Knowledge Builders

does tenting kill all termites

by Odie Zboncak Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

It kills all termites, even hidden or inaccessible colonies. One treatment eliminates 100% of termites. No drilling necessary. You do not need to wash Dishes, silverware, or mop floors, or wipe down hard surfaces as the Fumigant does not leave a residue.Apr 26, 2019

Full Answer

How long does termite tenting take to kill termites?

The entire termite tenting process lasts a week for larger homes. Termite tenting protects your home from termites for between 4 and 10 years, but yearly inspections are essential. Typically, it takes at least 6 hours for the fumigant to leave the house after termite treatment.

Is termite tenting harmful to humans?

Health Effects of Tenting. Sulfuryl fluoride is a central nervous system depressant, and is highly toxic to humans, animals and plants. While remaining in the home during termite tenting means certain death for animals, humans and plants, sulfuryl fluoride rapidly dissipates once the tent is removed from the home.

Do tentless termite treatments work?

The home still requires tenting, but the tent’s purpose is to lock in heat. Raising the temperature beyond 100 degrees inside the home will kill termites without the harsh chemicals. Modern tentless termite treatments are available, too. They utilize less dangerous fumigants, eliminating the preparation and sealing.

How often should you do termite tenting?

However, yearly inspections are critical for ultimate termite protection. Some experts recommend performing termite tenting every 5 to 10 years. However, if dealing with dry wood termites, you can also get spot treatments for small areas. Spot treatments can help you avoid tent fumigation and keep termites at bay.


Does termite tenting kill all termites?

Fumigation is an all-encompassing treatment in which the gases permeate the entire structure, eradicating both visible infestations and termites that are otherwise inaccessible.

Can termites come back after tenting?

Even after fumigation, termites can still find a way into your home again, if a barrier is not created to discourage re-entry. In addition, termite protection is an ongoing process because continued maintenance and treatments might be required to keep these pests out of your property.

How effective is fumigation for termites?

Is Termite Fumigation Effective? Fumigation is an effective treatment technique however, it's not a prevention method. Fumigation controls drywood termite colonies that are active at the time of treatment, but offers no protection against future colonies.

Does tenting for termites kill all bugs?

Tenting will kill virtually every type of bug that breathes, however if Florida the bulk of our fumigations are to combat drywood termites.

Can termites survive tenting?

Tenting can be the most effective method to treat a house for termites. And if you comply with the stringent requirements that come along with the process, it is safe to live next to a tented house as well.

How do you keep termites away after tenting?

How To Prevent Termites From Coming Back After Fumigation Or Treatment.Keep their food away from your property.Cutaway tree branches and bushes 1 to 2 ft away from your exterior walls.Avoid water to sit in the wrong place and avoid the moisture problem.Have an annual termite inspection and maintenance.More items...•

Is it worth it to tent for termites?

Tenting is extremely effective in getting rid of a stubborn termite infestation or one that is difficult to access. Still, it is costly, involves some risk, and requires a lot of planning and preparation on the part of the homeowner.

Is it better to spot treat or tent for termites?

The effectiveness of spot treatments diminishes as the number of spots of infestation increase. While a spot treatment might seem like a viable and cost effective (and possibly DIY) option, tent fumigation is generally the better choice.

Do I have to wash everything after fumigation?

Regular fumigation of your house will lead to a pest-free environment. After fumigation, you will need to clean your home to get rid of any chemicals before you get into the house. Cleaning a house after fumigation will also get rid of the dead pests lying around the house.

How often should you tent for termites?

To avoid infestations, homeowners should have their home inspected annually for termites. Termite treatments last anywhere from 5 to 13 years depending on the type of treatment used and any signs of current activity.

Does tenting kill termite eggs?

And it's important to know that some fumigation products do not kill termite eggs. So the termites you're seeing may be newly hatched, but don't worry, without the support of the rest of their colony, your baby termites will not survive.

What can be left in house during fumigation?

What You Can Keep in Your Home for Termite Control FumigationSealed Metal Containers.Sealed Glass Containers.Sealed Protective Bags.Unopened Liquor or Wine.

How long do termites stay away after fumigation?

But, after the treatment is complete there is a time period of waiting that is required. You can only return to your property once the licensee in charge has certified that it is safe to return. The time between starting fumigation and returning home can take up to 60 hours.

How long is tenting effective for?

between 24 to 72 hoursAs fumigation is designed to target many pests that can live in wood and in difficult to reach areas of the home, structural fumigation can be one of the best ways to completely eliminate a large infestation. The process of tent fumigation is something that will typically last between 24 to 72 hours.

How often should you tent for termites?

To avoid infestations, homeowners should have their home inspected annually for termites. Termite treatments last anywhere from 5 to 13 years depending on the type of treatment used and any signs of current activity.

Is it normal to see termites after treatment?

You may notice winged termites, called swarmers, after your home has received a thorough termiticide application. This can be a normal occurrence due to the biology of these insects. They can continue to swarm in the same location for three to four weeks after a chemical application has been applied. This is normal.

What Is Termite Tenting?

Termite tenting seems like an extreme way to get rid of pests, but it can be a necessary plan of attack that can provide good results. This treatment method targets drywood termites specifically, which are notoriously difficult to get rid of because of their behavior as wood-boring insects.

How Effective Is It?

Termite tenting and fumigation are rather effective methods. The fumigants work on a few different levels. Once the fumes fill your home, they effectively cut off the oxygen supply for termites. But that’s not all.

How To Prepare For Termite Tenting

Before the tenting process, there is some preparation that you’ll need to do. It all starts with a consultation. A technician will go through your home, inspect the issue, and recommend a suitable course of action.

What Needs To Be Removed When Tenting For Termites?

The most important things to remove are yourself, your family, and any pets you might have. That includes dogs, cats, and even fish! Don’t assume that any living thing is safe because the fumes will cause trouble.

How Long Does Tenting for Termites Last?

Depending on the size of your house and the severity of the infestation, termite tenting can last anywhere between 24 hours to a week on average.

How Safe Is It?

The process of termite tenting itself is pretty dangerous if you don’t follow the proper protocol. The chemicals can cause harm to humans, but that’s why tenting occurs in the first place.

How Much Does It Typically Cost?

Prices can vary dramatically depending on the size of your home. But always expect it to be a bit steep.

What happens when termites get gas in a tent?

The gas will seep into every area and penetrates wood structures where termites eat and live . This also means that pests hiding in beams, walls, or even floorboards are covered. These areas are typically not accessible by ordinary means. Afterward, they’ll release the gas into the air and take down the tent.

How long can you stay out of your home after a tent comes down?

But if you’re paranoid, you can stay out of your home for a few more days just to be sure. However, there’s no real timeframe you should stay out after the tent comes down. The gas leaves quickly and is generally safe to enter when the levels drop below 1ppm.

How long should you stay out of the house after fumigation?

After the fumigation, your specialist will measure the gas levels in your home.

What can a pest do to your house?

Depending on the type of pest, they can leave some pretty nasty stains all over your home’s walls, floors, and surfaces. The setup outdoors may also damage some parts of your home, such as damage gutters, roofing tiles, and your plants.

Is it safe to put termites in a tent?

Termite tenting is pretty safe when everyone follows directions. The main danger of fumigation is simply from the sulfur gas, as it’s known to be a very toxic substance to humans, pets, fish, and even plants. Of course, it has to be powerful so it can kill termites when the tent is up (and all the other pests hiding in your home).

Is termite tenting dangerous?

Termite tenting dangers for neighbors. Termites in the neighborhood pose some common questions. Many times the neighbors (me in this case) are often worried about bugs escaping over or breathing the lethal gas. Both of these are often speculated rumors with no solid evidence.

Can you breathe poison in a tent?

As soon as the gas escapes the tent, it rises upward and almost instantly loses its lethality. So that makes it very, very rare that you’ll actually end up breathing the poison.

How long does it take to get rid of termites in a tent?

Tenting for termites can take up to 48 hours allowing you to re-enter on day three.

How long do termites stay in a house?

Termites are unique in that your home may have an infestation for several years without showing any signs of their presence. Often, homeowners discover termites after the home has been under attack for several years. In certain instances, an infestation can be so severe that tent fumigation is the only option.

Do fumigants leave residue on furniture?

Fumigants do not leave residues on household items after treatment, once the home has been aired and cleared properly.

Is fumigation a good treatment for drywood termites?

Fumigation is an effective treatment technique however, it’s not a prevention method. Fumigation controls Drywood Termite colonies that are active at the time of treatment, but offers no protection against future colonies. Contact wood treatments are available as a secondary option to help prevent future infestations.

How long does it take for termites to die from a tent?

Although most of the termites will die while your home is tented, It can sometimes take up to a week for the entire colony do be killed off.

How Long Does Termite Tenting Last?

The process of pumping the gas and letting it infiltrate your home and dissipate takes about 6 hours. However, you typically need to wait about 72 hours after tenting before you can return home.

What is the best way to get rid of termites?

Termite Fumigation. If you have a bad case of termite infestation, your only option may be for tented fumigation. This is the most thorough way to get rid of termites and stop them from doing any more damage to the structural integrity of your home. A ‘tent’ is made up of multiple tarps that are fastened together around your home.

What gas kills termites?

The gas that is pumped into your home to kill a termite colony is Sulfuryl Fluoride. This gas is not only toxic to termites, but also to humans, pets, fish, and even plants. It will quickly dissipate after the tents gets taken down, where it will rise up into the atmosphere and away from your home.

What are termites in homes?

Termites are insects that feed on wood, of which our homes are made. They look similar to ants but are more closely related to cockroaches, and they live within colonies. There are around 50 species worldwide with 3 being the most commonly found in homes.

What is a tent made of?

A ‘tent’ is made up of multiple tarps that are fastened together around your home. This is to keep the gas contained within, in order to build-up to the correct toxicity to kill any termites inside your home.

Do termites stay concealed?

They do not have many ways to defend themselves, so they stay concealed as often as possible. This is why you won’t often see termites themselves, but only the damage they have caused.

How to safely tent a termite?

The best way to ensure that you approach termite tenting safely is to follow all instructions given by your pest removal professional. In some cases, this could mean finding a temporary residence for a few days to a week or more. The professionals will secure tarps around your home before pumping gas into the makeshift "tent." Many times, the sulfuryl fluoride is mixed with a form of tear gas known as chloropicrin. This is a precautionary measure to caution people from getting too close to the building while it is being fumigated.

What is termite tenting?

House tenting, otherwise known as "structural fumigation," is a localized method of pest control that is commonly used when other forms of pest removal would be untenable.

What happens when you remove a termite tent?

While remaining in the home during termite tenting means certain death for animals, humans and plants, sulfuryl fluoride rapidly dissipates once the tent is removed from the home. The building and the materials within do not retain toxic levels of this chemical. Levels of the gas decline to near undetectable levels, even without the use of fans, open doors or open windows, once the tent is removed. When termite tenting is performed properly, occupants are not cleared to re-enter the home until levels have reached below 1 ppm, a level set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

How effective is sulfuryl fluoride for termites?

Advertisement. Despite the environmental risks, sulfuryl fluoride is one of the most effective ways to kill termites that could otherwise destroy your home.

How long do termites stay in a tent?

During termite tenting, the occupants of the home, including plants and pets, must find somewhere else to live for two to three days due to fumigation dangers. Pest control professionals drape the house in heavy sheets of vinyl-coated nylon tarps, then secure these with tape and plastic sheeting to form a tent around the home.

What is the chemical used to kill termites?

While methyl bromide once served as the primary chemical for termite tenting, it has been phased out in favor of odorless, colorless sulfuryl fluoride. The sulfuryl fluoride is mixed with chloropicrin, a form of tear gas, which helps warn anyone who comes near the house that a dangerous chemical is present.

Can you use tenting to kill termites?

In some instances, tenting can be used in homes, businesses and other structures to remove beetles, bed bugs and termites. Before choosing to use tenting in your home or office, there are some things that should be considered, however, as this method of pest control can prove fatal to humans, pets or plants if proper precautions are not taken.


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