric acid is released.

What are the two chemical groups that are important to the health of onions?

Onions are rich in two chemical groups that have perceived benefits to human health. These are the flavonoids and the alk (en)yl cysteine sulphoxides (ACSOs). ]. The ACSOs are the flavour precursors, which, when cleaved by the enzyme alliinase, generate the characteristic odour and taste of onion.

What are the downstream products of onion?

The downstream products are a complex mixture of [sulfur-based compounds]. Compounds from onion have been reported to have a range of health benefits which include anticarcinogenic properties, antiplatelet activity, antithrombotic activity, antiasthmatic and antibiotic effects.

Do onions have phosphoric acid?

Though there are myriad problems with the idea that phosphoric acid cleanses your blood and with the notion that topical application of it on your foot would have any effect whatsoever, all of these issues are irrelevant as onions do not contain phospho ric acid to begin with.

Do onion chemicals release toxins?

Further, the notion that these sulfur-based chemicals “release” toxins is vague oversimplification. The argument could be made that the antioxidant properties of some onion chemicals aid in the cleansing of “toxins” from your body, but, again, you would need to be ingesting said chemicals.

Why do people put onions on their feet?

People claimed this purification process could cure the common cold or the flu. Modern articles that support this folklore claim it is the odorous sulfuric compounds in onions that give them their healing properties.

What are onions good for?

Support skin and hair health: Onions are high in vitamin C, which supports the production of collagen needed for healthy skin and hair. Reduce depression: Onions contain vitamin B9 (folate), which may help support mental health and reduce the risk of depression.

What are the benefits of eating onions?

Although raw onions are not proven to cure a cold when put against the soles of the feet, onions do have some health benefits when eaten. They are a low-calorie, high-fiber, high-nutrient food and contain vitamin C. Eating onions may: 1 Reduce the risk of cancer: This 2015 review discusses the link between eating Allium vegetables (which include onions) and reduced risk of cancer. 2 Support skin and hair health: Onions are high in vitamin C, which supports the production of collagen needed for healthy skin and hair. 3 Reduce depression: Onions contain vitamin B9 (folate), which may help support mental health and reduce the risk of depression.

Where did onion in socks come from?

The onion in sock home remedy has origins in western folklore and is hundreds of years old. It also has links to the Chinese practice of reflexology.

Can raw onions cure the flu?

According to the National Onion Association, the claim that raw onion can treat the flu is a theory that dates back to the 1500s. In recent years, many articles online have claimed that this folk remedy is effective.

What is the ancient practice of focusing on specific points in the foot?

In a similar way to reflexology, this ancient practice focuses on specific points in the foot based on a belief that each point affects the health of a different internal organ.

Is onion in a sock a scientific study?

That said, there have not been any scientific studies that have looked at this specifically. Most articles online that recommend onion in a sock as a cure for colds and flu do not cite any scientific evidence.

How to get the full benefit of onions?

To get the full benefit from onions and to help your body recover from or prevent an illness, try eating them as part of a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. To improve your odds, wash your hands, avoid contact with sick people, and consider getting a flu shot. Also, make sure you get enough sleep.

Why do people put onions in socks?

Putting onions in your socks might sound odd, but some people swear that it’s a remedy for infections, such as the cold or flu. According to the folk remedy, if you come down with a cold or the flu, all you have to do is slice a red or white onion into rounds, place them on the bottoms of your feet, and put on a pair of socks.

Why do onions smell?

Onions are rich in sulphuric compounds, which give them their pungent odor. According to the folklore, when placed on the feet, these compounds infiltrate the body. Then, they kill bacteria and viruses and purify the blood. Articles that make such claims also mention that placing onions around the room will rid the air of viruses, toxins, and chemicals.

When did onions start to be used?

This remedy may originate back to as early as the 1500s, according to the National Onion Association, when it was widely believed that placing raw, cut-up onion around your home could protect you from the bubonic plague. In those days, it was thought that infections were spread by miasma, or poisonous, noxious air.

Is reflexology good for foot infections?

Some research also points to foot reflexology actually making infections worse. However, the overall quality of research studies on reflexology is generally very low.

Can onions absorb viruses?

Viruses also require direct contact with a human host to spread. Therefore, an onion would not be able to draw in virus and absorb it. Plenty of people around the internet swear by this remedy, but all signs point toward a case of a placebo effect.

Is eating onions good for you?

If you want to help out your immune system, it may be a better idea to eat your onions rather than to stick them in your socks. It’s well known that eating onions, like most vegetables, is good for your health.

Disadvantages of putting onions under the feet

The idea of ​​placing onions under the feet dates back to the time of the plague, when it was used to purify the blood, treat influenza and colds , because the lower part of the sole of the foot is a number of points that are pathways for each organ of the body.

General damage to onions

Causes bad breath: Because of the sulfur chemicals present in onions, eating them causes bad breath in the mouth, in addition to noticing the smell in sweat when eaten in large quantities.

Benefits of putting onions under the feet

Unlike the harms of putting onions under the feet, and as mentioned earlier, it is said that putting onions under the feet, wearing socks, and then going to sleep can relieve cold and fever symptoms, and it also encourages the detoxification of the body, according to the belief because the foot contains more than 7,000 nerve endings.

General benefits of onions

Onions contain chemicals that help fight cancer , such as quercetin, which works to prevent the formation of cancer-causing elements, and a diet rich in quercetin has been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer in particular.

Where Did the Idea for Onions in Socks Come From?

People have used this old folk remedy to battle colds and the flu for generations. 5 The premise is that you slice a red or white onion into rounds. Then place a round on the bottom of each foot and cover your feet with a pair of socks to hold the onion in place. Next, go to sleep, and in the morning, you’ll wake up feeling fine.

A Better Use of Onions

For better results, rather than sticking onions in socks, get them on your plate instead. Raw as well as cooked onions not only add lots of flavor to recipes but also provide a wide range of nutrients, including dietary flavonoids and vitamin C, two antioxidants that support a healthy, balanced immune system. 7

Onions in Your Socks: A Recap

If you or your family have been using onions in your socks for generations and you feel like it’s beneficial, then there’s nothing stopping you. There’s no harm from the practice, but there’s also likely no real benefit (other than a placebo effect).

How to sleep with an onion?

Here’s How You Can Do It: Take an onion (red or white) and cut it into thin and flat slices (make sure it’s an organic onion to avoid any side effects of pesticides like fungal infections). Place the onion slice in your socks (under your foot, like a platform), and sleep as you usually do.

How to stimulate the bottom of your feet?

To stimulate the bottom of our feet and to ground ourselves with the earth’s negative ion field, it is always recommended to walk barefoot wherever and whenever you can! One of the coolest ways to stimulate these meridians is to put an onion slice inside your socks (at the bottom of your feet) and wear them to bed.

How many meridians are there at the bottom of the feet?

Experts say that there are about 7,000 meridians at the bottom of our feet that directly link to different organs! Can you believe that?

What are the access points on the bottom of your feet?

Were you aware of the fact that the bottom areas of your feet have direct access points to all the internal organs in your body? As per Chinese medicine terminology, these access points are known as meridians, and they form the pathways to each organ in the body.

Where to put onion slice in socks?

Place the onion slice in your socks (under your foot, like a platform), and sleep as you usually do.

Can you reuse the same onion slice?

However, reusing the same onion slice is not at all recommended. So, be careful about that.

What are the benefits of onions?

Onions have many cardiovascular benefits that include lowering fat levels in blood and improving blood circulation .

Why are onions good for you?

There are also people who like to use onions to clean the air, remove toxins, and destroy air-borne toxins and germs . in this way, healers believed that onions could be useful for treating all manner of ailments.

How to make a poultice with onions and ginger?

Chop 2 large onions (can be any color of onion for the poultice recipe) and grate a 2-inch piece of ginger. Gently steam the mixture until the onions and ginger are soft and lightly cooked (putting them raw will irritate the skin). Put the onion and ginger mixture in a clean gauze, wrap, and secure.

How to use onions for detox?

How to use onions under your feet for detox: Advertisement. Slice a red or white onion into a few thick slices about ½ inch thick. Place in a pair of tight-fitting socks. Put the onion in the socks, making sure the onions are tight against the bottom of your feet. Leave for a few hours to draw toxins from your body.

Why put raw onions in socks?

Advertisement. Many people put a raw onion in their sock or on their feet to help get rid of a cold or the flu. It is claimed that onions on your feet help to draw out infections and toxins from the body. Onions have many health benefits, but, is there scientific evidence to back up claims that raw onions inside a sock can cure a cold or the flu? ...

How long does it take for an onion to draw out an infection?

To use onion to draw out an infection from a wound, you should make an onion poultice and apply to the infected skin area for 1-2 hours at a time.

Why do people use onion poultices?

Placing an onion poultice could help to draw pus out from the skin wound and also kill off harmful microbes in the process.


Why An Onion?

Why Put An Onion on Your feet?

  • According to popular belief, it’s thought that, in order for the onion to be most effective, you have to place slices of freshly chopped onion in your socks, and wear them in bed. There is no scientific evidence to suggest this could increase the benefits. However, there are still those willing to give it a shot. While some people have also suggest...
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How to Sleep with An Onion on Your Feet

  1. Take a small onion and cut it into slices.
  2. Put the slices in your socks before going to bed, placing them on the arches of each foot. It’s said that it’s there that the meridian points are located.
  3. The next morning, take the onion out your socks and throw it in the trash.
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  • The fact that onions possess antibacterial properties doesn’t mean that every remedy involving them will be effective. As for sleeping with onions in your socks, we’d like to stress again that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that it works, despite what many believe. If you’re looking for relief from a cough or congestion, follow the advice of your doctor, and maintain a he…
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